


  • 简介
  • 麻将胡牌算法及代码
    • 1. 方法引入
    • 2. 类型定义
      • 2.1 牌定义
      • 2.2 牌特征定义
    • 3. 计算胡牌
      • 3.1 检测十三幺牌型
      • 3.2 检测七小对牌型
      • 3.3 检测普通牌型胡牌
        • 3.3.1 检测所有可能的胡牌
        • 3.3.2 检测可能的胡牌是否为真的胡牌
          • 检测牌型能否为胡牌(核心)
            • (1)查找可能的将牌
            • (2)检测是否能每三张牌进行拆解(重点)
            • (3)查找当前牌在手牌中可能的拆解牌型(重点)
  • 完整代码
  • 效果展示
  • 总结





1. 方法引入

该算法共引入了两个方法,分别为 deepClonecountItemInArray 。其中 deepClone 可以实现数组的深复制,由于我使用的vant框架带有这个函数便直接使用了,使用其他的深复制方法代替也可以。 countItemInArray 是自己封装的一个方法,用以统计一个元素在数组中出现的次数,后续计算胡牌需要用到,代码如下

import {deepClone} from "vant/es/utils/deep-clone";
import {countItemInArray} from "@/utils";

//from @/utils
export const countItemInArray = (array: Array<any>, item: any): number => {
    let count = 0
    for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
        if (item == array[index]) count++
    return count

2. 类型定义

2.1 牌定义

将筒从一筒到九筒用数组分别定义为[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
将条从一条到九条用数组分别定义为[21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]
将萬从一萬到九萬用数组分别定义为[31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]
将东、南、西、北、中、發、白,用数组分别定义为[41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]

export const allTiles = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
    31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]

2.2 牌特征定义

定义牌的特征结构,结构包括是否能和周边的牌联系( isContactNear )、能够联系的牌( contactTiles )、牌的图片路径( imagePath ),方便后续计算使用

export type tileFeature = {
    isContactNear: boolean,
    contactTiles: number[],
    imagePath: string,

并将所有的牌按顺序构成牌特征数组,借助 allTiles 的索引来找到对应牌的特征

export const tilesFeature: tileFeature[] = [
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [11, 11 + 1], imagePath: 'o1.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [12 - 1, 12, 12 + 1], imagePath: 'o2.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [13 - 1, 13, 13 + 1], imagePath: 'o3.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [14 - 1, 14, 14 + 1], imagePath: 'o4.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [15 - 1, 15, 15 + 1], imagePath: 'o5.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [16 - 1, 16, 16 + 1], imagePath: 'o6.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [17 - 1, 17, 17 + 1], imagePath: 'o7.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [18 - 1, 18, 18 + 1], imagePath: 'o8.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [19 - 1, 19], imagePath: 'o9.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [21, 21 + 1], imagePath: 'l1.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [22 - 1, 22, 22 + 1], imagePath: 'l2.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [23 - 1, 23, 23 + 1], imagePath: 'l3.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [24 - 1, 24, 24 + 1], imagePath: 'l4.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [25 - 1, 25, 25 + 1], imagePath: 'l5.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [26 - 1, 26, 26 + 1], imagePath: 'l6.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [27 - 1, 27, 27 + 1], imagePath: 'l7.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [28 - 1, 28, 28 + 1], imagePath: 'l8.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [29 - 1, 29], imagePath: 'l9.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [31, 31 + 1], imagePath: 'w1.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [32 - 1, 32, 32 + 1], imagePath: 'w2.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [33 - 1, 33, 33 + 1], imagePath: 'w3.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [34 - 1, 34, 34 + 1], imagePath: 'w4.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [35 - 1, 35, 35 + 1], imagePath: 'w5.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [36 - 1, 36, 36 + 1], imagePath: 'w6.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [37 - 1, 37, 37 + 1], imagePath: 'w7.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [38 - 1, 38, 38 + 1], imagePath: 'w8.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [39 - 1, 39], imagePath: 'w9.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [41], imagePath: 'fe.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [42], imagePath: 'fs.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [43], imagePath: 'fw.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [44], imagePath: 'fn.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [45], imagePath: 'fz.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [46], imagePath: 'ff.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [47], imagePath: 'fb.png'},

