


# Image list with two lines of data per image:
# 每张图像数据占两行
#   图像ID, QW, QX, QY, QZ, TX, TY, TZ, 相机ID, NAME
#   POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)
#   2D点坐标和对应3D点ID, 若没有对应的3D点则ID标记为-1
# Number of images: 2, mean observations per image: 2
1 0.851773 0.0165051 0.503764 -0.142941 -0.737434 1.02973 3.74354 1 P1180141.JPG
2362.39 248.498 58396 1784.7 268.254 59027 1784.7 268.254 -1
2 0.851773 0.0165051 0.503764 -0.142941 -0.737434 1.02973 3.74354 1 P1180142.JPG
1190.83 663.957 23056 1258.77 640.354 59070




1. 生成image.bin

提取特征 → 特征匹配 → 稀疏重建 → 导出模型 → 得到image.bin

2. 生成image.txt


from aa import *

if __name__ == '__main__':
    images = read_images_binary('C:/Users/.../images.bin')

    if len(images) == 0:
        mean_observations = 0
        mean_observations = sum((len(img.point3D_ids) for _, img in images.items()))/len(images)
    HEADER = "# Image list with two lines of data per image:\n" + \
             "#   IMAGE_ID, QW, QX, QY, QZ, TX, TY, TZ, CAMERA_ID, NAME\n" + \
             "#   POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)\n" + \
             "# Number of images: {}, mean observations per image: {}\n".format(len(images), mean_observations)

    with open('C:/Users/.../images.txt', "w") as fid:
        for _, img in images.items():
            image_header = [, *img.qvec, *img.tvec, img.camera_id,]
            first_line = " ".join(map(str, image_header))
            fid.write(first_line + "\n") (官方代码)


import os
import collections
import numpy as np
import struct
import argparse

CameraModel = collections.namedtuple(
    "CameraModel", ["model_id", "model_name", "num_params"])
Camera = collections.namedtuple(
    "Camera", ["id", "model", "width", "height", "params"])
BaseImage = collections.namedtuple(
    "Image", ["id", "qvec", "tvec", "camera_id", "name", "xys", "point3D_ids"])
Point3D = collections.namedtuple(
    "Point3D", ["id", "xyz", "rgb", "error", "image_ids", "point2D_idxs"])

class Image(BaseImage):
    def qvec2rotmat(self):
        return qvec2rotmat(self.qvec)

    CameraModel(model_id=0, model_name="SIMPLE_PINHOLE", num_params=3),
    CameraModel(model_id=1, model_name="PINHOLE", num_params=4),
    CameraModel(model_id=2, model_name="SIMPLE_RADIAL", num_params=4),
    CameraModel(model_id=3, model_name="RADIAL", num_params=5),
    CameraModel(model_id=4, model_name="OPENCV", num_params=8),
    CameraModel(model_id=5, model_name="OPENCV_FISHEYE", num_params=8),
    CameraModel(model_id=6, model_name="FULL_OPENCV", num_params=12),
    CameraModel(model_id=7, model_name="FOV", num_params=5),
    CameraModel(model_id=8, model_name="SIMPLE_RADIAL_FISHEYE", num_params=4),
    CameraModel(model_id=9, model_name="RADIAL_FISHEYE", num_params=5),
    CameraModel(model_id=10, model_name="THIN_PRISM_FISHEYE", num_params=12)
CAMERA_MODEL_IDS = dict([(camera_model.model_id, camera_model)
                         for camera_model in CAMERA_MODELS])
CAMERA_MODEL_NAMES = dict([(camera_model.model_name, camera_model)
                           for camera_model in CAMERA_MODELS])

def read_next_bytes(fid, num_bytes, format_char_sequence, endian_character="<"):
    """Read and unpack the next bytes from a binary file.
    :param fid:
    :param num_bytes: Sum of combination of {2, 4, 8}, e.g. 2, 6, 16, 30, etc.
    :param format_char_sequence: List of {c, e, f, d, h, H, i, I, l, L, q, Q}.
    :param endian_character: Any of {@, =, <, >, !}
    :return: Tuple of read and unpacked values.
    data =
    return struct.unpack(endian_character + format_char_sequence, data)

