




int main(int argc, char** argv){

    ros::NodeHandle n("~");


    for(int i = 0;i<NUM_OF_CAM;i++)
        for(int i = 0;i < NUM_OF_CAM;i++)
            trackerData[i].fisheye_mask = cv::imread(FISHEYE_MASK,0);
                ROS_INFO("load mask fail");
                ROS_INFO("load mask success");
    ros::Subscriber sub_img = n.subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC,100,img_callback);
    pub_img = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud>("feature",1000);//发布类型为PointCloud的消息,该消息为从相机图像中跟踪的特征点
    pub_match = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image>("feature_img",1000);//发布类型为Image的消息,该话题的消息标出了特征点的图像
    pub_restart = n.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("restart",1000);//发布系统重启消息

    return 0;

3)订阅和发布topic。这里订阅了IMAGE_TOPIC(/cam0/image_raw),并创建了pub_img(发布feature topic)、pub_match(发布feature_img topic)、pub_restart(发布restart topic)三个topic发布器。



 * 从配置文件中读取设置的参数
void readParameters(ros::NodeHandle &n)
    std::string config_file;
    config_file = readParam<std::string>(n, "config_file");
    cv::FileStorage fsSettings(config_file, cv::FileStorage::READ);
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Wrong path to settings" << std::endl;
    std::string VINS_FOLDER_PATH = readParam<std::string>(n, "vins_folder");
    fsSettings["image_topic"] >> IMAGE_TOPIC;
    fsSettings["imu_topic"] >> IMU_TOPIC;
    MAX_CNT = fsSettings["max_cnt"];//在特征追踪中的最大特征数,读取的值为150
    MIN_DIST = fsSettings["min_dist"];//两个特征之间的最小距离
    ROW = fsSettings["image_height"];//图像的高度
    COL = fsSettings["image_width"];//图像的宽度
    FREQ = fsSettings["freq"]; //发布跟踪结果的频率,良好的估计至少10Hz
    F_THRESHOLD = fsSettings["F_threshold"];//ransac threshold (pixel)
    SHOW_TRACK = fsSettings["show_track"];//发布跟踪的图像作为topic
    EQUALIZE = fsSettings["equalize"];//如果图像太暗或太亮,请打开均衡器以找到足够的特征。 
    FISHEYE = fsSettings["fisheye"]; //读取的值为0
    if (FISHEYE == 1)
        FISHEYE_MASK = VINS_FOLDER_PATH + "config/fisheye_mask.jpg";
    WINDOW_SIZE = 20;
    STEREO_TRACK = false;
    FOCAL_LENGTH = 460;
    PUB_THIS_FRAME = false;
    if (FREQ == 0)
        FREQ = 100;


