Scala 中的“Prolog 风格”:与过程代码混合?


继续Scala 中的“prolog 风格”是什么?

我想在 Scala-3 中结合逻辑推理和过程代码。像这样的事情:

// This is a mix of Prolog and Scala, and is not a real code.
// The idea is not only to find out that the goal is reachable,
// but to use the found solution

print_file(X:Filename) :- read(X,Representation), print(Representation).
read(X:Filename, CollectionOfLines[X]) :- { read_lines(X) }.
read(X:Filename, String[X]) :- { slurp_file(X) }.
print(X:String) :- { print(X) }.
print(X:CollectionOfLines) :- { X.foreach(println)}.

given Filename("foo.txt")
val howto = summon[print_file]

我希望这种程序能够打印指定的文件。但到目前为止我不知道如何在 Scala 中指定程序部分。


在你的问题中,并不完全清楚诸如“CollectionOfLines[X]" and "String[X]” 的意思是。我冒昧地将它扭曲成可实现的东西:

 * Claims that an `X` can be printed.
trait Print[X]:
  def apply(x: X): Unit

 * Claims that an instance of type `X` can
 * be read from a file with a statically
 * known `Name`.
trait Read[Name <: String & Singleton, X]:
  def apply(): X

 * Claims that an instance of type `Repr` can
 * be read from a statically known file with a given `Name`,
 * and then printed in `Repr`-specific way.
trait PrintFile[Name, Repr]:
  def apply(): Unit

given splitLines: Conversion[String, List[String]] with
  def apply(s: String) = s.split("\n").toList

given printFile[Name <: String & Singleton, Repr]
  (using n: ValueOf[Name], rd: Read[Name, Repr], prnt: Print[Repr])
: PrintFile[Name, Repr] with
  def apply(): Unit =
    val content = rd()

given readThenConvert[Name <: String & Singleton, A, B]
  (using name: ValueOf[Name], readA: Read[Name, A], conv: Conversion[A, B])
: Read[Name, B] with
  def apply() = conv(readA())

inline given slurp[Name <: String & Singleton]
  (using n: ValueOf[Name])
: Read[Name, String] with
  def apply() = io.Source.fromFile(n.value).getLines.mkString("\n")

given printString: Print[String] with
  def apply(s: String) = println(s)

given printList[X](using printOne: Print[X]): Print[List[X]] with
  def apply(x: List[X]) = x.zipWithIndex.foreach((line, idx) => {
    print(s"${"%3d".format(idx)}| ")

@main def printItself(): Unit =
  println("Print as monolithic string")
  summon[PrintFile["example.scala", String]]()
  println("=" * 80)
  println("Print as separate lines")
  summon[PrintFile["example.scala", List[String]]]()



你应该尝试保留这个机制true and precise有关类型和类型构造函数的语句,而不是用于在一堆命令性语句之间强制执行顺序。

在这个例子中,我们没有仔细地做出普遍正确的陈述,而是做出了一堆半生不熟、未经深思熟虑的陈述,给它们半随机的名称,然后试图滥用名义类型系统并强制现实我们通过给事物这样或那样命名而施加的人为限制。这通常是糟糕设计的标志:一切都感觉松散且有点“松弛”。这apply(): Unit特别是明显是一个危险信号:没有什么可说的Unit它也可以被编码为类型,因此我们必须恢复到“字符串类型”命名规则,而不是依赖于类型系统,然后希望人们能够正确解释这些名称。


Scala 中的“Prolog 风格”:与过程代码混合? 的相关文章
