

IPSEC.SECRETS(5)		  strongSwan		      IPSEC.SECRETS(5)

       ipsec.secrets - secrets for IKE/IPsec authentication

       The  file  ipsec.secrets	 holds	a table	of secrets.  These secrets are
       used by the  strongSwan	Internet  Key  Exchange	 (IKE)	daemons	 pluto
       (IKEv1) and charon (IKEv2) to authenticate other	hosts.

       It  is vital that these secrets be protected.  The file should be owned
       by the super-user, and its permissions  should  be  set	to  block  all
       access by others.

       The  file  is a sequence	of entries and include directives.  Here is an

	      #	/etc/ipsec.secrets - strongSwan	IPsec secrets file %any : PSK "v+NkxY9LLZvwj4qCC2o/gGrWDF2d21jL"

	      :	RSA moonKey.pem

	      alice@strongswan.org : EAP "x3.dEhgN"

	      carol : XAUTH "4iChxLT3"

	      dave  : XAUTH "ryftzG4A"

	      #	get secrets from other files
	      include ipsec.*.secrets

       Each entry in the file is a list	of optional ID selectors, followed  by
       a  secret.   The	 two  parts  are separated by a	colon (:) that is sur-
       rounded by whitespace. If no ID selectors are specified the  line  must
       start with a colon.

       A  selector is an IP address, a Fully Qualified Domain Name, user@FQDN,
       %any or %any6 (other kinds may come).  An IP address may	be written  in
       the  familiar dotted quad form or as a domain name to be	looked up when
       the file	is loaded.  In many cases it is	a bad idea to use domain names
       because	the  name  server  may	not be running or may be insecure.  To
       denote a	Fully Qualified	Domain Name  (as  opposed  to  an  IP  address
       denoted by its domain name), precede the	name with an at	sign (@).

       Matching	 IDs with selectors is fairly straightforward: they have to be
       equal.  In the case of a	``Road Warrior'' connection, if	an equal match
       is not found for	the Peer's ID, and it is in the	form of	an IP address,
       a selector of %any will match the peer's	IP address if IPV4  and	 %any6
       will  match  a  the peer's IP address if	IPV6.  Currently, the obsolete
       notation	may be used in place of	%any.

       In IKEv1	an additional complexity arises	in the case of	authentication
       by  preshared  secret:  the  responder  will need to look up the	secret
       before the Peer's ID payload has	been decoded, so the ID	used  will  be
       the IP address.

       To  authenticate	 a  connection	between	two hosts, the entry that most
       specifically matches the	host and peer IDs is used.  An entry  with  no
       selectors  will	match  any host	and peer.  More	specifically, an entry
       with one	selector will match a host and peer if	the  selector  matches
       the host's ID (the peer isn't considered).  Still more specifically, an
       entry with multiple selectors will match	a host and peer	if the host ID
       and  peer  ID  each  match  one of the selectors.  If the key is	for an
       asymmetric authentication technique (i.e. a public key system  such  as
       RSA),  an entry with multiple selectors will match a host and peer even
       if only the host	ID matches a selector (it is presumed that the	selec-
       tors are	all identities of the host).  It is acceptable for two entries
       to be the best match as long as they agree about	the secret or  private

       Authentication  by preshared secret requires that both systems find the
       identical secret	(the secret is not actually  transmitted  by  the  IKE
       protocol).   If both the	host and peer appear in	the selector list, the
       same entry will be  suitable  for  both	systems	 so  verbatim  copying
       between	systems	 can be	used.  This naturally extends to larger	groups
       sharing the same	secret.	 Thus multiple-selector	entries	are  best  for
       PSK authentication.

       Authentication  by  public  key	systems	such as	RSA requires that each
       host have its own private key.  A host could reasonably use a different
       private	keys for different interfaces and for different	peers.	But it
       would not be normal to share entries between systems.   Thus  thus  no-
       selector	 and  one-selector  forms of entry often make sense for	public
       key authentication.

       The key part of an entry	must start with	a token	indicating the kind of
       key.  The following types of secrets are	currently supported:

       PSK    defines a	pre-shared key

       RSA    defines an RSA private key

       ECDSA  defines an ECDSA private key

       EAP    defines EAP credentials

       XAUTH  defines XAUTH credentials

       PIN    defines a	smartcard PIN

       Details on each type of secret are given	below.

       Whitespace  at  the end of a line is ignored. At	the start of a line or
       after whitespace, # and the following text up to	the end	of the line is
       treated as a comment.

       An  include  directive causes the contents of the named file to be pro-
       cessed before continuing	with the current file.	The filename  is  sub-
       ject to ``globbing'' as in sh(1), so every file with a matching name is
       processed.  Includes may	be nested to a modest depth  (10,  currently).
       If  the	filename  doesn't start	with a /, the directory	containing the
       current file is prepended to the	name.  The include directive is	a line
       that  starts with the word include, followed by whitespace, followed by
       the filename (which must	not contain whitespace).

       [ <selectors> ] : PSK <secret>
	      A	 preshared  secret  is	most  conveniently  represented	 as  a
	      sequence	of  characters,	 delimited  by double-quote characters
	      (").  The	sequence cannot	contain	 a  newline  or	 double-quote.
	      Strictly	speaking, the secret is	actually the sequence of bytes
	      that is used in the file to represent the	sequence of characters
	      (excluding the delimiters).

       [ <selectors> ] : RSA <private key file>	[ <passphrase> | %prompt ]
	      [	 <selectors>  ]	 :  ECDSA  <private key	file> [	<passphrase> |
	      %prompt ]	For the	private	key file both absolute paths or	 paths
	      relative	to  /etc/ipsec.d/private  are accepted.	If the private
	      key file is encrypted, the passphrase must be  defined.  Instead
	      of  a  passphrase	%prompt	can be used which then causes the dae-
	      mons to ask the user for the password whenever it	is required to
	      decrypt the key.

       <user id> : EAP <secret>
	      As  with	PSK  secrets  the  secret is a sequence	of characters,
	      delimited	by double-quote	characters (").
	      EAP secrets are IKEv2 only.

       [ <servername> ]	<username> : XAUTH <password>
	      XAUTH secrets are	IKEv1 only.

       : PIN <smartcard	selector> <pin code> | %prompt
	      IKEv1 uses the format %smartcard[<slot nr>[:<key id>]] to	 spec-
	      ify  the	smartcard  selector  (e.g. %smartcard1:50).  The IKEv2
	      daemon  supports	multiple  modules  with	 the  format   %smart-
	      card[<slot nr>[@<module>]]:<keyid> , but always requires a keyid
	      to uniquely select the correct key. Instead  of  specifying  the
	      pin  code	statically, %prompt can	be specified, which causes the
	      daemons to ask the user for the pin code.


       ipsec.conf(5), strongswan.conf(5), ipsec(8)

       Originally written for the FreeS/WAN project  by	 D.  Hugh  Redelmeier.
       Updated	   and	   extended	for	the	strongSwan     project
       <http://www.strongswan.org> by Tobias Brunner and Andreas Steffen.

       If an ID	is, it will match %any;	if it is 0::0, it  will	 match



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