

我正在尝试在 Unity 中模拟加速和减速。

我编写了代码来在 Unity 中生成轨道,并根据时间将对象放置在轨道上的特定位置。结果看起来有点像这样。


为了尝试解决这个问题,我尝试使用罗伯特·彭纳 (Robert Penner) 的缓动方程 https://gist.github.com/xanathar/735e17ac129a72a277ee on the GetTime(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, float alpha)方法。然而,虽然这确实有所帮助,但还不够。在转换之间仍然存在速度跳跃。



using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class InterpolationExample : MonoBehaviour {
    private float currentTime;
    private float lastTime = 0;
    private float timeModifier = 1;
    private bool running = true;
    private bool runningBuffer = true;

    [Header("Track Settings")]
    [Range(0, 1)]
    private float catmullRomAlpha = 0.5f;
    private List<SimpleWayPoint> wayPoints = new List<SimpleWayPoint>
        new SimpleWayPoint() {pos = new Vector3(-4.07f, 0, 6.5f), time = 0},
        new SimpleWayPoint() {pos = new Vector3(-2.13f, 3.18f, 6.39f), time = 1},
        new SimpleWayPoint() {pos = new Vector3(-1.14f, 0, 4.55f), time = 6},
        new SimpleWayPoint() {pos = new Vector3(0.07f, -1.45f, 6.5f), time = 7},
        new SimpleWayPoint() {pos = new Vector3(1.55f, 0, 3.86f), time = 7.2f},
        new SimpleWayPoint() {pos = new Vector3(4.94f, 2.03f, 6.5f), time = 10}

    private bool debugWayPoints = true;
    private WayPointDebugType debugWayPointType = WayPointDebugType.SOLID;
    private float debugWayPointSize = 0.2f;
    private Color debugWayPointColour = Color.green;
    private bool debugTrack = true;
    [Range(0, 1)]
    private float debugTrackResolution = 0.04f;
    private Color debugTrackColour = Color.red;

    private class SimpleWayPoint
        public Vector3 pos;
        public float time;

    private enum WayPointDebugType

    private void Start()
        wayPoints.Sort((x, y) => x.time.CompareTo(y.time));
        wayPoints.Insert(0, wayPoints[0]);
        wayPoints.Add(wayPoints[wayPoints.Count - 1]);

    private void LateUpdate()
        //This means that if currentTime is paused, then resumed, there is not a big jump in time
        if(runningBuffer != running)
            runningBuffer = running;
            lastTime = Time.time;

            currentTime += (Time.time - lastTime) * timeModifier;
            lastTime = Time.time;
            if(currentTime > wayPoints[wayPoints.Count - 1].time)
                currentTime = 0;
        transform.position = GetPosition(currentTime);

    #region Catmull-Rom Math
    public Vector3 GetPosition(float time)
        //Check if before first waypoint
        if(time <= wayPoints[0].time)
            return wayPoints[0].pos;
        //Check if after last waypoint
        else if(time >= wayPoints[wayPoints.Count - 1].time)
            return wayPoints[wayPoints.Count - 1].pos;

        //Check time boundaries - Find the nearest WayPoint your object has passed
        float minTime = -1;
        float maxTime = -1;
        int minIndex = -1;
        for(int i = 1; i < wayPoints.Count; i++)
            if(time > wayPoints[i - 1].time && time <= wayPoints[i].time)
                maxTime = wayPoints[i].time;
                int index = i - 1;
                minTime = wayPoints[index].time;
                minIndex = index;

        float timeDiff = maxTime - minTime;
        float percentageThroughSegment = 1 - ((maxTime - time) / timeDiff);

        //Define the 4 points required to make a Catmull-Rom spline
        Vector3 p0 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(minIndex - 1)].pos;
        Vector3 p1 = wayPoints[minIndex].pos;
        Vector3 p2 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(minIndex + 1)].pos;
        Vector3 p3 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(minIndex + 2)].pos;

        return GetCatmullRomPosition(percentageThroughSegment, p0, p1, p2, p3, catmullRomAlpha);

    //Prevent Index Out of Array Bounds
    private int ClampListPos(int pos)
        if(pos < 0)
            pos = wayPoints.Count - 1;

        if(pos > wayPoints.Count)
            pos = 1;
        else if(pos > wayPoints.Count - 1)
            pos = 0;

        return pos;

    //Math behind the Catmull-Rom curve. See here for a good explanation of how it works. https://stackoverflow.com/a/23980479/4601149
    private Vector3 GetCatmullRomPosition(float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, float alpha)
        float dt0 = GetTime(p0, p1, alpha);
        float dt1 = GetTime(p1, p2, alpha);
        float dt2 = GetTime(p2, p3, alpha);