def write_next_bytes(fid, data, format_char_sequence, endian_character="<"):
    """pack and write to a binary file.
    :param fid:
    :param data: data to send, if multiple elements are sent at the same time,
    they should be encapsuled either in a list or a tuple
    :param format_char_sequence: List of {c, e, f, d, h, H, i, I, l, L, q, Q}.
    should be the same length as the data list or tuple
    :param endian_character: Any of {@, =, <, >, !}
    if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
        bytes = struct.pack(endian_character + format_char_sequence, *data)
        bytes = struct.pack(endian_character + format_char_sequence, data)

def read_cameras_text(path):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::WriteCamerasText(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::ReadCamerasText(const std::string& path)
    cameras = {}
    with open(path, "r") as fid:
        while True:
            line = fid.readline()
            if not line:
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#":
                elems = line.split()
                camera_id = int(elems[0])
                model = elems[1]
                width = int(elems[2])
                height = int(elems[3])
                params = np.array(tuple(map(float, elems[4:])))
                cameras[camera_id] = Camera(id=camera_id, model=model,
                                            width=width, height=height,
    return cameras

def read_cameras_binary(path_to_model_file):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::WriteCamerasBinary(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::ReadCamerasBinary(const std::string& path)
    cameras = {}
    with open(path_to_model_file, "rb") as fid:
        num_cameras = read_next_bytes(fid, 8, "Q")[0]
        for _ in range(num_cameras):
            camera_properties = read_next_bytes(
                fid, num_bytes=24, format_char_sequence="iiQQ")
            camera_id = camera_properties[0]
            model_id = camera_properties[1]
            model_name = CAMERA_MODEL_IDS[camera_properties[1]].model_name
            width = camera_properties[2]
            height = camera_properties[3]
            num_params = CAMERA_MODEL_IDS[model_id].num_params
            params = read_next_bytes(fid, num_bytes=8*num_params,
            cameras[camera_id] = Camera(id=camera_id,
        assert len(cameras) == num_cameras
    return cameras

def write_cameras_text(cameras, path):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::WriteCamerasText(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::ReadCamerasText(const std::string& path)
    HEADER = "# Camera list with one line of data per camera:\n" + \
             "#   CAMERA_ID, MODEL, WIDTH, HEIGHT, PARAMS[]\n" + \
             "# Number of cameras: {}\n".format(len(cameras))
    with open(path, "w") as fid:
        for _, cam in cameras.items():
            to_write = [, cam.model, cam.width, cam.height, *cam.params]
            line = " ".join([str(elem) for elem in to_write])
            fid.write(line + "\n")

def write_cameras_binary(cameras, path_to_model_file):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::WriteCamerasBinary(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::ReadCamerasBinary(const std::string& path)
    with open(path_to_model_file, "wb") as fid:
        write_next_bytes(fid, len(cameras), "Q")
        for _, cam in cameras.items():
            model_id = CAMERA_MODEL_NAMES[cam.model].model_id
            camera_properties = [,
            write_next_bytes(fid, camera_properties, "iiQQ")
            for p in cam.params:
                write_next_bytes(fid, float(p), "d")
    return cameras

def read_images_text(path):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadImagesText(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WriteImagesText(const std::string& path)
    images = {}
    with open(path, "r") as fid:
        while True:
            line = fid.readline()
            if not line:
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#":
                elems = line.split()
                image_id = int(elems[0])
                qvec = np.array(tuple(map(float, elems[1:5])))
                tvec = np.array(tuple(map(float, elems[5:8])))
                camera_id = int(elems[8])
                image_name = elems[9]
                elems = fid.readline().split()
                xys = np.column_stack([tuple(map(float, elems[0::3])),
                                       tuple(map(float, elems[1::3]))])
                point3D_ids = np.array(tuple(map(int, elems[2::3])))
                images[image_id] = Image(
                    id=image_id, qvec=qvec, tvec=tvec,
                    camera_id=camera_id, name=image_name,
                    xys=xys, point3D_ids=point3D_ids)
    return images

