如何在 NgRx createAction props<>() 中使用通用类型


我想创建一个 NgRx 动作创建器工厂。但我不知道如何将泛型类型传递给props method.

import { createAction, props } from "@ngrx/store";

function actionFactory<T>(name: string) {
  return createAction(name, props<T>());
//                          ^^^^^^^^^^


Type 'Props<T>' provides no match for the signature '(...args: any[]): object'


const action = actionFactory<{ id: string }>("sample");

你可以自己尝试一下斯塔克闪电战 https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngrx-generic-props?file=index.ts

它似乎@ngrx/store- 由于某些原因 - 阻止使用空对象创建操作。这是一个可能的解决方案@ngrx/store要求并使操作完全键入:

import { createAction, props, Props, NotAllowedCheck } from "@ngrx/store";

// T extends object meets the condition of props function
function actionFactory<T extends object>(name: string) {
  // restricting config type to match createAction requirements
  return createAction(name, props<T>() as Props<T> & NotAllowedCheck<T>);

// ok
const action = actionFactory<{ id: string }>("sample");

// empty object picked up on type level
const emptyAction = actionFactory<{}>("sample");
emptyAction({}); // error as expected properly

堆栈闪电战 https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngrx-generic-props-fcvrao?file=index.ts


如何在 NgRx createAction props<>() 中使用通用类型 的相关文章