具有复杂 Json 结构的 Room


我是 Room 的新手,目前正在做我的一个项目,我应该在其中插入一些改造的 GSON 数据。首先,让我在下面展示我的 JSON,它将提供清晰的结构。

"organization": {
    "id": 0,
    "title": "string",
    "description": "HTML String",
    "style": {
        "navigationBackgroundColor": "#cd1325",
        "navigationTextColor": "#ffffff",
        "topBarLabel": "27July2015abcd",
        "topBarBackgroundColor": "#cd1325",
        "topBarTextColor": "#ffffff",
        "bodyBackgroundColor": "#f5c233",
        "bodyTextColor": "#646363",
        "bannerBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
        "bannerTextColor": "#000000",
        "buttonBackgroundColor": "#000000",
        "buttonTextColor": "#ffffff",
        "baseTextSize": 0,
        "htmlWrapper": "string"
    "login_options": [{
            "name": "string",
            "title": "EMAIL",
            "description": "string",
            "state": "string",
            "allowed_email_domain": "string",
            "restricted_email_domain": "string"
        }, {
            "name": "string",
            "titl"e: "GOOGLE",
            "description": "string",
            "url": "string",
            "clientId": "string",
            "clientSecret": "string",
            "redirectUri": "string",
            "state": "string",
            "nonce": "string",
            "authorizationEndpointUri": "string",
            "tokenEndpointUri": "string"


我正在通过改造来解析这个问题,效果很好。以下是创建的模型类名称https://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/ https://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/

好的。现在我必须通过我的存储库将它们插入 Room 数据库,为此我面临很多困难。任何人都可以帮助我如何创建实体以及如何将这些数据模型插入​​房间。仍然不确定是否将 GSON 模型插入 Room 或创建实体并将解析数据放入其中然后插入。 到目前为止我已经尝试过了。


public class LoginOptionsTable {

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long loginOpnId;

@ColumnInfo(name = "login_options_name")
public String name;

@ColumnInfo(name = "login_options_title")
public String title;

@ColumnInfo(name = "login_options_description")
public String description;

public String state;

public String allowedEmailDomain;

public String restrictedEmailDomain;

public String url;

public String clientId;

public String clientSecret;

public String redirectUri;

public String nonce;

public String authorizationEndpointUri;

public String tokenEndpointUri;

public static List<LoginOptionsTable> fromObject(List<LoginOption> 

    List<LoginOptionsTable> groups = new ArrayList<>();

    for(int i=0; i<mOptions.size(); i++){
        LoginOptionsTable st = new LoginOptionsTable();

        st.name = mOptions.get(i).getName();
        st.title = mOptions.get(i).getTitle();
        st.description = mOptions.get(i).getDescription();
        st.state = mOptions.get(i).getState();
        st.allowedEmailDomain = mOptions.get(i).getAllowedEmailDomain();
        st.restrictedEmailDomain = 
        st.url = mOptions.get(i).getUrl();
        st.clientId = mOptions.get(i).getClientId();
        st.clientSecret = mOptions.get(i).getClientSecret();
        st.redirectUri = mOptions.get(i).getRedirectUri();
        st.nonce = mOptions.get(i).getNonce();
        st.authorizationEndpointUri = 
        st.tokenEndpointUri = mOptions.get(i).getTokenEndpointUri();


    return groups;



public class StyleTable {

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long styleId;

public String navigationBackgroundColor;
public String navigationTextColor;
public String topBarLabel;
public String topBarBackgroundColor;
public String topBarTextColor;
public String bodyBackgroundColor;
public String bodyTextColor;
public String bannerBackgroundColor;
public String bannerTextColor;
public String buttonBackgroundColor;
public String buttonTextColor;
public Integer baseTextSize;
public String htmlWrapper;

public static StyleTable fromObject(Style mStyle) {
    StyleTable st = new StyleTable();

    st.navigationBackgroundColor = mStyle.getNavigationBackgroundColor();
    st.navigationTextColor = mStyle.getNavigationTextColor();
    st.topBarLabel = mStyle.getTopBarLabel();
    st.topBarBackgroundColor = mStyle.getTopBarBackgroundColor();
    st.topBarTextColor = mStyle.getTopBarTextColor();
    st.bannerBackgroundColor = mStyle.getBodyBackgroundColor();
    st.bannerTextColor = mStyle.getBannerTextColor();
    st.buttonBackgroundColor = mStyle.getButtonBackgroundColor();
    st.buttonTextColor = mStyle.getButtonTextColor();
    st.baseTextSize = mStyle.getBaseTextSize();
    st.htmlWrapper = mStyle.getHtmlWrapper();

    return st;



@Entity(foreignKeys = {@ForeignKey(entity = StyleTable.class, parentColumns = 
"styleId", childColumns = "stId"),
    @ForeignKey(entity = LoginOptionsTable.class, parentColumns = 
"loginOptionId", childColumns = "loginOpnId")
public class OrgTable {

public long id;

public String title;

public String description;

public long stId;