#common parameters
imu_topic: "/imu0"
image_topic: "/cam0/image_raw"
output_path: "/home/shaozu/output/"
#camera calibration 
model_type: PINHOLE
camera_name: camera
image_width: 752
image_height: 480
distortion_parameters:  #去畸变参数
   k1: -2.917e-01
   k2: 8.228e-02
   p1: 5.333e-05
   p2: -1.578e-04
projection_parameters:  #相机内参
   fx: 4.616e+02
   fy: 4.603e+02
   cx: 3.630e+02
   cy: 2.481e+02
# Extrinsic parameter between IMU and Camera.
estimate_extrinsic: 0   # 0  Have an accurate extrinsic parameters. We will trust the following imu^R_cam, imu^T_cam, don't change it.
                        # 1  Have an initial guess about extrinsic parameters. We will optimize around your initial guess.
                        # 2  Don't know anything about extrinsic parameters. You don't need to give R,T. We will try to calibrate it. Do some rotation movement at beginning.                        
#If you choose 0 or 1, you should write down the following matrix.
#Rotation from camera frame to imu frame, imu^R_cam
extrinsicRotation: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 3
   cols: 3
   dt: d
   data: [0.0148655429818, -0.999880929698, 0.00414029679422,
           0.999557249008, 0.0149672133247, 0.025715529948, 
           -0.0257744366974, 0.00375618835797, 0.999660727178]
#Translation from camera frame to imu frame, imu^T_cam
extrinsicTranslation: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 3
   cols: 1
   dt: d
   data: [-0.0216401454975,-0.064676986768, 0.00981073058949]
#feature traker paprameters
max_cnt: 150            # max feature number in feature tracking
min_dist: 30            # min distance between two features 
freq: 10                # frequence (Hz) of publish tracking result. At least 10Hz for good estimation. If set 0, the frequence will be same as raw image 
F_threshold: 1.0        # ransac threshold (pixel)
show_track: 1           # publish tracking image as topic
equalize: 1             # if image is too dark or light, trun on equalize to find enough features
fisheye: 0              # if using fisheye, trun on it. A circle mask will be loaded to remove edge noisy points
#optimization parameters
max_solver_time: 0.04  # max solver itration time (ms), to guarantee real time
max_num_iterations: 8   # max solver itrations, to guarantee real time
keyframe_parallax: 10.0 # keyframe selection threshold (pixel)
#imu parameters       The more accurate parameters you provide, the better performance
acc_n: 0.08          # accelerometer measurement noise standard deviation. #0.2   0.04
gyr_n: 0.004         # gyroscope measurement noise standard deviation.     #0.05  0.004
acc_w: 0.00004         # accelerometer bias random work noise standard deviation.  #0.02
gyr_w: 2.0e-6       # gyroscope bias random work noise standard deviation.     #4.0e-5
g_norm: 9.81007     # gravity magnitude
#loop closure parameters
loop_closure: 1                    # start loop closure
load_previous_pose_graph: 0        # load and reuse previous pose graph; load from 'pose_graph_save_path'
fast_relocalization: 0             # useful in real-time and large project
pose_graph_save_path: "/home/shaozu/output/pose_graph/" # save and load path
#unsynchronization parameters
estimate_td: 0                      # online estimate time offset between camera and imu
td: 0.0                             # initial value of time offset. unit: s. readed image clock + td = real image clock (IMU clock)
#rolling shutter parameters
rolling_shutter: 0                  # 0: global shutter camera, 1: rolling shutter camera
rolling_shutter_tr: 0               # unit: s. rolling shutter read out time per frame (from data sheet). 
#visualization parameters
save_image: 1                   # save image in pose graph for visualization prupose; you can close this function by setting 0 
visualize_imu_forward: 0        # output imu forward propogation to achieve low latency and high frequence results
visualize_camera_size: 0.4      # size of camera marker in RVIZ




