使用子进程来避免长时间运行的任务断开discord.py bot?


我为我的 Discord 服务器创建了一个机器人,它会转到给定 subreddit 的 Reddit API,并根据您输入的 subreddit 在 Discord 聊天中发布当天的前 10 个结果。它忽略自己的帖子,实际上只发布图片和 GIF。 Discord 消息命令看起来像这样:=get funny awww news programming,发布每个 Reddit 子版块从 Reddit API (PRAW) 获取的结果。这没有问题。我知道机器人能够访问 API 并发布不和谐内容。

我添加了另一个命令=getshuffled它将 Reddit 子版块的所有结果放入一个大列表中,然后在发布之前对它们进行打乱。这对于最多 50 个 subreddits 的请求非常有效。


因为它可能是一个如此大的结果列表,来自 100 多个 subreddits 的 1000 多个结果,所以机器人在处理真正大的请求时会崩溃。根据我从问题中得到的帮助昨天 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53575836/python-discord-py-program-building-large-list-is-running-out-of-memory-and-crash,我明白出了什么问题。机器人正在启动,它正在与我的 Discord 服务器通信,当我向它传递一个长请求时,它在 Reddit API 调用完成时停止与服务器通信太长时间,并且 Discord 连接失败。

那么,我think我需要做的是,为代码建立一个子进程,用于访问 Reddit API 并提取结果(我认为这将使不和谐连接保持运行),然后在完成时将这些结果传递回机器人。 ...

或者...这是 Asyncio 可以自行处理的事情...


基本上,我要么需要有关此子流程技巧的帮助,要么需要知道我是否是个白痴,Asyncio 可以为我处理所有这些。我认为这只是“我不知道我不知道什么”的例子之一。

回顾一下:该机器人在少量的 subreddits 被洗牌的情况下工作得很好。它会遍历发送的参数(它们是 Reddit 子版块),获取每个帖子的信息,然后在将链接发布到不和谐之前进行洗牌。问题是当它是一个更大的 Reddit 子集(大约 50+)时。为了让它能够处理更大的数量,我需要让 Reddit 调用不阻止主要的不和谐连接,这就是我尝试创建一个子进程的原因。

Python版本是3.6,Discord.py版本是0.16.12 该机器人在 PythonAnywhere 上托管并运行


from redditBot_auth import reddit

import discord
import asyncio
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
#from discord.ext import commands
import platform
import subprocess
import ast

client = Bot(description="Pulls posts from Reddit", command_prefix="=", pm_help = False)

async def on_ready():
    return await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='Getting The Dank Memes')) 

def is_number(s):
        return True

def show_title(s):
        if s == 'TITLES':
            return True

async def main_loop(*args, shuffled=False):


    #This takes a integer value argument from the input string.
    #It sets the number variable,
    #Then deletes the number from the arguments list.
    title = False
    for item in args:
        if is_number(item):
            q = item
            q = int(q)
            if q > 15:
            args = [x for x in args if not is_number(x)]

        if show_title(item):
            title = True
            args = [x for x in args if not show_title(x)]

    number_of_posts = q * len(args)

    TESTING = False #If this is turned to True, the subreddit of each post will be posted. Will use defined list of results

    if shuffled == False: #If they don't want it shuffled

        for item in args:
            #get subreddit results
            #post links into Discord as it gets them
            #The code for this works

    else: #if they do want it shuffled
        output = subprocess.run(["python3.6", "get_reddit.py", "*args"])
        results = ast.literal_eval(output.decode("ascii"))
        # ^^ this is me trying to get the results back from the other process.

。这是我的 get_reddit.py 文件:


from redditBot_auth import reddit
import random

def is_number(s):
        return True

def show_title(s):
        if s == 'TITLES':
            return True

async def get_results(*args, shuffled=False):


    #This takes a integer value argument from the input string.
    #It sets the number variable,
    #Then deletes the number from the arguments list.
    title = False
    for item in args:
        if is_number(item):
            q = item
            q = int(q)
            if q > 15:
            args = [x for x in args if not is_number(x)]

        if show_title(item):
            title = True
            args = [x for x in args if not show_title(x)]


    TESTING = False #If this is turned to True, the subreddit of each post will be posted. Will use defined list of results.
    NoGrabResults = False

    #This pulls the data and creates a list of links for the bot to post

    if NoGrabResults == False:
        for item in args:
                #get the posts
                #put them in results list    

            except Exception as e:
                #handle error


            #error stuff

#I should be able to read that print statement for the results, 
#and then use that in the main bot function to post the results.


async def get(*args, brief="say '=get' followed by a list of subreddits", description="To get the 10 Top posts from a subreddit, say '=get' followed by a list of subreddits:\n'=get funny news pubg'\n would get the top 10 posts for today for each subreddit and post to the chat."):
    #sr = '+'.join(args)
    await main_loop(*args)

async def getshuffled(*args, brief="say '=getshuffled' followed by a list of subreddits", description="Does the same thing as =get, but grabs ALL of the posts and shuffles them, before posting."):

    await main_loop(*args, shuffled=True)

client.run('my ID')

UPDATE:根据建议,我将命令通过 ThreadPoolExecutor 传递,如下所示:

async def main(*args, shuffled):

    if shuffled==True:

        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
            results = await asyncio.AbstractEventLoop().run_in_executor(
                executor=pool, func=await main_loop(*args, shuffled=True))
            print('custom thread pool', results)

但当脚本尝试与 Discord 对话时,这仍然会导致错误:

ERROR:asyncio:Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<Client._run_event() running at /home/GageBrk/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/client.py:307> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x7f28acd8db28>()]>>
Event loop is closed
Destination must be Channel, PrivateChannel, User, or Object. Received NoneType
Destination must be Channel, PrivateChannel, User, or Object. Received NoneType
Destination must be Channel, PrivateChannel, User, or Object. Received NoneType



为了解决这个问题,可以创建一个单独的线程来处理阻塞代码。下面是一个例子。注意如何blocking_function将使用time.sleep阻止 10 分钟(600 秒)。这应该足以冻结并最终导致机器人崩溃。但是,由于该函数在它自己的线程中使用run_in_executor,机器人继续正常运行。


import time
import asyncio
from discord.ext import commands
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def blocking_function():
    print('entering blocking function')
    print('sleep has been completed')
    return 'Pong'

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')

async def on_ready():
    print('client ready')

async def ping(ctx):
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    block_return = await loop.run_in_executor(ThreadPoolExecutor(), blocking_function)
    await ctx.send(block_return)


Older async version

import time
import asyncio
from discord.ext import commands
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def blocking_function():
    print('entering blocking function')
    print('sleep has been completed')
    return 'Pong'

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')

async def on_ready():
    print('client ready')

async def ping():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    block_return = await loop.run_in_executor(ThreadPoolExecutor(), blocking_function)
    await client.say(block_return)


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