3. 计算胡牌

将当前手中的牌排序后输入胡牌计算算法( mahjongCalculate 函数输入的牌已经是经过排序的),首先对手牌检测是否为十三幺和七小对这种特殊牌型,若不是特殊牌型则将其输入普通牌型胡牌计算算法得到胡牌。

export const mahjongCalculate = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let checkThirteenYaoResult = checkThirteenYao(deepClone(tiles))
    if (checkThirteenYaoResult.length > 0) {
        return checkThirteenYaoResult
    let checkSevenPairResult = checkSevenPair(deepClone(tiles))
    if (checkSevenPairResult.length) {
        return checkSevenPairResult
    return checkCommon(deepClone(tiles))

3.1 检测十三幺牌型


const checkThirteenYao = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    const thirteenYao: number[] = [11, 19, 21, 29, 31, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]
    if (tiles.toString() == thirteenYao.toString()) {
        return thirteenYao
    } else {
        return []

3.2 检测七小对牌型


const checkSevenPair = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let result: number[] = []
    if (tiles.length < 13) return result
    let pairCount = 0
    let startPoint = 0
    let endPoint = 1
    let huTiles: number[] = []
    while (endPoint < 14) {
        if (tiles[startPoint] == tiles[endPoint]) {
            startPoint += 2
            endPoint += 2
        } else {
            startPoint += 1
            endPoint += 1
    if (pairCount == 6 && huTiles.length == 1) {
        result = huTiles
    return result

3.3 检测普通牌型胡牌


const checkCommon = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let possibleHuTiles: number[] = []
    for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
        let currentTile = tiles[i]
        let currentPossibleHuTiles = tilesFeature[allTiles.indexOf(currentTile)].contactTiles
        for (let j = 0; j < currentPossibleHuTiles.length; j++) {
            let currentPossibleHuTile = currentPossibleHuTiles[j]
            if (!possibleHuTiles.includes(currentPossibleHuTile)) {

    let huTiles: number[] = []
    for (let i = 0; i < possibleHuTiles.length; i++) {
        let checkTiles = deepClone(tiles)
        checkTiles.sort((a, b) => (a - b))
        if (checkIsHu(checkTiles)) {
    return huTiles

3.3.1 检测所有可能的胡牌

所有可能的胡牌一定是每张手牌的可以联系到的牌的总和(以此为条件进行初步的剪枝),每张牌可以联系到的牌可以从 tilesFeature 中当前牌的 contactTiles 获得。构建一个数组用来存放可能的胡牌结果,遍历当前手牌,对于当前牌可以联系到的牌,若不在可能的胡牌数组中则将其添加,以此来避免重复添加

let possibleHuTiles: number[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
    let currentTile = tiles[i]
    let currentPossibleHuTiles = tilesFeature[allTiles.indexOf(currentTile)].contactTiles
    for (let j = 0; j < currentPossibleHuTiles.length; j++) {
        let currentPossibleHuTile = currentPossibleHuTiles[j]
        if (!possibleHuTiles.includes(currentPossibleHuTile)) {

3.3.2 检测可能的胡牌是否为真的胡牌

遍历所有可能的胡牌,将可能的胡牌添加到手牌中,添加后需要对手牌数组重新排序,随后送入胡牌检测器检测能否构成胡牌。此处在遍历过程中需要先对手牌使用深复制( deepClone )复制一份,随后再添加可能的胡牌并送入胡牌计算器,以免修改原数组导致结果出错。

let huTiles: number[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < possibleHuTiles.length; i++) {
    let checkTiles = deepClone(tiles)
    checkTiles.sort((a, b) => (a - b))
    if (checkIsHu(checkTiles)) {

