

继续看pytorch_quantiation.calib 中Calibrator类,代码位于:tools\pytorch-quantization\pytorch_quantization\calib

其作用:收集校准数据的统计信息:将校准数据馈送到模型,并以直方图的形式收集每个层的激活分布统计信息以进行量化。收集直方图数据后,使用一个或多个校准算法( compute_amax)校准刻度( calibrate_model )。


  • pytorch_quantization.calib.histogram – 使用熵最小化(KLD)、均方误差最小化(MSE)或百分位度量方法(选择动态范围,以表示指定的分布百分比)。
  • pytorch_quantization.calib.max – 使用最大激活值进行校准(表示浮点数据的整个动态范围)。


class _Calibrator():
    """Abstract base class of calibrators
        num_bits: An integer. Number of bits of quantization.
        axis: A tuple. see QuantDescriptor.
        unsigned: A boolean. using unsigned quantization.

    Readonly Properties:
    def __init__(self, num_bits, axis, unsigned):
        self._num_bits = num_bits
        self._axis = axis
        self._unsigned = unsigned

    def collect(self, x):
        """Abstract method: collect tensor statistics used to compute amax

            x: A tensor
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset(self):
        """Abstract method: reset calibrator to initial state"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def compute_amax(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Abstract method: compute the amax from the collected data

            amax: a tensor
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __repr__(self):
        s = "num_bits={_num_bits}"
        s += " axis={_axis}"
        s += " unsigned={_unsigned}"
        return s.format(**self.__dict__)



class HistogramCalibrator(_Calibrator):
    """Unified histogram calibrator

    def __init__(self, num_bits, axis, unsigned, num_bins=2048, grow_method=None, skip_zeros=False, torch_hist=False):
        super(HistogramCalibrator, self).__init__(num_bits, axis, unsigned)
        self._num_bins = num_bins
        self._skip_zeros = skip_zeros
        # 直方图bin的边缘(数组:长度为length(hist)+1)
        self._calib_bin_edges = None
        # 直方图值
        self._calib_hist = None
        # True:收集torch.histc生成直方图信息,否则使用np.histogram
        self._torch_hist = torch_hist

        if axis is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Calibrator histogram collection only supports per tensor scaling")
        if grow_method is not None:
            logging.warning("grow_method is deprecated. Got %s, ingored!", grow_method)


    # torch.histc生成直方图信息
    def collect(self, x):
        """Collect histogram"""
        if torch.min(x) < 0.:
                ("Calibrator encountered negative values. It shouldn't happen after ReLU. "
                 "Make sure this is the right tensor to calibrate."),
            x = x.abs()
        x = x.float()

        if not self._torch_hist:
            x_np = x.cpu().detach().numpy()
            if self._skip_zeros:
                x_np = x_np[np.where(x_np != 0)]
            # 直方图值和bin边缘都为空,调用np.histogram生成直方图信息
            if self._calib_bin_edges is None and self._calib_hist is None:
                # first time it uses num_bins to compute histogram.
                # 返回值:hist:直方图值,bin_edges:bin的边缘(数组:长度为length(hist)+1)
                self._calib_hist, self._calib_bin_edges = np.histogram(x_np, bins=self._num_bins) # _num_bins:直方图个数
                temp_amax = np.max(x_np)
                # 最大值大于直方图边缘的最大值,即最大值超出直方图范围,这是需要增加bin
                if temp_amax > self._calib_bin_edges[-1]:
                    # increase the number of bins
                    # bin的宽度
                    width = self._calib_bin_edges[1] - self._calib_bin_edges[0]
                    # NOTE:np.arange可以在包含temp_amax的bin后创建额外bin
                    # NOTE: np.arange may create an extra bin after the one containing temp_amax
                    new_bin_edges = np.arange(self._calib_bin_edges[-1] + width, temp_amax + width, width)
                    # np.hstack:将参数元组的元素数组按水平方向进行叠加
                    self._calib_bin_edges = np.hstack((self._calib_bin_edges, new_bin_edges))
                # 重新划分直方图信息
                hist, self._calib_bin_edges = np.histogram(x_np, bins=self._calib_bin_edges)
                hist[:len(self._calib_hist)] += self._calib_hist
                self._calib_hist = hist
            # This branch of code is designed to match numpy version as close as possible
            with torch.no_grad():
                if self._skip_zeros:
                    x = x[torch.where(x != 0)]