void img_callback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &img_msg)
        first_image_flag = false;
        first_image_time = img_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
        last_image_time = img_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
    // detect unstable camera stream检测不稳定的相机流
    if (img_msg->header.stamp.toSec() - last_image_time > 1.0 || img_msg->header.stamp.toSec() < last_image_time)
        ROS_WARN("image discontinue! reset the feature tracker!");
        first_image_flag = true; 
        last_image_time = 0;
        pub_count = 1;
        std_msgs::Bool restart_flag; = true;
    last_image_time = img_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
    // frequency control 频率控制
    // 修改PUB_THIS_FRAME的值,决定是否要把检测到的特征点打包成/feature_tracker/featuretopic发出去(FREQ决定每间隔多久)
    // 这里计算的是每秒发送的image个数,保证每秒钟处理的image不多于FREQ
    if (round(1.0 * pub_count / (img_msg->header.stamp.toSec() - first_image_time)) <= FREQ)
        PUB_THIS_FRAME = true;
        // reset the frequency control
        if (abs(1.0 * pub_count / (img_msg->header.stamp.toSec() - first_image_time) - FREQ) < 0.01 * FREQ)
            first_image_time = img_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
            pub_count = 0;
        PUB_THIS_FRAME = false;
    cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr ptr;
    if (img_msg->encoding == "8UC1")
        sensor_msgs::Image img;
        img.header = img_msg->header;
        img.height = img_msg->height;
        img.width = img_msg->width;
        img.is_bigendian = img_msg->is_bigendian;
        img.step = img_msg->step; = img_msg->data;
        img.encoding = "mono8";
         * cv_bridge::toCvCopy从ROS的img消息中获得一个图像数据的拷贝。也就是从ROS的sensor_msg中获取到图像数据信息
         * cv_bridge在ROS的message和opencv的image之间架起了一座桥梁,将二者进行转换
        ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(img, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8);
        ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(img_msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8);
    cv::Mat show_img = ptr->image;
    TicToc t_r;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
        ROS_DEBUG("processing camera %d", i);
        if (i != 1 || !STEREO_TRACK)
            trackerData[i].readImage(ptr->image.rowRange(ROW * i, ROW * (i + 1)), img_msg->header.stamp.toSec());
            //配置文件中EQUALIZE值为1:if image is too dark or light, trun on equalize to find enough features
            if (EQUALIZE)
                cv::Ptr<cv::CLAHE> clahe = cv::createCLAHE();
                clahe->apply(ptr->image.rowRange(ROW * i, ROW * (i + 1)), trackerData[i].cur_img);
                trackerData[i].cur_img = ptr->image.rowRange(ROW * i, ROW * (i + 1));
        trackerData[i].showUndistortion("undistrotion_" + std::to_string(i));
    for (unsigned int i = 0;; i++)
        bool completed = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < NUM_OF_CAM; j++)
            if (j != 1 || !STEREO_TRACK)
                completed |= trackerData[j].updateID(i);
        if (!completed)
        sensor_msgs::PointCloudPtr feature_points(new sensor_msgs::PointCloud);
        sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 id_of_point;
        sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 u_of_point;
        sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 v_of_point;
        sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 velocity_x_of_point;
        sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 velocity_y_of_point;
        feature_points->header = img_msg->header;
        feature_points->header.frame_id = "world";
        vector<set<int>> hash_ids(NUM_OF_CAM);
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
            auto &un_pts = trackerData[i].cur_un_pts;
            auto &cur_pts = trackerData[i].cur_pts;
            auto &ids = trackerData[i].ids;
            auto &pts_velocity = trackerData[i].pts_velocity;
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ids.size(); j++)
                if (trackerData[i].track_cnt[j] > 1)
                    int p_id = ids[j];
                    geometry_msgs::Point32 p;
                    p.x = un_pts[j].x;
                    p.y = un_pts[j].y;
                    p.z = 1;
                    id_of_point.values.push_back(p_id * NUM_OF_CAM + i);
        ROS_DEBUG("publish %f, at %f", feature_points->header.stamp.toSec(), ros::Time::now().toSec());
        // skip the first image; since no optical speed on frist image
        if (!init_pub)
            init_pub = 1;
        if (SHOW_TRACK)
            ptr = cv_bridge::cvtColor(ptr, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8);
            //cv::Mat stereo_img(ROW * NUM_OF_CAM, COL, CV_8UC3);
            cv::Mat stereo_img = ptr->image;
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
                cv::Mat tmp_img = stereo_img.rowRange(i * ROW, (i + 1) * ROW);
                cv::cvtColor(show_img, tmp_img, CV_GRAY2RGB);
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < trackerData[i].cur_pts.size(); j++)
                    double len = std::min(1.0, 1.0 * trackerData[i].track_cnt[j] / WINDOW_SIZE);
                     * cv::circle是opencv中用于画圆的函数
                     * 第一个参数:tmp_img为图像
                     * 第二个参数:trackerData[i].cur_pts[j]决定圆的中心点坐标
                     * 第三个参数:2为圆的半径
                     * 第四个参数:为圆的颜色,这里用len值来决定点的颜色
                     * 第五个参数:为设置圆线条的粗细,其值越大则线条越粗,为负数则是填充效果
                     * */
                    cv::circle(tmp_img, trackerData[i].cur_pts[j], 2, cv::Scalar(255 * (1 - len), 0, 255 * len), 2);
                    //draw speed line
                    Vector2d tmp_cur_un_pts (trackerData[i].cur_un_pts[j].x, trackerData[i].cur_un_pts[j].y);
                    Vector2d tmp_pts_velocity (trackerData[i].pts_velocity[j].x, trackerData[i].pts_velocity[j].y);
                    Vector3d tmp_prev_un_pts;
                    tmp_prev_un_pts.head(2) = tmp_cur_un_pts - 0.10 * tmp_pts_velocity;
                    tmp_prev_un_pts.z() = 1;
                    Vector2d tmp_prev_uv;
                    trackerData[i].m_camera->spaceToPlane(tmp_prev_un_pts, tmp_prev_uv);
                    cv::line(tmp_img, trackerData[i].cur_pts[j], cv::Point2f(tmp_prev_uv.x(), tmp_prev_uv.y()), cv::Scalar(255 , 0, 0), 1 , 8, 0);
                    //char name[10];
                    //sprintf(name, "%d", trackerData[i].ids[j]);
                    //cv::putText(tmp_img, name, trackerData[i].cur_pts[j], cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
            //cv::imshow("vis", stereo_img);
    ROS_INFO("whole feature tracker processing costs: %f", t_r.toc());



