




  • 你有太多的数据。可以考虑通过构建学习曲线(learning curves)来预估样本数据集(representative sample)的大小或者使用大数据的框架把所有的可得数据都用上。
  • 你有太少的数据。首先确定你的数据量确实比较少。那么可以考虑尝试收集更多的数据或者用数据增强的方法(data augmentation methods)来人为的增加数据样本大小
  • 你还没有开始收集数据?你需要开始手机数据并且评估这些数据是否足够。如果你是在做一个研究或者数据收集太昂贵,你可以和领域内的专家或者统计学家聊一聊。

在我自己实际工作中,我经常应用学习曲线,在小数据集上应用重新采样的方法(resampling methods)比如k-fold 交叉验证和bootstrap,和在最终结果中增加置信区间。


1. 不能一概而论,需要分论讨论

No one can tell you how much data you need for your predictive modeling problem.没有人可以在不了解你的项目的情况下告诉你,你究竟需要多少训练数据。这个一个棘手的问题,你经常需要通过经验调查来得到答案


  • 你要解决问题的复杂程度, nominally the unknown underlying function that best relates your input variables to the output variable.
  • 学习算法的复杂程度, nominally the algorithm used to inductively learn the unknown underlying mapping function from specific examples.

.2. 通过学习别人的经验进行类比


你还可以研究他们关于数据量大小对算法表现的影响的文章。你可以在google, Google Scholar 和Arxiv上搜索文章

3. 用你的领域的专业知识

You need a sample of data from your problem that is representative of the problem you are trying to solve.

In general, the examples must be independent and identically distributed.

Remember, in machine learning we are learning a function to map input data to output data. The mapping function learned will only be as good as the data you provide it from which to learn.

This means that there needs to be enough data to reasonably capture the relationships that may exist both between input features and between input features and output features.

Use your domain knowledge, or find a domain expert and reason about the domain and the scale of data that may be required to reasonably capture the useful complexity in the problem.

4. 应用统计式启发

There are statistical heuristic methods available that allow you to calculate a suitable sample size.

Most of the heuristics I have seen have been for classification problems as a function of the number of classes, input features or model parameters. Some heuristics seem rigorous, others seem completely ad hoc.

Here are some examples you may consider:

  • Factor of the number of classes: There must be x independent examples for each class, where x could be tens, hundreds, or thousands (e.g. 5, 50, 500, 5000).
  • Factor of the number of input features: There must be x% more examples than there are input features, where x could be tens (e.g. 10).
  • Factor of the number of model parameters: There must be x independent examples for each parameter in the model, where x could be tens (e.g. 10).

They all look like ad hoc scaling factors to me.

Have you used any of these heuristics?
How did it go? Let me know in the comments.

In theoretical work on this topic (not my area of expertise!), a classifier (e.g. k-nearest neighbors) is often contrasted against the optimal Bayesian decision rule and the difficulty is characterized in the context of the curse of dimensionality; that is there is an exponential increase in difficulty of the problem as the number of input features is increased.

For example:

Findings suggest avoiding local methods (like k-nearest neighbors) for sparse samples from high dimensional problems (e.g. few samples and many input features).

For a kinder discussion of this topic, see:

5. 非线性算法一般需要更多数据

The more powerful machine learning algorithms are often referred to as nonlinear algorithms.

By definition, they are able to learn complex nonlinear relationships between input and output features. You may very well be using these types of algorithms or intend to use them.

These algorithms are often more flexible and even nonparametric (they can figure out how many parameters are required to model your problem in addition to the values of those parameters). They are also high-variance, meaning predictions vary based on the specific data used to train them. This added flexibility and power comes at the cost of requiring more training data, often a lot more data.

In fact, some nonlinear algorithms like deep learning methods can continue to improve in skill as you give them more data.

If a linear algorithm achieves good performance with hundreds of examples per class, you may need thousands of examples per class for a nonlinear algorithm, like random forest, or an artificial neural network.

6. 评估数据集大小和模型表现

It is common when developing a new machine learning algorithm to demonstrate and even explain the performance of the algorithm in response to the amount of data or problem complexity.

These studies may or may not be performed and published by the author of the algorithm, and may or may not exist for the algorithms or problem types that you are working with.

I would suggest performing your own study with your available data and a single well-performing algorithm, such as random forest.

Design a study that evaluates model skill versus the size of the training dataset.

Plotting the result as a line plot with training dataset size on the x-axis and model skill on the y-axis will give you an idea of how the size of the data affects the skill of the model on your specific problem.

This graph is called a learning curve.

From this graph, you may be able to project the amount of data that is required to develop a skillful model, or perhaps how little data you actually need before hitting an inflection point of diminishing returns.

I highly recommend this approach in general in order to develop robust models in the context of a well-rounded understanding of the problem.

7. 天真的猜测

You need lots of data when applying machine learning algorithms.

Often, you need more data than you may reasonably require in classical statistics.

I often answer the question of how much data is required with the flippant response:

Get and use as much data as you can.

If pressed with the question, and with zero knowledge of the specifics of your problem, I would say something naive like:

  • You need thousands of examples.
  • No fewer than hundreds.
  • Ideally, tens or hundreds of thousands for “average” modeling problems.
  • Millions or tens-of-millions for “hard” problems like those tackled by deep learning.

Again, this is just more ad hoc guesstimating, but it’s a starting point if you need it. So get started!

8. Get More Data (No Matter What!?)

Big data is often discussed along with machine learning, but you may not require big data to fit your predictive model.

Some problems require big data, all the data you have. For example, simple statistical machine translation:

If you are performing traditional predictive modeling, then there will likely be a point of diminishing returns in the training set size, and you should study your problems and your chosen model/s to see where that point is.

Keep in mind that machine learning is a process of induction. The model can only capture what it has seen. If your training data does not include edge cases, they will very likely not be supported by the model.



Learn something, then take action to better understand what you have with further analysis, extend the data you have with augmentation, or gather more data from your domain.


This section provides more resources on the topic if you are looking go deeper.

There is a lot of discussion around this question on Q&A sites like Quora, StackOverflow, and CrossValidated. Below are few choice examples that may help.

I expect that there are some great statistical studies on this question; here are a few I could find.

Other related articles.

If you know of more, please let me know in the comments below.


In this post, you discovered a suite of ways to think and reason about the problem of answering the common question:

How much training data do I need for machine learning?

Did any of these methods help?
Let me know in the comments below.

Do you have any questions?
Ask your questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer.

Except, of course, the question of how much data that you specifically need



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