在 python 中打印第一段


我有一本书的文本文件,我需要打印每个部分的第一段。我想如果我在 \n\n 和 \n 之间找到文本我就能找到答案。这是我的代码,但它不起作用。你能告诉我我哪里错了吗?

lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open('G:\\aa.txt')]

check = -1
first = 0
last = 0

for i in range(len(lines)):
    if lines[i] == "": 
            if lines[i+1]=="":
                check = 1
                first = i +2
    if i+2< len(lines):
        if lines[i+2] == "" and check == 1:
            last = i+2
while (first < last):
    first = first + 1

我还在 stackoverflow 中找到了一个代码,我也尝试了它,但它只是打印了一个空数组。

f = open("G:\\aa.txt").readlines()
for line in f:
        if line.startswith('\n\n'):
        if flag:
        elif line.strip().endswith('\n'):













from itertools import groupby
with open("in.txt") as f:
    for k, sec in groupby(f,key=lambda x: bool(x.strip())):
        if k:

通过更多 itertools foo,我们可以使用大写标题作为分隔符来获取节:

from itertools import groupby, takewhile

with open("in.txt") as f:
    grps = groupby(f,key=lambda x: x.isupper())
    for k, sec in grps:
        # if we hit a title line
        if k: 
            # pull all paragraphs
            v = next(grps)[1]
            # skip two empty lines after title
            next(v,""), next(v,"")

            # take all lines up to next empty line/second paragraph
            print(list(takewhile(lambda x: bool(x.strip()), v)))


['There is a vast field of fascinating human interest, lying only just outside our doors, which as yet has been but little explored. It is the Field of Animal Intelligence.\n']
['What I am trying to do here is, find the uppercase lines, and put them all in an array. Then, using the index method, I will find the first and last paragraphs of each section by comparing the indexes of these elements of this array I created.']



from itertools import groupby  
from itertools import groupby
def parse_sec(bk):
    with open(bk) as f:
        grps = groupby(f, key=lambda x: bool(x.isupper()))
        for k, sec in grps:
            if k:
                print("First paragraph from section titled :{}".format(next(sec).rstrip()))
                v = next(grps)[1]
                next(v, ""),next(v,"")
                for line in v:
                    if not line.strip():


In [11]: cat -E in.txt

There is a vast field of fascinating human interest, lying only just outside our doors, which as yet has been but little explored. It is the Field of Animal Intelligence.$
Of all the kinds of interest attaching to the study of the world's wild animals, there are none that surpass the study of their minds, their morals, and the acts that they perform as the results of their mental processes.$
What I am trying to do here is, find the uppercase lines, and put them all in an array. Then, using the index method, I will find the first and last paragraphs of each section by comparing the indexes of these elements of this array I created.


In [12]: parse_sec("in.txt")
First paragraph from section titled :THE LAY OF THE LAND
There is a vast field of fascinating human interest, lying only just outside our doors, which as yet has been but little explored. It is the Field of Animal Intelligence.

First paragraph from section titled :WILD ANIMAL TEMPERAMENT & INDIVIDUALITY
What I am trying to do here is, find the uppercase lines, and put them all in an array. Then, using the index method, I will find the first and last paragraphs of each section by comparing the indexes of these elements of this array I created.

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