


using namespace std;
class Base{
        void add(int x,int y) {
            cout<<x<<" + "<<y<<" = "<<x+y<<endl;
class A:public Base{
        void subt(int x,int y){
            cout<<x<<" - "<<y<<" = "<<x-y<<endl;
class B:public Base{
        void mult(int x,int y){
            cout<<x<<" * "<<y<<" = "<<x*y<<endl;
class C:public Base{
        void divi(int x,int y){
            cout<<x<<" / "<<y<<" = "<<x/y<<endl;
int main(){
    A my_a;
    B my_b;
    C my_c;
    cout<<"Test A  "<<endl; 
    cout<<"Test B  "<<endl;
    cout<<"Test C  "<<endl;
    return 0;



using namespace std;
class Vehicle{
        Vehicle(int m,int w):maxspeed(m),weight(w){
            cout<<"Constructing Vehicle!"<<endl;
        void run(){
        void stop(){
        int getM()const{
            return maxspeed;
        int getW()const{
            return weight;
            cout<<"Destructing Vehicle..."<<endl;
        int maxspeed;
        int weight;
class Bicycle:public virtual Vehicle{
        Bicycle(double h,int m,int w):height(h),Vehicle(m,w){
            cout<<"Constructing Bicycle!"<<endl;
        double getH()const{
            return height;
            cout<<"Destructing Bicycle..."<<endl;
        double height;
class Motorcar:public virtual Vehicle{
        Motorcar(int s,int m,int w):seatnum(s),Vehicle(m,w){
            cout<<"Constructing Motorcar!"<<endl;
        int getS()const{
            return seatnum;
            cout<<"Destructing Motorcar..."<<endl;
        int seatnum;
class Motorcycle:public Bicycle,public Motorcar{
        Motorcycle(int m,int w,int s,double h):Vehicle(m,w),Bicycle(h,m,w),Motorcar(s,m,w){ 
            cout<<"Constructing Motorcycle!"<<endl;
        void display()const{
            cout<<"maxspeed : "<<getM()<<endl;
            cout<<"weight : "<<getW()<<endl;
            cout<<"height : "<<getH()<<endl;
            cout<<"seatnum : "<<getS()<<endl;
            cout<<"Destructing Motorcycle..."<<endl;
int main(){
    Motorcycle my_motor(60,4,3,1.45);
    return 0;




  • Fraction.h
#ifndef FRACTION_H_
#define FRACTION_H_
using namespace std;
class Fraction
    int top, bottom;
    string show;
    Fraction(int t=0, int b = 1);
    friend Fraction operator +(Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2);//重载“+”运算符,用于计算两个分数相加
    friend Fraction operator +( int num, Fraction &f);//重载“+”运算符,用于一个整数与分数相加
    friend Fraction operator -(Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2);//重载“-”运算符,用于计算两个分数相减
    friend Fraction operator -( int num, Fraction &f);//重载“-”,用于一个整数减去一个分数
    friend Fraction operator *(Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2);//重载“*”
    friend Fraction operator *( int num, Fraction &f);//重载“*”,整数乘分数
    friend Fraction operator /(Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2);//重载“/”
    friend Fraction operator /(int num, Fraction &f);//重载“/”,整数除分数
    bool operator <( Fraction &f);//重载“<”
    friend bool operator <( int num, Fraction  &f);//重载“<”,整数与分数比较
    bool operator >( Fraction &f);//重载“>”
    friend bool operator >( int num, Fraction &f);//重载“>”,整数与分数比较
    void setdata();//重新设置
    void display();//显示分数
    int getTop()const;
    int getBottom()const;
    string getshow();
    friend void convertF(Fraction& f);
  • Fraction.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Fraction.h"
using namespace std;
int Common_divisor(int top, int bottom)//用于求公约数
    int common_divisor;
    while (1)
        if (top%bottom == 0)
            return bottom;
        else {
            common_divisor= bottom;
            bottom = top % common_divisor;
            top = common_divisor;
    return common_divisor;
bool limited(int bottom) {   //用来判断一个分数是否可以化为有限小数输出
    if (bottom == 1)
        return true;
    else if(bottom % 2 == 0)
        return limited(bottom / 2);
    else if (bottom % 5 == 0)
        return limited(bottom / 5);
    else {
        return false;
Fraction::Fraction(int t,int b):top(t),bottom(b),show(""){ 
    if (top < 0 && bottom < 0)//分子分母都小于零,去符号
        top = -top;
        bottom = -bottom;
    if (bottom < 0 && top>0)//分母小于零,分子大于零,交换符号
        top = -top;
        bottom = -bottom;
    int temp_t, temp_b;
    if (top < 0)//避免负数进行%运算时的干扰
        temp_t = -top;
        temp_b = bottom;
    else {
        temp_t = top;
        temp_b = bottom;
    bottom = bottom / Common_divisor(temp_t,temp_b);
    top = top / Common_divisor(temp_t,temp_b);
Fraction operator+ (Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2) {
    int temp_b,temp_t,temp_t_b,temp_t_t;//temp_b,temp_t用来储存通分后的分子分母,temp_t_b,temp_t_t用于计算公约数
    if (f1.bottom != f2.bottom)//分母不同时,通分
        temp_b= f1.bottom * f2.bottom;
        temp_t=f1.top * f2.bottom+f2.top*f1.bottom;
        if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
            temp_t_t = -temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        else {
            temp_t_t = temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        return Fraction(temp_b/ Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b),temp_t/ Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b));//通分后除于公约数
    else {//分母相同,分子直接相加
        temp_b = f1.bottom;
