Task Parallel Library in C#



  • Task Parallel Library in C# with Examples (TPL in C#)
    • Introduction to Parallelism
    • What is Parallel Programming in C#?
    • Why do we need Task Parallel Library in C#?
    • What is Parallel Programming in C#?
    • C# Supports Two Types of Parallelism:

Task Parallel Library in C# with Examples (TPL in C#)

In this article, I am going to give you an overview of Parallel Programming and Task Parallel Library in C# with Examples. Please read our previous section articles where we discussed Asynchronous Programming in C#. The Task Parallel Library is also referred to as TPL in C#. At the end of this article, you will understand What Task Parallel Library is and why we need it in C# applications.


Introduction to Parallelism

It is time for us to start talking about parallelism. With parallelism, we can use our processor to perform several actions simultaneously. So, with parallelism, we have the opportunity to improve the speed of certain processes of our programs.


We will start this module by talking about what parallelism is. Later, we will see different tools for parallelization like Parallel.For, Parallel.Foreach and Parallel.Inoke. We will also talk about when not to use parallelism. We will also see concepts such as Atomic Methods, Thread safety, and race conditions. Then we will see mechanisms to integrate race conditions such as interlocked and locks. Finally, we’ll talk about PLINQ (Parallel LINQ)


What is Parallel Programming in C#?

Parallel Programming in C# helps us divide a task into different parts and work those parts simultaneously. An example might be that we have a set of credit cards and we want to process them simultaneously. Or if we have a set of images and we want to apply a series of filters to each one, we can do this by taking the advantage of parallelism.


The main benefit of parallelism is saving time. Time is saved by maximizing the use of computer resources. The idea is that if the computer allows the use of multi-threading, we can use these threads when we have a task to solve. So, instead of underusing our processor using a single thread, we can use as many threads as we can to speed up the processing of the task.


In general, an exception to the benefits of using parallelism using ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core since those scenarios are already parallelized. That is because every thread serves an HTTP request. And therefore, if you have one HTTP request that occupies several threads, then the Web server will have fewer resources to serve other HTTP requests.

一般来说,在使用ASP.NET和ASP.NET Core时,并行计算的优势存在一些例外,因为这些场景已经并行化了。这是因为每个线程都为一个HTTP请求提供服务。因此,如果您有一个占用多个线程的HTTP请求,则Web服务器将没有足够的资源来为其他HTTP请求提供服务。

In general, we use parallelism in CPU-bound operations, CPU bound operations are those operations whose resolution depends on the processor, not on services external to the application. Doing an arithmetic operation will be an example of a CPU-bound operation. Taking a set of images and applying filters and transformations through them will be another CPU-bound operation.

通常情况下,我们在 CPU-bound 操作中使用并行计算。CPU-bound 操作是指其处理时间取决于处理器,而不是取决于应用程序外部的服务。进行算术运算是 CPU-bound 操作的一个例子。将一组图像并对它们应用滤镜和变换也是 CPU-bound 操作的另一个例子。

It is these types of operations, those that are CPU bound, which are candidates for us to use parallelism. It is important to know that parallelism is not always beneficial in terms of performance, since using parallelism has a cost, so we must always make measurements to prove that the cost of parallelism is not greater than not using it. That is sometimes when we use parallelism, the result is a slower application. One reason for this is that when we want to parallelize is very small or doesn’t require enough work for justifying the use of parallelism.

The benefit of parallelism depends on the amount of work to be parallelized. So, Parallel Programming in C# is very important for systems that must process a huge amount of data. For example, on Facebook, approximately two hundred and fifty thousand photos are uploaded per minute. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of power to process such a high volume of information. However, the processors are not getting much faster because of the physical limitations. What is being done then mainly is to include more cores in the processors. In this way, we can take advantage of parallelism to accomplish more tasks in less time.

It is not recommended to occupy several threads for one HTTP request. If you have a long task to do, then it is recommended to use background services or some server technology.

