Unity 2D独立开发手记(八):基于A*算法的简易寻路



因为破游戏准备设计敌人了,苦于Unity自带的导航系统迟迟不适配2D项目,即便用最新的NavMeshSurface把3D当成2D来用,也和我的想法背道而驰,资源商店里的又动不动几百块╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭,还没有试用功能,鬼知道能不能融入我这破游戏的框架里。

那就只能自己写一个寻路了,久闻A*算法大名,网上教程也挺多的,看了几篇之后,大致了解了基本内容,最后还上油管看了个视频,东拼西凑设计出来自己的A*,虽然性能甚至比不上官方的NavMesh,180个寻路单位在普通情况下每次寻路需要10ms~20ms,不过至少能在2D上用了。为了追求性能,我甚至研究了ECS框架和Job System,不过鉴于使用限制太大(只能操作值类型,反复开辟和回收空间对性能消耗来说太蛋疼了- . -),以我的水平写出来的寻路Job性能还没不用的好,最后放弃,不过还好学会怎么在Unity上用ECS框架管理游戏对象和用Jobs优化性能了。



public class AStarNode : IHeapItem<AStarNode>
    public readonly Vector3 worldPosition;
    public readonly Vector2Int gridPosition;
    public readonly float height;

    public bool walkable;
    public AStarNode parent;
    public int connectionLabel;

    public int GCost { get; set; }
    public int HCost { get; set; }
    public int FCost { get { return GCost + HCost; } }

    public int HeapIndex { get; set; }

    public AStarNode(Vector3 position, int gridX, int gridY, float height)
        worldPosition = position;
        gridPosition = new Vector2Int(gridX, gridY);
        this.height = height;
        walkable = true;

    public int CalculateHCostTo(AStarNode other)
        int disX = Mathf.Abs(gridPosition.x - other.gridPosition.x);
        int disY = Mathf.Abs(gridPosition.y - other.gridPosition.y);

        if (disX > disY)
            return 14 * disY + 10 * (disX - disY) + Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(height - other.height));
        else return 14 * disX + 10 * (disY - disX) + Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(height - other.height));

    public bool CanReachTo(AStarNode other)
        return connectionLabel > 0 && connectionLabel == other.connectionLabel;

    public int CompareTo(AStarNode other)
        if (FCost < other.FCost || (FCost == other.FCost && HCost < other.HCost) || (FCost == other.FCost && HCost == other.HCost && height < other.height))
            return -1;
        else if (FCost == other.FCost && HCost == other.HCost && height == other.height) return 0;
        else return 1;

    public static implicit operator Vector3(AStarNode self)
        return self.worldPosition;

    public static implicit operator Vector2(AStarNode self)
        return self.worldPosition;

    public static implicit operator bool(AStarNode self)
        return self != null;


public interface IHeapItem<T> : IComparable<T>
    int HeapIndex { get; set; }


public class Heap<T> where T : class, IHeapItem<T>
    private readonly T[] items;
    private readonly int maxSize;
    private readonly HeapType heapType;

    public int Count { get; private set; }

    public Heap(int size, HeapType heapType = HeapType.MinHeap)
        items = new T[size];
        maxSize = size;
        this.heapType = heapType;

    public void Add(T item)
        if (Count >= maxSize) return;
        item.HeapIndex = Count;
        items[Count] = item;

    public T RemoveRoot()
        if (Count < 1) return default;
        T root = items[0];
        root.HeapIndex = -1;
        if (Count > 0)
            items[0] = items[Count];
            items[0].HeapIndex = 0;
        return root;

    public bool Contains(T item)
        if (item == default || item.HeapIndex < 0 || item.HeapIndex > Count - 1) return false;
        return Equals(items[item.HeapIndex], item);//用items.Contains()就等着哭吧

    public void Clear()
        Count = 0;

    private void SortUpForm(T item)
        int parentIndex = (item.HeapIndex - 1) / 2;
        while (true)
            T parent = items[parentIndex];
            if (Equals(parent, item)) return;
            if (heapType == HeapType.MinHeap ? item.CompareTo(parent) < 0 : item.CompareTo(parent) > 0)
                if (!Swap(item, parent))
            else return;
            parentIndex = (item.HeapIndex - 1) / 2;

    private void SortDownFrom(T item)
        while (true)
            int leftChildIndex = item.HeapIndex * 2 + 1;
            int rightChildIndex = item.HeapIndex * 2 + 2;
            if (leftChildIndex < Count)
                int swapIndex = leftChildIndex;
                if (rightChildIndex < Count && (heapType == HeapType.MinHeap ?
                    items[rightChildIndex].CompareTo(items[leftChildIndex]) < 0 : items[rightChildIndex].CompareTo(items[leftChildIndex]) > 0))
                    swapIndex = rightChildIndex;
                if (heapType == HeapType.MinHeap ? items[swapIndex].CompareTo(item) < 0 : items[swapIndex].CompareTo(item) > 0)
                    if (!Swap(item, items[swapIndex]))
                else return;
            else return;

    public void Update()
        if (Count < 1) return;
        SortUpForm(items[Count - 1]);

    private bool Swap(T item1, T item2)
        if (!Contains(item1) || !Contains(item2)) return false;
        items[item1.HeapIndex] = item2;
        items[item2.HeapIndex] = item1;
        int item1Index = item1.HeapIndex;
        item1.HeapIndex = item2.HeapIndex;
        item2.HeapIndex = item1Index;
        return true;

    public static implicit operator bool(Heap<T> self)
        return self != null;

    public enum HeapType



public class AStar
    public AStar(Vector2 worldSize, float cellSize, CastCheckType castCheckType, float castRadiusMultiple,
        LayerMask unwalkableLayer, LayerMask groundLayer, bool threeD, float worldHeight, int cellHeight, GoalSelectMode goalSelectMode)
        this.worldSize = worldSize;
        this.cellSize = cellSize;
        this.castCheckType = castCheckType;
        this.castRadiusMultiple = castRadiusMultiple;
        this.unwalkableLayer = unwalkableLayer;
        this.groundLayer = groundLayer;
        this.threeD = threeD;
        this.worldHeight = worldHeight;
        this.cellHeight = cellHeight;
        this.goalSelectMode = goalSelectMode;
        GridSize = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(worldSize / cellSize);
        Grid = new AStarNode[Mathf.RoundToInt(GridSize.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(GridSize.y)];
        openCache = new Heap<AStarNode>(GridSize.x * GridSize.y);
        closedCache = new HashSet<AStarNode>();
        pathCache = new List<AStarNode>();

    private readonly bool threeD;
    private readonly Vector2 worldSize;
    private readonly float worldHeight;
    private readonly LayerMask groundLayer;
    private readonly int cellHeight;

    private readonly float cellSize;
    public Vector2Int GridSize { get; private set; }
    public AStarNode[,] Grid { get; private set; }

    private readonly LayerMask unwalkableLayer;
    private readonly CastCheckType castCheckType;
    private readonly float castRadiusMultiple;

    private readonly GoalSelectMode goalSelectMode;