def read_images_binary(path_to_model_file):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadImagesBinary(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WriteImagesBinary(const std::string& path)
    images = {}
    with open(path_to_model_file, "rb") as fid:
        num_reg_images = read_next_bytes(fid, 8, "Q")[0]
        for _ in range(num_reg_images):
            binary_image_properties = read_next_bytes(
                fid, num_bytes=64, format_char_sequence="idddddddi")
            image_id = binary_image_properties[0]
            qvec = np.array(binary_image_properties[1:5])
            tvec = np.array(binary_image_properties[5:8])
            camera_id = binary_image_properties[8]
            image_name = ""
            current_char = read_next_bytes(fid, 1, "c")[0]
            while current_char != b"\x00":   # look for the ASCII 0 entry
                image_name += current_char.decode("utf-8")
                current_char = read_next_bytes(fid, 1, "c")[0]
            num_points2D = read_next_bytes(fid, num_bytes=8,
            x_y_id_s = read_next_bytes(fid, num_bytes=24*num_points2D,
            xys = np.column_stack([tuple(map(float, x_y_id_s[0::3])),
                                   tuple(map(float, x_y_id_s[1::3]))])
            point3D_ids = np.array(tuple(map(int, x_y_id_s[2::3])))
            images[image_id] = Image(
                id=image_id, qvec=qvec, tvec=tvec,
                camera_id=camera_id, name=image_name,
                xys=xys, point3D_ids=point3D_ids)

    return images

def write_images_text(images, path):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadImagesText(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WriteImagesText(const std::string& path)
    if len(images) == 0:
        mean_observations = 0
        mean_observations = sum((len(img.point3D_ids) for _, img in images.items()))/len(images)
    HEADER = "# Image list with two lines of data per image:\n" + \
             "#   IMAGE_ID, QW, QX, QY, QZ, TX, TY, TZ, CAMERA_ID, NAME\n" + \
             "#   POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)\n" + \
             "# Number of images: {}, mean observations per image: {}\n".format(len(images), mean_observations)

    with open(path, "w") as fid:
        for _, img in images.items():
            image_header = [, *img.qvec, *img.tvec, img.camera_id,]
            first_line = " ".join(map(str, image_header))
            fid.write(first_line + "\n")

            points_strings = []
            for xy, point3D_id in zip(img.xys, img.point3D_ids):
                points_strings.append(" ".join(map(str, [*xy, point3D_id])))
            fid.write(" ".join(points_strings) + "\n")

def write_images_binary(images, path_to_model_file):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadImagesBinary(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WriteImagesBinary(const std::string& path)
    with open(path_to_model_file, "wb") as fid:
        write_next_bytes(fid, len(images), "Q")
        for _, img in images.items():
            write_next_bytes(fid,, "i")
            write_next_bytes(fid, img.qvec.tolist(), "dddd")
            write_next_bytes(fid, img.tvec.tolist(), "ddd")
            write_next_bytes(fid, img.camera_id, "i")
            for char in
                write_next_bytes(fid, char.encode("utf-8"), "c")
            write_next_bytes(fid, b"\x00", "c")
            write_next_bytes(fid, len(img.point3D_ids), "Q")
            for xy, p3d_id in zip(img.xys, img.point3D_ids):
                write_next_bytes(fid, [*xy, p3d_id], "ddq")

def read_points3D_text(path):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadPoints3DText(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WritePoints3DText(const std::string& path)
    points3D = {}
    with open(path, "r") as fid:
        while True:
            line = fid.readline()
            if not line:
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#":
                elems = line.split()
                point3D_id = int(elems[0])
                xyz = np.array(tuple(map(float, elems[1:4])))
                rgb = np.array(tuple(map(int, elems[4:7])))
                error = float(elems[7])
                image_ids = np.array(tuple(map(int, elems[8::2])))
                point2D_idxs = np.array(tuple(map(int, elems[9::2])))
                points3D[point3D_id] = Point3D(id=point3D_id, xyz=xyz, rgb=rgb,
                                               error=error, image_ids=image_ids,
    return points3D

def read_points3D_binary(path_to_model_file):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadPoints3DBinary(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WritePoints3DBinary(const std::string& path)
    points3D = {}
    with open(path_to_model_file, "rb") as fid:
        num_points = read_next_bytes(fid, 8, "Q")[0]
        for _ in range(num_points):
            binary_point_line_properties = read_next_bytes(
                fid, num_bytes=43, format_char_sequence="QdddBBBd")
            point3D_id = binary_point_line_properties[0]
            xyz = np.array(binary_point_line_properties[1:4])
            rgb = np.array(binary_point_line_properties[4:7])
            error = np.array(binary_point_line_properties[7])
            track_length = read_next_bytes(
                fid, num_bytes=8, format_char_sequence="Q")[0]
            track_elems = read_next_bytes(
                fid, num_bytes=8*track_length,
            image_ids = np.array(tuple(map(int, track_elems[0::2])))
            point2D_idxs = np.array(tuple(map(int, track_elems[1::2])))
            points3D[point3D_id] = Point3D(
                id=point3D_id, xyz=xyz, rgb=rgb,
                error=error, image_ids=image_ids,
    return points3D

