

经典的 RLE 算法通过使用数字来表示数字后面的字符在文本中该位置出现的次数来压缩数据。例如:




Now, my question is: how could I implement an efficient algorithm that finds out the minimum number of characters in an optimal RLE using this method? Brute force methods exist, but I need something faster (at most O(length2)). Perhaps we can use dynamic programming?

It can be done in quadratic cubic quadratic time via dynamic programming.

下面是一些 Python 代码:

import sys
import numpy as np

bignum = 10000

S = sys.argv[1] #'AAABBAAABBCECE'                                                                                                                              
N = len(S)

# length of longest substring match bet s[i:] and s[j:]                                                                                                        
maxmatch = np.zeros( (N+1,N+1), dtype=int)

for i in xrange(N-1,-1,-1):
  for j in xrange(i+1,N):
    if S[i] == S[j]:
      maxmatch[i,j] = maxmatch[i+1,j+1]+1

# P[n,k] = cost of encoding first n characters given that last k are a block                                                                                   
P = np.zeros( (N+1,N+1),dtype=int ) + bignum
# Q[n] = cost of encoding first n characters                                                                                                                   
Q = np.zeros(N+1, dtype=int) + bignum

# base case: no cost for empty string                                                                                                                          

for n in xrange(1,N+1):
  for k in xrange(1,n+1):
    if n-2*k >= 0:
#     s1, s2 = S[n-k:n], S[n-2*k:n-k]                                                                                                                          
#     if s1 == s2:                                                                                                                                             
      if maxmatch[n-2*k,n-k] >=k:
        # Here we are incrementing the count: C x_1...x_k -> C+1 x_1...x_k                                                                                     
        P[n,k] = min(P[n,k], P[n-k,k])
        print 'P[%d,%d] = %d' % (n,k,P[n,k])
    # Here we are starting a new block: 1 x_1...x_k                                                                                                            
    P[n,k] = min(P[n,k], Q[n-k] + 1 + k)
    print 'P[%d,%d] = %d' % (n,k,P[n,k])
  for k in xrange(1,n+1):
    Q[n] = min(Q[n], P[n,k])


print Q[N]


我遗漏了一个小问题,那就是如果 C 很大,我们可能需要使用额外的字节来保存 C+1。如果您使用 32 位整数,则在该算法的运行时间可行的任何上下文中都不会出现这种情况。如果您有时使用较短的整数来节省空间,那么您将不得不考虑一下,并且可能会根据最新 C 的大小向表中添加另一个维度。理论上,这可能会添加一个 log(N) 因子,但是我认为这在实践中不会很明显。


import sys
import numpy as np

bignum = 10000

S = sys.argv[1] #'AAABBAAABBCECE'                                                                                                                              
N = len(S)

# length of longest substring match bet s[i:] and s[j:]                                                                                                        
maxmatch = np.zeros( (N+1,N+1), dtype=int)

for i in xrange(N-1,-1,-1):
  for j in xrange(i+1,N):
    if S[i] == S[j]:
      maxmatch[i,j] = maxmatch[i+1,j+1]+1

# P[n,k] = cost of encoding first n characters given that last k are a block                                                                                   
P = np.zeros( (N+1,N+1),dtype=int ) + bignum
# Q[n] = cost of encoding first n characters                                                                                                                   
Q = np.zeros(N+1, dtype=int) + bignum

# base case: no cost for empty string                                                                                                                          

for n in xrange(1,N+1):
  for k in xrange(1,n+1):
    if n-2*k >= 0:
#     s1, s2 = S[n-k:n], S[n-2*k:n-k]                                                                                                                          
#     if s1 == s2:                                                                                                                                             
      if maxmatch[n-2*k,n-k] >=k:
        # Here we are incrementing the count: C x_1...x_k -> C+1 x_1...x_k                                                                                     
        P[n,k] = min(P[n,k], P[n-k,k])
        print "P[%d,%d] = %d\t I can encode first %d characters of S in only %d characters if I use my solution for P[%d,%d] with %s's count incremented" % (n\
    # Here we are starting a new block: 1 x_1...x_k                                                                                                            
    P[n,k] = min(P[n,k], Q[n-k] + 1 + k)
    print 'P[%d,%d] = %d\t I can encode first %d characters of S in only %d characters if I use my solution for Q[%d] with a new block 1%s' % (n,k,P[n,k],n,Q[\
  for k in xrange(1,n+1):
    Q[n] = min(Q[n], P[n,k])