#include "feature_tracker.h"
int FeatureTracker::n_id = 0;
bool inBorder(const cv::Point2f &pt)
    const int BORDER_SIZE = 1;
    int img_x = cvRound(pt.x);
    int img_y = cvRound(pt.y);
     * pt的y坐标的范围为[BORDER_SIZE, ROW - BORDER_SIZE]
    return BORDER_SIZE <= img_x && img_x < COL - BORDER_SIZE && BORDER_SIZE <= img_y && img_y < ROW - BORDER_SIZE;
void reduceVector(vector<cv::Point2f> &v, vector<uchar> status)
    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < int(v.size()); i++)
        if (status[i])
            v[j++] = v[i];
void reduceVector(vector<int> &v, vector<uchar> status)
    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < int(v.size()); i++)
        if (status[i])
            v[j++] = v[i];
void FeatureTracker::setMask()
        mask = fisheye_mask.clone();
        mask = cv::Mat(ROW, COL, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255));
    // prefer to keep features that are tracked for long time
    vector<pair<int, pair<cv::Point2f, int>>> cnt_pts_id;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < forw_pts.size(); i++)
        cnt_pts_id.push_back(make_pair(track_cnt[i], make_pair(forw_pts[i], ids[i])));
    sort(cnt_pts_id.begin(), cnt_pts_id.end(), [](const pair<int, pair<cv::Point2f, int>> &a, const pair<int, pair<cv::Point2f, int>> &b)
            return a.first > b.first;
    for (auto &it : cnt_pts_id)
        if (<uchar>(it.second.first) == 255)
            cv::circle(mask, it.second.first, MIN_DIST, 0, -1);
 * 添加新追踪到的角点
void FeatureTracker::addPoints()
    for (auto &p : n_pts)
 * _img         图像
 * _cur_time    时间戳
void FeatureTracker::readImage(const cv::Mat &_img, double _cur_time)
    cv::Mat img;
    TicToc t_r;
    cur_time = _cur_time;
    if (EQUALIZE)
         * 限制对比度自适应直方图均衡(Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization,CLAHE)
         * CLAHE算法参考:
         * 可以增加图像的增强效果
        cv::Ptr<cv::CLAHE> clahe = cv::createCLAHE(3.0, cv::Size(8, 8));
        TicToc t_c;
        clahe->apply(_img, img);
        ROS_DEBUG("CLAHE costs: %fms", t_c.toc());
        img = _img;
    if (forw_img.empty())
        prev_img = cur_img = forw_img = img;
        forw_img = img;
    if (cur_pts.size() > 0)
        TicToc t_o;
        vector<uchar> status;
        vector<float> err;
         * LK计算光流。光流描述的是图像上每个像素点的灰度的位置(速度)变化情况,
         * 光流的研究是利用图像序列中的像素强度数据的时域变化和相关性来确定各自像素位置的“运动”。
         * forw_pts中保存的是当前图像中能通过光流追踪到的角点的坐标
         * status数组。如果对应特征的光流被发现,数组中的每一个元素都被设置为 1, 否则设置为 0。
        cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, forw_img, cur_pts, forw_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);
        for (int i = 0; i < int(forw_pts.size()); i++)
            if (status[i] && !inBorder(forw_pts[i]))
                status[i] = 0;
        reduceVector(prev_pts, status);
        reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
        reduceVector(forw_pts, status);
        reduceVector(ids, status);
        reduceVector(cur_un_pts, status);
        reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
        ROS_DEBUG("temporal optical flow costs: %fms", t_o.toc());
    for (auto &n : track_cnt)
        ROS_DEBUG("set mask begins");
        TicToc t_m;
        ROS_DEBUG("set mask costs %fms", t_m.toc());
        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature begins");
