Xamarin-Android 和 UWP 之间的蓝牙连接


在相当多的时间里,我一直在努力寻找一个可行的解决方案来通过 IP 连接或蓝牙连接 Android 设备和 UWP 应用程序(在 PC 上)。主要问题是找到一组足够简单但又保证可以工作的代码或示例(这样我的努力就不会白费,这种情况已经持续了一个多星期了)。

显而易见的是,不可能存在“代码对”(客户端-服务器),因为使用的库和构建代码结构的方式必须有很大不同。另一个问题是蓝牙似乎不允许环回连接,这会导致更多测试问题。另一个问题可能是过时的示例项目。而且很难找到xamarin/c#解决方案,而且我不想进入Android Studio和Java(我的项目是UWP项目,android部分只是用于测试)。这些对我来说实在是太多的困难了。


  • 从 Xamarin-Android(作为客户端)向 UWP(作为服务器)发送纯消息或数据流,并通过蓝牙接收响应。

现在让我们忽略设备搜索(如果可能的话),让我们直接使用 IP/MAC 地址。从那时起,一切都应该水到渠成。所有必要的功能/声明均已设置,设备也已配对。




对于 Xamarin/Android 客户端部分。该网站非常有帮助是这个吗 https://brianpeek.com/connect-to-a-bluetooth-device-with-xamarinandroid/。还可以尝试一下相当知名的聊天样本 https://developer.xamarin.com/samples/monodroid/BluetoothChat/对于 Xamarin.CreateMessage是一种在本地设备上创建可显示的调试消息的方法。我保持非常简单,因为我的项目主要是关于 UWP 部分。所有这些都包含在一个try { } catch { }子句,但由于有更多的缩进和括号,我现在将其省略。

using Java.Util;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using Android.Runtime;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

    // The UUIDs will be displayed down below if not known.
    const string TARGET_UUID = "00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb";
    BluetoothSocket socket = null;
    OutputStreamInvoker outStream = null;
    InputStreamInvoker inStream = null;

    void Connect ()
        BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.DefaultAdapter;
        if (adapter == null) CreateMessage ("No Bluetooth adapter found.");
        else if (!adapter.IsEnabled) CreateMessage ("Bluetooth adapter is not enabled.");

        List<BluetoothDevice> L = new List<BluetoothDevice> ();
        foreach (BluetoothDevice d in adapter.BondedDevices)
            CreateMessage ("D: " + d.Name + " " + d.Address + " " + d.BondState.ToString ());
            L.Add (d);

        BluetoothDevice device = null;
        device = L.Find (j => j.Name == "PC-NAME");

        if (device == null) CreateMessage ("Named device not found.");
            CreateMessage ("Device has been found: " + device.Name + " " + device.Address + " " + device.BondState.ToString ());

        socket = device.CreateRfcommSocketToServiceRecord (UUID.FromString (TARGET_UUID));
        await socket.ConnectAsync ();

        if (socket != null && socket.IsConnected) CreateMessage ("Connection successful!");
        else CreateMessage ("Connection failed!");

        inStream = (InputStreamInvoker) socket.InputStream;
        outStream = (OutputStreamInvoker) socket.OutputStream;

        if (socket != null && socket.IsConnected)
            Task t = new Task (() => Listen (inStream));
            t.Start ();
        else throw new Exception ("Socket not existing or not connected.");

现在我们进入字节和痛苦的部分。我使用这种格式来传输消息:[4 bytes of uint for message length] [1 byte per character]。重要的是您使用相同的字节到 uint 转换,因为字节顺序 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness或总体情况在 UWP 特定方法中存在差异。如果你的字长不是它应该的样子(而不是~23,比如3000000+),那就是一个问题。读取尚不存在的字节可能意味着异常,甚至无情的崩溃,尽管使用try { } catch { }条款。


private async void SendMessage (string message)
    uint messageLength = (uint) message.Length;
    byte[] countBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes (messageLength);
    byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (message);

    await outStream.WriteAsync (countBuffer, 0, countBuffer.Length);
    await outStream.WriteAsync (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