                # Because we collect histogram on absolute value, setting min=0 simplifying the rare case where
                # minimum value is not exactly 0 and first batch collected has larger min value than later batches
                x_max = x.max()
                if self._calib_bin_edges is None and self._calib_hist is None:
                    self._calib_hist = torch.histc(x, bins=self._num_bins, min=0, max=x_max)
                    self._calib_bin_edges = torch.linspace(0, x_max, self._num_bins + 1)
                    if x_max > self._calib_bin_edges[-1]:
                        width = self._calib_bin_edges[1] - self._calib_bin_edges[0]
                        self._num_bins = int((x_max / width).ceil().item())
                        self._calib_bin_edges = torch.arange(0, x_max + width, width, device=x.device)

                    hist = torch.histc(x, bins=self._num_bins, min=0, max=self._calib_bin_edges[-1])
                    hist[:self._calib_hist.numel()] += self._calib_hist
                    self._calib_hist = hist



直方图校准调用compute_amax, 提供3中校准方式:

  • entropy:利用KL散度,和TensorRT中PTQ int8采用采用一样
  • percentile
  • 均方误差最小化(MSE)
    def compute_amax(
            self, method: str, *, stride: int = 1, start_bin: int = 128, percentile: float = 99.99):
        """Compute the amax from the collected histogram

            method: A string. One of ['entropy', 'mse', 'percentile']

        Keyword Arguments:
            stride: An integer. Default 1
            start_bin: An integer. Default 128
            percentils: A float number between [0, 100]. Default 99.99.

            amax: a tensor
        if isinstance(self._calib_hist, torch.Tensor):
            calib_hist = self._calib_hist.int().cpu().numpy()
            calib_bin_edges = self._calib_bin_edges.cpu().numpy()
            calib_hist = self._calib_hist
            calib_bin_edges = self._calib_bin_edges

        if method == 'entropy':
            calib_amax = _compute_amax_entropy(
                calib_hist, calib_bin_edges, self._num_bits, self._unsigned, stride, start_bin)
        elif method == 'mse':
            calib_amax = _compute_amax_mse(
                calib_hist, calib_bin_edges, self._num_bits, self._unsigned, stride, start_bin)
        elif method == 'percentile':
            calib_amax = _compute_amax_percentile(calib_hist, calib_bin_edges, percentile)
            raise TypeError("Unknown calibration method {}".format(method))

        return calib_amax


采用和TensorRT 一样的int8量化策略,选用对称量化,量化参数Z=0,只需要计算尺度S
完成 n b n_b nb个bin的统计直方图histogram,再对histogram进行归一化,即可获得一个分布 P ( i ) P(i) P(i)

截断方案:直方图截断,选择从第 T b T_b Tb 个bin截断, T b T_b Tb后面的bin加到 T b − 1 T_{b-1} Tb1 上,截断后的|x|分布变为 P c l i p ( i ) P_{clip}(i) Pclip(i)



TensorRT 采用基于实验的迭代搜索阈值。校准是其中的一个主要部分。校准过程如下所示,具体过程如下:

  • 将数据划分为2047个bin
  • 取前 128 个 bin 作为基准,逐次向后搜索,每次扩增一个 bin的长度。
    • 将bin[0],…,bin[i-1]量化为128个bin,计算P的概率分布并归一化
    • 选择从第i个bin截断,i后面的bin加到i-1 上,得到一个基本没有损失的直方图概率分布P_clip,并归一化
    • 调用scipy.statsentropy方法计算KL散度
  • 选取KL散度最小时对应的calib_amaxcalib_amax表示KL散度最小时,直方图对应的clip`边缘位置,该位置clip,效果最好
def _compute_amax_entropy(calib_hist, calib_bin_edges, num_bits, unsigned, stride=1, start_bin=128):
    # 返回使收集的直方图的KL散度最小化的amax
    """Returns amax that minimizes KL-Divergence of the collected histogram"""

    # If calibrator hasn't collected any data, return none
    if calib_bin_edges is None and calib_hist is None:
        return None

    def _normalize_distr(distr):
        summ = np.sum(distr)
        if summ != 0:
            distr = distr / summ

    bins = calib_hist[:]
    bins[0] = bins[1]

    total_data = np.sum(bins)

    divergences = []
    arguments = []