        TicToc t_t;
        int n_max_cnt = MAX_CNT - static_cast<int>(forw_pts.size());
        if (n_max_cnt > 0)
                cout << "mask is empty " << endl;
            if (mask.type() != CV_8UC1)
                cout << "mask type wrong " << endl;
            if (mask.size() != forw_img.size())
                cout << "wrong size " << endl;
             * 提取新的角点,MAX_CNT - forw_pts.size()为提取的最大个数
             * 新提取的角点坐标保存在n_pts中
             * MIN_DIST=30,该参数保证2个相邻角点之间的最小距离
             * 第一个参数是输入图像(8位或32位单通道图)。
             * 第二个参数是检测到的所有角点,类型为vector或数组,由实际给定的参数类型而定。如果是vector,那么它应该是一个包含cv::Point2f的vector对象;如果类型是cv::Mat,那么它的每一行对应一个角点,点的x、y位置分别是两列。
             * 第三个参数用于限定检测到的点数的最大值。
             * 第四个参数表示检测到的角点的质量水平(通常是0.10到0.01之间的数值,不能大于1.0)。
             * 第五个参数用于区分相邻两个角点的最小距离(小于这个距离得点将进行合并)。
             * 第六个参数是mask,如果指定,它的维度必须和输入图像一致,且在mask值为0处不进行角点检测。
             * 第七个参数是blockSize,表示在计算角点时参与运算的区域大小,常用值为3,但是如果图像的分辨率较高则可以考虑使用较大一点的值。
             * 第八个参数用于指定角点检测的方法,如果是true则使用Harris角点检测,false则使用Shi Tomasi算法。
             * 第九个参数是在使用Harris算法时使用,最好使用默认值0.04。
             * */
            cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(forw_img, n_pts, MAX_CNT - forw_pts.size(), 0.01, MIN_DIST, mask);
        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature costs: %fms", t_t.toc());
        ROS_DEBUG("add feature begins");
        TicToc t_a;
        ROS_DEBUG("selectFeature costs: %fms", t_a.toc());
    prev_img = cur_img;
    prev_pts = cur_pts;
    prev_un_pts = cur_un_pts;
    cur_img = forw_img;
    cur_pts = forw_pts;
    prev_time = cur_time;
void FeatureTracker::rejectWithF()
    if (forw_pts.size() >= 8)
        ROS_DEBUG("FM ransac begins");
        TicToc t_f;
        vector<cv::Point2f> un_cur_pts(cur_pts.size()), un_forw_pts(forw_pts.size());
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_pts.size(); i++)
            Eigen::Vector3d tmp_p;
            m_camera->liftProjective(Eigen::Vector2d(cur_pts[i].x, cur_pts[i].y), tmp_p);
            tmp_p.x() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.x() / tmp_p.z() + COL / 2.0;
            tmp_p.y() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.y() / tmp_p.z() + ROW / 2.0;
            un_cur_pts[i] = cv::Point2f(tmp_p.x(), tmp_p.y());
            m_camera->liftProjective(Eigen::Vector2d(forw_pts[i].x, forw_pts[i].y), tmp_p);
            tmp_p.x() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.x() / tmp_p.z() + COL / 2.0;
            tmp_p.y() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.y() / tmp_p.z() + ROW / 2.0;
            un_forw_pts[i] = cv::Point2f(tmp_p.x(), tmp_p.y());
        vector<uchar> status;
         * 从两个图像中对应的3d点对来计算基础矩阵
        cv::findFundamentalMat(un_cur_pts, un_forw_pts, cv::FM_RANSAC, F_THRESHOLD, 0.99, status);
        int size_a = cur_pts.size();
        reduceVector(prev_pts, status);
        reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
        reduceVector(forw_pts, status);
        reduceVector(cur_un_pts, status);
        reduceVector(ids, status);
        reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
        ROS_DEBUG("FM ransac: %d -> %lu: %f", size_a, forw_pts.size(), 1.0 * forw_pts.size() / size_a);
        ROS_DEBUG("FM ransac costs: %fms", t_f.toc());