Finally, parallelism shows benefits, if the computer where the program is running has parallelism capabilities. If you try to use parallelism on a computer that cannot use parallelism, then the code will run in sequential. That is, it will not throw any errors, but it will not be faster either. So, the objective is that not all computers can perform parallelism.

Modern processors are typically multicore. In windows, you can see if your computer is multicore by going to task manager, then selecting the performance tab, and having look at the CPU. Here, you can look at the number of available cores and also have a look at the logical processors. In my case, I have 4 cores and 8 logical processors as shown in the below image. This means that each core can do two operations simultaneously.


一般来说,在使用ASP.NET和ASP.NET Core时,并行使用的好处是一个例外,因为这些情况已经被并行化了。这是因为每个线程都为一个HTTP请求提供服务。因此,如果您有一个HTTP请求占用了多个线程,那么Web服务器将有更少的资源来服务其他HTTP请求。






现代处理器通常是多核心的。在 Windows 操作系统中,您可以通过打开任务管理器,然后选择性能选项卡来查看您的计算机是否是多核心的。在此处,您可以查看可用的核心数,以及逻辑处理器数。在我的电脑上,我有4个核心和8个逻辑处理器,这意味着每个核心可以同时执行两个操作。


In C#, we mainly use two tools to work with parallelism. They are as follows:

The Task Parallel Library (TPL)
Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)
The Task Parallel Library is a library that makes life easier for us. When we see parallelism in our programs that TPL (Task Parallel Library) abstracts the low-level detail of thread handling, allowing us to run programs that run parallel without having to work with these threads manually.

On the other hand, PLINQ or Parallel LINQ is an implementation of LINQ that allows us to work in parallel. For example, in LINQ, we can filter the elements of an array. Then with Parallel LINQ, we can filter the same array in parallel. This allows us to use the cores of our processor to perform the evaluations of the elements of the array simultaneously.

Why do we need Task Parallel Library in C#?

We can’t expect our sequential program to run faster on the new processors as we know the processor technology advances means the focus is on Multicore-processors. Today’s desktop typically has 4 cores but the latest experimental multi-core chips have up to 1000 cores.

So in simple words, we can say that the multicore processor machines are now becoming standard and the aim is to improve the performance by running a program on multiple processors in parallel. So by considering the above scenario, the .NET Framework 4 introduces Task Parallel Library (TPL) that makes it easier for developers to write parallel programs that target multi-core machines (automatically use multiple processors) which improves the performance.

Using the Task Parallel Library (TPL), we can express the parallelism in the existing sequential code, which means we can express the code as a Parallel task, which will be run concurrently on all the available processors.
在 C# 中,我们主要使用两个工具来处理并行性,它们是:


另一方面,PLINQ 或并行 LINQ 是 LINQ 的一种实现,它允许我们并行工作。例如,在 LINQ 中,我们可以过滤数组的元素。然后,在 Parallel LINQ 中,我们可以并行过滤同一个数组。这使我们能够使用处理器的核心来同时执行数组元素的评估。

为什么我们需要 C# 中的任务并行库?
我们不能指望我们的顺序程序在新的处理器上运行得更快,因为处理器技术的进步意味着重点在于多核处理器。今天的桌面通常有 4 个核心,但最新的实验性多核芯片具有高达 1000 个核心。

因此,简单来说,我们可以说多核处理器机器现在正在成为标准,目标是通过在多个处理器上并行运行程序来提高性能。因此,.NET Framework 4 引入了任务并行库(TPL),使开发人员能够编写针对多核机器(自动使用多个处理器)的并行程序,从而提高性能。



What is Parallel Programming in C#?

Parallel Programming in C# is a type of programming in which many calculations or the execution of processes are carried out simultaneously. The Points to Remember while working with Parallel Programming:

The Tasks must be independent.
The order of the execution does not matter

C# Supports Two Types of Parallelism:

Data Parallelism: In Data Parallelism, we have a collection of values and we want to use the same operation on each of the elements in the collection. The examples will be to filter the elements of an array in parallel or find the inverse of each matrix in a collection. This means each process does the same work on unique and independent pieces of data.



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