用法:运行方法 1,然后运行方法 2。您还可以在方法 1 最后(当已连接时)执行 SendMessage。

现在到关于监听消息/响应的部分。在第一种方法中,您将看到这个方法是通过任务运行的,因此它不会阻止它启动的方法。也许有 Xamarin/Android 特定的方法可以解决这个问题,但这对我来说并不重要,所以我只是绕过了这个问题。

private async void Listen (Stream inStream)
    bool Listening = true;
    CreateMessage ("Listening has been started.");
    byte[] uintBuffer = new byte[sizeof (uint)]; // This reads the first 4 bytes which form an uint that indicates the length of the string message.
    byte[] textBuffer; // This will contain the string message.

    // Keep listening to the InputStream while connected.
    while (Listening)
            // This one blocks until it gets 4 bytes.
            await inStream.ReadAsync (uintBuffer, 0, uintBuffer.Length);
            uint readLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32 (uintBuffer, 0);

            textBuffer = new byte[readLength];
            // Here we know for how many bytes we are looking for.
            await inStream.ReadAsync (textBuffer, 0, (int) readLength);

            string s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (textBuffer);
            CreateMessage ("Received: " + s);
        catch (Java.IO.IOException e)
            CreateMessage ("Error: " + e.Message);
            Listening = false;
    CreateMessage ("Listening has ended.");

这只是工作的一半。对于 UWP 服务器部分,我将简单地发布我的current代码,更加干净,不需要编辑。

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm;
using Windows.Networking.Sockets;
using Windows.Storage.Streams;

namespace BT
    public sealed class BluetoothConnectionHandler
        RfcommServiceProvider provider;
        bool isAdvertising = false;
        StreamSocket socket;
        StreamSocketListener socketListener;
        DataWriter writer;
        DataReader reader;
        Task listeningTask;

        public bool Listening { get; private set; }
        // I use Actions for transmitting the output and debug output. These are custom classes I created to pack them more conveniently and to be able to just "Trigger" them without checking anything. Replace this with regular Actions and use their invoke methods.
        public ActionSingle<string> MessageOutput { get; private set; } = new ActionSingle<string> ();
        public ActionSingle<string> LogOutput { get; private set; } = new ActionSingle<string> ();

        // These were in the samples.
        const uint SERVICE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 0x0300;
        const byte SERVICE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = 0x0a; // UINT32
        const uint SERVICE_VERSION = 200;

        const bool DO_RESPONSE = true;

        public async void StartServer ()
            // Initialize the provider for the hosted RFCOMM service.
            provider = await RfcommServiceProvider.CreateAsync (RfcommServiceId.ObexObjectPush);

            // Create a listener for this service and start listening.
            socketListener = new StreamSocketListener ();
            socketListener.ConnectionReceived += OnConnectionReceived;
            await socketListener.BindServiceNameAsync (provider.ServiceId.AsString (), SocketProtectionLevel.BluetoothEncryptionAllowNullAuthentication);

            // Set the SDP attributes and start advertising.
            InitializeServiceSdpAttributes (provider);
            provider.StartAdvertising (socketListener);
            isAdvertising = true;

        public void Disconnect ()
            Listening = false;
            if (provider != null) { if (isAdvertising) provider.StopAdvertising (); provider = null; } // StopAdvertising relentlessly causes a crash if not advertising.
            if (socketListener != null) { socketListener.Dispose (); socketListener = null; }
            if (writer != null) { writer.DetachStream (); writer.Dispose (); writer = null; }
            if (reader != null) { reader.DetachStream (); reader.Dispose (); reader = null; }
            if (socket != null) { socket.Dispose (); socket = null; }
            if (listeningTask != null) { listeningTask = null; }

        public async void SendMessage (string message)
            // There's no need to send a zero length message.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (message)) return;

            // Make sure that the connection is still up and there is a message to send.
            if (socket == null || writer == null) { LogOutput.Trigger ("Cannot send message: No clients connected."); return; } // "No clients connected, please wait for a client to connect before attempting to send a message."

            uint messageLength = (uint) message.Length;
            byte[] countBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes (messageLength);
            byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (message);

            LogOutput.Trigger ("Sending: " + message);

            writer.WriteBytes (countBuffer);
            writer.WriteBytes (buffer);

            await writer.StoreAsync ();

        private void InitializeServiceSdpAttributes (RfcommServiceProvider provider)
            DataWriter w = new DataWriter ();

            // First write the attribute type.

