如何在 VS Code 中配置侧边栏和面板的默认大小?


我每天都会在两个屏幕上使用特定的布局,前半部分用于我的浏览器,接下来的 3 个由 vscode 使用(它需要第一个屏幕),

│ Browser │ Vscode  ││ Vscode  │ Vscode  │
│         │ Sidebar ││ Editor  │ Editor  │
│         │ & Panel ││         │         │



在撰写本文时(VS Code 1.75),不支持配置侧边栏和面板的默认大小。

与工作台区域显示相关的设置通常以workbench然后是该地区的名称。在撰写本文时,只有一种设置以workbench.sidebar. It is workbench.sidebar.location,您可以将其设置为"left" or "right",并且只有两个以以下开头的设置workbench.panel: workbench.panel.defaultLocation, and workbench.panel.opensMaximized.

There's an open issue ticket on VS Code's GitHub repo asking for configuring the sidebar's default size (and other related things) to be a feature: . You can show your support for the issue ticket by giving a thumbs up reaction to the issue. But please don't make a "me too" comment. https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/Submitting-Bugs-and-Suggestions "me too" comments generally come off as annoying to repo maintainers because they clutter up discussion and don't contribute anything of significant value.

还有一个关于默认面板大小的 GitHub 问题:允许自定义默认面板高度#14452 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/14452,但由于优先级不够高,它似乎已被关闭。

也可以看看如何强制 VS Code 面板在启动时达到一定高度? https://stackoverflow.com/q/77438071/11107541.


如何在 VS Code 中配置侧边栏和面板的默认大小? 的相关文章