    #region 网格相关
    public void CreateGrid(Vector3 axisOrigin)
        for (int i = 0; i < GridSize.x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GridSize.y; j++)
                CreateNode(axisOrigin, i, j);

    private void CreateNode(Vector3 axisOrigin, int gridX, int gridY)
        //Debug.Log(gridX + ":" + gridY);
        Vector3 nodeWorldPos;
        if (!threeD)
            nodeWorldPos = axisOrigin + Vector3.right * (gridX + 0.5f) * cellSize + Vector3.up * (gridY + 0.5f) * cellSize;
            nodeWorldPos = axisOrigin + Vector3.right * (gridX + 0.5f) * cellSize + Vector3.forward * (gridY + 0.5f) * cellSize;
            float height;
            if (Physics.Raycast(nodeWorldPos + Vector3.up * (worldHeight + 0.01f), Vector3.down, out RaycastHit hit, worldHeight + 0.01f, groundLayer))
                height = hit.point.y;
            else height = worldHeight + 0.01f;
            nodeWorldPos += Vector3.up * height;
        Grid[gridX, gridY] = new AStarNode(nodeWorldPos, gridX, gridY, threeD ? nodeWorldPos.y : 0);

    public void RefreshGrid()
        if (Grid == null) return;
        for (int i = 0; i < GridSize.x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GridSize.y; j++)
                CheckNodeWalkable(Grid[i, j]);

    public void RefreshGrid(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint)
        if (Grid == null) return;
        AStarNode fromNode = WorldPointToNode(fromPoint);
        AStarNode toNode = WorldPointToNode(toPoint);
        if (fromNode == toNode)
        AStarNode min = fromNode.gridPosition.x <= toNode.gridPosition.x && fromNode.gridPosition.y <= toNode.gridPosition.y ? fromNode : toNode;
        AStarNode max = fromNode.gridPosition.x > toNode.gridPosition.x && fromNode.gridPosition.y > toNode.gridPosition.y ? fromNode : toNode;
        fromNode = min;
        toNode = max;
        //Debug.Log(string.Format("From {0} to {1}", fromNode.GridPosition, toNode.GridPosition));
        if (toNode.gridPosition.x - fromNode.gridPosition.x <= toNode.gridPosition.y - fromNode.gridPosition.y)
            for (int i = fromNode.gridPosition.x; i <= toNode.gridPosition.x; i++)
                for (int j = fromNode.gridPosition.y; j <= toNode.gridPosition.y; j++)
                    CheckNodeWalkable(Grid[i, j]);
        else for (int i = fromNode.gridPosition.y; i <= toNode.gridPosition.y; i++)
                for (int j = fromNode.gridPosition.x; j <= toNode.gridPosition.x; j++)
                    CheckNodeWalkable(Grid[i, j]);

    public AStarNode WorldPointToNode(Vector3 position)
        if (Grid == null || (threeD && position.y > worldHeight)) return null;
        int gX = Mathf.RoundToInt((GridSize.x - 1) * Mathf.Clamp01((position.x + worldSize.x / 2) / worldSize.x));
        //gX怎么算:首先利用坐标系原点的 x 坐标来修正该点的 x 轴坐标,然后除以世界宽度,获得该点的 x 坐标在网格坐标系上所处的区域,用不大于 1 分数来表示,
        //然后获得相同区域的网格的 x 坐标即 gX,举个例子:
        //假设 x 坐标为 -2,而世界起点的 x 坐标为 -24, 即实际坐标原点 x 坐标 0 减去世界宽度的一半,则修正 x 坐标为 x + 24 = 22,这就是它在A*坐标系上虚拟的修正了的位置 x', 
        //以上得知世界宽度为48,那么 22 / 48 = 11/24,说明 x' 在世界宽度轴 11/24 的位置上,所以,该位置相应的格子的 x 坐标也在网格宽度轴的11/24位置上,
        //假设网格宽度为也为48,则 gX = 48 * 11/24 = 22,看似正确,其实,假设上面算得的 x' 是48,那么 48 * 48/48 = 48,而网格坐标最多到47,因为数组下标从0开始,
        //所以这时就会发生越界错误,反而用 gX = (48 - 1) * 48/48 = 47 * 1 = 47 来代替就对了,回过头来,x' 是 22,则 47 * 11/24 = 21.54 ≈ 22,位于 x' 轴左数第 23 个格子上,
        //再假设算出的 x' 是 30,则 gX = 47 * 15/24 = 29.38 ≈ 29,完全符合逻辑,为什么不用 48 算完再减去 1 ?如果 x' 是 0, 48 * 0/48 - 1 = -1,又越界了
        int gY;
        if (!threeD) gY = Mathf.RoundToInt((GridSize.y - 1) * Mathf.Clamp01((position.y + worldSize.y / 2) / worldSize.y));
        else gY = Mathf.RoundToInt((GridSize.y - 1) * Mathf.Clamp01((position.z + worldSize.y / 2) / worldSize.y));
        return Grid[gX, gY];

    private bool CheckNodeWalkable(AStarNode node)
        if (!node) return false;
        if (!threeD)
            RaycastHit2D[] hit2Ds = new RaycastHit2D[0];
            switch (castCheckType)
                case CastCheckType.Box:
                    hit2Ds = Physics2D.BoxCastAll(node.worldPosition,
                        Vector2.one * cellSize * castRadiusMultiple * 2, 0, Vector2.zero, Mathf.Infinity, unwalkableLayer);
                case CastCheckType.Sphere:
                    hit2Ds = Physics2D.CircleCastAll(node.worldPosition,
                        cellSize * castRadiusMultiple, Vector2.zero, Mathf.Infinity, unwalkableLayer);
            node.walkable = hit2Ds.Length < 1 || hit2Ds.Where(h => !h.collider.isTrigger && h.collider.tag != "Player").Count() < 1;
            RaycastHit[] hits = new RaycastHit[0];
            switch (castCheckType)
                case CastCheckType.Box:
                    hits = Physics.BoxCastAll(node.worldPosition, Vector3.one * cellSize * castRadiusMultiple,
                        Vector3.up, Quaternion.identity, (cellHeight - 1) * cellSize, unwalkableLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
                case CastCheckType.Sphere:
                    hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(node.worldPosition, cellSize * castRadiusMultiple,
                        Vector3.up, (cellHeight - 1) * cellSize, unwalkableLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            node.walkable = node.height < worldHeight && (hits.Length < 1 || hits.Where(h => h.collider.tag != "Player").Count() < 1);
        return node.walkable;

    public bool WorldPointWalkable(Vector3 point)
        return CheckNodeWalkable(WorldPointToNode(point));

    private AStarNode GetClosestSurroundingNode(AStarNode node, AStarNode closestTo, int ringCount = 1)
        var neighbours = GetSurroundingNodes(node, ringCount);
        if (ringCount >= Mathf.Max(GridSize.x, GridSize.y)) return null;//突破递归
        AStarNode closest = neighbours.FirstOrDefault(x => x.walkable);
        if (closest)
            using (var neighbourEnum = neighbours.GetEnumerator())
                while (neighbourEnum.MoveNext())
                    if (neighbourEnum.Current == closest) break;
                while (neighbourEnum.MoveNext())
                    AStarNode neighbour = neighbourEnum.Current;
                    if (Vector3.Distance(closestTo.worldPosition, neighbour.worldPosition) < Vector3.Distance(closestTo.worldPosition, closest.worldPosition))
                        if (neighbour.walkable) closest = neighbour;
        if (!closest) return GetClosestSurroundingNode(node, closestTo, ringCount + 1);
        else return closest;