        temp_t = f1.top+f2.top;
        if (temp_t < 0)
            temp_t_t = -temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        else {
            temp_t_t = temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        return Fraction(temp_b/ Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b),temp_t/ Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b));
Fraction operator +(int num, Fraction &f) {
    int temp_b, temp_t, temp_t_t; //temp_t用来储存通分后的分子,temp_b, temp_t_t用于计算公约数
    temp_b = f.bottom;
    temp_t = num * f.bottom + f.top;
    if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
        temp_t_t = -temp_t;
    else {
        temp_t_t = temp_t;
    return Fraction(temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b), temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b));
Fraction operator -(Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2) {
    int temp_b, temp_t, temp_t_b, temp_t_t; //temp_b, temp_t用来储存通分后的分子分母,temp_t_b, temp_t_t用于计算公约数
    if (f1.bottom != f2.bottom)
        temp_b = f1.bottom * f2.bottom;
        temp_t = f1.top * f2.bottom - f2.top*f1.bottom;
        if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
            temp_t_t = -temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        else {
            temp_t_t = temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        return Fraction(temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b),temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b));
    else {
        temp_b = f1.bottom;
        temp_t = f1.top - f2.top;
        if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
            temp_t_t = -temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        else {
            temp_t_t = temp_t;
            temp_t_b = temp_b;
        return Fraction(temp_b/ Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b),temp_t/ Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b));
Fraction operator -(int num, Fraction &f)
    int temp_b, temp_t, temp_t_t; //temp_t用来储存通分后的分子,temp_b, temp_t_t用于计算公约数
    temp_b = f.bottom;
    temp_t = num * f.bottom - f.top;
    if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
        temp_t_t = -temp_t;
    else {
        temp_t_t = temp_t;
    return Fraction(temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b), temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b));
Fraction operator *(Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2) {
    int temp_b, temp_t, temp_t_b, temp_t_t;//temp_b,temp_t用来互乘后分子分母,temp_t_b,temp_t_t用于计算公约数
    temp_b = f1.bottom * f2.bottom;
    temp_t = f1.top * f2.top;
    if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
        temp_t_t = -temp_t;
        temp_t_b = temp_b;
    else {
        temp_t_t = temp_t;
        temp_t_b = temp_b;
    return Fraction(temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b),temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b));
Fraction operator *(int num, Fraction &f) {
    int temp_b, temp_t, temp_t_t; //temp_t用来储存通分后的分子,temp_b, temp_t_t用于计算公约数
    temp_b = f.bottom;
    temp_t = num *f.top;
    if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
        temp_t_t = -temp_t;
    else {
        temp_t_t = temp_t;
    return Fraction(temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b), temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b));
Fraction operator / (Fraction &f1,Fraction &f2) {
    int temp_b, temp_t, temp_t_b, temp_t_t;//temp_b,temp_sum用来储存乘倒数后的分子分母,temp_t_b,temp_t_sum用于计算公约数
    temp_t = f1.top * f2.bottom;
    temp_b = f1.bottom * f2.top;
    if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
        temp_t_t = -temp_t;
        temp_t_b = temp_b;
    else {
        temp_t_t = temp_t;
        temp_t_b = temp_b;
    return Fraction(temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b),temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b));
Fraction operator / (int num, Fraction &f){
    int temp_b, temp_t, temp_t_t; //temp_t用来储存通分后的分子,temp_b, temp_t_t用于计算公约数
    temp_b = f.top;
    temp_t = num * f.bottom;
    if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
        temp_t_t = -temp_t;
    else {
        temp_t_t = temp_t;
    return Fraction(temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b), temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t, temp_b));
bool Fraction::operator > (Fraction &f){
    if (bottom == f.bottom)
        if (top > f.top)
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
        int temp_t, temp_ft;
        temp_t = top * f.bottom;
        temp_ft = f.top*bottom;
        if (temp_t > temp_ft)
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
bool operator >(int num,Fraction &f){
    if (num*f.bottom > f.top)
        return true;
    else {
        return false;
bool Fraction::operator < (Fraction &f) {
    if (bottom == f.bottom)
        if (top <f.top)
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
        int temp_t, temp_ft;
        temp_t = top * f.bottom;
        temp_ft = f.top*bottom;
        if (temp_t < temp_ft)
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
