SVM sklearn 上的随机种子产生不同的结果


当我运行 SVM 时,即使使用固定的值,我也会得到不同的结果random_state=42.

我有 10 个类和一个包含 200 个示例的数据集。我的数据集的维度dim_dataset=(200,2048)


import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn import svm
import random

def shuffle_data(x,y):
    idx = np.random.permutation(len(x))
    x_data= x[idx]
    return x_data,y_labels

d,l=shuffle_data(dataset,true_labels) # dim_d=(200,2048) , dim_l=(200,)

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(d, l, test_size=0.30, random_state=42)

# hist intersection kernel
gramMatrix = histogramIntersection(X_train, X_train)
clf_gram = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', random_state=42).fit(gramMatrix, y_train)
predictMatrix = histogramIntersection(X_test, X_train)
SVMResults = clf_gram.predict(predictMatrix)
correct = sum(1.0 * (SVMResults == y_test))
accuracy = correct / len(y_test)
print("SVM (Histogram Intersection): " + str(accuracy) + " (" + str(int(correct)) + "/" + str(len(y_test)) + ")")

# libsvm linear kernel
clf_linear_kernel = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=42).fit(X_train, y_train)
predicted_linear = clf_linear_kernel.predict(X_test)
correct_linear_libsvm = sum(1.0 * (predicted_linear == y_test))
accuracy_linear_libsvm = correct_linear_libsvm / len(y_test)
print("SVM (linear kernel libsvm): " + str(accuracy_linear_libsvm) + " (" + str(int(correct_linear_libsvm)) + "/" + str(len(y_test)) + ")")

# liblinear linear kernel

clf_linear_kernel_liblinear = LinearSVC(random_state=42).fit(X_train, y_train)
predicted_linear_liblinear = clf_linear_kernel_liblinear.predict(X_test)
correct_linear_liblinear = sum(1.0 * (predicted_linear_liblinear == y_test))
accuracy_linear_liblinear = correct_linear_liblinear / len(y_test)
print("SVM (linear kernel liblinear): " + str(accuracy_linear_liblinear) + " (" + str(
        int(correct_linear_liblinear)) + "/" + str(len(y_test)) + ")")


Use numpy.random.seed()而不是简单的random.seed像这样:


Scikit 内部使用 numpy 生成随机数,因此仅执行 random.seed 不会影响 numpy 的行为,它仍然是随机的。


  • 我应该使用“random.seed”或“numpy.random.seed”来控制“scikit-learn”中的随机数生成吗?

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