    private readonly List<AStarNode> neighbours = new List<AStarNode>();
    private List<AStarNode> GetSurroundingNodes(AStarNode node, int ringCount/*圈数*/)
        if (node != null && ringCount > 0)
            int neiborX;
            int neiborY;
            for (int x = -ringCount; x <= ringCount; x++)
                for (int y = -ringCount; y <= ringCount; y++)
                    if (Mathf.Abs(x) < ringCount && Mathf.Abs(y) < ringCount) continue;//对于圈内的结点,总有其x和y都小于圈数,所以依此跳过

                    neiborX = node.gridPosition.x + x;
                    neiborY = node.gridPosition.y + y;

                    if (neiborX >= 0 && neiborX < GridSize.x && neiborY >= 0 && neiborY < GridSize.y)
                        neighbours.Add(Grid[neiborX, neiborY]);
        return neighbours;

    private List<AStarNode> GetReachableNeighbours(AStarNode node)
        if (node != null)
            int neiborX;
            int neiborY;
            for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
                for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                    if (x == 0 && y == 0) continue;

                    neiborX = node.gridPosition.x + x;
                    neiborY = node.gridPosition.y + y;

                    if (neiborX >= 0 && neiborX < GridSize.x && neiborY >= 0 && neiborY < GridSize.y)
                        if (Reachable(Grid[neiborX, neiborY]))
                            neighbours.Add(Grid[neiborX, neiborY]);
        return neighbours;

        bool Reachable(AStarNode neighbour)
            if (neighbour.gridPosition.x == node.gridPosition.x || neighbour.gridPosition.y == node.gridPosition.y) return neighbour.walkable;
            if (!neighbour.walkable) return false;
            if (neighbour.gridPosition.x > node.gridPosition.x && neighbour.gridPosition.y > node.gridPosition.y)//右上角
                int leftX = node.gridPosition.x;
                int leftY = neighbour.gridPosition.y;
                AStarNode leftNode = Grid[leftX, leftY];
                if (leftNode.walkable)
                    int downX = neighbour.gridPosition.x;
                    int downY = node.gridPosition.y;
                    AStarNode downNode = Grid[downX, downY];
                    if (!downNode.walkable) return false;
                    else return true;
                else return false;
            else if (neighbour.gridPosition.x > node.gridPosition.x && neighbour.gridPosition.y < node.gridPosition.y)//右下角
                int leftX = node.gridPosition.x;
                int leftY = neighbour.gridPosition.y;
                AStarNode leftNode = Grid[leftX, leftY];
                if (leftNode.walkable)
                    int upX = neighbour.gridPosition.x;
                    int upY = node.gridPosition.y;
                    AStarNode upNode = Grid[upX, upY];
                    if (!upNode.walkable) return false;
                    else return true;
                else return false;
            else if (neighbour.gridPosition.x < node.gridPosition.x && neighbour.gridPosition.y > node.gridPosition.y)//左上角
                int rightX = node.gridPosition.x;
                int rightY = neighbour.gridPosition.y;
                AStarNode rightNode = Grid[rightX, rightY];
                if (rightNode.walkable)
                    int downX = neighbour.gridPosition.x;
                    int downY = node.gridPosition.y;
                    AStarNode downNode = Grid[downX, downY];
                    if (!downNode.walkable) return false;
                    else return true;
                else return false;
            else if (neighbour.gridPosition.x < node.gridPosition.x && neighbour.gridPosition.y < node.gridPosition.y)//左下角
                int rightX = node.gridPosition.x;
                int rightY = neighbour.gridPosition.y;
                AStarNode rightNode = Grid[rightX, rightY];
                if (rightNode.walkable)
                    int upX = neighbour.gridPosition.x;
                    int upY = node.gridPosition.y;
                    AStarNode upNode = Grid[upX, upY];
                    if (!upNode.walkable) return false;
                    else return true;
                else return false;
            else return true;

    private bool CanGoStraight(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        Vector3 dir = (to - from).normalized;
        float dis = Vector3.Distance(from, to);
        float checkRadius = cellSize * castRadiusMultiple;
        float radiusMultiple = 1;
        if (castCheckType == CastCheckType.Box)//根据角度确定两个端点的偏移量
            float x, y, angle;
            if (!threeD)
                if (from.x < to.x)
                    angle = Vector2.Angle(Vector2.right.normalized, dir);
                    angle = Vector2.Angle(Vector2.left.normalized, dir);
                if (from.x < to.x)
                    angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right.normalized, new Vector3(dir.x, 0, dir.z));
                    angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.left.normalized, new Vector3(dir.x, 0, dir.z));
            if (angle < 45)
                x = 1;
                y = Mathf.Tan(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
            else if (angle == 90)
                x = 0;
                y = 1;
                y = 1;
                x = 1 / Mathf.Tan(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
            radiusMultiple = Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        if (!threeD)
            bool hit = Physics2D.Raycast(from, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer);
            if (!hit)//射不中,则进行第二次检测
                float x1 = -dir.y / dir.x;
                Vector3 point1 = from + new Vector3(x1, 1).normalized * checkRadius * radiusMultiple;
                bool hit1 = Physics2D.Raycast(point1, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer);
                if (!hit1)//射不中,进行第三次检测
                    float x2 = dir.y / dir.x;
                    Vector3 point2 = from + new Vector3(x2, -1).normalized * checkRadius * radiusMultiple;
                    bool hit2 = Physics2D.Raycast(point2, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer);
                    if (!hit2) return true;
                    else return false;
                else return false;
            else return false;
            bool hit = Physics.Raycast(from, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            if (!hit)
                float x1 = -dir.z / dir.x;
                Vector3 point1 = from + new Vector3(x1, 0, 1).normalized * checkRadius * radiusMultiple;//左边
                bool hit1 = Physics.Raycast(point1, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
                if (!hit1)
                    float x2 = dir.z / dir.x;
                    Vector3 point2 = from + new Vector3(x2, 0, -1).normalized * checkRadius * radiusMultiple;//右边
                    bool hit2 = Physics.Raycast(point2, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
                    if (!hit2)
                        float x3 = -dir.y / dir.x;
                        Vector3 point3 = from + new Vector3(x3, 1, 0).normalized * checkRadius;//底部
                        bool hit3 = Physics.Raycast(point3, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
                        if (!hit3)
                            for (int i = 1; i <= cellHeight; i++)//上部
                                float x4 = -dir.y / dir.x;
                                Vector3 point4 = from + new Vector3(x4, -1, 0).normalized * (checkRadius * (1 + 2 * (i - 1)));
                                bool hit4 = Physics.Raycast(point4, dir, dis, unwalkableLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
                                if (hit4) return false;
                            return true;
                        else return false;
                    else return false;
                else return false;
            else return false;

