

1 前言


2 示例1

        以下是使用python写的一个例子,其中比较核心的是把搜索空间减小到一个动态窗口的calc_dynamic_window(x, config)函数和筛选评价最高的calc_control_and_trajectory(x, dw, config, goal, ob)函数。

2.1 代码

import math
from enum import Enum

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

show_animation = True

""" Dynamic Window Approach control """
def dwa_control(x, config, goal, ob):

    dw = calc_dynamic_window(x, config)

    u, trajectory = calc_control_and_trajectory(x, dw, config, goal, ob)

    return u, trajectory

""" 机器人的类型 """
class RobotType(Enum):
    circle = 0
    rectangle = 1

""" 配置参数 """
class Config:

    def __init__(self):
        # robot parameter
        self.max_speed = 1.0  # [m/s]
        self.min_speed = -0.5  # [m/s]
        self.max_yaw_rate = 40.0 * math.pi / 180.0  # [rad/s]
        self.max_accel = 0.2  # [m/ss]
        self.max_delta_yaw_rate = 40.0 * math.pi / 180.0  # [rad/ss]
        self.v_resolution = 0.01  # [m/s]
        self.yaw_rate_resolution = 0.1 * math.pi / 180.0  # [rad/s]
        self.dt = 0.1  # [s] Time tick for motion prediction
        self.predict_time = 3.0  # [s]
        self.to_goal_cost_gain = 0.15
        self.speed_cost_gain = 1.0
        self.obstacle_cost_gain = 1.0
        self.robot_stuck_flag_cons = 0.001  # constant to prevent robot stucked
        self.robot_type = RobotType.circle

        # if robot_type == RobotType.circle
        # Also used to check if goal is reached in both types
        self.robot_radius = 1.0  # [m] for collision check

        # if robot_type == RobotType.rectangle
        self.robot_width = 0.5  # [m] for collision check
        self.robot_length = 1.2  # [m] for collision check
        # obstacles [x(m) y(m), ....]
        self.ob = np.array([[-1, -1],
                            [0, 2],
                            [4.0, 2.0],
                            [5.0, 4.0],
                            [5.0, 5.0],
                            [5.0, 6.0],
                            [5.0, 9.0],
                            [8.0, 9.0],
                            [7.0, 9.0],
                            [8.0, 10.0],
                            [9.0, 11.0],
                            [12.0, 13.0],
                            [12.0, 12.0],
                            [15.0, 15.0],
                            [13.0, 13.0]

    def robot_type(self):
        return self._robot_type

    def robot_type(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, RobotType):
            raise TypeError("robot_type must be an instance of RobotType")
        self._robot_type = value

config = Config()

""" 二轮差分底盘的运动学模型 """
def motion(x, u, dt):

    x[2] += u[1] * dt
    x[0] += u[0] * math.cos(x[2]) * dt
    x[1] += u[0] * math.sin(x[2]) * dt
    x[3] = u[0]
    x[4] = u[1]

    return x

""" 基于当前状态计算动态窗口 """
def calc_dynamic_window(x, config):

    # Dynamic window from robot specification
    Vs = [config.min_speed, config.max_speed,
          -config.max_yaw_rate, config.max_yaw_rate]

    # Dynamic window from motion model
    Vd = [x[3] - config.max_accel * config.dt,
          x[3] + config.max_accel * config.dt,
          x[4] - config.max_delta_yaw_rate * config.dt,
          x[4] + config.max_delta_yaw_rate * config.dt]

    #  [v_min, v_max, yaw_rate_min, yaw_rate_max]
    dw = [max(Vs[0], Vd[0]), min(Vs[1], Vd[1]),
          max(Vs[2], Vd[2]), min(Vs[3], Vd[3])]

    return dw

""" 根据输入预测运动轨迹 """
def predict_trajectory(x_init, v, y, config):

    x = np.array(x_init)
    trajectory = np.array(x)
    time = 0
    while time <= config.predict_time:
        x = motion(x, [v, y], config.dt)
        trajectory = np.vstack((trajectory, x))
        time += config.dt

    return trajectory

""" 对动态窗口内的轨迹进行评价进而获取最优的控制速度 """
def calc_control_and_trajectory(x, dw, config, goal, ob):

    x_init = x[:]
    min_cost = float("inf")
    best_u = [0.0, 0.0]
    best_trajectory = np.array([x])