    # we are quantizing to 128 values + sign if num_bits=8
    nbins = 1 << (num_bits - 1 + int(unsigned)) # 对称量化 nbins=128

    starting = start_bin
    stop = len(bins) # 4028

    new_density_counts = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=np.float64)

    #首次遍历 i=128
    for i in range(starting, stop + 1, stride):
        # 这里是先进行量化,再计算数据分布Q,耗时比较大
        # 把bin[0],...,bin[i-1]量化为128个bin
        space = np.linspace(0, i, num=nbins + 1)
        # numpy.digitize(array_x, bins, right=False):返回array中每一个值在bins中所属的位置
        # 记录量化前的i在量化后的位置
        digitized_space = np.digitize(range(i), space) - 1
        digitized_space[bins[:i] == 0] = -1 # 直方图值为0 对应 digitized_space 值取-1

        # 计算量化后的数据分布Q
        for idx, digitized in enumerate(digitized_space):
            if digitized != -1:
                # 将直方图柱子不为0依次累加
                new_density_counts[digitized] += bins[idx]

        counter = Counter(digitized_space) # Counter:统计可迭代序列中每个元素出现次数
        for key, val in counter.items():
            if key != -1:
                # 计算分布Q:new_density_counts
                new_density_counts[key] = new_density_counts[key] / val

        new_density = np.zeros(i, dtype=np.float64)
        # 剔除直方图值为0for idx, digitized in enumerate(digitized_space):
            if digitized != -1:
                new_density[idx] = new_density_counts[digitized]

        total_counts_new = np.sum(new_density) + np.sum(bins[i:])
        # 归一化

        # 取前i个bin
        reference_density = np.array(bins[:len(digitized_space)])
        # 选择从第i个bin截断,i后面的bin加到i-1 上,得到一个基本没有损失的直方图P_clip
        # reference_density 代表原始float数据截断后的分布情况
        reference_density[-1] += np.sum(bins[i:])

        total_counts_old = np.sum(reference_density)
        if round(total_counts_new) != total_data or round(total_counts_old) != total_data:
            raise RuntimeError("Count mismatch! total_counts_new={}, total_counts_old={}, total_data={}".format(
                total_counts_new, total_counts_old, total_data))

        # 计算KL散度,散度越小代表分布越相似
        ent = entropy(reference_density, new_density)

    divergences = np.array(divergences)
    last_argmin = len(divergences) - 1 - np.argmin(divergences[::-1])
    # calib_amax代表截断float的最大值,在此处截断,量化效果最好
    calib_amax = calib_bin_edges[last_argmin * stride + starting]
    calib_amax = torch.tensor(calib_amax.item()) 

    return calib_amax



通常会假设 权重和 激活的数值呈正态分布,根据正态分布的性质,可以取区间 ,可以覆盖99%以上的数据。但如果实际分布不是正态分布就可能带来巨大的误差

def _compute_amax_mse(calib_hist, calib_bin_edges, num_bits, unsigned, stride=1, start_bin=128):
    """Returns amax that minimizes MSE of the collected histogram"""

    # If calibrator hasn't collected any data, return none
    if calib_bin_edges is None and calib_hist is None:
        return None

    # 每个柱子的值,表示输入的在这个区间的个数
    counts = torch.from_numpy(calib_hist[:]).float()
    edges = torch.from_numpy(calib_bin_edges[:]).float()
    # 取直方图每个柱子的中心
    centers = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1]) / 2

    mses = []
    arguments = []

    # 每次扩增一个 bin
    for i in range(start_bin, len(centers), stride):
        amax = centers[i]
        # 伪量化后的中心
        quant_centers = fake_tensor_quant(centers, amax, num_bits, unsigned)
        # 计算均方根误差
        mse = ((quant_centers - centers)**2 * counts).mean()


    # np.argmin()求最小值对应的索引
    argmin = np.argmin(mses)
    calib_amax = centers[arguments[argmin]]

    return calib_amax



# 将范围设置为绝对值分布的百分位数。例如,选取tensor的99%或者其他百分比的数值,其余的截断
def _compute_amax_percentile(calib_hist, calib_bin_edges, percentile):
    """Returns amax that clips the percentile fraction of collected data"""

    if percentile < 0 or percentile > 100:
        raise ValueError("Invalid percentile. Must be in range 0 <= percentile <= 100.")