    private AStarNode GetEffectiveGoal(AStarNode startNode, AStarNode goalNode)
        switch (goalSelectMode)
            case GoalSelectMode.ByRing:
                return GetEffectiveGoalByRing(startNode, goalNode);
            case GoalSelectMode.ByLine:
                return GetEffectiveGoalByLine(startNode, goalNode);
            case GoalSelectMode.None:
                return goalNode;

    private AStarNode GetEffectiveGoalByLine(AStarNode startNode, AStarNode goalNode)
        AStarNode newGoalNode = null;
        int startNodeNodeX = startNode.gridPosition.x, startNodeY = startNode.gridPosition.y;
        int goalNodeX = goalNode.gridPosition.x, goalNodeY = goalNode.gridPosition.y;
        int xDistn = Mathf.Abs(goalNode.gridPosition.x - startNode.gridPosition.x);
        int yDistn = Mathf.Abs(goalNode.gridPosition.y - startNode.gridPosition.y);
        float deltaX, deltaY;
        if (xDistn >= yDistn)
            deltaX = 1;
            deltaY = yDistn / (xDistn * 1.0f);
            deltaY = 1;
            deltaX = xDistn / (yDistn * 1.0f);

        bool CheckNodeReachable(float fX, float fY)
            int gX = Mathf.RoundToInt(fX);
            int gY = Mathf.RoundToInt(fY);
            if (Grid[gX, gY].CanReachTo(startNode))
                newGoalNode = Grid[gX, gY];
                return true;
            else return false;

        if (startNodeNodeX >= goalNodeX && startNodeY >= goalNodeY)//起点位于终点右上角
            for (float x = goalNodeX + deltaX, y = goalNodeY + deltaY; x <= startNodeNodeX && y <= startNodeY; x += deltaX, y += deltaY)
                if (CheckNodeReachable(x, y)) break;
        else if (startNodeNodeX >= goalNodeX && startNodeY <= goalNodeY)//起点位于终点右下角
            for (float x = goalNodeX + deltaX, y = goalNodeY - deltaY; x <= startNodeNodeX && y >= startNodeY; x += deltaX, y -= deltaY)
                if (CheckNodeReachable(x, y)) break;
        else if (startNodeNodeX <= goalNodeX && startNodeY >= goalNodeY)//起点位于终点左上角
            for (float x = goalNodeX - deltaX, y = goalNodeY + deltaY; x >= startNodeNodeX && y <= startNodeY; x -= deltaX, y += deltaY)
                if (CheckNodeReachable(x, y)) break;
        else if (startNodeNodeX <= goalNodeX && startNodeY <= goalNodeY)//起点位于终点左下角
            for (float x = goalNodeX - deltaX, y = goalNodeY - deltaY; x >= startNodeNodeX && y >= startNodeY; x -= deltaX, y -= deltaY)
                if (CheckNodeReachable(x, y)) break;
        return newGoalNode;

    private AStarNode GetEffectiveGoalByRing(AStarNode startNode, AStarNode goalNode, int ringCount = 1)
        var neighbours = GetSurroundingNodes(goalNode, ringCount);
        if (ringCount >= Mathf.Max(GridSize.x, GridSize.y)) return null;//突破递归
        AStarNode newGoalNode = neighbours.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CanReachTo(startNode));
        if (newGoalNode)
            using (var neighbourEnum = neighbours.GetEnumerator())
                while (neighbourEnum.MoveNext())
                    if (neighbourEnum.Current == newGoalNode) break;
                while (neighbourEnum.MoveNext())
                    AStarNode neighbour = neighbourEnum.Current;
                    if (Vector3.Distance(goalNode.worldPosition, neighbour.worldPosition) < Vector3.Distance(goalNode.worldPosition, newGoalNode.worldPosition))
                        if (neighbour.CanReachTo(startNode)) newGoalNode = neighbour;
        if (!newGoalNode) return GetEffectiveGoalByRing(startNode, goalNode, ringCount + 1);
        else return newGoalNode;

    #region 路径相关
    private readonly Heap<AStarNode> openCache;
    private readonly HashSet<AStarNode> closedCache;
    private readonly List<AStarNode> pathCache;

    public void FindPath(PathRequest request, Action<PathResult> callback)
        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        AStarNode startNode = WorldPointToNode(request.start);
        AStarNode goalNode = WorldPointToNode(request.goal);
        if (startNode == null || goalNode == null)
            callback(new PathResult(null, false, request.callback));

        IEnumerable<Vector3> pathResult = null;
        bool findSuccessfully = false;

        if (!goalNode.walkable)
            goalNode = GetClosestSurroundingNode(goalNode, startNode);
            if (goalNode == default)
                callback(new PathResult(null, false, request.callback));
                //Debug.Log("找不到合适的终点" + request.goal);
        if (!startNode.walkable)
            startNode = GetClosestSurroundingNode(startNode, goalNode);
            if (startNode == default)
                callback(new PathResult(null, false, request.callback));
                //Debug.Log("找不到合适的起点" + request.start);
        if (startNode == goalNode)
            callback(new PathResult(null, false, request.callback));
        if (!startNode.CanReachTo(goalNode))
            goalNode = GetEffectiveGoal(startNode, goalNode);
            if (!goalNode || !startNode.CanReachTo(goalNode))
                callback(new PathResult(pathResult, false, request.callback));

        if (CanGoStraight(startNode, goalNode))
            findSuccessfully = true;
            pathResult = new Vector3[] { goalNode };
            //Debug.Log("耗时 " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms,通过直走找到路径");

        if (!findSuccessfully)
            while (openCache.Count > 0)
                AStarNode current = openCache.RemoveRoot();
                if (current == default || current == null)
                    callback(new PathResult(null, false, request.callback));
                if (current == goalNode)
                    findSuccessfully = true;
                    //Debug.Log("耗时 " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms,通过搜索 " + closedList.Count + " 个结点找到路径");

                using (var nodeEnum = GetReachableNeighbours(current).GetEnumerator())
                    while (nodeEnum.MoveNext())
                        AStarNode neighbour = nodeEnum.Current;
                        if (!neighbour.walkable || closedCache.Contains(neighbour)) continue;
                        int costStartToNeighbour = current.GCost + current.CalculateHCostTo(neighbour);
                        if (costStartToNeighbour < neighbour.GCost || !openCache.Contains(neighbour))
                            neighbour.GCost = costStartToNeighbour;
                            neighbour.HCost = neighbour.CalculateHCostTo(goalNode);
                            neighbour.parent = current;
                            if (!openCache.Contains(neighbour))
                            else openCache.Update();
            if (!findSuccessfully)
                //Debug.Log("耗时 " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms,搜索 " + closedList.Count + " 个结点后找不到路径");
                AStarNode pathNode = goalNode;
                while (pathNode != startNode)
                    AStarNode temp = pathNode;
                    pathNode = pathNode.parent;
                    temp.parent = null;
                    temp.HeapIndex = -1;
                pathResult = GetWaypoints(pathCache);
                //Debug.Log("耗时 " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms,通过搜索 " + closedList.Count + " 个结点后取得实际路径");
        callback(new PathResult(pathResult, findSuccessfully, request.callback));

