Z80 ASM BNF 结构...我走在正确的轨道上吗?


我正在尝试学习 BNF 并尝试汇编一些 Z80 ASM 代码。由于我对这两个领域都是新手,我的问题是,我是否走在正确的道路上?我正在尝试将 Z80 ASM 的格式编写为 EBNF,以便我可以弄清楚从那里到哪里从源代码创建机器代码。目前我有以下内容:

Assignment = Identifier, ":" ;

Instruction = Opcode, [ Operand ], [ Operand ] ;

Operand = Identifier | Something* ;

Something* = "(" , Identifier, ")" ;

Identifier = Alpha, { Numeric | Alpha } ;

Opcode = Alpha, Alpha ;

Int = [ "-" ], Numeric, { Numeric } ;

Alpha = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | 
        "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | 
        "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | 
        "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | 
        "Y" | "Z" ;

Numeric = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3"| "4" | 
          "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;


老式汇编程序通常在汇编程序中手动编码,并使用临时解析技术来处理汇编源代码行以生成实际的汇编程序代码。 当汇编语法很简单时(例如总是 OPCODE REG、OPERAND),这种方法就足够好了。


使用 BNF 和解析器生成器是构建现代汇编器的非常合理的方法,即使对于 Z80 等传统处理器也是如此。我已经为 Motorola 8 位机器(例如 6800/6809)构建了这样的汇编器,并准备为现代 x86 做同样的事情。我认为你正走在正确的道路上。

********** 编辑 **************** OP 要求提供词法分析器和解析器定义的示例。 我在这里都提供了。

这些是 6809 汇编器真实规格的摘录。 完整的定义是此处样本大小的 2-3 倍。

为了减少篇幅,我删除了大部分暗角的复杂内容 这就是这些定义的要点。 人们可能会对其表面上的复杂性感到沮丧。这 重点是,有了这样的定义,你试图describe这 语言的形状,而不是程序化的编码。 如果您这样做,您将付出更高的复杂性 以特别的方式对所有这些进行编码,这将是很远的事 不太可维护。

了解这些定义也会有一些帮助 与高端程序分析系统一起使用 有词法分析/解析工具作为子系统,称为DMS 软件重组工具包 http://www.semanticdesigns.com/Products/DMS/DMSToolkit.html。 DMS 将自动从以下位置构建 AST:
解析器规范中的语法规则,这使得它成为 构建解析工具要容易得多。最后, 解析器规范包含所谓的“prettyprinter” 声明,允许 DMS 从 AST 重新生成源文本。 (语法的真正目的是让我们能够构建代表汇编程序的 AST 指令,然后将它们吐出以馈送到真正的汇编器!)

值得注意的一件事:词位和语法规则是如何表述的(metasyntxax!) 不同的词法分析器/解析器生成器系统之间有所不同。这 基于 DMS 的规范语法也不例外。 DMS有比较完善的 它自己的语法规则,在此处可用的空间中实际上无法解释。您必须接受其他系统使用类似符号的想法,例如 EBNF 用于规则和词位的正则表达式变体。

鉴于OP的兴趣,他可以实现类似的词法分析器/解析器 使用任何词法分析器/解析器生成工具,例如 FLEX/YACC, JAVACC、ANTLR、...

********** 莱克瑟 **************

-- M6809.lex: Lexical Description for M6809
-- Copyright (C) 1989,1999-2002 Ira D. Baxter

#mainmode Label

#macro digit "[0-9]"
#macro hexadecimaldigit "<digit>|[a-fA-F]"

#macro comment_body_character "[\u0009 \u0020-\u007E]" -- does not include NEWLINE

#macro blank "[\u0000 \ \u0009]"

#macro hblanks "<blank>+"

#macro newline "\u000d \u000a? \u000c? | \u000a \u000c?" -- form feed allowed only after newline

#macro bare_semicolon_comment "\; <comment_body_character>* "

#macro bare_asterisk_comment "\* <comment_body_character>* "


#macro hexadecimal_digit "<digit> | [a-fA-F]"

#macro binary_digit "[01]"

#macro squoted_character "\' [\u0021-\u007E]"

#macro string_character "[\u0009 \u0020-\u007E]"

%%Label -- (First mode) processes left hand side of line: labels, opcodes, etc.