        Vector3 t1 = ((p1 - p0) / dt0) - ((p2 - p0) / (dt0 + dt1)) + ((p2 - p1) / dt1);
        Vector3 t2 = ((p2 - p1) / dt1) - ((p3 - p1) / (dt1 + dt2)) + ((p3 - p2) / dt2);

        t1 *= dt1;
        t2 *= dt1;

        Vector3 c0 = p1;
        Vector3 c1 = t1;
        Vector3 c2 = (3 * p2) - (3 * p1) - (2 * t1) - t2;
        Vector3 c3 = (2 * p1) - (2 * p2) + t1 + t2;
        Vector3 pos = CalculatePosition(t, c0, c1, c2, c3);

        return pos;

    private float GetTime(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, float alpha)
        if(p0 == p1)
            return 1;
        return Mathf.Pow((p1 - p0).sqrMagnitude, 0.5f * alpha);

    private Vector3 CalculatePosition(float t, Vector3 c0, Vector3 c1, Vector3 c2, Vector3 c3)
        float t2 = t * t;
        float t3 = t2 * t;
        return c0 + c1 * t + c2 * t2 + c3 * t3;

    //Utility method for drawing the track
    private void DisplayCatmullRomSpline(int pos, float resolution)
        Vector3 p0 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(pos - 1)].pos;
        Vector3 p1 = wayPoints[pos].pos;
        Vector3 p2 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(pos + 1)].pos;
        Vector3 p3 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(pos + 2)].pos;

        Vector3 lastPos = p1;
        int maxLoopCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(1f / resolution);

        for(int i = 1; i <= maxLoopCount; i++)
            float t = i * resolution;
            Vector3 newPos = GetCatmullRomPosition(t, p0, p1, p2, p3, catmullRomAlpha);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(lastPos, newPos);
            lastPos = newPos;

    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                Gizmos.color = debugWayPointColour;
                foreach(SimpleWayPoint s in wayPoints)
                    if(debugWayPointType == WayPointDebugType.SOLID)
                        Gizmos.DrawSphere(s.pos, debugWayPointSize);
                    else if(debugWayPointType == WayPointDebugType.WIRE)
                        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(s.pos, debugWayPointSize);

                Gizmos.color = debugTrackColour;
                if(wayPoints.Count >= 2)
                    for(int i = 0; i < wayPoints.Count; i++)
                        if(i == 0 || i == wayPoints.Count - 2 || i == wayPoints.Count - 1)

                        DisplayCatmullRomSpline(i, debugTrackResolution);




如果你有大学学位,你可能会记得一些关于功能- 接受参数并产生结果的操作 - 以及graphs- 函数与其参数的演变的图形表示(或绘图)。f(x)可能会提醒你一件事:它说一个名为f取决于普拉特x。所以,“为了参数化 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametrization“粗略地表示用一个或多个参数来表达一个系统。

您可能不熟悉这些术语,但您一直在这样做。你的Track例如,是一个具有 3 个参数的系统:f(x,y,z).

关于参数化的一个有趣的事情是,您可以获取一个系统并用其他参数来描述它。再说一次,你已经在这样做了。当你描述轨迹随时间的演变时,你是说每个坐标都是时间的函数,f(x,y,z) = f(x(t),y(t),z(t)) = f(t)。换句话说,您可以使用时间来计算每个坐标,并使用这些坐标在给定时间内将对象定位在空间中。


最后,我开始回答你的问题。为了完整地描述您想要的 Track 系统,您需要两件事:

  1. A path;

您实际上已经解决了这部分。您在场景空间中设置一些点并使用Catmull–Rom 样条插值点并生成路径。这很聪明,而且没有什么可做的。


  1. 一个移动的物体。

关于 Path 解决方案的一件有趣的事情是,您使用一个参数化了路径计算percentageThroughSegment参数 - 范围从 0 到 1 的值,表示段内的相对位置。在您的代码中,您以固定的时间步长进行迭代,并且您的percentageThroughSegment将是所花费的时间与该段的总时间跨度之间的比例。由于每个段都有特定的时间跨度,因此您可以模拟许多恒定速度。




从现在开始,为了简单起见,我会将所有内容都设为 2D,但稍后将其更改为 3D 将是微不足道的。


Where i是段的索引,d是行驶的距离,并且x, y是平面上的坐标。这可能是由像您这样的样条曲线创建的路径,或者使用贝塞尔曲线或其他曲线创建的路径。

使用当前解决方案的对象所产生的运动可以描述为以下图表:distance traveled on the path vs time像这样:

Where t表中是物体必须到达检查点的时间,d又是到达该位置的距离,v是速度并且a是加速度。


此时我们必须回顾一些物理学,并注意,在每个段,距离图都是一条直线,对应于匀速运动,没有加速度。这样的系统由以下方程描述:d = do + v*t


好吧,我们怎样才能做得更好呢?嗯...如果速度图是连续的,就不会出现令人讨厌的速度跳跃。对这样的运动最简单的描述可以是均匀加速。这样的系统由以下方程描述:d = do + vo*t + a*t^2/2。我们还必须假设一个初始速度,我将在这里选择零(与静止分开)。

