使用邮件规则和 Applescript 将 vcard 添加到联系人


我通过特定的电子邮件地址收到了很多客户电子名片。我想通过邮件规则和 AppleScript 自动将电子名片添加到我的联系人中。



tell application "Mail"  
  set att to attachment  
end tell  
set thefile to att  
tell application "Contacts"  
  open thefile  
end tell  
tell application "System Events" to keystroke return

如果我删除第 1、2 和 3 行并在第 4 行写入“将文件设置为选择文件”,那么它将起作用 - 如果我选择一个文件。 但前三行我尝试了一些东西,但没有成功。 所以我的问题是,如何从消息中获取文件?


此致, 克里斯


set Dest to ((path to desktop folder) as string) 
tell application "Finder" to make new folder in Dest with properties {name:"TempFiles"} -- create TempFiles folder
Set Dest to Dest & "TempFiles:" 
tell application "Mail"
activate -- not sure is mandatory, but I prefer to see selected mails !!
set ListMessage to selection -- get all selected messages
repeat with aMessage in ListMessage -- loop through each message selected
    set AList to every mail attachment of aMessage -- get all attachements
    repeat with aFile in AList -- for each attachement
        if (downloaded of aFile) then
            set Filepath to Dest & (name of aFile)
            do shell script "touch " & (quoted form of (POSIX path of Filepath)) -- required because "Save" only works with existing file !
            save aFile in (Filepath as alias) as native format
        end if
    end repeat -- next file
end repeat -- next message
end tell

tell application "Finder" to set CardList to every file of folder Dest whose name extension is {"vcf"}
tell application "Contacts"
repeat with aCard in CardList
    open aCard
    delay 1
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke return
end repeat
end tell
delay 2
-- tell application "Finder" to delete folder Dest



此外,只有“已下载”属性为 true 时,您才能保存附件。

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,似乎在 Snow Leopard 中运行良好的“保存”指令在 El Capitain 中的运行效果并不相同:要保存的文件必须在“保存”之前存在......这就是为什么我添加了“touch”命令来首先创建它(只需在 tempFiles 文件夹中创建条目)。

我还在脚本底部添加了打开的 vCard,并使用 Enter 键在联系人中进行验证。您可能需要延迟一段时间,让计算机处理该卡。

如果按键损坏在您的情况下不起作用,请检查“系统偏好设置”辅助功能设置,以允许您的计算机让脚本控制您的 Mac。


set Dest to ((path to desktop folder) as string) 
tell application "Finder" to make new folder in Dest with properties {name:"TempFiles"} -- create TempFiles folder
Set Dest to Dest & "TempFiles:" 
tell application "Mail"
activate -- not sure is mandatory, but I prefer to see selected mails !!
set ListMessage to selection -- get all selected messages
repeat with aMessage in ListMessage -- loop through each message selected
    set AList to every mail attachment of aMessage -- get all attachements
    repeat with aFile in AList -- for each attachement
        if (downloaded of aFile) then
            set Filepath to Dest & (name of aFile)
            do shell script "touch " & (quoted form of (POSIX path of Filepath)) -- required because "Save" only works with existing file !
            save aFile in (Filepath as alias) as native format
        end if
    end repeat -- next file
end repeat -- next message
end tell

tell application "Finder" to set CardList to every file of folder Dest whose name extension is {"vcf"}
tell application "Contacts"
repeat with aCard in CardList
    open aCard
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke return
end repeat
end tell

-- tell application "Finder" to delete folder Dest




使用邮件规则和 Applescript 将 vcard 添加到联系人 的相关文章