经过添加可能的胡牌后,当前手牌张数应满足除三余二,即可能是2,5,8,11,14张牌。此时若需满足胡牌条件,则必定需要有且仅有一对将牌。所以我们需要找到手牌中可以作为将牌的牌( findPossiblePairs ),并遍历可能的将牌,将手牌中的将牌剔除,随后送去检测是否能进行三元组拆解,若能完成拆解则该牌型可以胡牌,否则不能胡牌。此处在遍历过程中需要先对手牌使用深复制( deepClone )复制一份,随后再剔除将牌,以免修改原数组导致结果出错。

const checkIsHu = (tiles: number[]): boolean => {
    let possiblePairs: number[] = findPossiblePairs(tiles)
    for (let i = 0; i < possiblePairs.length; i++) {
        let checkTiles = deepClone(tiles)
        checkTiles.splice(checkTiles.indexOf(possiblePairs[i]), 2)
        if (checkTriples(checkTiles)) return true
    return false


const findPossiblePairs = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let possiblePairs: number[] = []
    let startPoint = 0
    let endPoint = 1
    while (endPoint < tiles.length) {
        if (tiles[startPoint] == tiles[endPoint]) {
            if (!possiblePairs.includes(tiles[startPoint])) possiblePairs.push(tiles[startPoint])
            startPoint += 2
            endPoint += 2
        } else {
            startPoint += 1
            endPoint += 1
    return possiblePairs


  1. 检测递归终止条件
  2. 创建存放可能的三元组的数组,同时创建一个字符串类型的数组用以判断重复
  3. 从输入的手牌创建一个无重复牌的数组,以此来避免重复的牌反复送入检测三元组,实现剪枝的目的
  4. 循环将无重复牌的手牌数组的每个牌及原输入的手牌数组送入 findPossibleTriplesOfTile 进行检测,对每个检测到的结果判断不与存放可能的三元组数组重复后,将其添加到数组中,检测重复可以根据字符串型的数组和三元组转换成字符串进行判断。通过检测重复再次实现剪枝的目的。
  5. 遍历可能的三元组数组,剔除手牌中的该三元组,剔除后再次送入 checkTriples 函数进行递归。此处在遍历过程中需要先对手牌使用深复制( deepClone )复制一份,随后再剔除三元组,以免修改原数组导致结果出错。
const checkTriples = (tilesWithoutPair: number[]): boolean => {
    if (tilesWithoutPair.length == 0) return true
    let allPossibleTriples: Array<number[]> = []
    let allPossibleTriplesString: string[] = []
    let unRepeatTiles = Array.from(new Set(tilesWithoutPair))
    for (let i = 0; i < unRepeatTiles.length; i++) {
        let possibleTriplesOfTile: Array<number[]> = findPossibleTriplesOfTile(tilesWithoutPair, unRepeatTiles[i])
        for (let j = 0; j < possibleTriplesOfTile.length; j++) {
            let possibleTriple = possibleTriplesOfTile[j]
            if (!allPossibleTriplesString.includes(possibleTriple.toString())) {
    for (let i = 0; i < allPossibleTriples.length; i++) {
        let possibleTriple = allPossibleTriples[i]
        let checkTilesWithoutPair = deepClone(tilesWithoutPair)
        for (let k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
            checkTilesWithoutPair.splice(checkTilesWithoutPair.indexOf(possibleTriple[k]), 1)
        if (checkTriples(checkTilesWithoutPair)) return true
    return false

若传入的牌能够和附近的牌联系(即筒、条、萬),则开始匹配ABC型的三元组。其中若牌面数字为1或9,则只有一种情况,即123或789。若牌面数字为2或8,则各有两种情况,即123和234或678和789。其他情况下则均有三种情况,即[n-2, n-1, n], [n-1, n, n+1], [n, n+1, n+2]
随后匹配AAA型的三元组,使用 countItemInArray 方法来统计传入牌在手牌中出现的次数,如果至少有三张,则加入可能的三元组数组。

const findPossibleTriplesOfTile = (tilesWithoutPair: number[], tile: number): Array<number[]> => {
    let possibleTriples: Array<number[]> = []
    if (tilesFeature[allTiles.indexOf(tile)].isContactNear) {
        if (tile % 10 == 1) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 2)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile, tile + 1, tile + 2])
        } else if (tile % 10 == 2) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 1, tile, tile + 1])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 2)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile, tile + 1, tile + 2])
        } else if (tile % 10 == 8) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 1, tile, tile + 1])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 2) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 2, tile - 1, tile])
        } else if (tile % 10 == 9) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 2) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 2, tile - 1, tile])
        } else {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 2) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 2, tile - 1, tile])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 1, tile, tile + 1])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 2)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile, tile + 1, tile + 2])
    if (countItemInArray(tilesWithoutPair, tile) >= 3) possibleTriples.push([tile, tile, tile])
    return possibleTriples