bool FeatureTracker::updateID(unsigned int i)
    if (i < ids.size())
        if (ids[i] == -1)
            ids[i] = n_id++;
        return true;
        return false;
 * 读取相机标定的内参
void FeatureTracker::readIntrinsicParameter(const string &calib_file)
    ROS_INFO("reading paramerter of camera %s", calib_file.c_str());
    m_camera = CameraFactory::instance()->generateCameraFromYamlFile(calib_file);
void FeatureTracker::showUndistortion(const string &name)
    cv::Mat undistortedImg(ROW + 600, COL + 600, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
    vector<Eigen::Vector2d> distortedp, undistortedp;
    for (int i = 0; i < COL; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < ROW; j++)
            Eigen::Vector2d a(i, j);
            Eigen::Vector3d b;
            m_camera->liftProjective(a, b);
            undistortedp.push_back(Eigen::Vector2d(b.x() / b.z(), b.y() / b.z()));
            //printf("%f,%f->%f,%f,%f\n)\n", a.x(), a.y(), b.x(), b.y(), b.z());
    for (int i = 0; i < int(undistortedp.size()); i++)
        cv::Mat pp(3, 1, CV_32FC1);<float>(0, 0) = undistortedp[i].x() * FOCAL_LENGTH + COL / 2;<float>(1, 0) = undistortedp[i].y() * FOCAL_LENGTH + ROW / 2;<float>(2, 0) = 1.0;
        //cout << trackerData[0].K << endl;
        //printf("%lf %lf\n",<float>(1, 0),<float>(0, 0));
        //printf("%lf %lf\n",<float>(1, 0),<float>(0, 0));
        if (<float>(1, 0) + 300 >= 0 &&<float>(1, 0) + 300 < ROW + 600 &&<float>(0, 0) + 300 >= 0 &&<float>(0, 0) + 300 < COL + 600)
  <uchar>(<float>(1, 0) + 300,<float>(0, 0) + 300) =<uchar>(distortedp[i].y(), distortedp[i].x());
            //ROS_ERROR("(%f %f) -> (%f %f)", distortedp[i].y, distortedp[i].x,<float>(1, 0),<float>(0, 0));
    cv::imshow(name, undistortedImg);
 * 对角点图像坐标做去畸变处理
void FeatureTracker::undistortedPoints()
    //cv::undistortPoints(cur_pts, un_pts, K, cv::Mat());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_pts.size(); i++)
        Eigen::Vector2d a(cur_pts[i].x, cur_pts[i].y);
        Eigen::Vector3d b;
        m_camera->liftProjective(a, b);
        cur_un_pts.push_back(cv::Point2f(b.x() / b.z(), b.y() / b.z()));
        cur_un_pts_map.insert(make_pair(ids[i], cv::Point2f(b.x() / b.z(), b.y() / b.z())));
        //printf("cur pts id %d %f %f", ids[i], cur_un_pts[i].x, cur_un_pts[i].y);
    // caculate points velocity
    if (!prev_un_pts_map.empty())
        double dt = cur_time - prev_time;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_un_pts.size(); i++)
            if (ids[i] != -1)
                std::map<int, cv::Point2f>::iterator it;
                it = prev_un_pts_map.find(ids[i]);
                if (it != prev_un_pts_map.end())
                    double v_x = (cur_un_pts[i].x - it->second.x) / dt;
                    double v_y = (cur_un_pts[i].y - it->second.y) / dt;
                    pts_velocity.push_back(cv::Point2f(v_x, v_y));
                    pts_velocity.push_back(cv::Point2f(0, 0));
                pts_velocity.push_back(cv::Point2f(0, 0));
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_pts.size(); i++)
            pts_velocity.push_back(cv::Point2f(0, 0));
    prev_un_pts_map = cur_un_pts_map;



代码中使用了cv::createCLAHE(3.0, cv::Size(8, 8))函数来增强图像的显示效果,这样便于后边的检测。




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