webrtc 常用编译参数列表


    Current value (from the default) = []
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:58

    If non-empty, this list must contain valid cpu architecture, and the final
    build will be a multi-architecture build (aka fat build) supporting the
    main $target_cpu architecture and all of $additional_target_cpus.
    For example to build an application that will run on both arm64 and armv7
    devices, you would use the following in args.gn file when running "gn args":
      target_os = "ios"
      target_cpu = "arm64"
      additional_target_cpus = [ "arm" ]
    You can also pass the value via "--args" parameter for "gn gen" command by
    using the syntax --args='additional_target_cpus=["arm"] target_cpu="arm64"'.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/modules/audio_processing/BUILD.gn:17

    Disables the usual mode where we trust the reported system delay
    values the AEC receives. The corresponding define is set appropriately
    in the code, but it can be force-enabled here for testing.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni:17

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:42

    Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
    keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:69

    Selects whether debug dumps for the audio processing module
    should be generated.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:148

    Detect overflow/underflow for global objects.
    Mac: http://crbug.com/352073

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:97

    AFDO (Automatic Feedback Directed Optimizer) is a form of profile-guided
    optimization that GCC supports. It used by ChromeOS in their official
    builds. To use it, set auto_profile_path to the path to a file containing
    the needed gcov profiling data.

    Current value (from the default) = "../../third_party/binutils/Linux_x64/Release/bin"
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:51

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //third_party/libsrtp/BUILD.gn:10

    Tests may not be appropriate for some build environments, e.g. Windows.
    Rather than enumerate valid options, we just let clients ask for them.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:89

    Enable to use the Mozilla internal settings.

    Current value (from the default) = -1
      From //build/toolchain/mac/BUILD.gn:29

    Reduce the number of tasks using the copy_bundle_data and compile_xcassets
    tools as they can cause lots of I/O contention when invoking ninja with a
    large number of parallel jobs (e.g. when using distributed build like goma).

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/toolchain/cc_wrapper.gni:36

    Set to "ccache", "icecc" or "distcc".  Probably doesn't work on windows.

    Current value (from the default) = 0
      From //build/config/compiler/pgo/pgo.gni:13

    Specify the current PGO phase.
    Here's the different values that can be used:
        0 : Means that PGO is turned off.
        1 : Used during the PGI (instrumentation) phase.
        2 : Used during the PGO (optimization) phase.
    TODO(sebmarchand): Add support for the PGU (update) phase.

    Current value (from the default) = "//third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts"
      From //build/config/clang/clang.gni:12

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/clang/clang.gni:10

    Indicates if the build should use the Chrome-specific plugins for enforcing
    coding guidelines, etc. Only used when compiling with Clang.

    Current value (from the default) = "6.0.0"
      From //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni:67

    Clang compiler version. Clang files are placed at version-dependent paths.

    Current value (from the default) = -1
      From //build/toolchain/concurrent_links.gni:19

    Limit the number of concurrent links; we often want to run fewer
    links at once than we do compiles, because linking is memory-intensive.
    The default to use varies by platform and by the amount of memory
    available, so we call out to a script to get the right value.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      (Internally set; try `gn help current_cpu`.)

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      (Internally set; try `gn help current_os`.)

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn:147

    Allows the path to a custom target toolchain to be injected as a single
    argument, and set as the default toolchain.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/dcheck_always_on.gni:7

    Set to true to enable dcheck in Release builds.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:95

    Helper variable for testing builds with disabled libfuzzer.
    Not for client use.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/mac/symbols.gni:17

    Produce dSYM files for targets that are configured to do so. dSYM
    generation is controlled globally as it is a linker output (produced via
    the //build/toolchain/mac/linker_driver.py. Enabling this will result in
    all shared library, loadable module, and executable targets having a dSYM

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:59

    Compile in such a way as to make it possible for the profiler to unwind full
    stack frames. Setting this flag has a large effect on the performance of the
    generated code than just setting profiling, but gives the profiler more
    information to analyze.
    Requires profiling to be set to true.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/ios/BUILD.gn:23

    Enabling this option makes clang compile to an intermediate
    representation ("bitcode"), and not to native code. This is preferred
    when including WebRTC in the apps that will be sent to Apple's App Store
    and mandatory for the apps that run on watchOS or tvOS.
    The option only works when building with Xcode (use_xcode_clang = true).
    Mimicking how Xcode handles it, the production builds (is_debug = false)
    get real bitcode sections added, while the debug builds (is_debug = true)
    only get bitcode-section "markers" added in them.
    NOTE: This option is ignored when building versions for the iOS simulator,
    where a part of libvpx is compiled from the assembly code written using
    Intel assembly syntax; Yasm / Nasm do not support emitting bitcode parts.
    That is not a limitation for now as Xcode mandates the presence of bitcode
    only when building bitcode-enabled projects for real devices (ARM CPUs).

