Android 模拟器无法在 MAC 上运行


下载 Android Studio 后,我一直在尝试使用 Android 模拟器。我以前使用过旧的三星 S4,但需要与 Marshmallow 兼容的设备才能实现某些功能。


  • - 模拟器不运行
  • -Android 屏幕显示好像正在准备启动,但实际上并未启动
  • - 当 Android 屏幕在等待一小时后消失时,屏幕会显示对话框,提示系统无响应,并等待或终止该应用程序 过程
  • - 当我尝试在 AVD 上运行应用程序时,同时显示该屏幕,Android Studio 会弹出错误,提示 AVD 未安装 APK 正确地卸载它们或取消。


  • -将 AVD RAM 降低至 512 和 236 MB
  • - 关闭模拟器摄像头
  • - 关闭音频
  • - 软件的图形首选项设置
  • - 删除并重新下载所有内容
  • - 检查以确保 API 与 SDK 匹配
  • -尝试不同的API (25)
  • -下载BlueStacks(没有意识到它使用Kitkat)

大多数针对缓慢/无法工作的模拟器的解决方案都与我更改和尝试的模拟器设置有关。我已经被这个问题困扰了三天,非常渴望找到一个解决方案,这样我就可以测试我的应用程序,它需要 Android API 23 以上。

一个小旁注,以防万一我运气不好。我使用的是 2010 年中期的 MAC,运行 OSX Sierra、Core 2 双核处理器、16GB RAM、1TB 硬盘。

**更新 我已经通过命令行运行了模拟器,这是我收到的输出。模拟器仍在 Android 屏幕上加载,但在“Adb 连接,开始代理数据”后的最后 30 分钟内没有记录更多输出。

Macs-MacBook-Pro-2:sdk joncorrin$ tools/emulator @Nexus_5X_API_23 -verbose
emulator:Android emulator version (build_id 3394391)
emulator:Found AVD name 'Nexus_5X_API_23'
emulator:Found AVD target architecture: x86
emulator:argv[0]: 'tools/emulator'; program directory: '/Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/tools'
emulator:  Found directory: /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86/

emulator:Probing for /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//kernel-ranchu: file exists
emulator:Auto-config: -engine qemu2 (based on configuration)
emulator:  Found directory: /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86/

emulator:try dir /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/tools
emulator:try dir tools/
emulator:try dir emulator
emulator:Found target-specific 64-bit emulator binary: emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-i386
emulator:Adding library search path: 'emulator/lib64'
emulator:  Found directory: /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86/

emulator:  Found directory: /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86/

emulator:GPU emulation is disabled
emulator: Adding library search path for Qt: 'emulator/lib64/qt/lib'
emulator: Setting Qt plugin search path: QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=emulator/lib64/qt/plugins
emulator: Running :emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-i386
emulator: qemu backend: argv[00] = "emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-i386"
emulator: qemu backend: argv[01] = "@Nexus_5X_API_23"
emulator: qemu backend: argv[02] = "-verbose"
emulator: Concatenated backend parameters:
 emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-i386 @Nexus_5X_API_23 -verbose
emulator: WARNING: Crash service did not start