//TODo make it for mutiple table
public Long loginOptionsId;

public StyleTable style;

public List<LoginOptionsTable> loginOptions = null;

public static OrgTable fromObject(Organization organization){
    OrgTable org = new OrgTable();
    org.id = organization.getId();
    org.title = organization.getTitle();
    org.description = organization.getDescription();
    StyleTable st = StyleTable.fromObject(organization.getStyle());
    org.style = st;
    //make the relation through Id
    org.stId = st.styleId;

    List<LoginOptionsTable> lo = 
    org.loginOptions = lo;
    //make the relation through Id
    org.loginOptionsId = lo.get(0).loginOpnId;

return org;



public interface OrgDAO {

@Query("SELECT * FROM OrgTable")
OrgTable getOrganization();

void insertOrg(OrgTable org);





  • 包含所有三个表的 POJO@Embedded(仅适用于 1 个组织 -> 1 个登录名和 1 个样式)

  • 带有 POJO 和 OrgTable@Embedded并使用 LoginOptionsTable 和 StyleTable@Relation注释

第一个示例(所有三个表@Embedded) 存在 :-

class OrgWithLoginAndStyle {

    /* Note use Query that
        JOINS the Orgtable with the Login table
        and JOINS the Orgtable with the Style table

    OrgTable orgTable;
    LoginOptionsTable loginOptionsTable;
    StyleTable styleTable;


利用这一点的 Dao 的一个例子是:-

@Query("SELECT * FROM OrgTable " +
        "JOIN StyleTable ON StyleTable.styleId = OrgTable.stId " +
        "JOIN LoginOptionsTable ON LoginOptionsTable.loginOpnId = OrgTable.loginOptionsId")
List<OrgWithLoginAndStyle> getOrganizationLoginAndStyle();
  • 这是更灵活的查询方式,因为所有列都可用于 WHERE 子句等,但查询更复杂。

第二个的例子(与@RelationLoginOptionsTable 和 StyleTable 的注释):-

class OrganizationWithLoginOptionsAndWithStyles {

    OrgTable orgTable;
    @Relation(entity = LoginOptionsTable.class,parentColumn = "loginOptionsId",entityColumn = "loginOpnId")
    List<LoginOptionsTable> loginOptionsTables;
    @Relation(entity = StyleTable.class,parentColumn = "stId",entityColumn = "styleId")
    List<StyleTable> styleTables;
  • 这也许更容易编码。然而,它的效率较低,因为样式和 LoginOptions 是为每个 OrgTable 独立检索的。因此,查询更简单,因为您只需要获取 OrgTable。 Room 负责构建相关对象的工作。查询仅限于 OrgTable 列上的 WHERE 等(如果您 JOINed 其他表,此类子句可能不会获得所需的结果(在您的情况下可能没问题,因为每个 OrgTable 对象只有 1 个 LoginOptions 和 1 个 Style))

利用这一点的 Dao 的一个例子是:-

@Query("SELECT * FROM OrgTable")
List<OrganizationWithLoginOptionsAndWithStyles> getOrganizationsLoginsAndStyles();
  • 请注意,建议使用 @Transaction,因为(我相信)正在运行底层查询来获取 LoginOptionsTable 对象和 StyleTable 对象。


@Query("SELECT * FROM OrgTable")
//OrgTable getOrganization(); /* <<<<<<<<<< WRONG should be a List */
List<OrgTable> getOrganizations();


//void insertOrg(OrgTable org)
long insertOrg(OrgTable org); /* <<<<<<<<<< might as well allow the id of the inserted row to be obtained */

好的。现在我必须通过我的存储库将它们插入 Room 数据库,为此我面临很多困难。

我相信您的 OrgTable FK 定义应该如下:-

@Entity(foreignKeys = {@ForeignKey(entity = StyleTable.class, parentColumns =
        "styleId", childColumns = "stId"),
        @ForeignKey(entity = LoginOptionsTable.class, parentColumns =
                "loginOpnId", childColumns = "loginOptionsId")
  • 即 LoginOptions 子级和父级是错误的,并且父级应该是 loginOptionsId 而不是 loginOptionId (不是 Option 之后的 s)。


使用上面的以下代码,除了使OrgDao班级 :-

public interface OrgDAO {

    @Query("SELECT * FROM OrgTable")
    //OrgTable getOrganization(); /* <<<<<<<<<< WRONG should be a List */
    List<OrgTable> getOrganizations();

    @Query("SELECT * FROM OrgTable " +
            "JOIN StyleTable ON StyleTable.styleId = OrgTable.stId " +
            "JOIN LoginOptionsTable ON LoginOptionsTable.loginOpnId = OrgTable.loginOptionsId")
    List<OrgWithLoginAndStyle> getOrganizationLoginAndStyle();

    @Query("SELECT * FROM OrgTable")
    List<OrganizationWithLoginOptionsAndWithStyles> getOrganizationsLoginsAndStyles();