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/BUILD.gn:34

    When set (the default) enables C++ iterator debugging in debug builds.
    Iterator debugging is always off in release builds (technically, this flag
    affects the "debug" config, which is always available but applied by
    default only in debug builds).
    Iterator debugging is generally useful for catching bugs. But it can
    introduce extra locking to check the state of an iterator against the state
    of the current object. For iterator- and thread-heavy code, this can
    significantly slow execution.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/features.gni:27

    Enables Native Client support.
    Temporarily disable nacl on arm64 linux to get rid of compilation errors.
    TODO(mcgrathr): When mipsel-nacl-clang is available, drop the exclusion.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/features.gni:32

    Non-SFI is not yet supported on mipsel

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/pch.gni:11

    Precompiled header file support is by default available,
    but for distributed build system uses (like goma) or when
    doing official builds.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:28

    Compile in such a way as to enable profiling of the generated code. For
    example, don't omit the frame pointer and leave in symbols.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/android/config.gni:369

    Enables used resource whitelist generation. Set for official builds only
    as a large amount of build output is generated.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/mac/symbols.gni:24

    Strip symbols from linked targets by default. If this is enabled, the
    //build/config/mac:strip_all config will be applied to all linked targets.
    If custom stripping parameters are required, remove that config from a
    linked target and apply custom -Wcrl,strip flags. See
    //build/toolchain/mac/linker_driver.py for more information.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:74

    Omit unwind support in official builds to save space.
    We can use breakpad for these builds.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:86

    Enable fatal linker warnings. Building Chromium with certain versions
    of binutils can cause linker warning.
    See: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=457359

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/features.gni:56

    Set to true make a build that disables activation of field trial tests
    specified in testing/variations/fieldtrial_testing_config_*.json.
    Note: this setting is ignored if is_chrome_branded.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:119

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/gcc/BUILD.gn:18

    When non empty, overrides the target rpath value. This allows a user to
    make a Chromium build where binaries and shared libraries are meant to be
    installed into separate directories, like /usr/bin/chromium and
    /usr/lib/chromium for instance. It is useful when a build system that
    generates a whole target root filesystem (like Yocto) is used on top of gn,
    especially when cross-compiling.
    Note: this gn arg is similar to gyp target_rpath generator flag.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni:44

    Used for binary size analysis.
    Currently disabled on LLD because of a bug (fixed upstream).
    See https://crbug.com/716209.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:63

    When we are going to use gold we need to find it.
    This is initialized below, after use_gold might have been overridden.

    Current value (from the default) = "/Users/ilong/goma"
      From //build/toolchain/goma.gni:17

    Absolute directory containing the gomacc binary.

    Current value (from the default) = "x64"
      (Internally set; try `gn help host_cpu`.)

    Current value (from the default) = "mac"
      (Internally set; try `gn help host_os`.)

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni:36

    A optional pkg-config wrapper to use for tools built on the host.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn:151

    This should not normally be set as a build argument.  It's here so that
    every toolchain can pass through the "global" value via toolchain_args().

    Current value (from the default) = "org.chromium"
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:33

    Prefix for CFBundleIdentifier property of iOS bundles (correspond to the
    "Organization Identifier" in Xcode). Code signing will fail if no mobile
    provisioning for the selected code signing identify support that prefix.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:39

    If true, then allow using Xcode to automatically manage certificates. This
    requires loading a separate Xcode project and enable automatically managed
    certificates. When true, all test application will use the same bundle id
    to avoid running out of certificates if using a free account.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:27

    Current value (from the default) = "iPhone Developer"
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:28

    Current value (from the default) = "9.0"
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:21

    Version of iOS that we're targeting.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:26

    The iOS Code signing identity to use
    TODO(GYP), TODO(sdfresne): Consider having a separate
    ios_enable_code_signing_flag=<bool> flag to make the invocation clearer.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:43

    Enabling this option makes clang compile for profiling to gather code
    coverage metrics.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:11

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:10

    SDK path to use. When empty this will use the default SDK based on the
    value of use_ios_simulator.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:13

