如何在 Windows 中对文件夹中的所有文件使用 pandoc?


pandoc.org 上的常见问题解答中有针对 Linux 和 Mac 用户的说明:

for f in *.txt; do pandoc "$f" -s -o "${f%.txt}.rtf"; done

但没有针对 Windows 用户的说明。

我对这个问题感到沮丧,所以我编写了一个批处理文件,您可以从 cmd 或 PowerShell 运行该文件,该文件对文件夹/目录和所有子目录中特定类型的所有文件调用 pandoc (即,它是递归的)。代码如下。将代码复制到记事本中并另存为pancompile.bat。从cmd运行是最简单的。从 PowerShell 中您可以将其调用为.\pancompile.bat。如果您运行不带任何参数的命令,它将输出示例用法,如下所示:

Usage: pancompile DIRECTORY FILENAME [filemask] ["options"]
Uses pandoc to compile all documents in specified directory and subdirectories to a single output document

DIRECTORY         the directory/folder to parse recursively (passed to pandoc -s);
                  use quotation marks if there are spaces in the directory name
FILENAME          the output file (passed to pandoc -o); use quotation marks if spaces
filemask          an optional file mask/filter, e.g. *.md; leave blank for all files
"options"         optional list of pandoc commands (must be in quotation marks)

Minimal example: pancompile docs complete_book.docx
Typical example: pancompile "My Documents" "Complete Book.docx" *.md "-f markdown -t docx --standalone --toc"

这是代码pancompile.bat。请注意,只有当所有目录路径和文件的字符总数小于 8092 时,它才会按预期工作:

@echo off
:: Check if user entered required options
if $%1$==$$ goto usage
if $%2$==$$ goto usage
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "mask=%3"
if $%3$==$$ set "mask=*"
:: Remove quotation marks from pandoc options 
set options=%4
if not $%4$==$$ set options=%options:"=%
set "files="
:: This will only work if the total characters of all the paths and filenames together is less than 8192 characters
for /r %1 %%F in (%mask%) do call set files=%%files%% "%%F"
echo The following pandoc command will be executed:
echo pandoc -s %files% -o %2 %options%
echo Would you like to run pandoc on the files listed above? (Y/N)
set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=?: %=%
if /I "%INPUT%"=="y" goto yes 
if /I "%INPUT%"=="n" goto no
goto ask
pandoc -s %files% -o %2 --wrap=none %options%
echo Done
goto exit
echo Command was cancelled
goto exit
if $%1$==$$ (
    echo This batch file needs to be run from the command line or from PowerShell
echo Usage: pancompile DIRECTORY FILENAME [filemask] ["options"]
echo Uses pandoc to compile all documents in specified directory and subdirectories to a single output document
echo DIRECTORY         the directory/folder to parse recursively (passed to pandoc -s);
echo                   use quotation marks if there are spaces in the directory name
echo FILENAME          the output file (passed to pandoc -o); use quotation marks if spaces
echo filemask          an optional file mask/filter, e.g. *.md; leave blank for all files 
echo "options"         optional list of pandoc commands (must be in quotation marks)
echo Minimal example: pancompile docs complete_book.docx
echo Typical example: pancompile "My Documents" "Complete Book.docx" *.md "-f markdown -t docx --standalone --toc"
:: End with a pause so user can read messages
echo Press any key to exit ...

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