bool operator <(int num,Fraction &f){
    if (num*f.bottom < f.top)
        return true;
    else {
        return false;
void Fraction::setdata()
    cout << "please enter top:";
    cin >> top;
    cout << "please enter bottom:";
    cin >> bottom;
    if (top < 0 && bottom < 0)
        top = -top;
        bottom = -bottom;
    if (bottom < 0 && top>0)
        top = -top;
        bottom = -bottom;
    int temp_t, temp_b,temp_t_t,temp_t_b;
    temp_t = top;
    temp_b = bottom;
    if (temp_t < 0)//防止负数干扰求公约运算
        temp_t_t = -temp_t;
        temp_t_b = temp_b;
    else {
        temp_t_t = temp_t;
        temp_t_b = temp_b;
    bottom = temp_b / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b);
    top = temp_t / Common_divisor(temp_t_t,temp_t_b);
void Fraction::display() {
    if (limited(bottom))
        double Frac_double;
        Frac_double = double(top) / double(bottom);
        cout << Frac_double << endl;
        cout << top << "/" << bottom << endl;
int Fraction::getTop()const {
    return top;
int Fraction::getBottom()const {
    return bottom;
string Fraction::getshow() {
    return show;
void convertF(Fraction& f) {
    int t, b, n = 0;
    b = f.bottom;
    if (fabs(f.top) > b)
        n = fabs(f.top) / b;
        t = fabs(f.top) - n * b;
    else {
        t = fabs(f.top);
    if (f.top < 0) {
        f.show.push_back(static_cast<char>(n + 48));
        f.show.push_back(' ');
        f.show.push_back(static_cast<char>(t + 48));
        f.show.push_back(static_cast<char>(b + 48));
    else {
        f.show.push_back(static_cast<char>(n + 48));
        f.show.push_back(' ');
        f.show.push_back(static_cast<char>(t + 48));
        f.show.push_back(static_cast<char>(b + 48));
  • iFraction.h
using namespace std;
#ifndef IFRACTION_H_
#define IFRACTION_H_
class iFraction :public Fraction {
    string newshow;
        iFraction(int t = 0, int b = 1);
        void showstr();
  • iFraction.cpp
using namespace std;
iFraction::iFraction(int t,int b):Fraction(t,b){
    newshow = getshow();
void iFraction::showstr() {
    cout << newshow<< endl;
  • main.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
    iFraction  newf1(-5, 3),newf2(15,2),newf3(63,-8);
    return 0;




  • container.h
//      container.h
// The so-called inventory of a player in RPG games
// contains two items, heal and magic water
#ifndef _CONTAINER// Conditional compilation
#define _CONTAINER
class container     // Inventory
    int numOfHeal;          // number of heal
    int numOfMW;            // number of magic water
    container();            // constuctor
    void set(int heal_n, int mw_n); // set the items numbers
    int nOfHeal();          // get the number of heal
    int nOfMW();            // get the number of magic water
    void display();         // display the items;
    bool useHeal();         // use heal
    bool useMW();           // use magic water
  • container.cpp
//      container.cpp
using namespace std;
// default constructor initialise the inventory as empty
    set(0, 0);
// set the item numbers
void container::set(int heal_n, int mw_n)
    numOfHeal = heal_n;
    numOfMW = mw_n;
// get the number of heal
int container::nOfHeal()
    return numOfHeal;
// get the number of magic water
int container::nOfMW()
    return numOfMW;
// display the items;
void container::display()
    cout << "Your bag contains: " << endl;
    cout << "Heal(HP+100): " << numOfHeal << endl;
    cout << "Magic Water (MP+80): " << numOfMW << endl;
//use heal
bool container::useHeal()
        return 1;       // use heal successfully
//use magic water
bool container::useMW()
    return 1;       // use magic water successfully
  • player.h
//      player.h
// The base class of player
// including the general properties and methods related to a character
#ifndef _PLAYER
#define _PLAYER
#include <iomanip>      // use for setting field width
#include <time.h>   // use for generating random factor
#include "container.h"
using namespace std;
enum job { sw, ar, mg };    /* define 3 jobs by enumerate type
                                sword man, archer, mage */
class player
    friend void showinfo(player &p1, player &p2);
    friend class swordsman;
    friend class archer;
    friend class mage;
    int HP, HPmax, MP, MPmax, AP, DP, speed, EXP, LV;
    // General properties of all characters
    string name;    // character name
    job role;       /* character's job, one of swordman, archer and mage,
                    as defined by the enumerate type */
    container bag;  // character's inventory
    virtual bool attack(player &p) = 0; // normal attack
    virtual bool specialatt(player &p) = 0; //special attack
    virtual void isLevelUp() = 0;           // level up judgement
                                            /* Attention!
                                            These three methods are called "Pure virtual functions".
                                            They have only declaration, but no definition.
                                            The class with pure virtual functions are called "Abstract class", which can only be used to inherited, but not to constructor objects.