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:14

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:12

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:11

    Compile for Address Sanitizer to find memory bugs.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/chromecast_build.gni:14

    Set this true for an audio-only Chromecast build.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/chromecast_build.gni:26

    True if Chromecast build is targeted for linux desktop. This type of build
    is useful for testing and development, but currently supports only a subset
    of Cast functionality. Though this defaults to true for x86 Linux devices,
    this should be overriden manually for an embedded x86 build.
    TODO(slan): Remove instances of this when x86 is a fully supported platform.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:58

    Compile with Control Flow Integrity to protect virtual calls and casts.
    See http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ControlFlowIntegrity.html
    TODO(pcc): Remove this flag if/when CFI is enabled in all official builds.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/chrome_build.gni:9

    Select the desired branding flavor. False means normal Chromium branding,
    true means official Google Chrome branding (requires extra Google-internal

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/chromecast_build.gni:11

    Set this true for a Chromecast build. Chromecast builds are supported on
    Linux and Android.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn:139

    Current value = false
      From //.gn:38
    Overridden from the default = false
      From //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn:169

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn:158

    Debug build. Enabling official builds automatically sets is_debug to false.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn:134

    Whether we're a traditional desktop unix.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:14

    Compile for Leak Sanitizer to find leaks.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:17

    Compile for Memory Sanitizer to find uninitialized reads.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/chrome_build.gni:13

    Break chrome.dll into multple pieces based on process type. Only available
    on Windows.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn:131

    Set to enable the official build level of optimization. This has nothing
    to do with branding, but enables an additional level of optimization above
    release (!is_debug). This might be better expressed as a tri-state
    (debug, release, official) but for historical reasons there are two
    separate flags.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:52

    Enable building with SyzyAsan which can find certain types of memory
    errors. Only works on Windows. See

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:20

    Compile for Thread Sanitizer to find threading bugs.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:24

    Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer to find various types of
    undefined behaviour (excludes vptr checks).

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:27

    Halt the program if a problem is detected.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:30

    Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer's null pointer checks.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:87

    Enables core ubsan security features. Will later be removed once it matches

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:33

    Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer's vptr checks.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:45

    Tell VS to create a PDB that references information in .obj files rather
    than copying it all. This should improve linker performance. mspdbcmf.exe
    can be used to convert a fastlink pdb to a normal one.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/c++/c++.gni:33

    ASan, MSan and TSan builds need to override operator new, operator delete,
    and some exception handling symbols, so libc++ must be a shared library to
    prevent duplicate symbol errors when linking.
    Additionally, -fsanitize=vptr requires libc++ to be a shared library
    because the ubsan runtime library that implements -fsanitize=vptr calls
    dynamic_cast with the ABI type info classes, which won't return the right
    answer if each DSO has its own copy of the ABI classes.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //third_party/libyuv/libyuv.gni:15

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //third_party/libyuv/libyuv.gni:14

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //third_party/libyuv/BUILD.gn:14

    Set to false to disable building with gflags.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //third_party/libyuv/libyuv.gni:18

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //third_party/libyuv/libyuv.gni:16

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:63

    Root directory that will store the MSVC link repro. This should only be
    used for debugging purposes on the builders where a MSVC linker flakyness
    has been observed. The targets for which a link repro should be generated
    should add somethink like this to their configuration:
      if (linkrepro_root_dir != "") {
        ldflags = ["/LINKREPRO:" + linkrepro_root_dir + "/" + target_name]
    Note that doing a link repro uses a lot of disk space and slows down the
    build, so this shouldn't be enabled on too many targets.
    See crbug.com/669854.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:49

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni:34

    If this is set to true, or if LLVM_FORCE_HEAD_REVISION is set to 1
    in the environment, we use the revision in the llvm repo to determine
    the CLANG_REVISION to use, instead of the version hard-coded into
    //tools/clang/scripts/update.py. This should only be used in
    conjunction with setting LLVM_FORCE_HEAD_REVISION in the
    environment when `gclient runhooks` is run as well.

    Current value (from the default) = "10.9.0"
      From //build/config/mac/mac_sdk.gni:12

    Minimum supported version of macOS. Must be of the form x.x.x for
    Info.plist files.