def write_points3D_text(points3D, path):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadPoints3DText(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WritePoints3DText(const std::string& path)
    if len(points3D) == 0:
        mean_track_length = 0
        mean_track_length = sum((len(pt.image_ids) for _, pt in points3D.items()))/len(points3D)
    HEADER = "# 3D point list with one line of data per point:\n" + \
             "#   POINT3D_ID, X, Y, Z, R, G, B, ERROR, TRACK[] as (IMAGE_ID, POINT2D_IDX)\n" + \
             "# Number of points: {}, mean track length: {}\n".format(len(points3D), mean_track_length)

    with open(path, "w") as fid:
        for _, pt in points3D.items():
            point_header = [, *, *pt.rgb, pt.error]
            fid.write(" ".join(map(str, point_header)) + " ")
            track_strings = []
            for image_id, point2D in zip(pt.image_ids, pt.point2D_idxs):
                track_strings.append(" ".join(map(str, [image_id, point2D])))
            fid.write(" ".join(track_strings) + "\n")

def write_points3D_binary(points3D, path_to_model_file):
    see: src/base/
        void Reconstruction::ReadPoints3DBinary(const std::string& path)
        void Reconstruction::WritePoints3DBinary(const std::string& path)
    with open(path_to_model_file, "wb") as fid:
        write_next_bytes(fid, len(points3D), "Q")
        for _, pt in points3D.items():
            write_next_bytes(fid,, "Q")
            write_next_bytes(fid,, "ddd")
            write_next_bytes(fid, pt.rgb.tolist(), "BBB")
            write_next_bytes(fid, pt.error, "d")
            track_length = pt.image_ids.shape[0]
            write_next_bytes(fid, track_length, "Q")
            for image_id, point2D_id in zip(pt.image_ids, pt.point2D_idxs):
                write_next_bytes(fid, [image_id, point2D_id], "ii")

def detect_model_format(path, ext):
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "cameras"  + ext)) and \
       os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "images"   + ext)) and \
       os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "points3D" + ext)):
        print("Detected model format: '" + ext + "'")
        return True

    return False

def read_model(path, ext=""):
    # try to detect the extension automatically
    if ext == "":
        if detect_model_format(path, ".bin"):
            ext = ".bin"
        elif detect_model_format(path, ".txt"):
            ext = ".txt"
            print("Provide model format: '.bin' or '.txt'")

    if ext == ".txt":
        cameras = read_cameras_text(os.path.join(path, "cameras" + ext))
        images = read_images_text(os.path.join(path, "images" + ext))
        points3D = read_points3D_text(os.path.join(path, "points3D") + ext)
        cameras = read_cameras_binary(os.path.join(path, "cameras" + ext))
        images = read_images_binary(os.path.join(path, "images" + ext))
        points3D = read_points3D_binary(os.path.join(path, "points3D") + ext)
    return cameras, images, points3D

def write_model(cameras, images, points3D, path, ext=".bin"):
    if ext == ".txt":
        write_cameras_text(cameras, os.path.join(path, "cameras" + ext))
        write_images_text(images, os.path.join(path, "images" + ext))
        write_points3D_text(points3D, os.path.join(path, "points3D") + ext)
        write_cameras_binary(cameras, os.path.join(path, "cameras" + ext))
        write_images_binary(images, os.path.join(path, "images" + ext))
        write_points3D_binary(points3D, os.path.join(path, "points3D") + ext)
    return cameras, images, points3D

def qvec2rotmat(qvec):
    return np.array([
        [1 - 2 * qvec[2]**2 - 2 * qvec[3]**2,
         2 * qvec[1] * qvec[2] - 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[3],
         2 * qvec[3] * qvec[1] + 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[2]],
        [2 * qvec[1] * qvec[2] + 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[3],
         1 - 2 * qvec[1]**2 - 2 * qvec[3]**2,
         2 * qvec[2] * qvec[3] - 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[1]],
        [2 * qvec[3] * qvec[1] - 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[2],
         2 * qvec[2] * qvec[3] + 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[1],
         1 - 2 * qvec[1]**2 - 2 * qvec[2]**2]])