                                            The detailed definition of these pure virtual functions will be given in subclasses. */
    void reFill();      // character's HP and MP resume
    bool death();       // report whether character is dead
    void isDead();      // check whether character is dead
    bool useHeal();     // consume heal, irrelevant to job
    bool useMW();       // consume magic water, irrelevant to job
    void transfer(player &p);   // possess opponent's items after victory
    void showRole();    // display character's job
    bool playerdeath;           // whether character is dead, doesn't need to be accessed or inherited
  • player.cpp
//      player.cpp
using namespace std;
// character's HP and MP resume
void player::reFill()
    HP = HPmax;     // HP and MP fully recovered
    MP = MPmax;
// report whether character is dead
bool player::death()
    return playerdeath;
// check whether character is dead
void player::isDead()
    if (HP <= 0)        // HP less than 0, character is dead
        cout << name << " is Dead." << endl;
        playerdeath = 1;    // give the label of death value 1
// consume heal, irrelevant to job
bool player::useHeal()
    if (bag.nOfHeal()>0)
        HP = HP + 100;
        if (HP>HPmax)       // HP cannot be larger than maximum value
            HP = HPmax;     // so assign it to HPmax, if necessary
        cout << name << " used Heal, HP increased by 100." << endl;
        bag.useHeal();      // use heal
        return 1;   // usage of heal succeed
    else                // If no more heal in bag, cannot use
        cout << "Sorry, you don't have heal to use." << endl;
        return 0;   // usage of heal failed
// consume magic water, irrelevant to job
bool player::useMW()
    if (bag.nOfMW()>0)
        MP = MP + 100;
        if (MP>MPmax)
            MP = MPmax;
        cout << name << " used Magic Water, MP increased by 100." << endl;
        return 1;   // usage of magic water succeed
        cout << "Sorry, you don't have magic water to use." << endl;
        return 0;   // usage of magic water failed
// possess opponent's items after victory
void player::transfer(player &p)
    cout << name << " got" << p.bag.nOfHeal() << " Heal, and " << p.bag.nOfMW() << " Magic Water." << endl;
    bag.set(bag.nOfHeal() + p.bag.nOfHeal(), bag.nOfMW() + p.bag.nOfMW());
        // set the character's bag, get opponent's items
// display character's job
void player::showRole()
    switch (role)
    case sw:
        cout << "Swordsman";
    case ar:
        cout << "Archer";
    case mg:
        cout << "Mage";
// display character's job
void showinfo(player &p1,player &p2)
    cout << "##############################################################" << endl;
    cout << "# Player" << setw(10) << p1.name << "   LV. " << setw(3) << p1.LV
        << "  # Opponent" << setw(10) << p2.name << "   LV. " << setw(3) << p2.LV << " #" << endl;
    cout << "# HP " << setw(3) << (p1.HP <= 999 ? p1.HP : 999) << '/' << setw(3) << (p1.HPmax <= 999 ? p1.HPmax : 999)
        << " | MP " << setw(3) << (p1.MP <= 999 ? p1.MP : 999) << '/' << setw(3) << (p1.MPmax <= 999 ? p1.MPmax : 999)
        << "     # HP " << setw(3) << (p2.HP <= 999 ? p2.HP : 999) << '/' << setw(3) << (p2.HPmax <= 999 ? p2.HPmax : 999)
        << " | MP " << setw(3) << (p2.MP <= 999 ? p2.MP : 999) << '/' << setw(3) << (p2.MPmax <= 999 ? p2.MPmax : 999) << "      #" << endl;
    cout << "# AP " << setw(3) << (p1.AP <= 999 ? p1.AP : 999)
        << " | DP " << setw(3) << (p1.DP <= 999 ? p1.DP : 999)
        << " | speed " << setw(3) << (p1.speed <= 999 ? p1.speed : 999)
        << " # AP " << setw(3) << (p2.AP <= 999 ? p2.AP : 999)
        << " | DP " << setw(3) << (p2.DP <= 999 ? p2.DP : 999)
        << " | speed " << setw(3) << (p2.speed <= 999 ? p2.speed : 999) << "  #" << endl;
    cout << "# EXP" << setw(7) << p1.EXP << " Job: " << setw(7);
    cout << "   # EXP" << setw(7) << p2.EXP << " Job: " << setw(7);
    cout << "    #" << endl;
    cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "##############################################################" << endl;
  • swordsman.h
//      swordsman.h
// Derived from base class player
// For the job Swordsman
#include "player.h"
using namespace std;
class swordsman : public player // subclass swordsman publicly inherited from base player
    swordsman(int lv_in = 1, string name_in = "Not Given");
    // constructor with default level of 1 and name of "Not given"
    void isLevelUp();
    bool attack(player &p);
    bool specialatt(player &p);
    /* These three are derived from the pure virtual functions of base class
    The definition of them will be given in this subclass. */
    void AI(player &p);             // Computer opponent
  • swordsman.cpp
//      swordsman.cpp
using namespace std;
// constructor. default values don't need to be repeated here
swordsman::swordsman(int lv_in, string name_in)
    role = sw;  // enumerate type of job
    LV = lv_in;
    name = name_in;
    // Initialising the character's properties, based on his level
    HPmax = 150 + 8 * (LV - 1);     // HP increases 8 point2 per level
    HP = HPmax;
    MPmax = 75 + 2 * (LV - 1);      // MP increases 2 points per level