#skip "(<blank>*<newline>)+"
#skip "(<blank>*<newline>)*<blank>+"
  << (GotoOpcodeField ?) >>

#precomment "<comment_line><newline>"

#preskip "(<blank>*<newline>)+"
#preskip "(<blank>*<newline>)*<blank>+"
  << (GotoOpcodeField ?) >>

-- Note that an apparant register name is accepted as a label in this mode
#token LABEL [STRING] "<identifier>"
  <<  (local (;; (= [TokenScan natural] 1) ; process all string characters
         (= [TokenLength natural] ?:TokenCharacterCount)=
         (= [TokenString (reference TokenBodyT)] (. ?:TokenCharacters))
         (= [Result (reference string)] (. ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Value))
         [ThisCharacterCode natural]
         (define Ordinala #61)
         (define Ordinalf #66)
         (define OrdinalA #41)
         (define OrdinalF #46)
     (;; (= (@ Result) `') ; start with empty string
     (while (<= TokenScan TokenLength)
      (;;   (= ThisCharacterCode (coerce natural TokenString:TokenScan))  
        (+= TokenScan) ; bump past character
        (ifthen (>= ThisCharacterCode Ordinala)
           (-= ThisCharacterCode #20) ; fold to upper case
        (= (@ Result) (append (@ Result) (coerce character ThisCharacterCode)))=

  (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactStringLiteralFormat 0))  ; nothing interesting in string
  (GotoLabelList ?)


#skip "<hblanks>"
  << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
  << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>

-- Opcode field tokens
#token 'ABA'       "[aA][bB][aA]"
   << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
#token 'ABX'       "[aA][bB][xX]"
   << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
#token 'ADC'       "[aA][dD][cC]"
   << (GotoABregister ?) >>
#token 'ADCA'      "[aA][dD][cC][aA]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADCB'      "[aA][dD][cC][bB]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADCD'      "[aA][dD][cC][dD]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADD'       "[aA][dD][dD]"
   << (GotoABregister ?) >>
#token 'ADDA'      "[aA][dD][dD][aA]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADDB'      "[aA][dD][dD][bB]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADDD'      "[aA][dD][dD][dD]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'AND'       "[aA][nN][dD]"
   << (GotoABregister ?) >>
#token 'ANDA'      "[aA][nN][dD][aA]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ANDB'      "[aA][nN][dD][bB]"
   << (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ANDCC'     "[aA][nN][dD][cC][cC]"
   << (GotoRegister ?) >>
...[long list of opcodes snipped]

#token IDENTIFIER [STRING] "<identifier>"
  <<  (local (;; (= [TokenScan natural] 1) ; process all string characters
         (= [TokenLength natural] ?:TokenCharacterCount)=
         (= [TokenString (reference TokenBodyT)] (. ?:TokenCharacters))
         (= [Result (reference string)] (. ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Value))
         [ThisCharacterCode natural]
         (define Ordinala #61)
         (define Ordinalf #66)
         (define OrdinalA #41)
         (define OrdinalF #46)
     (;; (= (@ Result) `') ; start with empty string
     (while (<= TokenScan TokenLength)
      (;;   (= ThisCharacterCode (coerce natural TokenString:TokenScan))  
        (+= TokenScan) ; bump past character
        (ifthen (>= ThisCharacterCode Ordinala)
           (-= ThisCharacterCode #20) ; fold to upper case
        (= (@ Result) (append (@ Result) (coerce character ThisCharacterCode)))=

  (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactStringLiteralFormat 0))  ; nothing interesting in string
  (GotoOperandField ?)

#token '#'   "\#" -- special constant introduction (FDB)
   << (GotoDataField ?) >>

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "<decimal_number>"
  << (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
    (;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertDecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 0 0))
    (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))
 (GotoOperandField ?)

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\$ <hexadecimal_digit>+"
  << (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
    (;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertHexadecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
    (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))
 (GotoOperandField ?)

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\% <binary_digit>+"
  << (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
    (;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertBinaryTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
    (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))
 (GotoOperandField ?)

#token CHARACTER [CHARACTER] "<squoted_character>"
  <<  (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Character:Value (TokenStringCharacter ? 2))
  (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Character:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactCharacterLiteralFormat 0 0)) ; nothing special about character
  (GotoOperandField ?)


#skip "<hblanks>"
  << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
  << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>

-- Tokens signalling switch to index register modes
#token ','   "\,"
   <<(GotoRegisterField ?)>>
#token '['   "\["
   <<(GotoRegisterField ?)>>

-- Operators for arithmetic syntax
#token '!!'  "\!\!"
#token '!'   "\!"
#token '##'  "\#\#"
#token '#'   "\#"
#token '&'   "\&"
#token '('   "\("
#token ')'   "\)"
#token '*'   "\*"
#token '+'   "\+"
#token '-'   "\-"
#token '/'   "\/"
#token '//'   "\/\/"
#token '<'   "\<"
#token '<'   "\<" 
#token '<<'  "\<\<"
#token '<='  "\<\="
#token '</'  "\<\/"
#token '='   "\="
#token '>'   "\>"
#token '>'   "\>"
#token '>='  "\>\="
#token '>>'  "\>\>"
#token '>/'  "\>\/"
#token '\\'  "\\"
#token '|'   "\|"
#token '||'  "\|\|"

