大多数编译器都会优化 MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(A),B) 吗?


In a Fortran program, I need to compute several expressions like M · v, MT · v, MT · M, M · MT, etc ... Here, M and v are 2D and 1D arrays of small size (less than 100, typically around 2-10)

我想知道是否写MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(M),v)将在编译时展开为一些代码,其效率如下MATMUL(N,v), where N显式存储为N=TRANSPOSE(M)。我对具有“强”优化标志(例如 -O2、-O3 或 -Ofast)的 g​​nu 和 ifort 编译器特别感兴趣。



  • 英特尔(R) 酷睿(TM) i5-6500T CPU @ 2.50GHz
  • 缓存大小:6144 KB
  • 内存:16MB
  • GNU Fortran (GCC) 6.3.1 20170216(红帽 6.3.1-3)
  • 艾福特(IFORT) 18.0.5 20180823
  • BLAS :对于gnu编译器,使用的blas是默认版本


[gnu] $ gfortran -O3 x.f90 -lblas
[intel] $ ifort -O3 -mkl x.f90


[gnu] $ ./a.out > matmul.gnu.txt
[intel] $ EXPORT MKL_NUM_THREADS=1; ./a.out > matmul.intel.txt

为了使结果尽可能中立,我用完成的一组等效操作的平均时间重新调整了答案。 我忽略了线程。



  1. manual: do j=1,n; do k=1,n; w(j) = P(j,k)*v(k); end do; end do
  2. matmul: matmul(P,v)
  3. blas N:dgemv('N',n,n,1.0D0,P,n,v,1,0,w,1)
  4. matmul 转置: matmul(transpose(P),v)
  5. matmul-转置-tmp: Q=transpose(P); w=matmul(Q,v)
  6. blas T: dgemv('T',n,n,1.0D0,P,n,v,1,0,w,1)

在图 1 和图 2 中,您可以比较上述情况的时序结果。总的来说,我们可以说临时的使用在两个方面gfortran and ifort不建议。两种编译器都可以优化MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(P),v)好多了。而在gfortran, 实施MATMUL比默认的 BLAS 更快,ifort清楚地表明mkl-blas是比较快的。

enter image description here figure 1: Matrix-vector multiplication. Comparison of various implementations ran on gfortran. The left panels show the absolute timing divided by the total time of the manual computation for a system of size 1000. The right panels show the absolute timing divided by n2 × δ. Here δ is the average time of the manual computation of size 1000 divided by 1000 × 1000.

enter image description here figure 2: Matrix-vector multiplication. Comparison of various implementations ran on a single-threaded ifort compilation. The left panels show the absolute timing divided by the total time of the manual computation for a system of size 1000. The right panels show the absolute timing divided by n2 × δ. Here δ is the average time of the manual computation of size 1000 divided by 1000 × 1000.



  1. manual: do l=1,n; do j=1,n; do k=1,n; Q(j,l) = P(j,k)*P(k,l); end do; end do; end do
  2. matmul: matmul(P,P)
  3. blas N:dgemm('N','N',n,n,n,1.0D0,P,n,P,n,0.0D0,R,n)
  4. matmul 转置: matmul(transpose(P),P)
  5. matmul-转置-tmp: Q=transpose(P); matmul(Q,P)
  6. blas T: dgemm('T','N',n,n,n,1.0D0,P,n,P,n,0.0D0,R,n)

在图 3 和图 4 中,您可以比较上述情况的时序结果。与向量情况相反,仅建议 gfortran 使用临时变量。而在gfortran, 实施MATMUL比默认的 BLAS 更快,ifort清楚地表明mkl-blas是比较快的。值得注意的是,手动实现相当于mkl-blas.

enter image description here figure 3: Matrix-matrix multiplication. Comparison of various implementations ran on gfortran. The left panels show the absolute timing divided by the total time of the manual computation for a system of size 1000. The right panels show the absolute timing divided by n3 × δ. Here δ is the average time of the manual computation of size 1000 divided by 1000 × 1000 × 1000.

enter image description here figure 4: Matrix-matrix multiplication. Comparison of various implementations ran on a single-threaded ifort compilation. The left panels show the absolute timing divided by the total time of the manual computation for a system of size 1000. The right panels show the absolute timing divided by n3 × δ. Here δ is the average time of the manual computation of size 1000 divided by 1000 × 1000 × 1000.


program matmul_test

  implicit none

  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: P,Q,R
  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: v,w

  integer :: n,i,j,k,l
  double precision,dimension(12) :: t1,t2

  do n = 1,1000
     allocate(P(n,n),Q(n,n), R(n,n), v(n),w(n))
     call random_number(P)
     call random_number(v)


     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     do j=1,n; do k=1,n; w(j) = P(j,k)*v(k); end do; end do
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call dgemv('N',n,n,1.0D0,P,n,v,1,0,w,1)
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call dgemv('T',n,n,1.0D0,P,n,v,1,0,w,1)
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     do l=1,n; do j=1,n; do k=1,n; Q(j,l) = P(j,k)*P(k,l); end do; end do; end do
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call dgemm('N','N',n,n,n,1.0D0,P,n,P,n,0.0D0,R,n)
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     call cpu_time(t1(i))
     call dgemm('T','N',n,n,n,1.0D0,P,n,P,n,0.0D0,R,n)
     call cpu_time(t2(i))

     write(*,'(I6,12D25.17)') n, t2-t1
  end do

end program matmul_test

大多数编译器都会优化 MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(A),B) 吗? 的相关文章


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