def rotmat2qvec(R):
    Rxx, Ryx, Rzx, Rxy, Ryy, Rzy, Rxz, Ryz, Rzz = R.flat
    K = np.array([
        [Rxx - Ryy - Rzz, 0, 0, 0],
        [Ryx + Rxy, Ryy - Rxx - Rzz, 0, 0],
        [Rzx + Rxz, Rzy + Ryz, Rzz - Rxx - Ryy, 0],
        [Ryz - Rzy, Rzx - Rxz, Rxy - Ryx, Rxx + Ryy + Rzz]]) / 3.0
    eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(K)
    qvec = eigvecs[[3, 0, 1, 2], np.argmax(eigvals)]
    if qvec[0] < 0:
        qvec *= -1
    return qvec

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read and write COLMAP binary and text models")
    parser.add_argument("--input_model", help="path to input model folder")
    parser.add_argument("--input_format", choices=[".bin", ".txt"],
                        help="input model format", default="")
                        help="path to output model folder")
    parser.add_argument("--output_format", choices=[".bin", ".txt"],
                        help="outut model format", default=".txt")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    cameras, images, points3D = read_model(path=args.input_model, ext=args.input_format)

    print("num_cameras:", len(cameras))
    print("num_images:", len(images))
    print("num_points3D:", len(points3D))

    if args.output_model is not None:
        write_model(cameras, images, points3D, path=args.output_model, ext=args.output_format)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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    假设我有一个用简单脚本表示的测试assert 陈述 请参阅背景了解原因 例如 import foo assert foo 3 4 我如何以一种好的方式将该脚本包含在我的 pytest 测试套件中 我尝试了两种有效但不太好的方法 一种方法是将
  • 样本()和r样本()有什么区别?

    当我从 PyTorch 中的发行版中采样时 两者sample and rsample似乎给出了类似的结果 import torch seaborn as sns x torch distributions Normal torch tens
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    如果我使用以下代码 我会收到此异常 int argument must be a string or a number not Column df df withColumn FY F when df ID substr 5 2 isin
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    我有一类 Person 它可以有多个 Home 每个 Home 都有一个或多个电话号码 我已经定义了类 但现在我正在尝试创建一个视图 其中列出每个人的所有家庭以及每个家庭地址的所有电话号码 类似于 john smith 123 fake s
  • 一个类似 dict 的 Python 类

    我想编写一个自定义类 其行为类似于dict 所以 我继承自dict 不过 我的问题是 我是否需要创建一个私有的dict我的成员 init 方法 我不明白这个有什么意义 因为我已经有了dict如果我只是继承自的行为dict 谁能指出为什么大多
  • Django 1.7 应用程序配置导入错误:没有名为 appname.apps 的模块

    我正在尝试按照以下文档为我的一个名为 文章 的 Django 应用程序设置自定义应用程序配置https docs djangoproject com en dev ref applications https docs djangoproj
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    我希望在调整屏幕大小后使鼠标事件与对象保持同步 有人告诉我需要创建一个数据结构来跟踪 调整事件大小 新坐标以匹配调整大小 如何使用简单的代数方程来完成此操作并将其集成到调整大小事件中以进行准确更新 反过来做 创建一个虚拟游戏地图 在绘制场景
  • 预测测试图像时出现错误 - 无法重塑大小数组

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    我编写了一个脚本来从在线网站上抓取产品信息 目标是将这些信息写入 Excel 文件 由于我的Python知识有限 我只知道如何在Powershell中使用Out file导出 但结果是每个产品的信息都打印在不同的行上 我希望每种产品都有一条
  • 重定向 python 交互式帮助()

    我正在为使用 Qt 的应用程序开发交互式 python shell 但是我似乎无法获得重定向的交互式帮助 我的 python 代码中有这个 class OutputCatcher def init self self data def wr
  • 在 python 中使用高精度时间戳

    嘿 我正在使用 python 处理日期时间 我想知道解析这个时间戳的最佳方法是什么 时间戳是ISO标准 这里是一个例子 2010 06 19T08 17 14 078685237Z 现在到目前为止我已经使用过 time datetime d
  • OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序,同时使用 CTypes 在 python 中读取自定义 DLL

    我正在尝试编写用 python 封装 C 库的代码 我计划使用 CTypes 来完成此操作 并使用 Visual Studio 来编译我的 DLL 我从一个简单的函数开始 在 Visual Studio 内的标头中添加了以下内容 然后将其构