其中 deepClone 方法可以用其他深复制方法替换, countItemInArray 方法在方法引入出有详细定义。

import {deepClone} from "vant/es/utils/deep-clone";
import {countItemInArray} from "@/utils";

export const allTiles = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
    31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]
export type tileFeature = {
    isContactNear: boolean,
    contactTiles: number[],
    imagePath: string,
export const tilesFeature: tileFeature[] = [
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [11, 11 + 1], imagePath: 'o1.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [12 - 1, 12, 12 + 1], imagePath: 'o2.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [13 - 1, 13, 13 + 1], imagePath: 'o3.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [14 - 1, 14, 14 + 1], imagePath: 'o4.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [15 - 1, 15, 15 + 1], imagePath: 'o5.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [16 - 1, 16, 16 + 1], imagePath: 'o6.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [17 - 1, 17, 17 + 1], imagePath: 'o7.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [18 - 1, 18, 18 + 1], imagePath: 'o8.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [19 - 1, 19], imagePath: 'o9.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [21, 21 + 1], imagePath: 'l1.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [22 - 1, 22, 22 + 1], imagePath: 'l2.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [23 - 1, 23, 23 + 1], imagePath: 'l3.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [24 - 1, 24, 24 + 1], imagePath: 'l4.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [25 - 1, 25, 25 + 1], imagePath: 'l5.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [26 - 1, 26, 26 + 1], imagePath: 'l6.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [27 - 1, 27, 27 + 1], imagePath: 'l7.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [28 - 1, 28, 28 + 1], imagePath: 'l8.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [29 - 1, 29], imagePath: 'l9.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [31, 31 + 1], imagePath: 'w1.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [32 - 1, 32, 32 + 1], imagePath: 'w2.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [33 - 1, 33, 33 + 1], imagePath: 'w3.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [34 - 1, 34, 34 + 1], imagePath: 'w4.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [35 - 1, 35, 35 + 1], imagePath: 'w5.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [36 - 1, 36, 36 + 1], imagePath: 'w6.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [37 - 1, 37, 37 + 1], imagePath: 'w7.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [38 - 1, 38, 38 + 1], imagePath: 'w8.png'},
    {isContactNear: true, contactTiles: [39 - 1, 39], imagePath: 'w9.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [41], imagePath: 'fe.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [42], imagePath: 'fs.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [43], imagePath: 'fw.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [44], imagePath: 'fn.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [45], imagePath: 'fz.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [46], imagePath: 'ff.png'},
    {isContactNear: false, contactTiles: [47], imagePath: 'fb.png'},
export const getMahjongImageUrl = (tile: number) => {
    if (allTiles.includes(tile)) {
        return new URL(`/src/assets/service/mahjong/${tilesFeature[allTiles.indexOf(tile)].imagePath}`, import.meta.url).href
    } else {
        return new URL('/src/assets/service/mahjong/fk.png', import.meta.url).href
export const mahjongCalculate = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let checkThirteenYaoResult = checkThirteenYao(deepClone(tiles))
    if (checkThirteenYaoResult.length > 0) {
        return checkThirteenYaoResult
    let checkSevenPairResult = checkSevenPair(deepClone(tiles))
    if (checkSevenPairResult.length) {
        return checkSevenPairResult
    return checkCommon(deepClone(tiles))