emulator: Android virtual device file at: /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.ini
emulator: virtual device content at /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd
emulator: virtual device config file: /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/config.ini
emulator: using core hw config path: /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/hardware-qemu.ini
emulator: Found AVD target API level: 23
emulator: Read property file at ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//build.prop
emulator: No boot.prop property file found.
emulator: found skin 'nexus_5x' in directory: /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/skins/
emulator: autoconfig: -skin nexus_5x
emulator: autoconfig: -skindir /Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/skins/
emulator: autoconfig: -kernel ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//kernel-ranchu
emulator: Target arch = 'x86'
emulator: Auto-config: -qemu -cpu qemu32
emulator: Auto-detect: Kernel image requires new device naming scheme.
emulator: Auto-detect: Kernel does not support YAFFS2 partitions.
emulator: autoconfig: -ramdisk ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//ramdisk.img
emulator: Using initial system image: ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//system.img
emulator: autoconfig: -data /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/userdata-qemu.img
emulator: autoconfig: -initdata /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/userdata.img
emulator: autoconfig: -cache /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/cache.img
emulator: autoconfig: -sdcard /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/sdcard.img
emulator: Increasing RAM size to 1024MB
emulator: System image is read only
emulator: GPU emulation is disabled
emulator: Found 2 DNS servers:
emulator: trying to load skin file '/Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/skins//nexus_5x/layout'
emulator: CPU Acceleration: working
emulator: CPU Acceleration status: HAXM version 6.0.5 (3) is installed and usable.
emulator: Adjusting Contiguous Memory Allocation of 1080x1920 framebuffer for software renderer to 16MB.
emulator: Found 2 DNS servers:
Content of hardware configuration file:
  hw.cpu.arch = x86
  hw.cpu.model = qemu32
  hw.cpu.ncore = 1
  hw.ramSize = 1024
  hw.screen = multi-touch
  hw.mainKeys = false
  hw.trackBall = false
  hw.keyboard = true
  hw.keyboard.lid = false
  hw.keyboard.charmap = qwerty2
  hw.dPad = false
  hw.gsmModem = true
  hw.gps = true
  hw.battery = true
  hw.accelerometer = true
  hw.audioInput = true
  hw.audioOutput = true
  hw.sdCard = true
  hw.sdCard.path = /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/sdcard.img
  disk.cachePartition = true
  disk.cachePartition.path = /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/cache.img
  disk.cachePartition.size = 66m
  hw.lcd.width = 1080
  hw.lcd.height = 1920
  hw.lcd.depth = 16
  hw.lcd.density = 420
  hw.lcd.backlight = true
  hw.gpu.enabled = false
  hw.gpu.mode = guest
  hw.gpu.blacklisted = no
  hw.initialOrientation = Portrait = emulated = emulated
  vm.heapSize = 256
  hw.sensors.light = true
  hw.sensors.pressure = true
  hw.sensors.humidity = true
  hw.sensors.proximity = true
  hw.sensors.magnetic_field = true
  hw.sensors.orientation = true
  hw.sensors.temperature = true
  hw.useext4 = true
  kernel.path = ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//kernel-ranchu
  kernel.newDeviceNaming = yes
  kernel.supportsYaffs2 = no
  disk.ramdisk.path = ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//ramdisk.img
  disk.systemPartition.initPath = ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//system.img
  disk.systemPartition.size = 1280m
  disk.dataPartition.path = /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/userdata-qemu.img
  disk.dataPartition.size = 2g
  disk.encryptionKeyPartition.path = /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/encryptionkey.img = Nexus_5X_API_23
QEMU options list:
emulator: argv[00] = "emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-i386"
emulator: argv[01] = "-dns-server"
emulator: argv[02] = ","
emulator: argv[03] = "-serial"
emulator: argv[04] = "null"
emulator: argv[05] = "-cpu"
emulator: argv[06] = "android32"
emulator: argv[07] = "-enable-hax"
emulator: argv[08] = "-m"
emulator: argv[09] = "1024"
emulator: argv[10] = "-lcd-density"
emulator: argv[11] = "420"
emulator: argv[12] = "-kernel"
emulator: argv[13] = "./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//kernel-ranchu"
emulator: argv[14] = "-initrd"
emulator: argv[15] = "./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//ramdisk.img"
emulator: argv[16] = "-object"
emulator: argv[17] = "iothread,id=disk-iothread"
emulator: argv[18] = "-drive"
emulator: argv[19] = "if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=0,id=system,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/system.img.qcow2,read-only"
emulator: argv[20] = "-device"
emulator: argv[21] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=system,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
emulator: argv[22] = "-drive"
emulator: argv[23] = "if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=1,id=cache,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/cache.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576"
emulator: argv[24] = "-device"
emulator: argv[25] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=cache,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
emulator: argv[26] = "-drive"
