
标记)内的图像周围的文本包装到不同的段落中。 (内容是使用CKeditor Plugin输入的)


我正在使用 CKEDITOR 输入内容。每当用户设置具有产权的图像时。出现一个空白区域。 我里面有一个图像

标签。 我的结构就像

<p> some text
    <img alt="" src="M.jpg" style="float:right;">
<p> paragraph 2</p>

我想将第 2 段换行以填充第 1 段中图像创建的空白区域。 这可能吗。

My html looks like this My html looks like this

I want to make it look like this I want to make it look like this


    <p>Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups unders settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. Don't like the first team? Just click again until you do.Fairly pick teams without bias. No need to draw names out of a hat. No need to do a grade school style draft or put hours of thought into the most balanced teams. The most fair dividing method possible is random.Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups unders settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. Don't like the first team? Just click again until you do.Fairly pick teams without bias. No need to draw names out of a hat. No need to do a grade school style draft or put hours of thought into the most balanced teams. The most fair dividing method possible is random.Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups under<img alt="" src="/media/uploads/2018/09/27/sufs5o_fWCbPPM.jpg" style="float:right; height:1080px; width:420px">Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups unders settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. Don't like the first team? Just click again until you do.Fairly pick teams without bias. No need to draw names out of a hat. No need to do a grade school style draft or put hours of thought into the most balanced teams. The most fair dividing method possible is random.Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups unders settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. Don't like the first team? Just click again until you do.Fairly pick teams without bias. No need to draw names out of a hat. No need to do a grade school style draft or put hours of thought into the most balanced teams. The most fair dividing method possible is random.Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups unders settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. .</p>

<p>s settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. Don't like the first team? Just click again until you do.Fairly pick teams without bias. No need to draw names out of a hat. No need to do a grade school style draft or put hours of thought into the most balanced teams. The most fair dividing method possible is random.Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups unders settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. Don't like the first team? Just click again until you do.Fairly pick teams without bias. No need to draw names out of a hat. No need to do a grade school style draft or put hours of thought into the most balanced teams. The most fair dividing method possible is random.Enter each item on a new line, choose the amount of groups unders settings, and click the button to generate your randomized list. Don't like the first team? Just click again until you do.Fairly pick teams without bias. No need to draw names out of a hat. No need to do a grade school style draft or put hours of thought into the most balanced teams. The most fair dividing method possible is random.</p>


CSS 代码-

    float: right;

你也可以尝试这个JSFiddle https://jsfiddle.net/cdp6xfa3/2/



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