    MP = MPmax;
    AP = 25 + 4 * (LV - 1);         // AP increases 4 points per level
    DP = 25 + 4 * (LV - 1);         // DP increases 4 points per level
    speed = 25 + 2 * (LV - 1);      // speed increases 2 points per level
    playerdeath = 0;
    EXP = LV * LV * 75;
    bag.set(lv_in, lv_in);
void swordsman::isLevelUp()
    if (EXP >= LV * LV * 75)
        AP += 4;
        DP += 4;
        HPmax += 8;
        MPmax += 2;
        speed += 2;
        cout << name << " Level UP!" << endl;
        cout << "HP improved 8 points to " << HPmax << endl;
        cout << "MP improved 2 points to " << MPmax << endl;
        cout << "Speed improved 2 points to " << speed << endl;
        cout << "AP improved 4 points to " << AP << endl;
        cout << "DP improved 5 points to " << DP << endl;
        isLevelUp();    // recursively call this function, so the character can level up multiple times if got enough exp
bool swordsman::attack(player &p)
    double HPtemp = 0;      // opponent's HP decrement
    double EXPtemp = 0;     // player obtained exp
    double hit = 1;         // attach factor, probably give critical attack
    srand((unsigned)time(NULL));        // generating random seed based on system time
                                        // If speed greater than opponent, you have some possibility to do double attack
    if ((speed>p.speed) && (rand() % 100<(speed - p.speed)))        // rand()%100 means generates a number no greater than 100
        HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10));     // opponent's HP decrement calculated based their AP/DP, and uncertain chance
        cout << name << "'s quick strike hit " << p.name << ", " << p.name << "'s HP decreased " << HPtemp << endl;
        p.HP = int(p.HP - HPtemp);
        EXPtemp = (int)(HPtemp*1.2);
    // If speed smaller than opponent, the opponent has possibility to evade
    if ((speed<p.speed) && (rand() % 50<1))
        cout << name << "'s attack has been evaded by " << p.name << endl;
        return 1;
    // 10% chance give critical attack
    if (rand() % 100 <= 10)
        hit = 1.5;
        cout << "Critical attack: ";
    // Normal attack
    HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10));
    cout << name << " uses bash, " << p.name << "'s HP decreases " << HPtemp << endl;
    EXPtemp = (int)(EXPtemp + HPtemp * 1.2);
    p.HP = (int)(p.HP - HPtemp);
    cout << name << " obtained " << EXPtemp << " experience." << endl;
    EXP = (int)(EXP + EXPtemp);
    return 1;       // Attack success
bool swordsman::specialatt(player &p)
    if (MP<40)
        cout << "You don't have enough magic points!" << endl;
        return 0;       // Attack failed
        MP -= 40;           // consume 40 MP to do special attack

                            //10% chance opponent evades
        if (rand() % 100 <= 10)
            cout << name << "'s leap attack has been evaded by " << p.name << endl;
            return 1;

        double HPtemp = 0;
        double EXPtemp = 0;
        //double hit=1;         
        HPtemp = (int)(AP*1.2 + 20);        // not related to opponent's DP
        EXPtemp = (int)(HPtemp*1.5);        // special attack provides more experience
        cout << name << " uses leap attack, " << p.name << "'s HP decreases " << HPtemp << endl;
        cout << name << " obtained " << EXPtemp << " experience." << endl;
        p.HP = (int)(p.HP - HPtemp);
        EXP = (int)(EXP + EXPtemp);
    return 1;   // special attack succeed
// Computer opponent
void swordsman::AI(player &p)
    if ((HP<(int)((1.0*p.AP / DP)*p.AP*1.5)) && (HP + 100 <= 1.1*HPmax) && (bag.nOfHeal()>0) && (HP>(int)((1.0*p.AP / DP)*p.AP*0.5)))
        // AI's HP cannot sustain 3 rounds && not too lavish && still has heal && won't be killed in next round
        if (MP >= 40 && HP>0.5*HPmax && rand() % 100 <= 30)
            // AI has enough MP, it has 30% to make special attack
            p.isDead();     // check whether player is dead
            if (MP<40 && HP>0.5*HPmax && bag.nOfMW())
                // Not enough MP && HP is safe && still has magic water
                attack(p);  // normal attack
  • mage.h
#pragma once
#include "player.h"
class mage :
    public player
    mage(int lv_in = 1, string name_in = "Not Given");
    void isLevelUp();
    bool attack(player &p);
    bool specialatt(player &p);
    void AI(player &p);
  • mage.cpp
#include "mage.h"
mage::mage(int lv_in,string name_in)
    role = mg;  // enumerate type of job
    LV = lv_in;
    name = name_in;
    // Initialising the character's properties, based on his level
    HPmax = 100 + 5 * (LV - 1);     // HP increases 5 point2 per level
    HP = HPmax;
    MPmax = 130 + 5 * (LV - 1);     // MP increases 5 points per level
    MP = MPmax;
    AP = 45 + 8 * (LV - 1);         // AP increases 8 points per level
    DP = 10 + 2 * (LV - 1);         // DP increases 2 points per level
    speed = 15 + 1 * (LV - 1);      // speed increases 1 points per level
    playerdeath = 0;
    EXP = LV * LV * 75;
    bag.set(lv_in, lv_in);
void mage::isLevelUp() {
    if (EXP >= LV * LV * 75)
        AP += 8;
        DP += 2;
        HPmax += 5;
        MPmax += 5;
        speed += 1;
