由于 Internet Explorer 引擎不可用,无法解析响应内容,或者


我需要使用 powershell 下载频道 9 系列,但是我尝试过的脚本有错误:

  1. 这个脚本

    $rss=invoke-webrequest -uri $url 
        "Checking $($_.url.split("/")[-1]), we will skip it if it already exists in $($destination)"
      if(!(test-path ($destination + $_.url.split("/")[-1]))){ 
        "Downloading: " + $_.url 
        start-bitstransfer $_.url $destination 


    无法解析响应内容,因为Internet Explorer引擎不可用,或者Internet Explorer的首次启动配置不完整。指定 UseBasicParsing 参数并重试。

  2. 我也尝试过这个

    # --- settings ---
    $feedUrl = "https://channel9.msdn.com/blogs/OfficeDevPnP/feed/mp4high"
    $mediaType = "mp4high"
    $overwrite = $false
    $destinationDirectory = join-path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) "OfficeDevPnP"
    # --- locals ---
    $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
    # --- functions ---
    function PromptForInput ($prompt, $default) {
     $selection = read-host "$prompt`r`n(default: $default)"
     if ($selection) {$selection} else {$default}
    function DownloadEntries {
     param ([string]$feedUrl) 
     $feed = [xml]$webClient.DownloadString($feedUrl)
     $progress = 0
     $pagepercent = 0
     $entries = $feed.rss.channel.item.Length
     $invalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()
     $feed.rss.channel.item | foreach {
        $url = New-Object System.Uri($_.enclosure.url)
        $name = $_.title
        $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($url.Segments[-1])
        $fileName = $name + $extension
        $invalidchars | foreach { $filename = $filename.Replace($_, ' ') }
        $saveFileName = join-path $destinationDirectory $fileName
        $tempFilename = $saveFilename + ".tmp"
        if ((-not $overwrite) -and (Test-Path -path $saveFileName)) 
            write-progress -activity "$fileName already downloaded" -status "$pagepercent% ($progress / $entries) complete" -percentcomplete $pagepercent
            write-progress -activity "Downloading $fileName" -status "$pagepercent% ($progress / $entries) complete" -percentcomplete $pagepercent
           $webClient.DownloadFile($url, $tempFilename)
           rename-item $tempFilename $saveFileName
        $pagepercent = [Math]::floor((++$progress)/$entries*100)
    # --- do the actual work ---
    [string]$feedUrl = PromptForInput "Enter feed URL" $feedUrl
    [string]$mediaType = PromptForInput "Enter media type`r`n(options:Wmv,WmvHigh,mp4,mp4high,zune,mp3)" $mediaType
    $feedUrl += $mediaType
    [string]$destinationDirectory = PromptForInput "Enter destination directory" $destinationDirectory
    # if dest dir doesn't exist, create it
    if (!(Test-Path -path $destinationDirectory)) { New-Item $destinationDirectory -type directory }
    DownloadEntries $feedUrl


    http://screencast.com/t/bgGd0s98Uc http://screencast.com/t/bgGd0s98Uc

在您的调用 Web 请求中只需使用参数-UseBasicParsing


$rss = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing

根据文档 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/powershell/module/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Invoke-WebRequest?view=powershell-3.0,在未安装或配置 IE 的系统上此参数是必需的:

使用 HTML 内容的响应对象,无需文档对象模型 (DOM) 解析。当计算机上未安装 Internet Explorer 时(例如在 Windows Server 操作系统的服务器核心安装上),需要此参数。


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