    # If calibrator hasn't collected any data, return none
    if calib_bin_edges is None and calib_hist is None:
        return None

    total = calib_hist.sum()
    cdf = np.cumsum(calib_hist / total) # 按行累加
    # 在数组cdf中查找percentile / 100对应的区间,返回一个下标列表
    idx = np.searchsorted(cdf, percentile / 100)
    calib_amax = calib_bin_edges[idx]
    # 返回这个张量的值,在浮点数结果上使用 .item() 函数可以提高显示精度
    calib_amax = torch.tensor(calib_amax.item()) #pylint: disable=not-callable

    return calib_amax




class MaxCalibrator(_Calibrator):
    """Max calibrator, tracks the maximum value globally

        calib_desc: A MaxCalibDescriptor.
        num_bits: An integer. Number of bits of quantization.
        axis: A tuple. see QuantDescriptor.
        unsigned: A boolean. using unsigned quantization.

    Readonly Properties:
        amaxs: A list of amax. Numpy array is saved as it is likely to be used for some plot.
    def __init__(self, num_bits, axis, unsigned, track_amax=False):
        super(MaxCalibrator, self).__init__(num_bits, axis, unsigned)
        self._track_amax = track_amax
        if self._track_amax:
            self._amaxs = []  # shall we have a better name?
        self._calib_amax = None

    # pylint:disable=missing-docstring
    def amaxs(self):
        return self._amaxs
    # pylint:enable=missing-docstring

    def collect(self, x):
        """Tracks the absolute max of all tensors

            x: A tensor

            RuntimeError: If amax shape changes
        # 校准器遇到负值,ReLU之后不应该发生这种情况
        if torch.min(x) < 0.:
                ("Calibrator encountered negative values. It shouldn't happen after ReLU. "
                 "Make sure this is the right tensor to calibrate."), 1)
            x = x.abs()

        # Swap axis to reduce.
        axis = self._axis if isinstance(self._axis, (list, tuple)) else [self._axis]
        reduce_axis = []
        for i in range(x.dim()):
            if not i in axis:
        # 用于将当前的tensor从计算图中取出,通俗点解释就是,经过detach返回的张量将不会进行反向传播计算梯度
        local_amax = quant_utils.reduce_amax(x, axis=reduce_axis).detach()
        if self._calib_amax is None:
            self._calib_amax = local_amax
            if local_amax.shape != self._calib_amax.shape:
                raise RuntimeError("amax shape changed!")
            self._calib_amax.copy_(torch.max(self._calib_amax, local_amax).data)

        if self._track_amax:

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the collected absolute max"""
        self._calib_amax = None

    def compute_amax(self):
        """Return the absolute max of all tensors collected"""
        return self._calib_amax


# 获取张量绝对最大值的函数 
def reduce_amax(input, axis=None, keepdims=True):
    """Compute the absolute maximum value of a tensor.
    除keepdims为真,沿轴中给定的尺寸减小input_tensor,每个条目的张量的秩将减少1。如果keepdims为真,则减小的尺寸保留为长度1.. note::
        Gradient computeation is disabled as this function is never meant learning reduces amax

        input: 输入张量
        axis: 要减小的尺寸。None或intint元组。如果无(默认),减小了所有尺寸。必须在范围[-rank(input_tensor),rank(input_tensor))内。
        keepdims: 布尔值。如果为真,则保留长度为1的缩小尺寸。默认为True
        granularity: 已弃用。指定是否必须以张量或通道粒度计算统计信息

        The reduced tensor.

        ValueError: Any axis which doesn't make sense or is not supported
        ValueError: If unknown granularity is passed in.
    with torch.no_grad():
        output = input.abs()
        if axis is None:
            output = torch.max(output)
            if isinstance(axis, int):
                output, _ = torch.max(output, dim=axis, keepdim=keepdims)
                if isinstance(axis, tuple) and len(axis) > input.dim():
                    raise ValueError("Cannot reduce more axes than tensor's dim.")
                for i in axis:
                    output, _ = torch.max(output, dim=i, keepdim=True)
                # numel()函数:返回数组中元素的个数
                if not keepdims or output.numel() == 1:
                    # 把shape为1的维度去掉
        return output


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