

Is this the ACE service center?

Yes, it is sir.

May I help you?

Yes, I'm calling to complain about your service.

Certainly sir, I'm sorry to hear that.

Let me see if there's something I can do to help you.

Please tell me what happened.

I ordered a new washing machine on your website.

It was more than a week ago.

Before you go on, may I have your order number please?

Sure, it's abc1005.

And may I have the last 4 digits of your social security number?

I don't have a social security number.

I'm an illegal alien.

Very funny sir.

OK, then what is your first pet's name?

Mr. kitty.

OK, I see your all information.

Now, what's the problem?

I ordered the washing machine and paid for it.

Then I chose a delivery date from a set of choices.

It was supposed to be delivered today, but it's still not here.

Did anyone contact you?

No, I haven't received any messages.

I'm sorry to hear that sir.

I see here that the washing machine you ordered hasn't arrived in our warehouse yet.

It can't be delivered until next week.

You don't even have it yet?

Why haven't I been notified?

I took time off from work to be at home today.

You should have been notified, by phone or email.

I wasn't.

I haven't received any notification.

This is very upsetting.

I understand sir.

I'm really sorry for this.

Being sorry isn't enough.

I'm really upset.

This is no way to do business.

Yes sir, I understand.

I can send you a 50 dollar gift coupon as a way to express our appreciation for your patience.

I don't care about the money.

I don't blame you of course, but I want you to know how disappointed that I am with ACE.

I expected much better service.

I'm really sorry sir.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Yes, there is.

I'd like to cancel the order and get a refund.

I'm sorry to hear that sir, but I understand.

I'll see to it that you get your refund.

How long will it take before I get the refund.

You should see the credit on your next month's credit cardbilling statement.

Thanks for your help.

You're welcome sir, and once again, please accept my apologies.


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    Is this the ACE service center Yes it is sir May I help you Yes I 39 m calling to complain about your service Certainly