const checkThirteenYao = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    const thirteenYao: number[] = [11, 19, 21, 29, 31, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]
    if (tiles.toString() == thirteenYao.toString()) {
        return thirteenYao
    } else {
        return []
const checkSevenPair = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let result: number[] = []
    if (tiles.length < 13) return result
    let pairCount = 0
    let startPoint = 0
    let endPoint = 1
    let huTiles: number[] = []
    while (endPoint < 14) {
        if (tiles[startPoint] == tiles[endPoint]) {
            startPoint += 2
            endPoint += 2
        } else {
            startPoint += 1
            endPoint += 1
    if (pairCount == 6 && huTiles.length == 1) {
        result = huTiles
    return result
const checkCommon = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let possibleHuTiles: number[] = []
    for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
        let currentTile = tiles[i]
        let currentPossibleHuTiles = tilesFeature[allTiles.indexOf(currentTile)].contactTiles
        for (let j = 0; j < currentPossibleHuTiles.length; j++) {
            let currentPossibleHuTile = currentPossibleHuTiles[j]
            if (!possibleHuTiles.includes(currentPossibleHuTile)) {

    let huTiles: number[] = []
    for (let i = 0; i < possibleHuTiles.length; i++) {
        let checkTiles = deepClone(tiles)
        checkTiles.sort((a, b) => (a - b))
        if (checkIsHu(checkTiles)) {
    return huTiles
const checkIsHu = (tiles: number[]): boolean => {
    let possiblePairs: number[] = findPossiblePairs(tiles)
    for (let i = 0; i < possiblePairs.length; i++) {
        let checkTiles = deepClone(tiles)
        checkTiles.splice(checkTiles.indexOf(possiblePairs[i]), 2)
        if (checkTriples(checkTiles)) return true
    return false
const findPossiblePairs = (tiles: number[]): number[] => {
    let possiblePairs: number[] = []
    let startPoint = 0
    let endPoint = 1
    while (endPoint < tiles.length) {
        if (tiles[startPoint] == tiles[endPoint]) {
            if (!possiblePairs.includes(tiles[startPoint])) possiblePairs.push(tiles[startPoint])
            startPoint += 2
            endPoint += 2
        } else {
            startPoint += 1
            endPoint += 1
    return possiblePairs
const checkTriples = (tilesWithoutPair: number[]): boolean => {
    if (tilesWithoutPair.length == 0) return true
    let allPossibleTriples: Array<number[]> = []
    let allPossibleTriplesString: string[] = []
    let unRepeatTiles = Array.from(new Set(tilesWithoutPair))
    for (let i = 0; i < unRepeatTiles.length; i++) {
        let possibleTriplesOfTile: Array<number[]> = findPossibleTriplesOfTile(tilesWithoutPair, unRepeatTiles[i])
        for (let j = 0; j < possibleTriplesOfTile.length; j++) {
            let possibleTriple = possibleTriplesOfTile[j]
            if (!allPossibleTriplesString.includes(possibleTriple.toString())) {
    for (let i = 0; i < allPossibleTriples.length; i++) {
        let possibleTriple = allPossibleTriples[i]
        let checkTilesWithoutPair = deepClone(tilesWithoutPair)
        for (let k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
            checkTilesWithoutPair.splice(checkTilesWithoutPair.indexOf(possibleTriple[k]), 1)
        if (checkTriples(checkTilesWithoutPair)) return true
    return false
const findPossibleTriplesOfTile = (tilesWithoutPair: number[], tile: number): Array<number[]> => {
    let possibleTriples: Array<number[]> = []
    if (tilesFeature[allTiles.indexOf(tile)].isContactNear) {
        if (tile % 10 == 1) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 2)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile, tile + 1, tile + 2])
        } else if (tile % 10 == 2) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 1, tile, tile + 1])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 2)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile, tile + 1, tile + 2])
        } else if (tile % 10 == 8) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 1, tile, tile + 1])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 2) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 2, tile - 1, tile])
        } else if (tile % 10 == 9) {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 2) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 2, tile - 1, tile])
        } else {
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 2) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 2, tile - 1, tile])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile - 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile - 1, tile, tile + 1])
            if (tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 1) && tilesWithoutPair.includes(tile + 2)) {
                possibleTriples.push([tile, tile + 1, tile + 2])
    if (countItemInArray(tilesWithoutPair, tile) >= 3) possibleTriples.push([tile, tile, tile])
    return possibleTriples








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