    public bool TryGetPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 goal, out IEnumerable<Vector3> pathResult)

    public bool TryGetPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 goal)

    private List<Vector3> GetWaypoints(List<AStarNode> path)
        List<Vector3> waypoints = new List<Vector3>();
        if (path.Count < 1) return waypoints;
        return waypoints;

        void PathToWaypoints(bool simplify = true)
            if (simplify)
                Vector2 oldDir = Vector3.zero;
                for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                    Vector2 newDir = path[i - 1].gridPosition - path[i].gridPosition;
                    if (newDir != oldDir)//方向不一样时才使用前面的点
                        waypoints.Add(path[i - 1]);
                    else if (i == path.Count - 1) waypoints.Add(path[i]);//即使方向一样,也强制把起点也加进去
                    oldDir = newDir;
            else foreach (AStarNode node in path)

        void StraightenPath()
            if (waypoints.Count < 1) return;
            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            List<Vector3> toRemove = new List<Vector3>();
            Vector3 from = waypoints[0];
            for (int i = 2; i < waypoints.Count; i++)
                if (CanGoStraight(from, waypoints[i]))
                    toRemove.Add(waypoints[i - 1]);
                else from = waypoints[i - 1];
            foreach (Vector3 point in toRemove)
            //Debug.Log("移除 " + toRemove.Count + " 个导航点完成路径直化");

    #region 四邻域连通检测算法
    private readonly Dictionary<int, HashSet<AStarNode>> Connections = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<AStarNode>>();

    private void CalculateConnections()

        int[,] gridData = new int[GridSize.x, GridSize.y];

        for (int x = 0; x < GridSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < GridSize.y; y++)
                if (Grid[x, y].walkable) gridData[x, y] = 1;//大于0表示可行走
                else gridData[x, y] = 0;//0表示有障碍

        int label = 1;
        for (int y = 0; y < GridSize.y; y++)//从下往上扫
            for (int x = 0; x < GridSize.x; x++)//从左往右扫
                if (gridData[x, y] != 0)
                    int labelNeedToChange = 0;//记录需要更改的标记
                    if (y == 0)//第一行,只用看当前数据点的左边
                        if (x == 0)
                            gridData[x, y] = label;
                        else if (gridData[x - 1, y] != 0)//若该点的左侧数据的标记不为0,那么当前数据的标记标为左侧的标记,表示同属一个连通域
                            gridData[x, y] = gridData[x - 1, y];
                            gridData[x, y] = label;
                    else if (x == 0)//网格最左边,不可能出现与左侧形成衔接的情况
                        if (gridData[x, y - 1] != 0) gridData[x, y] = gridData[x, y - 1]; //若下方数据不为0,则当前数据标上下方标记的标记
                            gridData[x, y] = label;
                    else if (gridData[x, y - 1] != 0)//若下方标记不为0
                        gridData[x, y] = gridData[x, y - 1];//则用下方标记来标记当前数据
                        if (gridData[x - 1, y] != 0) labelNeedToChange = gridData[x - 1, y]; //若左方数据不为0,则被左方标记所标记的数据都要更改
                    else if (gridData[x - 1, y] != 0)//若左侧不为0
                        gridData[x, y] = gridData[x - 1, y];//则用左侧标记来标记当前数据
                        gridData[x, y] = label;

                    if (!Connections.ContainsKey(gridData[x, y])) Connections.Add(gridData[x, y], new HashSet<AStarNode>());
                    Connections[gridData[x, y]].Add(Grid[x, y]);
                    Grid[x, y].connectionLabel = gridData[x, y];
                    //Struct.Grid.CoverOrInsert(x, y, Grid[x, y].Structed);//更新结构体

                    if (labelNeedToChange > 0 && labelNeedToChange != gridData[x, y])
                        foreach (AStarNode node in Connections[labelNeedToChange])//把对应连通域合并到当前连通域
                            gridData[node.gridPosition.x, node.gridPosition.y] = gridData[x, y];
                            Connections[gridData[x, y]].Add(node);
                            node.connectionLabel = gridData[x, y];
                            //Struct.Grid.CoverOrInsert(x, y, node.Structed);

    private bool ACanReachB(AStarNode nodeA, AStarNode nodeB)
        if (!nodeA || !nodeB) return false;
        var first = Connections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Contains(nodeA));
        if (default(KeyValuePair<string, AStarNode>).Equals(first)) return false;
        var second = Connections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Contains(nodeB));
        if (default(KeyValuePair<string, AStarNode>).Equals(second)) return false;
        return first.Key == second.Key;

    public static implicit operator bool(AStar self)
        return self != null;



public struct PathRequest
    public readonly Vector3 start;
    public readonly Vector3 goal;
    public readonly Vector2Int unitSize;
    public readonly Action<IEnumerable<Vector3>, bool> callback;

    public PathRequest(Vector3 start, Vector3 goal, Vector2Int unitSize, Action<IEnumerable<Vector3>, bool> callback)
        this.start = start;
        this.goal = goal;
        this.unitSize = unitSize;
        this.callback = callback;

public struct PathResult
    public readonly IEnumerable<Vector3> waypoints;
    public readonly bool findSuccessfully;
    public readonly Action<IEnumerable<Vector3>, bool> callback;

    public PathResult(IEnumerable<Vector3> waypoints, bool findSuccessfully, Action<IEnumerable<Vector3>, bool> callback)
        this.waypoints = waypoints;
        this.findSuccessfully = findSuccessfully;
        this.callback = callback;


public class AStarManager : MonoBehaviour
    private static AStarManager instance;
    public static AStarManager Instance
            if (!instance || !instance.gameObject)
                instance = FindObjectOfType<AStarManager>();
            return instance;

    #region Gizmos相关
    private bool gizmosEdge = true;
    private Color edgeColor = Color.white;

    private bool gizmosGrid = true;
    private Color gridColor = new Color(Color.white.r, Color.white.g, Color.white.b, 0.15f);

    private bool gizmosCast = true;
    private Color castColor = new Color(Color.white.r, Color.white.g, Color.white.b, 0.1f);

    [SerializeField, Tooltip("长和宽都推荐使用2的幂数")]
    private Vector2 worldSize = new Vector2(48, 48);

    private bool threeD;
    public bool ThreeD
            return threeD;

    [SerializeField, Range(0.2f, 2f)]
    private float baseCellSize = 1;
    public float BaseCellSize
            return baseCellSize;

    private float worldHeight = 20.0f;

    private LayerMask groundLayer = ~0;

    [SerializeField, Tooltip("以单元格倍数为单位,至少是 1 倍,2D空间下 Y 数值无效")]
    private Vector2Int[] unitSizes;

    private LayerMask unwalkableLayer = ~0;
    public LayerMask UnwalkableLayer
            return unwalkableLayer;

    [SerializeField, Tooltip("以单元格倍数为单位"), Range(0.25f, 0.5f)]
    private float castRadiusMultiple = 0.5f;

