高效的 numpy 数组创建


Given x,我想生产x, log(x)作为一个 numpy 数组,其中x有形状s,结果有形状(*s, 2)。做到这一点的最巧妙的方法是什么?x可能只是一个浮点数,在这种情况下我想要一个具有形状的结果(2,).


import numpy as np

x = np.asarray(x)
result = np.empty((*x.shape, 2))
result[..., 0] = x
result[..., 1] = np.log(x)

将美观与性能分开非常重要。有时丑陋的代码是 快速地。事实上,这里就是这种情况。虽然创建了一个空数组然后 给切片赋值可能看起来不太漂亮,但速度很快。

import numpy as np
import timeit 
import itertools as IT
import pandas as pd

def using_empty(x):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    result = np.empty(x.shape + (2,))
    result[..., 0] = x
    result[..., 1] = np.log(x)
    return result

def using_concat(x):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    return np.concatenate([x, np.log(x)], axis=-1).reshape(x.shape+(2,), order='F')

def using_stack(x):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    return np.stack([x, np.log(x)], axis=x.ndim)

def using_ufunc(x):
    return np.array([x, np.log(x)])
using_ufunc = np.vectorize(using_ufunc, otypes=[np.ndarray])

tests = [np.arange(600),

# check that all implementations return the same result
for x in tests:
    assert np.allclose(using_empty(x), using_concat(x))
    assert np.allclose(using_empty(x), using_stack(x))

timing = []
funcs = ['using_empty', 'using_concat', 'using_stack', 'using_ufunc']
for test, func in IT.product(tests, funcs):
        setup='from __main__ import test, {}'.format(func), number=1000))

timing = pd.DataFrame(np.array(timing).reshape(-1, len(funcs)), columns=funcs)

在我的机器上产生以下 timeit 结果:

   using_empty  using_concat  using_stack  using_ufunc
0     0.024754      0.025182     0.030244     2.414580
1     0.025766      0.027692     0.031970     2.408344
2     0.037502      0.039644     0.044032     3.907487

So using_empty是最快的(测试的选项应用于tests).


np.stack([x, np.log(x)], axis=x.ndim)



In [236]: x = np.arange(6)

In [237]: using_ufunc(x)
array([array([  0., -inf]), array([ 1.,  0.]),
       array([ 2.        ,  0.69314718]),
       array([ 3.        ,  1.09861229]),
       array([ 4.        ,  1.38629436]), array([ 5.        ,  1.60943791])], dtype=object)


In [240]: using_empty(x)
array([[ 0.        ,        -inf],
       [ 1.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 2.        ,  0.69314718],
       [ 3.        ,  1.09861229],
       [ 4.        ,  1.38629436],
       [ 5.        ,  1.60943791]])

In [238]: using_ufunc(x).shape
Out[238]: (6,)

In [239]: using_empty(x).shape
Out[239]: (6, 2)

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