    //void insertOrg(OrgTable org)
    long insertOrg(OrgTable org); /* <<<<<<<<<< might as well allow the id of the inserted row to be obtained */

    long insertStyle(StyleTable styleTable);

    long insertLoginOptions(LoginOptionsTable loginOptionsTable);


@Database(entities = {OrgTable.class,StyleTable.class,LoginOptionsTable.class},version = 1) 抽象类 OrgLoginStyleDatabase 扩展 RoomDatabase { 抽象 OrgDAO getOrgDao(); }

并通过一个活动(请注意,您的一些代码已被注释掉,即实体的 @Parcelize 和 @Ignored Concstructors 的使用):-

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    OrgLoginStyleDatabase db;
    OrgDAO dao;
    public static final String TAG = "OLSINFO";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        db = Room.databaseBuilder(this,OrgLoginStyleDatabase.class,"orgloginoptionsstyle.db")
        dao = db.getOrgDao();

        StyleTable s1 = new StyleTable();
        s1.bannerBackgroundColor = "X";
        s1.bannerTextColor = "X";
        s1.baseTextSize = 20;
        s1.bodyBackgroundColor = "X";
        s1.bodyTextColor = "X";
        s1.buttonBackgroundColor = "X";
        s1.buttonTextColor = "X";
        s1.htmlWrapper = "X";
        s1.navigationBackgroundColor = "X";
        s1.navigationTextColor = "X";
        s1.styleId = 100;
        s1.topBarBackgroundColor = "X";
        s1.topBarLabel = "X";
        s1.topBarTextColor = "X";
        long s1Id = dao.insertStyle(s1);
        LoginOptionsTable l1 = new LoginOptionsTable();
        l1.allowedEmailDomain = "Y";
        l1.authorizationEndpointUri = "Y";
        l1.clientId = "Y";
        l1.clientSecret = "Y";
        l1.description = "Y";
        l1.loginOpnId = 1000;
        l1.name = "Y";
        l1.nonce = "Y";
        l1.redirectUri = "Y";
        l1.restrictedEmailDomain = "Y";
        l1.state = "Y";
        l1.title = "Y";
        l1.url = "Y";
        long l1Id = dao.insertLoginOptions(l1);
        OrgTable o1 = new OrgTable();
        o1.description = "Z";
        o1.id = 10000;
        o1.loginOptionsId = l1Id;
        o1.stId = s1Id;
        List<OrgTable> orgTableList = dao.getOrganizations();
        for(OrgTable o: orgTableList) {
            logOrgTable(o,"FROM getOrganizations -> ");
        List<OrganizationWithLoginOptionsAndWithStyles> organizationsLoginsAndStylesList = dao.getOrganizationsLoginsAndStyles();
        for(OrganizationWithLoginOptionsAndWithStyles owloaws: organizationsLoginsAndStylesList) {
            logOrgTable(owloaws.orgTable,"FROM (@Relations) getOrganizationsLoginsAndStyles -> ");
            for(LoginOptionsTable lot: owloaws.loginOptionsTables) {
            for(StyleTable s: owloaws.styleTables) {
        List<OrgWithLoginAndStyle> owlas = dao.getOrganizationLoginAndStyle();
        for(OrgWithLoginAndStyle o: owlas) {
            logOrgTable(o.orgTable,"FROM (@Embeddeds) getOrganizationLoginAndStyle -> ");

    private void logOrgTable(OrgTable o,String preamble) {
        Log.d(TAG,preamble + "OrgTable Description = " + o.description + " ID = " + o.id);
    private void logStyleTable(StyleTable s, String preamble) {
        Log.d(TAG,preamble + "StyleTable Description = " + s.topBarTextColor + " ID =" + s.styleId);
    private void logLoginOptionsTable(LoginOptionsTable l, String preamble) {
        Log.d(TAG,preamble + "LoginOptionsTable Description = " + l.description + " ID = " + l.loginOpnId);


运行时(仅运行一次,因为已使用硬编码 ID),输出到日志的结果是:-

2021-04-12 21:51:50.981 D/OLSINFO: FROM getOrganizations -> OrgTable Description = Z ID = 10000

2021-04-12 21:51:50.987 D/OLSINFO: FROM (@Relations) getOrganizationsLoginsAndStyles -> OrgTable Description = Z ID = 10000
2021-04-12 21:51:50.987 D/OLSINFO:  LoginOptionsTable Description = Y ID = 1000
2021-04-12 21:51:50.987 D/OLSINFO:  StyleTable Description = X ID =100

2021-04-12 21:51:50.989 D/OLSINFO: FROM (@Embeddeds) getOrganizationLoginAndStyle -> OrgTable Description = Z ID = 10000
2021-04-12 21:51:50.989 D/OLSINFO:  LoginOptionsTable Description = Y ID = 1000
2021-04-12 21:51:50.989 D/OLSINFO:  StyleTable Description = X ID =100
  • 所有三个对象均已成功插入,并且所有三个查询均按预期工作。

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