about:blank_关于Blank –什么是:blank意味着什么,您应该摆脱它吗?



Have you ever tried to go to a web page and instead see "about:blank" displayed in the address bar where your hoped-for URL should be?

您是否曾经尝试过访问网页,而在希望输入URL的地址栏中看到“ about:blank”?

Don't worry – it happens sometimes, and it isn't anything bad. In this article, you'll learn:

不用担心-它有时会发生,而且还不错。 在本文中,您将学习:

  • what about:blank means

  • what causes it to appear

  • why you might want to use it

  • whether you can get rid of it, and

  • whether you need to worry about it


So let's dive in.


什么是空白? (What is about:blank?)

About:blank is a page that appears when your browser has nothing else to display. It's not a page on the internet, but rather something internally inside your browser.

关于:空白是当浏览器无其他显示时显示的页面。 它不是互联网上的页面,而是浏览器内部的内容。

The "about" part of what you see comes from your browser's about URI or URL scheme. You can type "about:[whatever]" in the address bar to learn more information about your browser.

您所看到的“关于”部分来自浏览器的about URI或URL scheme 。 您可以在地址栏中键入“关于:[任何内容]”以了解有关浏览器的更多信息。

This works in most major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Chromium, Internet Explorer, and so on.

这适用于大多数主流浏览器,例如Chrome,Firefox,Safari,Edge,Chromium,Internet Explorer等。

For example, in Chrome you can type "about:dino" (which Chrome changes to chrome://dino) and you'll get Chrome's infamous "No Internet" dino message:

例如,在Chrome中,您可以输入“ about:dino”(Chrome更改为chrome:// dino),然后您会收到Chrome臭名昭著的“ No Internet”恐龙消息:

If you've never played the no-internet dinosaur game, learn how here (and be prepared to waste hours of your life). But that's neither here nor there.

如果您从未玩过无互联网的恐龙游戏,请在这里学习如何操作 (并准备浪费您的生命)。 但这既不是这里也不是那里。

More usefully, for example, "about:about" displays a list of Chrome URLs:

更有用的是,例如,“ about:about”显示Chrome URL的列表:

Now back to the ":blank" part of about:blank. It just tells your browser to throw up that blank page when it doesn't have something else to display.

现在回到about:blank的“:blank”部分。 它只是告诉您的浏览器在没有其他显示时抛出空白页。

So it literally just shows you a plain white page with nothing on it:


Now again, this isn't some location on the interwebs - it's a blank page your browser keeps on hand for just such a purpose.


什么原因造成:空白? (What causes about:blank?)

So why does this blank page sometimes appear? Some of the main reasons are:

那么为什么有时会出现空白页呢? 一些主要原因是:

  • If you've come across a bad link/URL

    如果您遇到错误的链接/ URL
  • If the browser doesn't know where to go or what to do, it has to do something – so it shows you about:blank

    如果浏览器不知道去哪里或做什么,它必须做一些事情 -这样它会向您显示:空白

  • If your browser detects something dangerous (like malware), certain browsers will display about:blank instead of proceeding into dangerous territory.


So as you can see, about:blank in and of itself isn't really anything to worry about. But if you're seeing it a lot, you might want to check your computer for malware. More on that below.

正如您所看到的,about:blank本身本身并不需要担心。 但是,如果您经常看到它,则可能需要检查计算机中是否存在恶意软件。 下面的更多内容。

用于约:空白 (Uses for about:blank)

Now you might be wondering – why would I want this blank page to appear on purpose? Seems pretty useless.

现在您可能想知道–为什么我要故意出现这个空白页? 似乎很没用。

Not so fast.


If you have limited bandwidth/a slow internet connection, you can set your browser's homepage to be about:blank. This way, whenever you open your browser or a new tab, it'll load super quickly without wasting a single resource or millisecond.

如果带宽有限/互联网连接缓慢,则可以将浏览器的首页设置为“大约”:空白。 这样,无论何时打开浏览器或新选项卡,它都将快速加载,而不会浪费单个资源或毫秒。

如何设置about:blank作为您的主页 (How to set about:blank as your homepage)

In Chrome, open the menu (those three little vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser) and scroll down to the "On Startup" section (likely at the bottom):


Then select "Open a specific page or set of pages" (the third option) and type in "about:blank" to the text field that appears.

然后选择“打开特定页面或页面集”(第三个选项),并在出现的文本字段中键入“ about:blank”。

Then when you open your browser or a new tab, you should see a blank white page.


about:blank的其他用途 (Other uses for about:blank)

You might also want to make sure that, when you open up your browser, no tabs or anything from your previous browsing session were preserved.


This is helpful from a privacy perspective, and also allows you to start a browsing session without internet, which uses less bandwidth.


你能摆脱掉about:blank吗? (Can you get rid of about:blank?)

About:blank isn't really something you "get rid of" or avoid. But if you're seeing it every time you open your browser, it could be that it's set to display about:blank upon launch.

关于:空白并不是您真正要“摆脱”或避免的东西。 但是,如果您每次打开浏览器都看到它,则可能是它设置为在启动时显示about:blank。

If you don't want that to happen, simply go in and change your homepage to whatever you want it to be (following the same steps as above).


关于:空白恶意软件或病毒? (Is about:blank malware or a virus?)

As we've seen throughout this article, about:blank itself isn't anything malicious. But it could be a sign that your computer is blocking malware. So they can be related.

正如我们在整篇文章中所看到的,about:blank本身并不是恶意软件。 但这可能表明您的计算机正在阻止恶意软件。 因此它们可以关联。

Some anti-virus and anti-malware software use about:blank when they detect a bad URL or site. So instead of directing you to that malicious site, the browser throws up that blank page to protect you.

某些防病毒和防恶意软件在检测到错误的URL或站点时使用about:blank。 因此,浏览器会抛出空白页来保护您,而不是将您定向到该恶意网站。

The about:blank page can also appear after you've removed malware from your system. If, in the process of removal, something broke, the browser will display about:blank because it can't complete the action you asked it to perform.

从系统中删除恶意软件之后,也可能会出现about:blank页面。 如果在删除过程中出现问题,浏览器将显示about:blank,因为它无法完成您要求它执行的操作。

In the end, unless you want to set about:blank as your homepage or think you need to investigate possible malware or viruses on your machine, you don't need to worry about about:blank.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/about-blank-what-does-about-blank-mean-and-why-is-it-blocked-in-chrome-and-firefox/



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