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "<decimal_number>"
  << (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
    (;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertDecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 0 0))
    (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\$ <hexadecimal_digit>+"
  << (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
    (;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertHexadecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
    (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\% <binary_digit>+"
  << (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
    (;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertBinaryTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
    (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

-- Notice that an apparent register is accepted as a label in this mode
#token IDENTIFIER [STRING] "<identifier>"
  <<  (local (;; (= [TokenScan natural] 1) ; process all string characters
         (= [TokenLength natural] ?:TokenCharacterCount)=
         (= [TokenString (reference TokenBodyT)] (. ?:TokenCharacters))
         (= [Result (reference string)] (. ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Value))
         [ThisCharacterCode natural]
         (define Ordinala #61)
         (define Ordinalf #66)
         (define OrdinalA #41)
         (define OrdinalF #46)
     (;; (= (@ Result) `') ; start with empty string
     (while (<= TokenScan TokenLength)
      (;;   (= ThisCharacterCode (coerce natural TokenString:TokenScan))  
        (+= TokenScan) ; bump past character
        (ifthen (>= ThisCharacterCode Ordinala)
           (-= ThisCharacterCode #20) ; fold to upper case
        (= (@ Result) (append (@ Result) (coerce character ThisCharacterCode)))=

  (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactStringLiteralFormat 0))  ; nothing interesting in string

%%Register -- operand field for TFR, ANDCC, ORCC, EXG opcodes

#skip "<hblanks>"
#ifnotoken << (GotoRegisterField ?) >>

%%RegisterField -- handles registers and indexing mode syntax
-- In this mode, names that look like registers are recognized as registers

#skip "<hblanks>"
  << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
  << (GotoEOLComment ?) >>

#token '['   "\["
#token ']'   "\]"
#token '--'  "\-\-"
#token '++'  "\+\+"

#token 'A'      "[aA]"
#token 'B'      "[bB]"
#token 'CC'     "[cC][cC]"
#token 'DP'     "[dD][pP] | [dD][pP][rR]" -- DPR shouldnt be needed, but found one instance
#token 'D'      "[dD]"
#token 'Z'      "[zZ]"

-- Index register designations
#token 'X'      "[xX]"
#token 'Y'      "[yY]"
#token 'U'      "[uU]"
#token 'S'      "[sS]"
#token 'PCR'    "[pP][cC][rR]"
#token 'PC'     "[pP][cC]"

#token ','    "\,"

-- Operators for arithmetic syntax
#token '!!'  "\!\!"
#token '!'   "\!"
#token '##'  "\#\#"
#token '#'   "\#"
#token '&'   "\&"
#token '('   "\("
#token ')'   "\)"
#token '*'   "\*"
#token '+'   "\+"
#token '-'   "\-"
#token '/'   "\/"
#token '<'   "\<"
#token '<'   "\<" 
#token '<<'  "\<\<"
#token '<='  "\<\="
#token '<|'  "\<\|"
#token '='   "\="
#token '>'   "\>"
#token '>'   "\>"
#token '>='  "\>\="
#token '>>'  "\>\>"
#token '>|'  "\>\|"
#token '\\'  "\\"
#token '|'   "\|"
#token '||'  "\|\|"

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "<decimal_number>"
  << (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
    (;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertDecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 0 0))
    (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

... [snip]

%% -- end M6809.lex

************** 解析器 **************

-- M6809.ATG: Motorola 6809 assembly code parser
-- (C) Copyright 1989;1999-2002 Ira D. Baxter; All Rights Reserved

m6809 = sourcelines ;

sourcelines = ;
sourcelines = sourcelines sourceline EOL ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(CV(sourcelines[1]),H(sourceline,A<eol>(EOL))); }

-- leading opcode field symbol should be treated as keyword.

sourceline = ;
sourceline = labels ;
sourceline = optional_labels 'EQU' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_labels,A<opcode>('EQU'),A<operand>(expression)); }
sourceline = LABEL 'SET' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<firstlabel>(LABEL),A<opcode>('SET'),A<operand>(expression)); }
sourceline = optional_label instruction ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_label,instruction); }
sourceline = optional_label optlabelleddirective ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_label,optlabelleddirective); }
sourceline = optional_label implicitdatadirective ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_label,implicitdatadirective); }
sourceline = unlabelleddirective ;
sourceline = '?ERROR' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('?ERROR'); }

optional_label = labels ;
optional_label = LABEL ':' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<firstlabel>(LABEL),':'); }
optional_label = ;

optional_labels = ;
optional_labels = labels ;
labels = LABEL ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<firstlabel>(LABEL); }
labels = labels ',' LABEL ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(labels[1],',',A<otherlabels>(LABEL)); }