    Current value = "10.11"
      From //.gn:40
    Overridden from the default = "10.12"
      From //build/config/mac/mac_sdk_overrides.gni:12

    Current value (from the default) = "macosx"
      From //build/config/mac/mac_sdk.gni:20

    The SDK name as accepted by xcodebuild.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/mac/mac_sdk.gni:17

    Path to a specific version of the Mac SDK, not including a slash at the end.
    If empty, the path to the lowest version greater than or equal to
    mac_sdk_min is used.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:18

    Current value (from the default) = 2
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:38

    Track where uninitialized memory originates from. From fastest to slowest:
    0 - no tracking, 1 - track only the initial allocation site, 2 - track the
    chain of stores leading from allocation site to use site.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni:48

    Use absolute file paths in the compiler diagnostics and __FILE__ macro
    if needed.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:101

    Optimize for coverage guided fuzzing (balance between speed and number of

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:81

    If true, optimize for size. Does not affect windows builds.
    Linux & Mac favor speed over size.
    TODO(brettw) it's weird that Mac and desktop Linux are different. We should
    explore favoring size over speed in this case as well.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/compiler/pgo/pgo.gni:16

    When using chrome_pgo_phase = 2, read profile data from this path.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni:33

    A pkg-config wrapper to call instead of trying to find and call the right
    pkg-config directly. Wrappers like this are common in cross-compilation
    Leaving it blank defaults to searching PATH for 'pkg-config' and relying on
    the sysroot mechanism to find the right .pc files.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/features.gni:39

    Enables proprietary codecs and demuxers; e.g. H264, AAC, MP3, and MP4.
    We always build Google Chrome and Chromecast with proprietary codecs.
    Note: this flag is used by WebRTC which is DEPSed into Chrome. Moving it
    out of //build will require using the build_overrides directory.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:157

    When set to true, replace the audio output with a sinus tone at 440Hz.
    The ADM will ask for audio data from WebRTC but instead of reading real
    audio samples from NetEQ, a sinus tone will be generated and replace the
    real audio samples.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:78

    Disable these to not build components which can be externally provided.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:115

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:79

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:80

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:82

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:83

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:84

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:85

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:86

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:134

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:91

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:72

    Set this to true to enable BWE test logging.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:65

    Enable when an external authentication mechanism is used for performing
    packet authentication for RTP packets instead of libsrtp.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:61

    Disable the code for the intelligibility enhancer by default.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:114

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:58

    Enables the use of protocol buffers for debug recordings.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:75

    Set this to disable building with support for SCTP data channels.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:180

    Include the iLBC audio codec?

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:189

    Chromium uses its own IO handling, so the internal ADM is only built for
    standalone WebRTC.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:37

    Disable this to avoid building the Opus audio codec.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:185

    Excluded in Chromium since its prerequisites don't require Pulse Audio.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:192

    Include tests in standalone checkout.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:168

    FFmpeg must be initialized for |H264DecoderImpl| to work. This can be done
    by WebRTC during |H264DecoderImpl::InitDecode| or externally. FFmpeg must
    only be initialized once. Projects that initialize FFmpeg externally, such
    as Chromium, must turn this flag off so that WebRTC does not also

    Current value (from the default) = "//third_party/jsoncpp/source/include"
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:48

    Used to specify an external Jsoncpp include path when not compiling the
    library that comes with WebRTC (i.e. rtc_build_json == 0).

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:81

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:108

    Links a default implementation of task queues to targets
    that depend on the target rtc_task_queue. Set to false to
    use an external implementation.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:41

    Enable this if the Opus version upon which WebRTC is built supports direct
    encoding of 120 ms packets.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:44

    Enable this to let the Opus audio codec change complexity on the fly.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:122

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:182

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:103

    Set to "func", "block", "edge" for coverage generation.
    At unit test runtime set UBSAN_OPTIONS="coverage=1".
    It is recommend to set include_examples=0.
    Use llvm's sancov -html-report for human readable reports.
    See http://clang.llvm.org/docs/SanitizerCoverage.html .

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:52

    Used to specify an external OpenSSL include path when not compiling the
    library that comes with WebRTC (i.e. rtc_build_ssl == 0).

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:151

    By default, use normal platform audio support or dummy audio, but don't
    use file-based audio playout and record.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:172

    Build sources requiring GTK. NOTICE: This is not present in Chrome OS
    build environments, even if available for Chromium builds.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:144

    Enable this to build OpenH264 encoder/FFmpeg decoder. This is supported on
    all platforms except Android and iOS. Because FFmpeg can be built
    with/without H.264 support, |ffmpeg_branding| has to separately be set to a
    value that includes H.264, for example "Chrome". If FFmpeg is built without
    H.264, compilation succeeds but |H264DecoderImpl| fails to initialize. See
    also: |rtc_initialize_ffmpeg|.
    http://www.openh264.org, https://www.ffmpeg.org/

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:96

    Link-Time Optimizations.
    Executes code generation at link-time instead of compile-time.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:161

    When set to true, test targets will declare the files needed to run memcheck
    as data dependencies. This is to enable memcheck execution on swarming bots.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //webrtc/sdk/BUILD.gn:17

    Determine whether or not to include metal rendering

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:129

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //webrtc/webrtc.gni:147

    Determines whether QUIC code will be built.

