

不久前我问了一个与此密切相关的问题:通知用户错误的替代方法 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2878043/alternative-way-to-notify-the-user-of-an-error


现在我已经使用工具提示气球实现了这一点。问题是,即使我给它一个大致位置,气泡的小尖头部分也会根据消息的大小改变位置(参见附图)。通常,我会使用 SetToolTip() 并为其分配一个控件,以便它始终指向该控件。然而,该控件是状态栏中的标签或图像。

private void ShowTooltipBalloon(string title, string msg)
    if (this.InvokeRequired)
        this.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(delegate { ShowTooltipBalloon(title,msg); }));
        ToolTip tt = new ToolTip();
        tt.IsBalloon = true;
        tt.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning;
        tt.ShowAlways = true;
        tt.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x90);
        tt.ToolTipTitle = title;

        int x = this.Width - lblLeftTarget.Width - lblVersion.Width - toolStripStatusLabel8.Width - 10;
        int y = this.Height - lblLeftConnectImg.Height - 60;
        tt.Show(msg, this, x, y, 5000);


That being said, of course i'll listen to any advice, whether it's implementable or not. At least i might learn something. alt text


我知道这是一个相当老的问题,我想我错过了您的交货截止日期近 4 年......但我相信这解决了您遇到的问题:

private void ShowTooltipBalloon(string title, string msg)
    if (this.InvokeRequired)
        this.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(delegate { ShowTooltipBalloon(title, msg); }));
        // the designer hooks up to this.components
        // so lets do that as well...
        ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(this.components);

        tt.IsBalloon = true;
        tt.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning;
        tt.ShowAlways = true;
        tt.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x90);
        tt.ToolTipTitle = title;

        // Hookup this tooltip to the statusStrip control
        // but DON'T set a value 
        // because if you do it replicates the problem in your image
        tt.SetToolTip(this.statusStrip1, String.Empty); 

        // calc x
        int x = 0;
        foreach (ToolStripItem tbi in this.statusStrip1.Items)
            // find the toolstrip item
            // that the tooltip needs to point to
            if (tbi == this.toolStripDropDownButton1)  
            x = x + tbi.Size.Width;

        // guestimate y 
        int y = -this.statusStrip1.Size.Height - 50;
        // show it using the statusStrip control 
        // as owner
        tt.Show(msg, this.statusStrip1, x, y, 5000);

工具提示气球显示位置(用于错误通知) 的相关文章