            // Then write the data.
            w.WriteUInt32 (SERVICE_VERSION);

            IBuffer data = w.DetachBuffer ();
            provider.SdpRawAttributes.Add (SERVICE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE_ID, data);

        private void OnConnectionReceived (StreamSocketListener listener, StreamSocketListenerConnectionReceivedEventArgs args)
            provider.StopAdvertising ();
            isAdvertising = false;
            provider = null;
            listener.Dispose ();
            socket = args.Socket;
            writer = new DataWriter (socket.OutputStream);
            reader = new DataReader (socket.InputStream);
            writer.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
            reader.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
            //StartListening ();
            LogOutput.Trigger ("Connection established.");
            listeningTask = new Task (() => StartListening ());
            listeningTask.Start ();
            // Notify connection received.

        private async void StartListening ()
            LogOutput.Trigger ("Starting to listen for input.");
            Listening = true;
            while (Listening)
                    // Based on the protocol we've defined, the first uint is the size of the message. [UInt (4)] + [Message (1*n)] - The UInt describes the length of the message.
                    uint readLength = await reader.LoadAsync (sizeof (uint));

                    // Check if the size of the data is expected (otherwise the remote has already terminated the connection).
                    if (!Listening) break;
                    if (readLength < sizeof (uint))
                        Listening = false;
                        Disconnect ();
                        LogOutput.Trigger ("The connection has been terminated.");

                    uint messageLength = reader.RReadUint (); // 

                    LogOutput.Trigger ("messageLength: " + messageLength.ToString ());

                    // Load the rest of the message since you already know the length of the data expected.
                    readLength = await reader.LoadAsync (messageLength);

                    // Check if the size of the data is expected (otherwise the remote has already terminated the connection).
                    if (!Listening) break;
                    if (readLength < messageLength)
                        Listening = false;
                        Disconnect ();
                        LogOutput.Trigger ("The connection has been terminated.");

                    string message = reader.ReadString (messageLength);
                    MessageOutput.Trigger ("Received message: " + message);
                    if (DO_RESPONSE) SendMessage ("abcdefghij");
                catch (Exception e)
                    // If this is an unknown status it means that the error is fatal and retry will likely fail.
                    if (SocketError.GetStatus (e.HResult) == SocketErrorStatus.Unknown)
                        Listening = false;
                        Disconnect ();
                        LogOutput.Trigger ("Fatal unknown error occurred.");
            LogOutput.Trigger ("Stopped to listen for input.");


  1. 创建BluetoothConnectionHandler 的实例。
  2. 设置 MessageOutput 和/或 LogOutput(阅读代码中与此相关的注释)。
  3. 运行其 StartServer 方法。
  4. 要发送消息,请使用其 SendMessage 方法。


public static uint RReadUint (this DataReader reader)
    uint a = 0;
    byte[] x = new byte[sizeof (uint)];
    reader.ReadBytes (x);
    a = BitConverter.ToUInt32 (x, 0);
    return a;

这应该包含完成我要求的一切所需的一切......事后看来,我发现没有简单的答案可能。从现在开始一切可以得到改进,因为它可能是 UWP 和 Xamarin/Android 之间进行蓝牙通信的最基本方式。



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    我使用的是C程序 在Windows7上用gcc 4 9 2编译 使用OpenMP 4 0 我的电脑是双核 四个线程 我想使用线程亲和力传播并使用放置在不同核心上的 2 个线程 因此 当我从 DOS 设置环境变量时 设置 OMP NUM TH
  • Xamarin-Android 和 UWP 之间的蓝牙连接

    在相当多的时间里 我一直在努力寻找一个可行的解决方案来通过 IP 连接或蓝牙连接 Android 设备和 UWP 应用程序 在 PC 上 主要问题是找到一组足够简单但又保证可以工作的代码或示例 这样我的努力就不会白费 这种情况已经持续了一个