emulator: argv[27] = "if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=2,id=userdata,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/userdata-qemu.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576"
emulator: argv[28] = "-device"
emulator: argv[29] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=userdata,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
emulator: argv[30] = "-drive"
emulator: argv[31] = "if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=3,id=encrypt,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/encryptionkey.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576"
emulator: argv[32] = "-device"
emulator: argv[33] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=encrypt,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
emulator: argv[34] = "-drive"
emulator: argv[35] = "if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=4,id=sdcard,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/sdcard.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576"
emulator: argv[36] = "-device"
emulator: argv[37] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=sdcard,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
emulator: argv[38] = "-netdev"
emulator: argv[39] = "user,id=mynet"
emulator: argv[40] = "-device"
emulator: argv[41] = "virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet"
emulator: argv[42] = "-netdev"
emulator: argv[43] = "user,id=mynet2,net="
emulator: argv[44] = "-device"
emulator: argv[45] = "virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet2"
emulator: argv[46] = "-show-cursor"
emulator: argv[47] = "-L"
emulator: argv[48] = "emulator/lib/pc-bios"
emulator: argv[49] = "-soundhw"
emulator: argv[50] = "hda"
emulator: argv[51] = "-vga"
emulator: argv[52] = "none"
emulator: argv[53] = "-append"
emulator: argv[54] = "qemu=1 androidboot.hardware=ranchu clocksource=pit android.qemud=1 console=0 console=0 android.checkjni=1 qemu.gles=2 qemu.encrypt=1 cma=32M ndns=2"
emulator: argv[55] = "-android-hw"
emulator: argv[56] = "/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/hardware-qemu.ini"
Concatenated QEMU options:
 emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-i386 -dns-server, -serial null -cpu android32 -enable-hax -m 1024 -lcd-density 420 -kernel ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//kernel-ranchu -initrd ./system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86//ramdisk.img -object iothread,id=disk-iothread -drive if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=0,id=system,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/system.img.qcow2,read-only -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=system,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=1,id=cache,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/cache.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=cache,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=2,id=userdata,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/userdata-qemu.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=userdata,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=3,id=encrypt,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/encryptionkey.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=encrypt,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,index=4,id=sdcard,file=/Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/sdcard.img.qcow2,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=sdcard,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -netdev user,id=mynet -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet -netdev user,id=mynet2,net= -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet2 -show-cursor -L emulator/lib/pc-bios -soundhw hda -vga none -append 'qemu=1 androidboot.hardware=ranchu clocksource=pit android.qemud=1 console=0 console=0 android.checkjni=1 qemu.gles=2 qemu.encrypt=1 cma=32M ndns=2' -android-hw /Users/mac/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_23.avd/hardware-qemu.ini
emulator: Starting QEMU main loop
Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x40000000
emulator: registered 'boot-properties' qemud service
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.fake_camera' = 'both'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'ro.opengles.version' = '131072'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'dalvik.vm.heapsize' = '256m'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.hw.mainkeys' = '0'
emulator: Adding boot property: '' = '1'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.lcd_density' = '420'
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
emulator: goldfish_events.have-dpad: false
emulator: goldfish_events.have-trackball: false
emulator: goldfish_events.have-camera: true
emulator: goldfish_events.have-keyboard: true
emulator: goldfish_events.have-lidswitch: false
emulator: goldfish_events.have-touch: false
emulator: goldfish_events.have-multitouch: true
emulator: control console listening on port 5554, ADB on port 5555
Not using any http proxy
emulator: android_hw_fingerprint_init: fingerprint qemud listen service initialized

emulator: onGuestSendCommand: [0x7f80950cdc00] Adb connected, start proxing data



emulator: _hwFingerprint_connect: connect finger print listen is called

  emulator: got message from guest system fingerprint HAL


Android 显示滞后屏幕,显示“正在启动 Android 进程”,然后 30 分钟后显示冻结屏幕,显示系统 UI 没有响应,后面有一个允许调试对话框。查看图片。当我单击时,用户界面没有响应,日志也没有输出我发布的内容之外的任何内容。


  1. 删除您当前拥有的所有 AVD。
  2. 转到首选项 >> Android SDK >> SDK 工具
  3. 卸载安卓模拟器
  4. 重新启动 Android Studio。
  5. 从同一位置重新安装 Android 模拟器。
  6. 创建一个新的模拟器! 希望这可以帮助。

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