为什么我的 QThread 持续使 Maya 崩溃?


我有一个 UI,我想在 Maya 内部使用线程。这样做的原因是这样我可以运行 Maya.cmds,而无需挂起/冻结 UI,同时使用进度条等更新 UI。

我已经阅读了 StackOverflow 中的一些示例,但我的代码每次运行时都会崩溃。我遵循的例子是here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56629553/proper-pyside-qthread-use-in-maya-to-avoid-hard-crash and here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37687463/single-worker-thread-for-all-tasks-or-multiple-specific-workers/37688544#37688544

import maya.cmds as cmds
from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui, QtUiTools
import mainWindow #Main window just grabs the Maya main window and returns the object to use as parent.

class Tool(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self, parent=mainWindow.getMayaMainWindow()):
        super(Tool, self).__init__(parent)

        UI = "pathToUI/UI.ui"
        loader = QtUiTools.QUiLoader()
        ui_file = QtCore.QFile(UI)
        self.ui = loader.load(ui_file, self)

        #Scans all window objects and if one is open with the same name as this tool then close it so we don't have two open.

        #Create a thread
        thread = QtCore.QThread()
        #Create worker object
        self.worker = Worker()
        #Move worker object into thread (This creates an automatic queue if multiples of the same worker are called)

        #Connect buttons in the UI to trigger a method inside the worker which should run in a thread

        #Start the thread

        #Show UI

class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Worker, self).__init__() #This will immediately crash Maya on tool launch
        #super(Worker).__init__() #This works to open the window but still gets an error '# TypeError: super() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)'

    def do_something(self):
        #Start long code here and update progress bar as needed in a still active UI.
        print "doing something!"

    def do_something_else(self):
        #Start long code here and update progress bar as needed in a still active UI.
        print "doing something else!"

    def and_so_fourth(self):
        #Start long code here and update progress bar as needed in a still active UI.
        print "and so fourth, all in the new thread in a queue of which method was called first!"

#A Button inside Maya will import this code and run the 'launch' function to setup the tool
def launch():
    global myTool
    myTool = Tool()

我期望 UI 保持活动状态(未锁定)并且线程运行 Maya cmd,而在更新 UI 进度条时不会使 Maya 完全崩溃。



  • thread是一个局部变量,当构造函数执行完成时被删除,导致执行的内容在主线程中完成,这是不希望的,解决方案是延长生命周期,为此有几种解决方案:1)制作类属性,2)将父级传递给由父级管理的生命周期。在这种情况下,请使用第二种解决方案。

  • 您不应该从另一个线程修改 GUI,如果您已经修改了progressBar从另一个线程,在 Qt 中你必须使用信号。

  • 您必须在另一个线程中执行的方法中使用 @Slot 装饰器。

  • 您表明您要修改myTool但你还没有声明它,所以global myTool不会通过使工作myTool要删除的局部变量。解决方案是声明myTool:myTool = None综合以上情况,解决方案是:

import maya.cmds as cmds
from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui, QtUiTools
import mainWindow  # Main window just grabs the Maya main window and returns the object to use as parent.

class Tool(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self, parent=mainWindow.getMayaMainWindow()):
        super(Tool, self).__init__(parent)

        UI = "pathToUI/UI.ui"
        loader = QtUiTools.QUiLoader()
        ui_file = QtCore.QFile(UI)
        self.ui = loader.load(ui_file, self)

        # Scans all window objects and if one is open with the same name as this tool then close it so we don't have two open.

        # Create a thread
        thread = QtCore.QThread(self)
        # Create worker object
        self.worker = Worker()
        # Move worker object into thread (This creates an automatic queue if multiples of the same worker are called)

        # Connect buttons in the UI to trigger a method inside the worker which should run in a thread


        # Start the thread

        # Show UI

class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
    valueChanged = QtCore.Signal(int)

    def do_something(self):
        # Start long code here and update progress bar as needed in a still active UI.
        print "doing something!"

    def do_something_else(self):
        # Start long code here and update progress bar as needed in a still active UI.
        print "doing something else!"

    def and_so_fourth(self):
        # Start long code here and update progress bar as needed in a still active UI.
        print "and so fourth, all in the new thread in a queue of which method was called first!"

myTool = None

def launch():
    global myTool
    myTool = Tool()

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