

我使用 Mono.Cecil 创建新的自定义属性类型,然后将其添加到现有类型。

为了演示它,我有一个名为“Sample”的预先存在的 DLL,其类型称为“SampleType”。

我想使用 Mono.Cecil 在“Sample”中编织一个名为“NewAttribute”的新类型,然后将此属性添加到“SampleType”。


static void AddCustomeAttribute()
    var module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(AssemblyName);
    var attrType = NewAttributeProvider.Add(module);
    var ctor = attrType.GetConstructors().First();
    CustomAttribute attribute = new CustomAttribute(ctor);
    attribute.ConstructorArguments.Add(new CustomAttributeArgument(module.TypeSystem.String, "InternalClass"));
    module.Write(AssemblyName); //error


public static TypeDefinition Add(ModuleDefinition targetModule)
    var type = targetModule.AddType("Namespace", "NewAttribute", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class, targetModule.Import(typeof(Attribute)));
    var stringType = targetModule.TypeSystem.String;
    var nameField = type.AddField(stringType, "_name");
    var nameProp = type.AddSimpleProperty(stringType, "Name", nameField);

    // generate a constructor body
    var constructor = type.AddConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName, targetModule.TypeSystem.Void, new[] { stringType });
    constructor.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Stfld, nameField));

    var attrUsageType = targetModule.Import(typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute)).Resolve();
    //var att = targetModule.Import(typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute));
    var attributeTargetsType = targetModule.Import(typeof(AttributeTargets));
    var propertiesToSet = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<TypeReference, object>>
        {"AllowMultiple", Tuple.Create(targetModule.TypeSystem.Boolean, (object)true)}
    var usageAttr = type.AddCustomAttribute(attrUsageType, new[] { attributeTargetsType }, propertiesToSet);
    return type;


public static CustomAttribute AddCustomAttribute(this TypeDefinition type, TypeDefinition attrType, TypeReference[] ctorParameters, Dictionary<string, Tuple<TypeReference, object>> propetiesToSet)
    var attrUsageCtor = attrType.GetConstructors().Single(ctor => ctor.Parameters.Count == ctorParameters.Length && ValidateParameters(ctor.Parameters, ctorParameters));
    Collection<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> properties = new Collection<CustomAttributeNamedArgument>();
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Tuple<TypeReference, object>> typeReference in propetiesToSet)
        properties.Add(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(typeReference.Key, new CustomAttributeArgument(typeReference.Value.Item1, typeReference.Value.Item2)));
    var customeAttr = new CustomAttribute(attrUsageCtor);
    foreach (var property in properties)
    return customeAttr;

如您所见,代码中的注释是我为解决问题所做的尝试,但没有成功。 我确信我错过了一些东西,但我不知道是什么..

Cecil 中的 Import 方法具有以下签名:

TypeReference Import(TypeReference type)
MethodReference Import(MethodReference method)



var attrUsageCtor = attrType.GetConstructors().Single(ctor => ...);



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