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    MIPI已经不陌生了 对于现在的设计中 摄像头接口 显示接口都有MIPI 所以有了CSI和DSI接口 MIPI最早是手机里面的协议 为了形成行业统一标准 MIPI联盟发起MIPI 移动行业处理器接口 作为移动应用处理器制定的开放标准 1 M
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    卷积神经网络 Convolutional Neural Networks 卷积神经网络 convolutional neural network CNN 是一种专门用来处理具有类似网格结构的数据的神经网络 例如时间序列数据 可以认为是在时间
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    系统变的复杂 系统的层次划分越来越细 边界也越来越明确 然后每一层之间一般都有自己要处理的领域对象 统称为pojo一般在model或者domain包下 类的后缀不能为pojo 常见的一些模型类型 PO DO 持久层对象 一般和数据库直接打交
  • C语言丨快速排序法

    程序员在程序设计时常常需要对存储在数组中的大量数据进行处理 如排序 查找等 排序是把一系列无序的数据按照特定的顺序 如升序或降序 重新排列为有序序列的过程 对数据进行排序是最重要的应用之一 实际生活中的很多问题都需要对数据进行排序 之前我们
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    定义 天天说回调回调 真的了解吗 消息异步为什么要传入回调接口 真的了解了吗 前端 axios 发送请求写的箭头函数全都是回调函数 真的理解了吗 其实回调很简单 就是比如 A 中的方法 a1 调用了 B 中的方法 b1 然后 b1 方法执行
  • ros---键盘控制机器人

    一 前言 无非是解决这几个问题问题 1 teleop py的键盘控制文档的书写 2 机器人模型文件xacro和控制xacro的launch文件的书写 二 问题解决思路 1 首先是teleop py键盘控制代码的书写 你有没有这样的问题 为什
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    大家都知道 电脑只要在运行中就会产生耗电量 就好比电视机 冰箱 电风扇等等之类的啦 在通电的情况下都会产生耗电量 那么该如何计算电脑耗电量呢 别着急 下面小编就给大家介绍电脑耗电量的查询方法 什么是电脑耗电量呢 小编今天来给你们做一个佛系的
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    一 参数形式 1 int main 2 int main void 3 int main int char 4 int main int char 5 int main int argc char argv 6 int main int a
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    css background image设置背景图片大小 效果 代码 middle li width 100 height 170px background image url assets images applyBj png backg
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    解决办法 修改最大限制打开文件数 vi etc security limits d 修改为65535 修改完之后重启应用服务器 系统正常访问
  • 服务器centos系统相关备注

    Install the UFW package using yum sudo yum y install ufw 开放端口 sudo ufw default allow outgoing sudo ufw allow 7000 tcp su
  • 解决Ubuntu16.04ping不通的问题

    想要安装一个包 发现Ubuntu16 04不能上网 在终端ping百度 发现不通 问题如下 解决方法 1 检查你是否有IP信息 使用命令ifconfig 如果没有IP 则参照我的上一篇文章 获取IP 2 如果有IP 则进行下一步 执行以下命
  • 其他总结(四)--win10手动一小时四小时一天重新打开wifi

    win10出现这种个情况 是因为你吧笔记本的wifi关了 可以按fn F 这里的 号指你笔记本上的含有wifi信号开关的那个F键 我的是F2 重新开启就可以连接了 还可以用其他方式打开 https jingyan baidu com alb
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    活动地址 毕业季 进击的技术er 一 目前是大几 学习的专业是 本专业让你Get到哪些新技能 二 从哪个瞬间开始让你决定学习编程语言 三 进入大学敲下的第一行代码是什么 四 目前学习中最大的收获难是 五 大学期间的学习目标是 对未来的职业规
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    起因 因最近实习期间 要求查看 xlsx文件中数据是否有误 由于数据较多 想用python去执行 结果发现网上对xlsx文件操作或是太旧 大多难以应用 所以自己整理了一下 以备自己后用 模拟一个测试数据集data test xlsx文件 文
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    错误描述 ClientAbortException java io IOException Broken pipe 这种就是获取不到连接了 连接已经断开了 出现这种问题的可能性 1 连接太多 到了最大连接数 每个连接处理的速度太慢 而导致处
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    官方给出的images txt如下图 Image list with two lines of data per image 每张图像数据占两行 IMAGE ID QW QX QY QZ TX TY TZ CAMERA ID NAME 图像