    Current value (from the default) = 1
      From //build/config/features.gni:50

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:103

    Value for -fsanitize-coverage flag. Setting this causes
    use_sanitizer_coverage to be enabled.
    Default value when unset and use_afl=true or use_libfuzzer=true:
    Default value when unset and use_sanitizer_coverage=true:

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:109

    Keep symbol level when building with sanitizers. When sanitizers are
    enabled, the default is to compile with the minimum debug info level
    necessary, overriding any other symbol level arguments that may be set.
    Setting this to true prevents this.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:106

    Optimize symbol files for maximizing goma cache hit rate. This isn't
    on by default when goma is enabled because setting this to true may make
    it harder to debug binaries.

    Current value (from the default) = -1
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:24

    How many symbols to include in the build. This affects the performance of
    the build since the symbols are large and dealing with them is slow.
      2 means regular build with symbols.
      1 means minimal symbols, usually enough for backtraces only. Symbols with
    internal linkage (static functions or those in anonymous namespaces) may not
    appear when using this level.
      0 means no symbols.
      -1 means auto-set according to debug/release and platform.

    Current value (from the default) = "lib"
      From //build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni:47

    CrOS systemroots place pkgconfig files at <systemroot>/usr/share/pkgconfig
    and one of <systemroot>/usr/lib/pkgconfig or <systemroot>/usr/lib64/pkgconfig
    depending on whether the systemroot is for a 32 or 64 bit architecture.
    When build under GYP, CrOS board builds specify the 'system_libdir' variable
    as part of the GYP_DEFINES provided by the CrOS emerge build or simple
    chrome build scheme. This variable permits controlling this for GN builds
    in similar fashion by setting the `system_libdir` variable in the build's
    args.gn file to 'lib' or 'lib64' as appropriate for the target architecture.

    Current value = "arm64"
      From //out/ios/args.gn:2
    Overridden from the default = ""
      (Internally set; try `gn help target_cpu`.)

    Current value = "ios"
      From //out/ios/args.gn:1
    Overridden from the default = ""
      (Internally set; try `gn help target_os`.)

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/sysroot.gni:13

    The absolute path of the sysroot that is applied when compiling using
    the target toolchain.

    Current value (from the default) = "//build/linux"
      From //build/config/sysroot.gni:16

    The absolute path to directory containing linux sysroot images

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/ui.gni:42

    True means the UI is built using the "views" framework.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:38

    Default to warnings as errors for default workflow, where we catch
    warnings with known toolchains. Allow overriding this e.g. for Chromium
    builds on Linux that could use a different version of the compiler.
    With GCC, warnings in no-Chromium code are always not treated as errors.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:83

    Compile for fuzzing with AFL.

    Current value (from the default) = "none"
      From //build/config/allocator.gni:29

    Memory allocator to use. Set to "none" to use default allocator.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/allocator.gni:32

    Causes all the allocations to be routed via allocator_shim.cc.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/ui.gni:25

    Indicates if Ash is enabled. Ash is the Aura Shell which provides a
    desktop-like environment for Aura. Requires use_aura = true

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/ui.gni:34

    Indicates if Aura is enabled. Aura is a low-level windowing library, sort
    of a replacement for GDI or GTK.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:64

    Enable checks for bad casts: derived cast and unrelated cast.
    TODO(krasin): remove this, when we're ready to add these checks by default.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:72

    Print detailed diagnostics when Control Flow Integrity detects a violation.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:69

    Enable checks for indirect function calls via a function pointer.
    TODO(pcc): remove this when we're ready to add these checks by default.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:76

    Let Control Flow Integrity continue execution instead of crashing when
    printing diagnostics (use_cfi_diag = true).

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/clang_static_analyzer.gni:10

    Uses the Clang static analysis tools during compilation.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/c++/c++.gni:14

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/c++/c++.gni:24

    Use libc++ instead of stdlibc++ when using the host_cpu toolchain, even if
    use_custom_libcxx is false. This is useful for cross-compiles where a custom
    toolchain for the target_cpu has been set as the default toolchain, but
    use_custom_libcxx should still be true when building for the host.  The
    expected usage is to set use_custom_libcxx=false and
    use_custom_libcxx_for_host=true in the passed in buildargs.