正如我们所期望的,速度图是连续的,运动通过路径加速。可以将其编码到 Unity 中,更改方法Start and GetPosition像这样:

private List<float> lengths = new List<float>();
private List<float> speeds = new List<float>();
private List<float> accels = new List<float>();
public float spdInit = 0;

private void Start()
  wayPoints.Sort((x, y) => x.time.CompareTo(y.time));
  wayPoints.Insert(0, wayPoints[0]);
  wayPoints.Add(wayPoints[wayPoints.Count - 1]);
       for (int seg = 1; seg < wayPoints.Count - 2; seg++)
    Vector3 p0 = wayPoints[seg - 1].pos;
    Vector3 p1 = wayPoints[seg].pos;
    Vector3 p2 = wayPoints[seg + 1].pos;
    Vector3 p3 = wayPoints[seg + 2].pos;
    float len = 0.0f;
    Vector3 prevPos = GetCatmullRomPosition(0.0f, p0, p1, p2, p3, catmullRomAlpha);
    for (int i = 1; i <= Mathf.FloorToInt(1f / debugTrackResolution); i++)
      Vector3 pos = GetCatmullRomPosition(i * debugTrackResolution, p0, p1, p2, p3, catmullRomAlpha);
      len += Vector3.Distance(pos, prevPos);
      prevPos = pos;
    float spd0 = seg == 1 ? spdInit : speeds[seg - 2];
    float lapse = wayPoints[seg + 1].time - wayPoints[seg].time;
    float acc = (len - spd0 * lapse) * 2 / lapse / lapse;
    float speed = spd0 + acc * lapse;

public Vector3 GetPosition(float time)
  //Check if before first waypoint
  if (time <= wayPoints[0].time)
    return wayPoints[0].pos;
  //Check if after last waypoint
  else if (time >= wayPoints[wayPoints.Count - 1].time)
    return wayPoints[wayPoints.Count - 1].pos;

  //Check time boundaries - Find the nearest WayPoint your object has passed
  float minTime = -1;
  // float maxTime = -1;
  int minIndex = -1;
  for (int i = 1; i < wayPoints.Count; i++)
    if (time > wayPoints[i - 1].time && time <= wayPoints[i].time)
      // maxTime = wayPoints[i].time;
      int index = i - 1;
      minTime = wayPoints[index].time;
      minIndex = index;

  float spd0 = minIndex == 1 ? spdInit : speeds[minIndex - 2];
  float len = lengths[minIndex - 1];
  float acc = accels[minIndex - 1];
  float t = time - minTime;
  float posThroughSegment = spd0 * t + acc * t * t / 2;
  float percentageThroughSegment = posThroughSegment / len;

  //Define the 4 points required to make a Catmull-Rom spline
  Vector3 p0 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(minIndex - 1)].pos;
  Vector3 p1 = wayPoints[minIndex].pos;
  Vector3 p2 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(minIndex + 1)].pos;
  Vector3 p3 = wayPoints[ClampListPos(minIndex + 2)].pos;

  return GetCatmullRomPosition(percentageThroughSegment, p0, p1, p2, p3, catmullRomAlpha);


呃……呃哦。 它看起来几乎不错,只是在某些时候它会向后移动,然后再次前进。实际上,如果我们检查图表,就会发现那里有描述。在 12 到 16 秒之间,速度为负值。为什么会出现这种情况?因为这种运动功能(恒定加速度)虽然简单,但有一些局限性。对于一些突然的速度变化,可能没有一个恒定的加速度值可以保证我们的前提(在正确的时间通过检查点)而不会产生类似的副作用。



  • 描述具有线性加速度变化的系统并应用边界条件(警告:lots需要求解的方程组);
  • 描述一个在一段时间内保持恒定加速度的系统,例如在曲线之前/之后加速或减速,然后在路段的其余部分保持恒定速度(警告:方程求解,很难保证在正确的时间通过检查点的前提);
  • 使用插值方法生成随时间变化的位置图。我尝试过 Catmull-Rom 本身,但我不喜欢结果,因为速度看起来不太流畅。贝塞尔曲线似乎是一种更好的方法,因为您可以直接操纵控制点上的斜率(又称速度)并避免向后移动;
  • 我最喜欢的:添加公共AnimationCurve类上的字段并在编辑器中使用超棒的内置抽屉自定义您的运动图表!您可以使用其轻松添加控制点AddKey方法并用其获取一段时间的位置Evaluate方法。 你甚至可以使用OnValidate组件类上的方法可以在您在曲线中编辑场景时自动更新场景中的点,反之亦然。

不要停在那里!在路径的线条 Gizmo 上添加渐变,以轻松查看其速度更快或更慢的位置,添加用于在编辑器模式下操作路径的手柄...发挥创意!


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