使用 pyFMI 进行模拟时出现 CVodeError


我尝试在 Anaconda (Python 3.6.8) 上设置 pyFMI

安装 pyFMI 站点上列出的所有必需软件包。 fmu 加载没有问题,但当我尝试模拟 fmu 时,出现错误:

Could not find cannot import name 'radau5'
Could not find cannot import name 'dopri5'
Could not find cannot import name 'rodas'
Could not find cannot import name 'odassl'
Could not find ODEPACK functions.
Could not find RADAR5
Could not find GLIMDA.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "assimulo\solvers\../lib/sundials_callbacks_ida_cvode.pxi", line 240, in   assimulo.solvers.sundials.cv_jac
File "C:\Users\d60378\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyfmi\simulation\assimulo_interface.py", line 733, in j
A = self._model._get_A(add_diag=True, output_matrix=self._A)
File "src\pyfmi\fmi.pyx", line 6041, in pyfmi.fmi.FMUModelBase2._get_A
File "src\pyfmi\fmi.pyx", line 7592, in pyfmi.fmi.FMUModelME2._get_directional_proxy
File "src\pyfmi\fmi.pyx", line 5989, in pyfmi.fmi.FMUModelBase2._get_directional_proxy
TypeError: Expected tuple, got dict_keys
Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "<ipython-input-1-6c340902ef15>", line 28, in <module>
 res = model.simulate(options=opts,start_time=tstart, final_time=tstart+172200)

  File "src\pyfmi\fmi.pyx", line 7522, in pyfmi.fmi.FMUModelME2.simulate

 File "src\pyfmi\fmi.pyx", line 304, in pyfmi.fmi.ModelBase._exec_simulate_algorithm

  File "src\pyfmi\fmi.pyx", line 300, in pyfmi.fmi.ModelBase._exec_simulate_algorithm

  File "C:\Users\d60378\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyfmi\fmi_algorithm_drivers.py", line 520, in solve
self.simulator.simulate(self.final_time, self.ncp)

  File "assimulo\ode.pyx", line 168, in assimulo.ode.ODE.simulate

  File "assimulo\ode.pyx", line 288, in assimulo.ode.ODE.simulate

  File "assimulo\explicit_ode.pyx", line 101, in assimulo.explicit_ode.Explicit_ODE._simulate

  File "assimulo\explicit_ode.pyx", line 187, in assimulo.explicit_ode.Explicit_ODE._simulate

  File "assimulo\solvers\sundials.pyx", line 1894, in assimulo.solvers.sundials.CVode.integrate

  File "assimulo\solvers\sundials.pyx", line 1926, in assimulo.solvers.sundials.CVode.integrate

 CVodeError: {-1: 'The solver took max internal steps but could not reach tout.', -2: 'The solver could not satisfy the accuracy demanded by the user for some internal step.', -3: 'Error test failures occurred too many times during one internal time step or minimum step size was reached.', -4: 'Convergence test failures occurred too many times during one internal time step or minimum step size was reached.', -5: 'The linear solvers initialization function failed.', -6: 'The linear solvers setup function failed in an unrecoverable manner.', -7: 'The linear solvers solve function failed in an unrecoverable manner.', -8: 'The user-provided rhs function failed in an unrecoverable manner.', -9: 'The right-hand side function failed at the first call.', -10: 'The right-hand side function had repeated recoverable errors.', -11: 'The right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery is possible.', -12: 'The rootfinding function failed in an unrecoverable manner.', -20: 'A memory allocation failed.', -21: 'The cvode_mem argument was NULL.', -22: 'One of the function inputs is illegal.', -23: 'The CVode memory block was not allocated by a call to CVodeMalloc.', -24: 'The derivative order k is larger than the order used.', -25: 'The time t is outside the last step taken.', -26: 'The output derivative vector is NULL.', -27: 'The output and initial times are too close to each other.', -41: 'The sensitivity right-hand side function failed unrecoverable.'}


Kelamahim,你是如何安装 PyFMI 包的?我用过conda install -c chria pyfmi它有效。 仅有的Could not find RADAR5 Could not find GLIMDA在执行中显示,但我的模型有效。希望这可以帮助。


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