

主函数返回后我收到分段错误。我已注释掉屏幕上显示的最后一项下方的所有内容。那是没有用的。因此,我不确定该怎么做,因为堆栈似乎没有损坏,而且我绝对不会超出任何数组的范围,因为我很确定我已经检查过这一点。任何帮助都会很棒。 谢谢, 乔

我的代码是:(对格式感到抱歉,尽管我使用了它指定的 4 个空格,但该网站还是把它弄乱了。)


using namespace std;

//Precondition: The List array has been broken down as far as possible.
//The integer arrays start, mid, and end indicate the position in the 
//list array that is being merged back together in sorted order.
//The length variable indicates the length of the list array.
//This function combines the pieces of the array that were split apart
//in sorted order.
//Postcondition: It will return a completely sorted list as one array.
void merge(int list[], int start, int mid, int end, int length);

//Precondition: The elements are already in the array list.  The length
//integer variable contains the size of the list.
//The function uses the insertion sort algorithm to produce a fully sorted
//Postcondition: The elements in the list array are completely sorted and stored
//in the array list variable and nothing is returned.
void insertion_sort(int list[], int length, int start);

//Precondition: The elements are already in the array list.  The variables start,
//and end contain the bounds for part of the array that is being working on.
//The length integer variable contains the size of the list.  
//This function is a hybrid between the merge and insertion sort algorithms.  It
//will divide the problem into manageable pieces and then utilize the insertion
//sort algorithm and then merge the sorted pieces back together.
//Postcondition: The list array will be sorted.
void mergeAndInsertion_sort(int list[], int start, int end, int length);

//Precondition: The elements in the list array are all sorted and length is 
//the length of the array.
//This function checks to make sure that the array passed to it is sorted in
//ascending order.
//Postcondition: This function returns a boolean value indicating whether or 
//not it was in ascending order or not.
bool checker (int list[], int length);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    timespec end, start;    

    long double difference;

    int temp = 0, length = -1, insertion_difference = 0, merge_difference = 0, MI_difference = 0;


    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile, dataFile;

    //opens the file and gets the length for the array.

        cout << "The file didn't open." << endl;
    }//ends the if statement.
    while (! inFile.eof() )

        inFile >> temp; 

    //declares a dynamic array with the correct amount of space.
    int* insertion_data = new int[length];  
    int* merge_data = new int[length];
    int* MI_data = new int[length];

    //fills the data array from the input text. 
        cout << "The file didn't open." << endl;
    }//ends the if statement.
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        inFile >> insertion_data[i];
        merge_data[i] = insertion_data[i];
        MI_data[i] = insertion_data[i];
    }//ends the for loop with i as the counting variable.

//**********************Starts the merge and insertion sort testing.********************************

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); //Gets the time before the algorithm starts

        mergeAndInsertion_sort(MI_data, 0, (length - 1), length);

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end); //Gets the time after the algortihm finishes
        MI_difference = (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec); //finds how long the function ran

            cout << "The file didn't open." << endl;
        }//ends the if statement.
        for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
            outFile << MI_data[index] << endl;


        if(  !checker(MI_data, length) )
            cout << "The merge and insertion sort algorithm is correct for " << length << " data elements." << endl;
            cout << "The merge and insertion sort algorithm is wrong for " << length << " data elements." << endl;

        string mfile = "MICase.dat";

        dataFile.open(mfile.c_str(), ios::app);
            cout << "The file didn't open." << endl;
        }//ends the if statement.
        dataFile << length << "     " << MI_difference << endl;

        delete [] insertion_data;
        delete [] merge_data;
        delete [] MI_data;

//      cout << "merge and insertion sort's running time was " << MI_difference <<" nano seconds."<< endl << endl;

//**********************Ends the merge and insertion sort testing.********************************

return 0;
}//ends the main program

//This code is derived from the book Introduction to Algorithms 
//By Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest
//and Clifford Stein Copyright 2009
void mergeAndInsertion_sort(int list[], int start, int end, int length)
    int mid = 0;
    if(start < end)
        mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if ( (mid - start) <= 10 )
            insertion_sort(list, (mid - start), start );
            mergeAndInsertion_sort(list, start, mid, length);

        if ( (end - mid) <= 10 )
            insertion_sort(list, (end-mid)+mid+1, mid );
            mergeAndInsertion_sort(list, (mid + 1), end, length);
        merge(list, start, mid, end, length);
    }//ends the if statement
}//ends the merge_sort function

//This code is derived from the book Introduction to Algorithms 
//By Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest
//and Clifford Stein Copyright 2009
void merge (int list[], int start, int mid, int end, int length)
    int length1 = (mid - start + 1);
    int length2 = (end - mid);
    int* left = new int[length1];
    int* right = new int[length2];
    int i = 0, j = 0;

    for (i = 1; i <= length1; i++)
        left[i] = list[start + i - 1];
//cout << "left[i] = " << left[i] << endl;
cout << endl;
    for (j = 1; j <= length2; j++)
        right[j] = list[mid + j];
//cout << "right[j] = " << right[j] << endl;

    i = 1;
    j = 1;
//cout << "left[] = " << left[i] << "     right[] = " << right[j] << endl;
    for (int k = start; k<=end; k++)
         if (i > length1)
            list[k] = right[j];
        else if (j > length2)
cout << "in the if for j" <<endl;
            list[k] = left[i];

        else if (left[i] <= right[j])
            list[k] = left[i];
            i = i + 1;
        }//ends the (left[i] <= right[j])
        else if (right[j] <= left[i])
            list[k] = right[j];
            j = j + 1;
        }//ends the else statement for (left[i] <= right[j])
//cout << "left[] = " << left[i] << "     right[] = " << right[j] << "    list[k] = " << list[k]<< endl;
    }//ends the for loop with k as the counter

for (int k = start; k<=end; k++)
cout << list[k]<<endl;  

}//ends the merge function

//This code is derived from the book Introduction to Algorithms 
//By Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest
//and Clifford Stein Copyright 2009
void insertion_sort(int list[], int length, int start)
cout << "length = " << length << endl;

cout << "start = " <<start << endl;
for(int i = start; i<length; i++)
    cout << "list[i] = " << list[i]<<endl;

cout << endl;

    int key = 0, i = 0;

    for (int j = start; j < length; j++)
        key = list[j];
        i = j - 1;
        while ( (i >= 0) && (list[i] > key) )
            list[i + 1] = list[i];
            i = i - 1;
        }//ends the while loop with i as the counting variable
        list[i + 1] = key;
    }//ends the for loop with index as the counter

}//ends the insertion_sort function

bool checker (int list[], int length)
    bool issue = false;

    for(int i = 1; i < length; i++)
        if (list[i - 1] > list[i])
            issue = true;
    return issue;
}//ends the checker function

分段错误aftermain return 语句很可能是由 main 中的局部变量或应用程序中的静态变量的析构函数引起的。最快的方法是在调试器内启动应用程序,调试器将指向程序出现段错误时的确切堆栈跟踪。



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