随着利润增加,如何在止损和当前价格之间保持 10 点的利润差距


我试图在解决方案中添加另一个条件。当交易盈利 10 点时,我希望止损移动 10 点。更具体地说,假设我设置了一个挂单买单,止损是低于开盘价 10 点,止盈是 50 点。如果交易盈利 10 点,则止损将向上移动 10 点,如果交易盈利 20 点,则止损将再向上移动 10 点,对于 30 和 40 点也会发生同样的情况。获利直至达到 50 点止盈。这里的想法是,当利润增加 10 点时,止损增加 10 点,但止损不会下降。因此,如果止损位于利润 10 点,而价格位于利润 23 点,且突然下跌,则应在 10 点利润止损处退出交易。



    for( int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
        if(OrderSelect( i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES ))
            if( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )
                if( OrderMagicNumber() == viMagicId) {
                    if( (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) || (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) )
                        if((TimeCurrent()-OrderOpenTime()) >= viDeleteStopOrderAfterInSec)

                    if( (OrderType() == OP_BUY) || (OrderType() == OP_SELL) )
                        if((TimeCurrent()-OrderOpenTime()) >= viDeleteOpenOrderAfterInSec) {
                            // For executed orders, need to close them
                            double closePrice = 0;
                            if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
                                closePrice  = Bid;
                            if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
                                closePrice  = Ask;
                            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), closePrice, int(viMaxSlippageInPip*viPipsToPoint), clrWhite);

                        // WORKING ON 10 pip Gap for to increase stop loss by 10 pips as profits increase by 10 pips
                        int incomePips = (int) ((OrderProfit() - OrderSwap() - OrderCommission()) / OrderLots());

                        if (incomePips >= 10)   {
                           if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
                              OrderModify(OrderTicket(), 0, OrderStopLoss() + 10*Point, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);
                           if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
                              OrderModify(OrderTicket(), 0, OrderStopLoss() - 10*Point, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);


块尾随您正在寻找的称为“块追踪”。与 MT4 附带的普通追踪止损不同,您(将)需要:

  1. 仅开始跟踪 x 点利润。
  2. 区块大小(以点为单位)(每次区块移动后仅跳转 SL)。
  3. 每次止损调整需要移动 x 点。

Note: 随之而来的一个常见问题是交易者将轨迹设置得离当前市场太近/太紧。 MT4 不是高频交易平台。不要将其剥得太近。大多数经纪商都有最小冻结和止损距离。如果您将其设置得太接近价格边缘,您将收到“ERROR 130 Invalid Stop”错误。检查经纪商在合约规范中的符号设置。


vsTicketIdsInCSV:要处理的 OPENED TicketID 列表(例如 123、124、123123、1231、1)

viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip:追踪仅在 OrderProfit > 此点后开始。


viTrailOnProfitInPip 移动:将止损增加此点数。



当订单浮动利润 130 点 (100+30) 时,区块追踪将开始。止损将设置为保证 20 点利润。


我已将其添加到 GitHub:https://github.com/fhlee74/mql4-BlockTrailer https://github.com/fhlee74/mql4-BlockTrailerETH 或 BTC 的贡献将不胜感激。


//|                                                   SO56177003.mq4 |
//|                Copyright 2019, Joseph Lee, TELEGRAM @JosephLee74 |
//|                                             http://www.fs.com.my |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, Joseph Lee, TELEGRAM @JosephLee74"
#property link      "http://www.fs.com.my"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

#include <stderror.mqh> 
#include <stdlib.mqh> 

extern string       vsEAComment1                                = "Telegram @JosephLee74";      // Ego trip
extern string       vsTicketIdsInCSV                            = "123 , 124, 125 ,126 ";       // List of OPENED TicketIDs to process.
extern int          viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip   = 10;                                   // Order must be in profit by this to activate BlockTrail
extern int          viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip            = 15;                                   // For every pip in profit (Profit Block), shift the SL
extern int          viTrailShiftOnProfitInPip               = 10;                                   // by this much
extern int          viMaxSlippageInPip                      = 2;                                    // Max Slippage (pip)

// System Variables
double  viPipsToPrice               = 0.0001;
double  viPipsToPoint               = 1;
int     vaiTicketIds[];
string  vsDisplay                   = "";


//| EA Initialization function
int init() {
    ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment("");
    // Caclulate PipsToPrice & PipsToPoints (old sytle, but works)
    if((Digits == 2) || (Digits == 3)) {viPipsToPrice=0.01;}
    if((Digits == 3) || (Digits == 5)) {viPipsToPoint=10;}