    Current value = true
      From //.gn:43
    Overridden from the default = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:109

    Allow projects that wish to stay on C++11 to override Chromium's default.

    Current value = false
      From //.gn:46
    Overridden from the default = true
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:114

    C++11 may not be an option if Android test infrastructure is used.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/features.gni:61

    Current value (from the default) = "default"
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:40

    use_debug_fission: whether to use split DWARF debug info
    files. This can reduce link time significantly, but is incompatible
    with some utilities such as icecc and ccache. Requires gold and
    gcc >= 4.8 or clang.
    This is a placeholder value indicating that the code below should set
    the default.  This is necessary to delay the evaluation of the default
    value expression until after its input values such as use_gold have
    been set, e.g. by a toolchain_args() block.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:91

    Compile for fuzzing with Dr. Fuzz
    See http://www.chromium.org/developers/testing/dr-fuzz

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/features.gni:65

    Option controlling the use of GConf (the classic GNOME configuration

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/features.gni:68

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/ui.gni:37

    Whether we should use glib, a low level C utility library.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:134

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/goma.gni:9

    Set to true to enable distributed compilation using Goma.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:49

    Whether or not we should turn on incremental WPO. Only affects the VS
    Windows build.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:80

    Compile for fuzzing with LLVM LibFuzzer.
    See http://www.chromium.org/developers/testing/libfuzzer

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:126

    Set to true to use lld, the LLVM linker. This flag may be used on Windows,
    Linux or Fuchsia.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:47

    Use dynamic libraries instrumented by one of the sanitizers instead of the
    standard system libraries. Set this flag to build the libraries from source.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/ui.gni:30

    Indicates if Ozone is enabled. Ozone is a low-level library layer for Linux
    that does not require X11. Enabling this feature disables use of glib, x11,
    Pango, and Cairo.

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/compiler/compiler.gni:66

    Whether or not we should use position independent code.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:43

    Use dynamic libraries instrumented by one of the sanitizers instead of the
    standard system libraries. Set this flag to download prebuilt binaries from

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn:91

    Build with C++ RTTI enabled. Chromium builds without RTTI by default,
    but some sanitizers are known to require it, like CFI diagnostics
    and UBsan variants.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni:143

    Current value (from the default) = true
      From //build/config/sysroot.gni:19

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni:25

    If used with allow_posix_link_time_opt, it enables support for ThinLTO,
    which links 3x-10x faster than full LTO. See also

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/config/features.gni:59

    libudev usage. This currently only affects the content layer.

    Current value (from the default) = false
      From //build/toolchain/toolchain.gni:39

    Compile with Xcode version of clang instead of hermetic version shipped
    with the build. Used on iOS to ship official builds (as they are built
    with the version of clang shipped with Xcode).

    Current value (from the default) = "arm64"
      From //build/config/v8_target_cpu.gni:60

    This argument is declared here so that it can be overridden in toolchains.
    It should never be explicitly set by the user.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/v8_target_cpu.gni:33

    This arg is used when we want to tell the JIT-generating v8 code
    that we want to have it generate for an architecture that is different
    than the architecture that v8 will actually run on; we then run the
    code under an emulator. For example, we might run v8 on x86, but
    generate arm code and run that under emulation.
    This arg is defined here rather than in the v8 project because we want
    some of the common architecture-specific args (like arm_float_abi or
    mips_arch_variant) to be set to their defaults either if the current_cpu
    applies *or* if the v8_current_cpu applies.
    As described below, you can also specify the v8_target_cpu to use
    indirectly by specifying a `custom_toolchain` that contains v8_$cpu in the
    name after the normal toolchain.
    For example, `gn gen --args="custom_toolchain=...:clang_x64_v8_arm64"`
    is equivalent to setting --args=`v8_target_cpu="arm64"`. Setting
    `custom_toolchain` is more verbose but makes the toolchain that is
    (effectively) being used explicit.
    v8_target_cpu can only be used to target one architecture in a build,
    so if you wish to build multiple copies of v8 that are targeting
    different architectures, you will need to do something more
    complicated involving multiple toolchains along the lines of
    custom_toolchain, above.

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:17

    Current value (from the default) = ""
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:15

    Current value (from the default) = 0
      From //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:16

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