        cout << name << " Level UP!" << endl;
        cout << "HP improved 5 points to " << HPmax << endl;
        cout << "MP improved 5 points to " << MPmax << endl;
        cout << "Speed improved 1 points to " << speed << endl;
        cout << "AP improved 8 points to " << AP << endl;
        cout << "DP improved 2 points to " << DP << endl;
        isLevelUp();    // recursively call this function, so the character can level up multiple times if got enough exp
bool mage::attack(player &p) {
    double HPtemp = 0;      // opponent's HP decrement
    double EXPtemp = 0;     // player obtained exp
    double hit = 1;         // attach factor, probably give critical attack
    srand((unsigned)time(NULL));        // generating random seed based on system time

                                        // If speed greater than opponent, you have some possibility to do double attack
    if ((speed>p.speed) && (rand() % 100<(speed - p.speed)))        // rand()%100 means generates a number no greater than 100
        HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10));     // opponent's HP decrement calculated based their AP/DP, and uncertain chance
        cout << name << "'s quick strike hit " << p.name << ", " << p.name << "'s HP decreased " << HPtemp << endl;
        p.HP = int(p.HP - HPtemp);
        EXPtemp = (int)(HPtemp*1.2);
    // If speed smaller than opponent, the opponent has possibility to evade
    if ((speed < p.speed) && (rand() % 50 < 1))
        cout << name << "'s attack has been evaded by " << p.name << endl;
        return 1;
    // 10% chance give critical attack
    if (rand() % 100 <= 10)
        hit = 1.5;
        cout << "Critical attack: ";
    // Normal attack
    HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10));
    cout << name << " uses bash, " << p.name << "'s HP decreases " << HPtemp << endl;
    EXPtemp = (int)(EXPtemp + HPtemp * 1.2);
    p.HP = (int)(p.HP - HPtemp);
    cout << name << " obtained " << EXPtemp << " experience." << endl;
    EXP = (int)(EXP + EXPtemp);
    return 1;       // Attack success
bool mage::specialatt(player &p) {
    if (MP<40)
        cout << "You don't have enough magic points!" << endl;
        return 0;       // Attack failed
        MP -= 40;           // consume 40 MP to do special attack

                            //10% chance opponent evades
        if (rand() % 100 <= 10)
            cout << name << "'s leap attack has been evaded by " << p.name << endl;
            return 1;
        double HPtemp = 0;
        double EXPtemp = 0;
        //double hit=1;         
        HPtemp = (int)(AP*1.2 + 20);        // not related to opponent's DP
        EXPtemp = (int)(HPtemp*1.5);        // special attack provides more experience
        cout << name << " uses leap attack, " << p.name << "'s HP decreases " << HPtemp << endl;
        cout << name << " obtained " << EXPtemp << " experience." << endl;
        p.HP = (int)(p.HP - HPtemp);
        EXP = (int)(EXP + EXPtemp);
    return 1;   // special attack succeed
void mage::AI(player &p) {
    if ((HP<(int)((1.0*p.AP / DP)*p.AP*1.5)) && (HP + 100 <= 1.1*HPmax) && (bag.nOfHeal()>0) && (HP>(int)((1.0*p.AP / DP)*p.AP*0.5)))
        // AI's HP cannot sustain 3 rounds && not too lavish && still has heal && won't be killed in next round
        if (MP >= 40 && HP>0.5*HPmax && rand() % 100 <= 30)
            // AI has enough MP, it has 30% to make special attack
            p.isDead();     // check whether player is dead
            if (MP<40 && HP>0.5*HPmax && bag.nOfMW())
                // Not enough MP && HP is safe && still has magic water
                attack(p);  // normal attack
  • archer.h
#pragma once
using namespace std;
class archer:public player
    archer(int lv_in = 1, string name_in = "Not Given");
    void isLevelUp();
    bool attack(player &p);
    bool specialatt(player &p);
    void AI(player &p);
  • archer.cpp
#include "archer.h"
using namespace std;
archer::archer(int lv_in,string name_in)
    role = ar;  // enumerate type of job
    LV = lv_in;
    name = name_in;
    // Initialising the character's properties, based on his level
    HPmax = 130 + 6 * (LV - 1);     // HP increases 6 point2 per level
    HP = HPmax;
    MPmax = 80 + 4 * (LV - 1);      // MP increases 4 points per level
    MP = MPmax;
    AP = 35 + 6 * (LV - 1);         // AP increases 6 points per level
    DP = 20 + 2 * (LV - 1);         // DP increases 2 points per level
    speed = 40 + 5 * (LV - 1);      // speed increases 5 points per level
    playerdeath = 0;
    EXP = LV * LV * 75;
    bag.set(lv_in, lv_in);
void archer::isLevelUp() {
    if (EXP >= LV * LV * 75)
        AP += 6;
        DP += 2;
        HPmax += 6;
        MPmax += 4;
        speed += 5;
        cout << name << " Level UP!" << endl;
        cout << "HP improved 6 points to " << HPmax << endl;
        cout << "MP improved 4 points to " << MPmax << endl;
        cout << "Speed improved 5 points to " << speed << endl;
        cout << "AP improved 6 points to " << AP << endl;
        cout << "DP improved 2 points to " << DP << endl;
        isLevelUp();    // recursively call this function, so the character can level up multiple times if got enough exp
