


Your smartphone already does an amazing variety of stuff. It’s your camera, navigation guide, compass, it can even serve as an impromptu level so all your pictures hang straight. You may not know that it can also function as a barometer or altimeter, too.

您的智能手机已经可以完成各种操作。 它是您的相机,导航指南,指南针,甚至可以当场使用,因此所有图片都可以直接悬挂。 您可能不知道它也可以用作气压计或高度计。

晴雨表如何工作 (How Barometers Work)

Many of us have that amateur meteorologist inside of us, so while we can always pull up the weather forecast using an app or a website, it’s a lot more fun to track atmospheric pressure trends on your own using a barometer.


Barometers measure air pressure. There are several kinds of barometers. Torricellian and aneroid are the traditional mechanical barometers you might have seen in the past, and there are the digital barometers as found in your smartphone and high-end outdoorsy watches.

气压计测量气压。 气压计有几种。 Torricellian和Aneroid是您过去可能会看到的传统机械气压计,并且您的智能手机和高端户外手表中也有数字气压计。

If you use a smartphone, it probably already has a built-in barometer. Phone manufacturers include barometers to improve GPS elevation results, because they can be adversely affected by atmospheric pressure. While you may never have any need or desire to know your current altitude or atmospheric pressure, aspiring meteorologists, hikers, or simply curious folks might really like to know.

如果您使用智能手机,则它可能已经内置了气压计。 手机制造商包括气压计以改善GPS高程结果,因为气压会受到不利影响。 尽管您可能永远不需要或不希望知道当前的海拔高度或气压,但是有抱负的气象学家,远足者或只是好奇的人们可能真的很想知道。

Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, so you can get a general sense of what’s going to happen by whether a barometer rises or falls. If the barometer goes up, then that means the weather is going to be fair. If it goes down, then it’s probably going to rain, snow, or indicate some other type of inclement weather.

气压计测量大气压力,因此您可以通过气压计的上升或下降来大致了解将要发生的情况。 如果气压计上升,则意味着天气将是晴朗的。 如果下降,则可能是下雨,下雪或表示其他恶劣天气。

Today we’ll show you the basics of how to use a barometer app on a smartphone. You can find and download barometer apps for both iPhone and Android, which you can use to do your own weather predictions.

今天,我们将向您展示如何在智能手机上使用气压计应用程序的基础知识。 您可以找到并下载适用于iPhone和Android的气压计应用程序,您可以使用这些应用程序进行自己的天气预报。

使用智能手机气压计 (Using Your Smartphone Barometer)

On your smartphone, you can use a barometer to get an idea of how the weather is trending.


For example, when we use the Barometer and Altimeter app on our iPhone (you can use whatever one you prefer however, they all function in pretty much the same way), we tap “Set” to calibrate the red needle so it lines up with the black one.

例如,当我们在iPhone上使用“ 气压计”和“高度计”应用程序时(您可以使用任何喜欢的功能,它们几乎都以相同的方式工作),我们点击“设置”以校准红针,使其与黑色的那个。

As time passes, the black needle will move, either up or down, which will indicate how your local weather is trending. In the following screenshot, we see that the needle has moved up, which means the weather will be fair. If it were to move down, then we would probably need to bring an umbrella!

随着时间的流逝,黑针将向上或向下移动,这将指示您当地的天气趋势。 在下面的屏幕截图中,我们看到针已经向上移动,这意味着天气会很晴朗。 如果要向下移动,那么我们可能需要带把伞!

Using the simply-titled Barometer app on Android, we calibrate the needle to zero so we know how it moves over time.


In addition to being able to predict the weather, you can check your current altitude. It’s important here to keep in mind the difference between altitude and elevation. Elevation is the height at which the land mass you’re standing upon extends above sea level. Altitude is how high you are above that land mass.

除了可以预测天气之外,您还可以检查当前的海拔高度。 请务必牢记海拔高度与海拔高度之间的差异。 海拔高度是您所站立的陆地延伸到海平面以上的高度。 海拔高度就是您高于那片土地的高度。

So, while your phone might be able to tell you how high you are, such as in a plane or when climbing a hill, if you don’t already know your elevation, it won’t tell you how far you are above sea level.


Know also, barometric pressure is going to differ with your current weather and position, therefore you will have to set the reference altitude and pressure to get an accurate reading.


Your barometric pressure needs to be set to your local pressure in order for the altitude reading to be correct. If your atmospheric pressure changes, so too will your altitude even if you don’t move or change position.

您需要将大气压设置为您当地的压力,以确保高度读数正确。 如果您的气压改变,即使您不移动或更改位置,您的海拔也会改变。

Similarly, the relative altitude value needs to be set to your current local altitude for the atmospheric pressure to read correctly. If you don’t change altitudes, the barometric reading will remain accurate. In order to obtain your station pressure, you can set the reference altitude to zero.

同样,需要将相对海拔高度值设置为当前的本地海拔高度才能正确读取大气压。 如果您不更改海拔高度,气压读数将保持准确。 为了获得站压,您可以将参考高度设置为零。

Using the Android app, you can view altitude reading right on the barometer’s face.


And obviously you can calibrate both sensors just as you can on the iPhone equivalent.


Basically, the idea here is to get a small reading (zero or one) on the altimeter so that as you change positions and elevations, you will know how high or low you are.


Most people like to get altitude readings for when they’re hiking, or simply out of curiosity, such as when going from place to place. The barometric pressure reading on the other hand, will typically appeal to anyone into DIY weather-forecasting.

大多数人喜欢在徒步旅行时或出于好奇而获得海拔高度读数,例如在各地旅行时。 另一方面,气压读数通常会吸引任何人进行DIY天气预报。

There are quite a few barometer apps available through iTunes and Android Play, so if you do a simple search for the keyword “barometer” you can easily find one that suits you.

iTunes和Android Play提供了许多气压计应用程序,因此,如果您简单地搜索关键字“气压计”,就可以轻松找到适合自己的气压计。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/254603/how-to-use-your-phone-as-a-barometer-or-altimeter/



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