Zend_Framework 装饰器将 Label 和 ViewHelper 包装在 div 内


我对 zend 装饰混乱很陌生,但我有两个重要的问题我无法解决。问题一后面是一些例子

$decorate = array(
    array('Errors', array('class'=>'error')),
    array('Label', array('tag'=>'div', 'separator'=>' ')),
    array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'li', 'class'=>'element')),


$name = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('title');
    ->setDescription("No --- way");



<li class="element">
    <label for="title" class="required">Title</label> 
    <input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="">
    <p class="hint">No --- way</p>
    <ul class="error">
        <li>Value is required and can't be empty</li>


我该如何包裹labelinput围绕 div 标签?所以输出如下:

<li class="element">
        <label for="title" class="required">Title</label> 
        <input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="">
    <p class="hint">No --- way</p>
    <ul class="error">
        <li>Value is required and can't be empty</li>


的顺序是怎么回事elements in the $decorate array? 他们毫无意义!

The 装饰器模式是一种设计模式,用于向现有类添加功能而不更改这些现有类。相反,装饰器类将自身包装在另一个类周围,并且通常公开与被装饰类相同的接口。


interface Renderable
    public function render();

class HelloWorld
    implements Renderable
    public function render()
        return 'Hello world!';

class BoldDecorator
    implements Renderable
    protected $_decoratee;

    public function __construct( Renderable $decoratee )
        $this->_decoratee = $decoratee;

    public function render()
        return '<b>' . $this->_decoratee->render() . '</b>';

// wrapping (decorating) HelloWorld in a BoldDecorator
$decorator = new BoldDecorator( new HelloWorld() );
echo $decorator->render();

// will output
<b>Hello world!</b>


class DivDecorator
    implements Renderable
    const PREPEND = 'prepend';
    const APPEND  = 'append';
    const WRAP    = 'wrap';

    protected $_placement;

    protected $_decoratee;

    public function __construct( Renderable $decoratee, $placement = self::WRAP )
        $this->_decoratee = $decoratee;
        $this->_placement = $placement;

    public function render()
        $content = $this->_decoratee->render();
        switch( $this->_placement )
            case self::PREPEND:
                $content = '<div></div>' . $content;
            case self::APPEND:
                $content = $content . '<div></div>';
            case self::WRAP:
                $content = '<div>' . $content . '</div>';

        return $content;

// wrapping (decorating) HelloWorld in a BoldDecorator and a DivDecorator (with DivDecorator::APPEND)
$decorator = new DivDecorator( new BoldDecorator( new HelloWorld() ), DivDecorator::APPEND );
echo $decorator->render();

// will output
<b>Hello world!</b><div></div>


对于有意义的装饰器,您可以使用setOption( 'placement', 'append' )例如,或者通过传递选项'placement' => 'append'例如,选项数组。

For Zend_Form_Decorator_PrepareElements例如,这个放置选项是无用的,因此被忽略,因为它准备了供表单使用的表单元素ViewScript装饰器,使其成为不接触被装饰元素的渲染内容的装饰器之一。


class ErrorClassDecorator
    implements Renderable
    protected $_decoratee;

    public function __construct( Renderable $decoratee )
        $this->_decoratee = $decoratee;

    public function render()
        // imagine the following two fictional methods
        if( $this->_decoratee->hasErrors() )
            $this->_decoratee->setAttribute( 'class', 'errors' );

        // we didn't touch the rendered content, we just set the css class to 'errors' above
        return $this->_decoratee->render();

// wrapping (decorating) HelloWorld in a BoldDecorator and an ErrorClassDecorator
$decorator = new ErrorClassDecorator( new BoldDecorator( new HelloWorld() ) );
echo $decorator->render();

// might output something like
<b class="errors">Hello world!</b>

现在,当你为 a 设置装饰器时Zend_Form_Element_*元素,它们将被包装,并随后按照它们添加的顺序执行。所以,按照你的例子:

$decorate = array(
    array('Errors', array('class'=>'error')),
    array('Label', array('tag'=>'div', 'separator'=>' ')),
    array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'li', 'class'=>'element')),


$decorator = new HtmlTag( new Label( new Errors( new Description( new ViewHelper() ) ) ) );
echo $decorator->render();


// ViewHelper->render()
<input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="">

// Description->render()
<input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="">
<p class="hint">No --- way</p> // placement: append

// Errors->render()
<input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="">
<p class="hint">No --- way</p>
<ul class="error"> // placement: append
    <li>Value is required and cant be empty</li>

// Label->render()
<label for="title" class="required">Title</label> // placement: prepend
<input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="">
<p class="hint">No --- way</p>
<ul class="error">
    <li>Value is required and cant be empty</li>

// HtmlTag->render()
<li class="element"> // placement: wrap
    <label for="title" class="required">Title</label>
    <input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="">
    <p class="hint">No --- way</p>
    <ul class="error">
        <li>Value is required and cant be empty</li>


但现在最困难的部分来了,我们需要做什么才能得到您想要的结果?为了包裹label and input我们不能简单地这样做:

$decorate = array(
    array('Errors', array('class'=>'error')),
    array('Label', array('tag'=>'div', 'separator'=>' ')),
    array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'div')), // default placement: wrap
    array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'li', 'class'=>'element')),

...因为这将包装所有前面的内容(ViewHelper, Description, Errors and Label) 带有一个 div,对吗?甚至不...添加的装饰器将被下一个装饰器替换,因为如果装饰器属于同一类,则装饰器将被后面的装饰器替换。相反,你必须给它一个唯一的密钥:

$decorate = array(
    array('Errors', array('class'=>'error')),
    array('Label', array('tag'=>'div', 'separator'=>' ')),
    array(array('divWrapper' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div')), // we'll call it divWrapper
    array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'li', 'class'=>'element')),

现在,我们仍然面临这样的问题divWrapper将包装所有前面的内容(ViewHelper, Description, Errors and Label)。所以我们需要在这里发挥创意。有很多方法可以实现我们想要的。我举一个例子,这可能是最简单的:

$decorate = array(
    array('Label', array('tag'=>'div', 'separator'=>' ')), // default placement: prepend
    array(array('divWrapper' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div')), // default placement: wrap
    array('Description'), // default placement: append
    array('Errors', array('class'=>'error')), // default placement: append
    array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'li', 'class'=>'element')), // default placement: wrap

有关更多说明Zend_Form我建议阅读 Zend Framework 的首席开发人员 Matthew Weier O'Phinney 的文章关于 Zend 表单装饰器的文章


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