    [EnumMemberNames("方形[精度较低]", "球形[性能较低]")]
    private CastCheckType castCheckType = CastCheckType.Box;

    [SerializeField, Tooltip("当终点无法到达时,如何选取近似有效终点?")]
    [EnumMemberNames("不选取", "按圈选取", "直线选取")]
    private GoalSelectMode goalSelectMode = GoalSelectMode.ByRing;

    #region 实时变量
    public Dictionary<Vector2Int, AStar> AStars { get; private set; } = new Dictionary<Vector2Int, AStar>();

    private readonly Queue<PathResult> results = new Queue<PathResult>();

    #region 网格相关
    public AStar GetAStar(Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1) return null;
        if (!AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize))
        return AStars[unitSize];

    private void CreateAStars()
        foreach (Vector2Int unitSize in unitSizes)

    public void CreateAStar(Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1 || AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize)) return;
        //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

        Vector3 axisOrigin;
        if (!ThreeD)
            axisOrigin = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.y), 0)
                - Vector3.right * (worldSize.x / 2) - Vector3.up * (worldSize.y / 2);
            axisOrigin = new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.x), 0, Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.z))
                - Vector3.right * (worldSize.x / 2) - Vector3.forward * (worldSize.y / 2);

        AStar AStar = new AStar(worldSize, BaseCellSize * unitSize.x, castCheckType, castRadiusMultiple, UnwalkableLayer, groundLayer,
                               ThreeD, worldHeight, unitSize.y, goalSelectMode);
        AStars.Add(unitSize, AStar);

        //Debug.Log("为规格为 " + unitSize + " 的单位建立寻路基础,耗时 " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");

    public void UpdateAStars()
        foreach (AStar AStar in AStars.Values)

    public void UpdateAStars(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint)
        foreach (AStar AStar in AStars.Values)
            AStar.RefreshGrid(fromPoint, toPoint);

    public void UpdateAStar(Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1 || !AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize)) return;

    public void UpdateAStar(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint, Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1 || !AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize)) return;
        AStars[unitSize].RefreshGrid(fromPoint, toPoint);

    public AStarNode WorldPointToNode(Vector3 position, Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1) return null;
        if (!AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize))
        return AStars[unitSize].WorldPointToNode(position);

    public bool WorldPointWalkable(Vector3 point, Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1) return false;
        if (!AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize))
        return AStars[unitSize].WorldPointWalkable(point);

    #region 路径相关
    public bool TryGetPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 goalPos, Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1)
            return false;
        if (!AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize))
        return AStars[unitSize].TryGetPath(startPos, goalPos);

    public bool TryGetPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 goalPos, out IEnumerable<Vector3> pathResult, Vector2Int unitSize)
        if (unitSize.x < 1 || unitSize.y < 1)
            pathResult = null;
            return false;
        if (!AStars.ContainsKey(unitSize))
        return AStars[unitSize].TryGetPath(startPos, goalPos, out pathResult);

    public void RequestPath(PathRequest request)
        if (!AStars.ContainsKey(request.unitSize))
        lock (AStars[request.unitSize])
                AStars[request.unitSize].FindPath(request, GetResult);

    public void GetResult(PathResult result)
        lock (results)

    #region MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()

    private IEnumerator HandlingResults()
            if (results.Count > 0)
                int resultsCount = results.Count;
                lock (results)
                    for (int i = 0; i < resultsCount; i++)
                        PathResult result = results.Dequeue();
                        result.callback(result.waypoints, result.findSuccessfully);
            yield return null;

    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (gizmosGrid)
            if (AStars != null && AStars.ContainsKey(Vector2Int.one))
                AStarNode[,] Grid = AStars[Vector2Int.one].Grid;
                for (int x = 0; x < AStars[Vector2Int.one].GridSize.x; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < AStars[Vector2Int.one].GridSize.y; y++)
                        Gizmos.color = gridColor;
                        if (!Grid[x, y].walkable)
                            Gizmos.color = new Color(Color.red.r, Color.red.g, Color.red.b, gridColor.a);
                            Gizmos.DrawCube(Grid[x, y], ThreeD ? Vector3.one : new Vector3(1, 1, 0) * BaseCellSize * 0.95f);
                        else if (!ThreeD) Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Grid[x, y], new Vector3(1, 1, 0) * BaseCellSize);
                        else Gizmos.DrawCube(Grid[x, y], Vector3.one * BaseCellSize * 0.95f);
                        if (gizmosCast)
                            Gizmos.color = castColor;
                            if (castCheckType == CastCheckType.Sphere) Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(Grid[x, y], BaseCellSize * castRadiusMultiple);
                            else Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Grid[x, y], Vector3.one * BaseCellSize * castRadiusMultiple * 2);
                Vector2Int gridSize = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(worldSize / BaseCellSize);
                Vector3 nodeWorldPos;
                Vector3 axisOrigin;
                if (!ThreeD)
                    axisOrigin = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.y), 0)
                        - Vector3.right * (worldSize.x / 2) - Vector3.up * (worldSize.y / 2);
                    axisOrigin = new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.x), 0, Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.z))
                        - Vector3.right * (worldSize.x / 2) - Vector3.forward * (worldSize.y / 2);

                for (int x = 0; x < gridSize.x; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < gridSize.y; y++)
                        Gizmos.color = gridColor;
                        if (!ThreeD)
                            nodeWorldPos = axisOrigin + Vector3.right * (x + 0.5f) * BaseCellSize + Vector3.up * (y + 0.5f) * BaseCellSize;
                            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(nodeWorldPos, new Vector3(1, 1, 0) * BaseCellSize);
                            nodeWorldPos = axisOrigin + Vector3.right * (x + 0.5f) * BaseCellSize + Vector3.forward * (y + 0.5f) * BaseCellSize;
                            float height;
                            if (Physics.Raycast(nodeWorldPos + Vector3.up * (worldHeight + 0.01f), Vector3.down, out RaycastHit hit, worldHeight + 0.01f, groundLayer))
                                height = hit.point.y;
                            else height = worldHeight + 0.01f;
                            if (height > worldHeight) Gizmos.color = new Color(Color.red.r, Color.red.g, Color.red.b, gridColor.a);
                            nodeWorldPos += Vector3.up * height;
                            Gizmos.DrawCube(nodeWorldPos, Vector3.one * BaseCellSize * 0.95f);
                        if (gizmosCast)
                            Gizmos.color = castColor;
                            if (castCheckType == CastCheckType.Sphere) Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(nodeWorldPos, BaseCellSize * castRadiusMultiple);
                            else Gizmos.DrawWireCube(nodeWorldPos, Vector3.one * BaseCellSize * castRadiusMultiple * 2);
        if (gizmosEdge)
            Gizmos.color = edgeColor;
            if (ThreeD) Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position + Vector3.up * worldHeight / 2, new Vector3(worldSize.x, worldHeight, worldSize.y));
            else Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, new Vector3(worldSize.x, worldSize.y, 0));



public class AStarUnit : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField, Tooltip("以单元格倍数为单位,至少是 1 倍,2D空间下 Y 数值无效")]
    private Vector2Int unitSize = Vector2Int.one;
    private Vector3 footOffset;
    [SerializeField, Tooltip("位置近似范围半径,最小建议值为0.1")]
    private float fixedOffset = 0.125f;

    private Transform target;
    private Vector3 targetFootOffset;
    [SerializeField, Tooltip("目标离开原位置多远之后开始修正跟随?")]
    private float targetFollowStartDistance = 5;

