Python 的 Tortoise ORM 不返回实体关系(Pyndantic、FastAPI)


我正在制作一个示例 Fast Api 服务器,使用 Tortoise ORM 作为异步 orm 库,但我似乎无法返回我定义的关系。这些是我的关系:

# Category
from import DatetimeField
from tortoise.models import Model
from tortoise.fields import UUIDField, CharField
from tortoise.fields.relational import ManyToManyField
from tortoise.contrib.pydantic import pydantic_model_creator

class Category(Model):
    id = UUIDField(pk=True)
    name = CharField(max_length=255)
    description = CharField(max_length=255)
    keywords = ManyToManyField(
        "models.Keyword", related_name="categories", through="category_keywords"
    created_on = DatetimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_on = DatetimeField(auto_now=True)

Category_dto = pydantic_model_creator(Category, name="Category", allow_cycles = True)
# Keyword
from models.expense import Expense
from models.category import Category
from import DatetimeField
from tortoise.fields.relational import ManyToManyRelation
from tortoise.models import Model
from tortoise.fields import UUIDField, CharField
from tortoise.contrib.pydantic import pydantic_model_creator

class Keyword(Model):
    id = UUIDField(pk=True)
    name = CharField(max_length=255)
    description = CharField(max_length=255)
    categories: ManyToManyRelation[Category]
    expenses: ManyToManyRelation[Expense]
    created_on = DatetimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_on = DatetimeField(auto_now=True)

    class Meta:

Keyword_dto = pydantic_model_creator(Keyword)


class CategoryRepository():

    async def get_one(id: str) -> Category:
        category_orm = await Category.get_or_none(id=id).prefetch_related('keywords')
        if (category_orm is None):
            raise NotFoundHTTP('Category')
        return category_orm



哪种告诉我它们已加载。 然后当我无法使用 Pydantic 模型时我有这个代码

class CategoryUseCases():

    async def get_one(id: str) -> Category_dto:
        category_orm = await CategoryRepository.get_one(id)
        category = await Category_dto.from_tortoise_orm(category_orm)
        return category

并调试这个,没有keywords field


查看tortoise orm的源码了解该函数from_tortoise_orm

    async def from_tortoise_orm(cls, obj: "Model") -> "PydanticModel":
        Returns a serializable pydantic model instance built from the provided model instance.

        .. note::

            This will prefetch all the relations automatically. It is probably what you want.


当尝试生成 pydantic 模型时会出现此问题beforeTortoise ORM 已初始化。如果你看基本派克例如你会看到所有pydantic_model_creator叫做after Tortoise.init.

显而易见的解决方案是在 Tortoise 初始化后创建 pydantic 模型,如下所示:

await Tortoise.init(db_url="sqlite://:memory:", modules={"models": ["__main__"]})
await Tortoise.generate_schemas()

Event_Pydantic = pydantic_model_creator(Event)


from tortoise import Tortoise

Tortoise.init_models(["__main__"], "models")
Tournament_Pydantic = pydantic_model_creator(Tournament)

在本例中,主要思想是将 pydantic 和 db 模型拆分为不同的模块,以便导入第一个模块不会导致提前创建第二个模块。并确保通话Tortoise.init_models()在创建 pydantic 模型之前。



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