    # evaluate all trajectory with sampled input in dynamic window
    for v in np.arange(dw[0], dw[1], config.v_resolution):
        for y in np.arange(dw[2], dw[3], config.yaw_rate_resolution):

            trajectory = predict_trajectory(x_init, v, y, config)
            # 代价计算
            to_goal_cost = config.to_goal_cost_gain * calc_to_goal_cost(trajectory, goal)
            speed_cost = config.speed_cost_gain * (config.max_speed - trajectory[-1, 3])
            ob_cost = config.obstacle_cost_gain * calc_obstacle_cost(trajectory, ob, config)

            final_cost = to_goal_cost + speed_cost + ob_cost

            # search minimum trajectory
            if min_cost >= final_cost:
                min_cost = final_cost
                best_u = [v, y]
                best_trajectory = trajectory
                if abs(best_u[0]) < config.robot_stuck_flag_cons \
                        and abs(x[3]) < config.robot_stuck_flag_cons:
                    # to ensure the robot do not get stuck in
                    # best v=0 m/s (in front of an obstacle) and
                    # best omega=0 rad/s (heading to the goal with
                    # angle difference of 0)
                    best_u[1] = -config.max_delta_yaw_rate
    return best_u, best_trajectory

""" 与障碍物的间隙代价 """
def calc_obstacle_cost(trajectory, ob, config):
    calc obstacle cost inf: collision
    ox = ob[:, 0]
    oy = ob[:, 1]
    dx = trajectory[:, 0] - ox[:, None]
    dy = trajectory[:, 1] - oy[:, None]
    r = np.hypot(dx, dy)
    """ 碰撞检测 """
    if config.robot_type == RobotType.rectangle:
        yaw = trajectory[:, 2]
        rot = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw)], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) #旋转矩阵
        rot = np.transpose(rot, [2, 0, 1])
        local_ob = ob[:, None] - trajectory[:, 0:2]
        local_ob = local_ob.reshape(-1, local_ob.shape[-1])
        local_ob = np.array([local_ob @ x for x in rot]) #矩阵乘法
        local_ob = local_ob.reshape(-1, local_ob.shape[-1])
        upper_check = local_ob[:, 0] <= config.robot_length / 2
        right_check = local_ob[:, 1] <= config.robot_width / 2
        bottom_check = local_ob[:, 0] >= -config.robot_length / 2
        left_check = local_ob[:, 1] >= -config.robot_width / 2
        if (np.logical_and(np.logical_and(upper_check, right_check),
                           np.logical_and(bottom_check, left_check))).any():
            return float("Inf")
    elif config.robot_type == RobotType.circle:
        if np.array(r <= config.robot_radius).any():
            return float("Inf")

    min_r = np.min(r)
    return 1.0 / min_r  # OK

""" heading target的代价 """
def calc_to_goal_cost(trajectory, goal):
        calc to goal cost with angle difference

    dx = goal[0] - trajectory[-1, 0]
    dy = goal[1] - trajectory[-1, 1]
    error_angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
    cost_angle = error_angle - trajectory[-1, 2]
    cost = abs(math.atan2(math.sin(cost_angle), math.cos(cost_angle)))

    return cost

""" 绘制箭头 """
def plot_arrow(x, y, yaw, length=0.5, width=0.1):  # pragma: no cover
    plt.arrow(x, y, length * math.cos(yaw), length * math.sin(yaw),
              head_length=width, head_width=width)
    plt.plot(x, y)