    [EnumMemberNames("普通位移(推荐)[物理效果差]", "刚体位移[性能消耗高]", "控制器位移")]
    private UnitMoveMode moveMode = UnitMoveMode.MovePosition;
    private new Rigidbody rigidbody;
    private new Rigidbody2D rigidbody2D;
    private CharacterController controller;

    public float moveSpeed = 10f;
    public float turnSpeed = 10f;
    private float slopeLimit = 45.0f;
    public float stopDistance = 1;
    public bool autoRepath = true;

    private LineRenderer pathRenderer;

    private Animator animator;
    private string animaHorizontal = "Horizontal";
    private string animaVertical = "Vertical";
    private string animaMagnitude = "Move";

    private bool drawGizmos;

    #region 实时变量
    private Vector3[] path;
    private int targetWaypointIndex;
    private Vector3 oldPosition;

    private bool isFollowingPath;
    public bool IsFollowingPath
        get => isFollowingPath;
            bool origin = isFollowingPath;
            isFollowingPath = value;
            if (!origin && isFollowingPath) StartFollowingPath();
            else if (origin && !isFollowingPath)
                if (pathFollowCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(pathFollowCoroutine);
                pathFollowCoroutine = null;

    private Coroutine pathFollowCoroutine;

    private bool isFollowingTarget;
    public bool IsFollowingTarget
        get => isFollowingTarget;
            bool origin = isFollowingTarget;
            isFollowingTarget = value;
            if (!origin && isFollowingTarget) StartFollowingTarget();
            else if (origin && !isFollowingTarget)
                if (targetFollowCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(targetFollowCoroutine);
                targetFollowCoroutine = null;
                IsFollowingPath = false;

    private Coroutine targetFollowCoroutine;

    private Vector3 gizmosTargetPos = default;

    public bool HasPath
            return path != null && path.Length > 0;

    public bool IsStop => DesiredVelocity.magnitude == 0;

    public Vector3 OffsetPosition
        get { return transform.position + footOffset; }
        private set { transform.position = value - footOffset; }

    public Vector3 TargetPosition
            if (target)
                return target.position + targetFootOffset;
            return OffsetPosition;

    public Vector3 DesiredVelocity//类似于NavMeshAgent.desiredVelocity
            if (path == null || path.Length < 1)
                return Vector3.zero;
            if (targetWaypointIndex >= 0 && targetWaypointIndex < path.Length)
                Vector3 targetWaypoint = path[targetWaypointIndex];
                if (!IsFollowingPath && OffsetPosition.x >= targetWaypoint.x - fixedOffset && OffsetPosition.x <= targetWaypoint.x + fixedOffset
                    && (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD ? true : OffsetPosition.y >= targetWaypoint.y - fixedOffset && OffsetPosition.y <= targetWaypoint.y + fixedOffset)
                    && (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD ? OffsetPosition.z >= targetWaypoint.z - fixedOffset && OffsetPosition.z <= targetWaypoint.z + fixedOffset : true))
                    if (targetWaypointIndex >= path.Length) return Vector3.zero;
                    if (autoRepath)
                        if (!AStarManager.Instance.WorldPointWalkable(path[targetWaypointIndex], unitSize))
                if (targetWaypointIndex < path.Length)
                    if (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD && MyUtilities.Slope(transform.position, path[targetWaypointIndex]) > slopeLimit)
                        return Vector3.zero;
                    if (Vector3.Distance(OffsetPosition, Destination) <= stopDistance)
                        return Vector3.zero;
                    return (path[targetWaypointIndex] - OffsetPosition).normalized * moveSpeed;
            return Vector3.zero;

    public Vector3 Velocity => IsFollowingTarget || IsFollowingPath ? (OffsetPosition - oldPosition).normalized * moveSpeed : Vector3.zero;

    private Vector3 Destination
            if (path == null || path.Length < 1) return OffsetPosition;
            return path[path.Length - 1];

    #region MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()
        if (controller && moveMode == UnitMoveMode.MoveController) controller.slopeLimit = slopeLimit;

    private void Start()
        //Debug only
        SetTarget(target, targetFootOffset, true);

    private void Update()
        if (pathRenderer && path != null && path.Length > 0)
            LinkedList<Vector3> leftPoint = new LinkedList<Vector3>(path.Skip(targetWaypointIndex).ToArray());
            pathRenderer.positionCount = leftPoint.Count;
            if (Vector3.Distance(OffsetPosition, Destination) < stopDistance) ShowPath(false);
        if (animator)
            Vector3 animaInput = DesiredVelocity.normalized;
            if (animaInput.magnitude > 0)
                animator.SetFloat(animaHorizontal, animaInput.x);
                animator.SetFloat(animaVertical, animaInput.y);
            animator.SetFloat(animaMagnitude, animaInput.magnitude);

    private void LateUpdate()
        oldPosition = OffsetPosition;

    private void OnEnable()
        if (!AStarManager.Instance) enabled = false;
        oldPosition = OffsetPosition;

    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (drawGizmos)
            if (path != null)
                for (int i = targetWaypointIndex; i >= 0 && i < path.Length; i++)
                    if (i != path.Length - 1) Gizmos.color = new Color(Color.cyan.r, Color.cyan.g, Color.cyan.b, 0.5f);
                    else Gizmos.color = new Color(Color.green.r, Color.green.g, Color.green.b, 0.5f);
                    Gizmos.DrawSphere(path[i], 0.25f);

                    if (i == targetWaypointIndex)
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(OffsetPosition, path[i]);
                    else Gizmos.DrawLine(path[i - 1], path[i]);
            if (gizmosTargetPos != default && AStarManager.Instance)
                Gizmos.color = new Color(Color.black.r, Color.black.g, Color.black.b, 0.75f);
                Gizmos.DrawCube(new Vector3(gizmosTargetPos.x, gizmosTargetPos.y, 0), Vector3.one * AStarManager.Instance.BaseCellSize * unitSize.x * 0.95f);