    // ---------------------------------
    // Transcribe the list of TicketIDs from CSV (comma separated string) to an Int array.
    string vasTickets[];
    StringSplit(vsTicketIdsInCSV, StringGetCharacter(",", 0), vasTickets);
    ArrayResize(vaiTicketIds, ArraySize(vasTickets));
    for(int i=0; i<ArraySize(vasTickets); i++) {
        vaiTicketIds[i] = StringToInteger(StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight(vasTickets[i])));
    // ---------------------------------
//| EA Stand-Down function
int deinit() {

int start() {

    // ========================================
    // Process all the tickets in the list
    vsDisplay                   = "BLOCK-TRAILER v1.1 (Please note the Minimum Freeze/StopLoss level in Contract Specification to AVOID error 130 Invalid Stop when trailing).\n";
    double  viPrice         = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<ArraySize(vaiTicketIds); i++) {
        if(OrderSelect( vaiTicketIds[i], SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES ))
            if(OrderCloseTime() == 0 ) {
                // Only work on Active orders
                if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
                    double  viCurrentProfitInPip        = (Bid-OrderOpenPrice()) / viPipsToPrice;
                    double  viNewSLinPip                = ((viCurrentProfitInPip - viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip)/viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip) * viTrailShiftOnProfitInPip;
                    double  viSLinPrice                 = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice() + (viNewSLinPip * viPipsToPrice), Digits);
                    double  viNewSLFromCurrentPrice = NormalizeDouble((Bid-viSLinPrice)/viPipsToPrice, 1);
                    vsDisplay   =   vsDisplay 
                                        + "\n[" + IntegerToString(OrderTicket()) 
                                        + "] BUY: Open@ " + DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits) 
                                        + " | P/L: $" + DoubleToStr(OrderProfit(), 2) 
                                        + " / " + DoubleToStr(viCurrentProfitInPip, 1) + "pips.";
                    if(viCurrentProfitInPip < (viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip+viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip))
                        vsDisplay   = vsDisplay + " " + int(((viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip+viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip))-viCurrentProfitInPip) + " pips to start Trail.";
                    if(viCurrentProfitInPip >= (viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip+viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip)) {
                        vsDisplay   = vsDisplay + " TRAILING to [" + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits) + " which is " + DoubleToStr(viNewSLFromCurrentPrice, 1) + " pips from Bid]";
                        if((viSLinPrice > OrderStopLoss()) || (OrderStopLoss() == 0))
                            if(OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), viSLinPrice, OrderTakeProfit(), OrderExpiration())) {
                                vsDisplay = vsDisplay + " --Trailed SL to " + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits);
                            else {
                                int errCode = GetLastError();
                                Print(" --ERROR Trailing " + IntegerToString(OrderTicket()) + " to " + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits) + ". [" + errCode + "]: " + ErrorDescription(errCode));
                                vsDisplay = vsDisplay + " --ERROR Trailing to " + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits);
                                vsDisplay = vsDisplay + " [" + errCode + "]: " + ErrorDescription(errCode);
                if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
                    double  viCurrentProfitInPip    = (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask) / viPipsToPrice;
                    double  viNewSLinPip                = int((viCurrentProfitInPip - viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip)/viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip) * viTrailShiftOnProfitInPip;
                    double  viSLinPrice                 = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice() - (viNewSLinPip * viPipsToPrice), Digits);
                    double  viNewSLFromCurrentPrice = NormalizeDouble((viSLinPrice-Ask)/viPipsToPrice, 1);
                    vsDisplay   =   vsDisplay 
                                        + "\n[" + IntegerToString(OrderTicket()) 
                                        + "] SELL: Open@ " + DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits) 
                                        + " | P/L: $" + DoubleToStr(OrderProfit(), 2) 
                                        + " / " + DoubleToStr(viCurrentProfitInPip, 1) + "pips.";
                    if(viCurrentProfitInPip < (viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip+viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip))
                        vsDisplay   = vsDisplay + " " + int(((viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip+viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip))-viCurrentProfitInPip) + " pips to start Trail.";
                    if(viCurrentProfitInPip >= (viProfitToActivateBlockTrailInPip+viTrailShiftProfitBlockInPip)) {
                        vsDisplay   = vsDisplay + " TRAILING to [" + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits) + " which is " + DoubleToStr(viNewSLFromCurrentPrice, 1) + " pips from Ask]";
                        if((viSLinPrice < OrderStopLoss()) || (OrderStopLoss()==0) )
                            if(OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), viSLinPrice, OrderTakeProfit(), OrderExpiration())) {
                                vsDisplay = vsDisplay + " --Trailed SL to " + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits);
                            else {
                                int errCode = GetLastError();
                                Print(" --ERROR Trailing " + IntegerToString(OrderTicket()) + " to " + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits) + ". [" + errCode + "]: " + ErrorDescription(errCode));
                                vsDisplay = vsDisplay + " --ERROR Trailing to " + DoubleToStr(viSLinPrice, Digits);
                                vsDisplay = vsDisplay + " [" + errCode + "]: " + ErrorDescription(errCode);

And here is the screen shots showing how it works: enter image description here


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