""" 绘制机器人 """
def plot_robot(x, y, yaw, config):  # pragma: no cover
    if config.robot_type == RobotType.rectangle:
        outline = np.array([[-config.robot_length / 2, config.robot_length / 2,
                             (config.robot_length / 2), -config.robot_length / 2,
                             -config.robot_length / 2],
                            [config.robot_width / 2, config.robot_width / 2,
                             - config.robot_width / 2, -config.robot_width / 2,
                             config.robot_width / 2]])
        Rot1 = np.array([[math.cos(yaw), math.sin(yaw)],
                         [-math.sin(yaw), math.cos(yaw)]])
        outline = (outline.T.dot(Rot1)).T
        outline[0, :] += x
        outline[1, :] += y
        plt.plot(np.array(outline[0, :]).flatten(),
                 np.array(outline[1, :]).flatten(), "-k")
    elif config.robot_type == RobotType.circle:
        circle = plt.Circle((x, y), config.robot_radius, color="b")
        out_x, out_y = (np.array([x, y]) +
                        np.array([np.cos(yaw), np.sin(yaw)]) * config.robot_radius)
        plt.plot([x, out_x], [y, out_y], "-k")

def main(gx=10.0, gy=10.0, robot_type=RobotType.circle):
    print(__file__ + " start!!")
    # initial state [x(m), y(m), yaw(rad), v(m/s), omega(rad/s)]
    x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, math.pi / 8.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    # goal position [x(m), y(m)]
    goal = np.array([gx, gy])

    # input [forward speed, yaw_rate]

    config.robot_type = robot_type
    trajectory = np.array(x)
    ob = config.ob
    while True:
        u, predicted_trajectory = dwa_control(x, config, goal, ob)
        x = motion(x, u, config.dt)  # simulate robot
        trajectory = np.vstack((trajectory, x))  # store state history

        if show_animation:
            # for stopping simulation with the esc key.
                lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
            plt.plot(predicted_trajectory[:, 0], predicted_trajectory[:, 1], "-g")
            plt.plot(x[0], x[1], "xr")
            plt.plot(goal[0], goal[1], "xb")
            plt.plot(ob[:, 0], ob[:, 1], "ok")
            plot_robot(x[0], x[1], x[2], config)
            plot_arrow(x[0], x[1], x[2])

        # check reaching goal
        dist_to_goal = math.hypot(x[0] - goal[0], x[1] - goal[1])
        if dist_to_goal <= config.robot_radius:

    if show_animation:
        plt.plot(trajectory[:, 0], trajectory[:, 1], "-r")


if __name__ == '__main__':
    # main(robot_type=RobotType.circle)

2.2 测试结果


3 示例2


3.1 准备

sudo apt install ros-melodic-turtlebot3* 
sudo apt install ros-melodic-gmapping
sudo apt install ros-melodic-navigation

3.2 建图

3.2.1 启动ROS


 3.2.2 启动仿真环境

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

 3.2.3 启动键盘控制

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch

 3.2.4 启动SLAM算法

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam.launch slam_methods:=gmapping

 3.2.5 建图和保存

rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map

3.3 定位和导航

3.3.1 启动仿真环境

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

3.3.2 启动导航程序

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/map.yaml

3.2.3 launch文件分析


3.2.4 测试结果



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    一 简述IAR的View视图菜单 View这个菜单的意思就是打开 xff08 已关闭的 xff09 视图窗口 xff0c 比如我们的工作空间窗口不见了 xff0c 就可以通过该菜单打开 不瞒大家 xff0c 以前我初学软件的时候 xff0c
  • DWA论文翻译

    摘要 本文介绍了一种能够令机器人进行自主避障的动态窗口法 xff08 dynamic window approach xff0c DWA xff09 该方法是从机器人的运动动力学直接推导出的 xff0c 因此特别适合在高速运动的机器人 与以
  • DWA仿真测试

    1 前言 由于之前已经对相关论文进行了翻译 xff0c 因此这里就不再对DWA的原理进行赘述 本文主要目的是根据相关的程序进一步强化对论文中所体现思想的理解 2 示例1 以下是使用python写的一个例子 xff0c 其中比较核心的是把搜索