    #region 路径相关
    public void SetPath(IEnumerable<Vector3> newPath, bool followImmediate = false)
        if (newPath == null || !AStarManager.Instance) return;
        IsFollowingPath = followImmediate;
        OnPathFound(newPath, true);

    public void ResetPath()
        path = null;
        if (pathFollowCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(pathFollowCoroutine);
        pathFollowCoroutine = null;
        targetWaypointIndex = 0;
        isFollowingPath = false;
        gizmosTargetPos = default;

    private void RequestPath(Vector3 destination)
        if (!AStarManager.Instance || destination == OffsetPosition) return;
        AStarManager.Instance.RequestPath(new PathRequest(OffsetPosition, destination, unitSize, OnPathFound));

    private void OnPathFound(IEnumerable<Vector3> newPath, bool findSuccessfully)
        if (findSuccessfully && newPath != null && newPath.Count() > 0)
            path = newPath.ToArray();
            if (pathRenderer)
                LinkedList<Vector3> path = new LinkedList<Vector3>(this.path);
                pathRenderer.positionCount = path.Count;
            targetWaypointIndex = 0;
            if (IsFollowingPath)

    private void StartFollowingPath()
        if (pathFollowCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(pathFollowCoroutine);
        pathFollowCoroutine = StartCoroutine(FollowPath());

    private IEnumerator FollowPath()
        if (path == null || path.Length < 1 || !IsFollowingPath)
            yield break; //yield break相当于普通函数空return
        Vector3 targetWaypoint = path[0];
        while (IsFollowingPath)//模拟更新函数
            if (path.Length < 1)//如果在追踪过程中,路线没了,直接退出追踪
                yield break;
            if (OffsetPosition.x >= targetWaypoint.x - fixedOffset && OffsetPosition.x <= targetWaypoint.x + fixedOffset//因为很多情况下无法准确定位,所以用近似值
                && (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD ? true : OffsetPosition.y >= targetWaypoint.y - fixedOffset && OffsetPosition.y <= targetWaypoint.y + fixedOffset)
                && (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD ? OffsetPosition.z >= targetWaypoint.z - fixedOffset && OffsetPosition.z <= targetWaypoint.z + fixedOffset : true))
                if (targetWaypointIndex >= path.Length) yield break;
                targetWaypoint = path[targetWaypointIndex];
                if (autoRepath)
                    if (!AStarManager.Instance.WorldPointWalkable(targetWaypoint, unitSize))//自动修复路线
                        //Debug.Log("Auto fix path");
                        yield break;
            if (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD && MyUtilities.Slope(OffsetPosition, targetWaypoint) > slopeLimit) yield break;
            if (Vector3.Distance(OffsetPosition, Destination) <= stopDistance)
                yield break;
            if (moveMode == UnitMoveMode.MovePosition)
                if (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD)
                    Vector3 targetDir = new Vector3(DesiredVelocity.x, 0, DesiredVelocity.z).normalized;//获取平面上的朝向
                    if (!targetDir.Equals(Vector3.zero))
                        Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetDir, Vector3.up);//计算绕Vector3.up使transform.forward对齐targetDir所需的旋转量
                        Quaternion lerpRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime);//平滑旋转
                        transform.rotation = lerpRotation;
                OffsetPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(OffsetPosition, targetWaypoint, Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed);
                yield return null;//相当于以上步骤在Update()里执行,至于为什么不直接放在Update()里,一句两句说不清楚,感兴趣的自己试一试有什么区别
            else if (moveMode == UnitMoveMode.MoveRigidbody)
                if (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD && rigidbody)
                    Vector3 targetDir = new Vector3(DesiredVelocity.x, 0, DesiredVelocity.z).normalized;
                    if (!targetDir.Equals(Vector3.zero))
                        Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetDir, Vector3.up);
                        Quaternion lerpRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(rigidbody.rotation, targetRotation, turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                    rigidbody.MovePosition(rigidbody.position + DesiredVelocity * Time.deltaTime);
                else if (!AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD && rigidbody2D)
                    rigidbody2D.MovePosition((Vector3)rigidbody2D.position + DesiredVelocity * Time.deltaTime);
                yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();//相当于以上步骤在FiexdUpdate()里执行
                if (AStarManager.Instance.ThreeD)
                    Vector3 targetDir = new Vector3(DesiredVelocity.x, 0, DesiredVelocity.z).normalized;
                    if (!targetDir.Equals(Vector3.zero))
                        Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetDir, Vector3.up);
                        Quaternion lerpRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                        transform.rotation = lerpRotation;
                    controller.SimpleMove(DesiredVelocity - Vector3.up * 9.8f);
                yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();

    public void ShowPath(bool value)
        if (!pathRenderer) return;
        pathRenderer.positionCount = 0;
        pathRenderer.enabled = value;

    #region 目标相关
    public void SetDestination(Vector3 destination, bool gotoImmediately = true)//类似NavMeshAgent.SetDestination(),但不建议逐帧使用
        if (drawGizmos) gizmosTargetPos = destination;
        if (!AStarManager.Instance) return;
        if (drawGizmos)
            AStarNode goal = AStarManager.Instance.WorldPointToNode(destination, unitSize);
            if (goal) gizmosTargetPos = goal;
        IsFollowingPath = gotoImmediately;

    public void SetTarget(Transform target, Vector3 footOffset, bool followImmediately = false)
        if (!target || !AStarManager.Instance) return;
        this.target = target;
        targetFootOffset = footOffset;
        if (!followImmediately) SetDestination(TargetPosition, false);
            isFollowingTarget = followImmediately;

    public void SetTarget(Transform target, bool followImmediately = false)
        if (!target || !AStarManager.Instance) return;
        this.target = target;
        targetFootOffset = Vector3.zero;
        if (!followImmediately) SetDestination(TargetPosition, false);
            isFollowingTarget = followImmediately;

    public void ResetTarget()
        target = null;
        if (targetFollowCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(targetFollowCoroutine);
        targetFollowCoroutine = null;
        IsFollowingTarget = false;

    private void StartFollowingTarget()
        if (targetFollowCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(targetFollowCoroutine);
        targetFollowCoroutine = StartCoroutine(FollowTarget());

    private IEnumerator FollowTarget()
        if (!target) yield break;
        Vector3 oldTargetPosition = TargetPosition;
        while (target)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
            if (Vector3.Distance(oldTargetPosition, TargetPosition) > targetFollowStartDistance)
                oldTargetPosition = TargetPosition;

    private enum UnitMoveMode

寻路单位的移动函数使用协程完成,方便中断,也不用为刚体移动和Transform移动分开写移动函数并分别放在FixedUpdate()和Update()调用。整个寻路系统最大的性能消耗在于FollowTarget()的MoveNext(),因为在里边调用了寻路函数,知识有限,目前还没有想到什么好的优化办法,归根到底是寻路算法巨额消耗的锅。Unity虽然可以支持多线程操作,但是别想使用UnityEngine里面的API了,各种红字报错,在底层它自己lock了,用Thread Ninja插件貌似可以飞起,但是没时间去研究了,而且是14年的插件,不知道现在管不管用,比较新的一个Easy Threading也是2年前的了,也没研究。因此,寻路性能成为问题,所以大佬们写的寻路插件都能解决了这个问题,卖这么贵是有道理的=  =




就先记到这里了。又要告一段落了,不知道什么是才能再上来写博了╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭,如果不需要这么精确的寻路,可以稍微改一下Unit的代码,直接把目的地加入路径中,让Unit径直走过去,这种做法普遍适用于小怪,甚至不需要寻路算法,只不过整合起来用显得比较装逼而已。


19/6/11补充:时至今日我才知道PathFinding Project有free版,只不过Asset Srore没上架而已,要去官网下载,功能足够用了,性能比我自己写的好太多太多,2D、3D都能用,也很容易融合(●´∀`●)


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