bool archer::attack(player &p) {
    double HPtemp = 0;      // opponent's HP decrement
    double EXPtemp = 0;     // player obtained exp
    double hit = 1;         // attach factor, probably give critical attack
    srand((unsigned)time(NULL));        // generating random seed based on system time
                                        // If speed greater than opponent, you have some possibility to do double attack
    if ((speed>p.speed) && (rand() % 100<(speed - p.speed)))        // rand()%100 means generates a number no greater than 100
        HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10));     // opponent's HP decrement calculated based their AP/DP, and uncertain chance
        cout << name << "'s quick strike hit " << p.name << ", " << p.name << "'s HP decreased " << HPtemp << endl;
        p.HP = int(p.HP - HPtemp);
        EXPtemp = (int)(HPtemp*1.2);
    // If speed smaller than opponent, the opponent has possibility to evade
    if ((speed<p.speed) && (rand() % 50<1))
        cout << name << "'s attack has been evaded by " << p.name << endl;
        return 1;
    // 10% chance give critical attack
    if (rand() % 100 <= 10)
        hit = 1.5;
        cout << "Critical attack: ";
    // Normal attack
    HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10));
    cout << name << " uses bash, " << p.name << "'s HP decreases " << HPtemp << endl;
    EXPtemp = (int)(EXPtemp + HPtemp * 1.2);
    p.HP = (int)(p.HP - HPtemp);
    cout << name << " obtained " << EXPtemp << " experience." << endl;
    EXP = (int)(EXP + EXPtemp);
    return 1;       // Attack success
bool archer::specialatt(player &p) {
    if (MP<40)
        cout << "You don't have enough magic points!" << endl;
        return 0;       // Attack failed
        MP -= 40;           // consume 40 MP to do special attack

                            //10% chance opponent evades
        if (rand() % 100 <= 10)
            cout << name << "'s leap attack has been evaded by " << p.name << endl;
            return 1;
        double HPtemp = 0;
        double EXPtemp = 0;
        //double hit=1;         
        HPtemp = (int)(AP*1.2 + 20);        // not related to opponent's DP
        EXPtemp = (int)(HPtemp*1.5);        // special attack provides more experience
        cout << name << " uses leap attack, " << p.name << "'s HP decreases " << HPtemp << endl;
        cout << name << " obtained " << EXPtemp << " experience." << endl;
        p.HP = (int)(p.HP - HPtemp);
        EXP = (int)(EXP + EXPtemp);
    return 1;   // special attack succeed
void archer::AI(player &p) {
    if ((HP<(int)((1.0*p.AP / DP)*p.AP*1.5)) && (HP + 100 <= 1.1*HPmax) && (bag.nOfHeal()>0) && (HP>(int)((1.0*p.AP / DP)*p.AP*0.5)))
        // AI's HP cannot sustain 3 rounds && not too lavish && still has heal && won't be killed in next round
        if (MP >= 40 && HP>0.5*HPmax && rand() % 100 <= 30)
            // AI has enough MP, it has 30% to make special attack
            p.isDead();     // check whether player is dead
            if (MP<40 && HP>0.5*HPmax && bag.nOfMW())
                // Not enough MP && HP is safe && still has magic water
                attack(p);  // normal attack
  • main.cpp
//      main.cpp
// main function for the RPG style game
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "swordsman.h"
int main()
    string tempName;
    bool success = 0;       //flag for storing whether operation is successful
    cout << "Please input player's name: ";
    cin >> tempName;        // get player's name from keyboard input
    player *human=NULL;     // use pointer of base class, convenience for polymorphism
    int tempJob;        // temp choice for job selection
        cout << "Please choose a job: 1 Swordsman, 2 Archer, 3 Mage" << endl;
        cin >> tempJob;
        system("cls");      // clear the screen
        switch (tempJob)
        case 1:
            human = new swordsman(1, tempName); // create the character with user inputted name and job
            success = 1;        // operation succeed
        case 2:
            human = new archer(1, tempName);
            success = 1;
        case 3:
            human = new mage(1, tempName);
            success = 1;
            break;              // In this case, success=0, character creation failed
    } while (success != 1);     // so the loop will ask user to re-create a character
    int tempCom;            // temp command inputted by user
    int nOpp = 0;               // the Nth opponent
    for (int i = 1; nOpp<5; i += 2) // i is opponent's level
        if (rand() % 100 <= 33) {
            swordsman enemy(i, "ai_swordsman");
            cout << "STAGE" << nOpp << endl;
            cout << "Your opponent, a Level " << i << " Swordsman." << endl;
            //Initialise an opponent, level i, name "Junior"
            human->reFill();                // get HP/MP refill before start fight
            while (!human->death() && !enemy.death())   // no died
                success = 0;
                while (success != 1)
                    showinfo(*human, enemy);                // show fighter's information
                    cout << "Please give command: " << endl;