  print 'Q[%d] = %d\t I can encode first %d characters of S in only %d characters!' % (n,Q[n],n,Q[n])

print Q[N]

ABCDABCDABCDBCD 上的输出的最后几行如下所示:

Q[13] = 7        I can encode first 13 characters of S in only 7 characters!

P[14,1] = 9      I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 9 characters if I use my solution for Q[13] with a new block 1C
P[14,2] = 8      I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 8 characters if I use my solution for Q[12] with a new block 1BC
P[14,3] = 13     I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 13 characters if I use my solution for Q[11] with a new block 1DBC
P[14,4] = 13     I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 13 characters if I use my solution for Q[10] with a new block 1CDBC
P[14,5] = 13     I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 13 characters if I use my solution for Q[9] with a new block 1BCDBC
P[14,6] = 12     I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 12 characters if I use my solution for Q[8] with a new block 1ABCDBC
P[14,7] = 16     I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[7] with a new block 1DABCDBC
P[14,8] = 16     I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[6] with a new block 1CDABCDBC
P[14,9] = 16     I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[5] with a new block 1BCDABCDBC
P[14,10] = 16    I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[4] with a new block 1ABCDABCDBC
P[14,11] = 16    I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[3] with a new block 1DABCDABCDBC
P[14,12] = 16    I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[2] with a new block 1CDABCDABCDBC
P[14,13] = 16    I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[1] with a new block 1BCDABCDABCDBC
P[14,14] = 15    I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 15 characters if I use my solution for Q[0] with a new block 1ABCDABCDABCDBC

Q[14] = 8        I can encode first 14 characters of S in only 8 characters!

P[15,1] = 10     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 10 characters if I use my solution for Q[14] with a new block 1D
P[15,2] = 10     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 10 characters if I use my solution for Q[13] with a new block 1CD
P[15,3] = 11     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 11 characters if I use my solution for P[12,3] with BCD's count incremented
P[15,3] = 9      I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 9 characters if I use my solution for Q[12] with a new block 1BCD
P[15,4] = 14     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 14 characters if I use my solution for Q[11] with a new block 1DBCD
P[15,5] = 14     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 14 characters if I use my solution for Q[10] with a new block 1CDBCD
P[15,6] = 14     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 14 characters if I use my solution for Q[9] with a new block 1BCDBCD
P[15,7] = 13     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 13 characters if I use my solution for Q[8] with a new block 1ABCDBCD
P[15,8] = 17     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 17 characters if I use my solution for Q[7] with a new block 1DABCDBCD
P[15,9] = 17     I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 17 characters if I use my solution for Q[6] with a new block 1CDABCDBCD
P[15,10] = 17    I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 17 characters if I use my solution for Q[5] with a new block 1BCDABCDBCD
P[15,11] = 17    I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 17 characters if I use my solution for Q[4] with a new block 1ABCDABCDBCD
P[15,12] = 17    I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 17 characters if I use my solution for Q[3] with a new block 1DABCDABCDBCD
P[15,13] = 17    I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 17 characters if I use my solution for Q[2] with a new block 1CDABCDABCDBCD
P[15,14] = 17    I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 17 characters if I use my solution for Q[1] with a new block 1BCDABCDABCDBCD
P[15,15] = 16    I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 16 characters if I use my solution for Q[0] with a new block 1ABCDABCDABCDBCD

Q[15] = 9        I can encode first 15 characters of S in only 9 characters!

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