unlabelleddirective = 'END' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('END'); }
unlabelleddirective = 'END' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('END'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'IF' expression EOL conditional ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('IF'),H(A<operand>(expression),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'IFDEF' IDENTIFIER EOL conditional ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('IFDEF'),H(A<operand>(IDENTIFIER),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'IFUND' IDENTIFIER EOL conditional ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('IFUND'),H(A<operand>(IDENTIFIER),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'INCLUDE' FILENAME ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('INCLUDE'),A<operand>(FILENAME)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'LIST' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('LIST'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'NAME' IDENTIFIER ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('NAME'),A<operand>(IDENTIFIER)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'ORG' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ORG'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PAGE' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('PAGE'); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PAGE' HEADING ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PAGE'),A<operand>(HEADING)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PCA' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PCA'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PCC' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PCC'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PSR' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PSR'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'TABS' numberlist ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('TABS'),A<operand>(numberlist)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'TITLE' HEADING ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('TITLE'),A<operand>(HEADING)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'WITH' settings ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('WITH'),A<operand>(settings)); }

settings = setting ;
settings = settings ',' setting ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
setting = 'WI' '=' NUMBER ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
setting = 'DE' '=' NUMBER ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
setting = 'M6800' ;
setting = 'M6801' ;
setting = 'M6809' ;
setting = 'M6811' ;

-- collects lines of conditional code into blocks
conditional = 'ELSEIF' expression EOL conditional ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('ELSEIF'),H(A<operand>(expression),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional[1])); }
conditional = 'ELSE' EOL else ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('ELSE'),A<eol>(EOL)),CV(else)); }
conditional = 'FIN' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('FIN'); }
conditional = sourceline EOL conditional ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(sourceline,A<eol>(EOL)),CV(conditional[1])); }

else = 'FIN' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('FIN'); }
else = sourceline EOL else ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(sourceline,A<eol>(EOL)),CV(else[1])); }

-- keyword-less directive, generates data tables

implicitdatadirective = implicitdatadirective ',' implicitdataitem ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
implicitdatadirective = implicitdataitem ;

implicitdataitem = '#' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(H('#',expression)); }
implicitdataitem = '+' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(H('+',expression)); }
implicitdataitem = '-' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(H('-',expression)); }
implicitdataitem = expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(expression); }
implicitdataitem = STRING ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(STRING); }

-- instructions valid for m680C (see Software Dynamics ASM manual)
instruction = 'ABA' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('ABA'); }
instruction = 'ABX' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('ABX'); }

instruction = 'ADC' 'A' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADC','A')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADC' 'B' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADC','B')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADCA' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADCA'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADCB' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADCB'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADCD' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADCD'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }

instruction = 'ADD' 'A' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADD','A')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADD' 'B' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADD','B')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADDA' operandfetch ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADDA'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }


-- condition code mask for ANDCC and ORCC
conditionmask = '#' expression ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
conditionmask = expression ;

target = expression ;

operandfetch = '#' expression ; --immediate
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

operandfetch = memoryreference ;

operandstore = memoryreference ;

memoryreference = '[' indexedreference ']' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
memoryreference = indexedreference ;

indexedreference = offset ;
indexedreference = offset ',' indexregister ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' indexregister ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' '--' indexregister ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' '-' indexregister ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' indexregister '++' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' indexregister '+' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

offset = '>' expression ; -- page zero ref
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
offset = '<' expression ; -- long reference
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
offset = expression ;
offset = 'A' ;
offset = 'B' ;
offset = 'D' ;

registerlist = registername ;
registerlist = registerlist ',' registername ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

registername = 'A' ;
registername = 'B' ;
registername = 'CC' ;
registername = 'DP' ;
registername = 'D' ;
registername = 'Z' ;
registername = indexregister ;

indexregister = 'X' ;
indexregister = 'Y' ;
indexregister = 'U' ;  -- not legal on M6811
indexregister = 'S' ;
indexregister = 'PCR' ;
indexregister = 'PC' ;

expression = sum '=' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '<<' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '</' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '<=' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '<' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>>' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>/' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>=' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '#' sum ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum ;

sum = product ;
sum = sum '+' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
sum = sum '-' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
sum = sum '!' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
sum = sum '!!' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

product = term '*' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '||' product ; -- wrong?
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '/' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '//' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '&' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '##' product ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term ;

term = '+' term ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
term = '-' term ; 
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
term = '\\' term ; -- complement
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
term = '&' term ; -- not

term = NUMBER ;
term = CHARACTER ;
term = '*' ;
term = '(' expression ')' ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

numberlist = NUMBER ;
numberlist = numberlist ',' NUMBER ;
  <<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

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