                    cout << "1 Attack; 2 Special Attack; 3 Use Heal; 4 Use Magic Water; 0 Exit Game" << endl;
                    cin >> tempCom;
                    switch (tempCom)
                    case 0:
                        cout << "Are you sure to exit? Y/N" << endl;
                        char temp;
                        cin >> temp;
                        if (temp == 'Y' || temp == 'y')
                            return 0;
                    case 1:
                        success = human->attack(enemy);
                    case 2:
                        success = human->specialatt(enemy);
                    case 3:
                        success = human->useHeal();
                    case 4:
                        success = human->useMW();
                if (!enemy.death())     // If AI still alive
                else                            // AI died
                    cout << "YOU WIN" << endl;
                    human->transfer(enemy);     // player got all AI's items
                if (human->death())
                    cout << endl << setw(50) << "GAME OVER" << endl;
                    delete human;       // player is dead, program is getting to its end, what should we do here?
                    return 0;
        else if ((rand() % 100 <= 66)&&(rand()%100>33)) {
            archer enemy(i, "ai_archer");
            cout << "STAGE" << nOpp << endl;
            cout << "Your opponent, a Level " << i << " Archer." << endl;
            //Initialise an opponent, level i, name "Junior"
            human->reFill();                // get HP/MP refill before start fight
            while (!human->death() && !enemy.death())   // no died
                success = 0;
                while (success != 1)
                    showinfo(*human, enemy);                // show fighter's information
                    cout << "Please give command: " << endl;
                    cout << "1 Attack; 2 Special Attack; 3 Use Heal; 4 Use Magic Water; 0 Exit Game" << endl;
                    cin >> tempCom;
                    switch (tempCom)
                    case 0:
                        cout << "Are you sure to exit? Y/N" << endl;
                        char temp;
                        cin >> temp;
                        if (temp == 'Y' || temp == 'y')
                            return 0;
                    case 1:
                        success = human->attack(enemy);
                    case 2:
                        success = human->specialatt(enemy);
                    case 3:
                        success = human->useHeal();
                    case 4:
                        success = human->useMW();
                if (!enemy.death())     // If AI still alive
                else                            // AI died
                    cout << "YOU WIN" << endl;
                    human->transfer(enemy);     // player got all AI's items
                if (human->death())
                    cout << endl << setw(50) << "GAME OVER" << endl;
                    delete human;       // player is dead, program is getting to its end, what should we do here?
                    return 0;
            mage enemy(i, "ai_mage");
            cout << "STAGE" << nOpp << endl;
            cout << "Your opponent, a Level " << i << " Mage." << endl;
            //Initialise an opponent, level i, name "Junior"
            human->reFill();                // get HP/MP refill before start fight
            while (!human->death() && !enemy.death())   // no died
                success = 0;
                while (success != 1)
                    showinfo(*human, enemy);                // show fighter's information
                    cout << "Please give command: " << endl;
                    cout << "1 Attack; 2 Special Attack; 3 Use Heal; 4 Use Magic Water; 0 Exit Game" << endl;
                    cin >> tempCom;
                    switch (tempCom)
                    case 0:
                        cout << "Are you sure to exit? Y/N" << endl;
                        char temp;
                        cin >> temp;
                        if (temp == 'Y' || temp == 'y')
                            return 0;
                    case 1:
                        success = human->attack(enemy);
                    case 2:
                        success = human->specialatt(enemy);
                    case 3:
                        success = human->useHeal();
                    case 4:
                        success = human->useMW();
                if (!enemy.death())     // If AI still alive
                else                            // AI died
                    cout << "YOU WIN" << endl;
                    human->transfer(enemy);     // player got all AI's items
                if (human->death())
                    cout << endl << setw(50) << "GAME OVER" << endl;
                    delete human;       // player is dead, program is getting to its end, what should we do here?
                    return 0;
    delete human;           // You win, program is getting to its end, what should we do here?
    cout << "Congratulations! You defeated all opponents!!" << endl;
    return 0;



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