

R包的安装bsts在 CentOS 6.3 上失败并出现以下(截断的)错误。我已经尝试按照建议将 GCC 更新到版本 4.8.2here。还有其他建议吗?

  • 安装source包“繁荣”... ** 包裹‘Boom’成功解压并检查 MD5 和 ** 库 g++ -m64 -std=c++0x -I/usr/include/R -DNDEBUG -I。 -I../inst/include -IBmath -Imath/cephes -Icblas -DNO_BOOST_THREADS -DNO_BOOST_FILESYSTEM -DADD_ -DRLANGUAGE -I/usr/local/include -I"/usr/lib64/R/library/BH/include" -fpic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic -c Models/Bart/Bart.cpp -o 模型/Bart/Bart.o Models/Bart/Bart.cpp: 在成员函数‘void BOOM::Bart::VariableSummary::finalize(int, BOOM::Bart::连续切点策略)’: Models/Bart/Bart.cpp:110:65:警告:有符号和无符号整数表达式之间的比较 [-Wsign-compare] if (number_of_unique_values


 Models/Bart/Bart.cpp:1393:50: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
      if (number_of_trees_to_remove >= trees_.size()) {
 {standard input}: Assembler messages:
 {standard input}:71: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:617: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:664: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:727: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:790: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:1171: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:1180: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:1231: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:2704: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:2796: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:7412: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:7504: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:19481: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 {standard input}:23959: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'
 make: *** [Models/Bart/Bart.o] Error 1
 ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘Boom’
 * removing ‘/usr/lib64/R/library/Boom’
 ERROR: dependency ‘Boom’ is not available for package ‘BoomSpikeSlab’
 * removing ‘/usr/lib64/R/library/BoomSpikeSlab’
 ERROR: dependencies ‘BoomSpikeSlab’, ‘Boom’ are not available for package ‘bsts’
 * removing ‘/usr/lib64/R/library/bsts’

 The downloaded source packages are in
 Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'
 Making 'packages.html' ... done
 '/usr/lib64/R/bin/R' --vanilla CMD INSTALL  \
   '/tmp/Rtmpf9YQJJ/devtoolsa12a5ce5a465/google-CausalImpact-9c9286f'  \
   --library='/usr/lib64/R/library' --install-tests 

 ERROR: dependency ‘bsts’ is not available for package ‘CausalImpact’
 * removing ‘/usr/lib64/R/library/CausalImpact’
 Error: Command failed (1)
 In addition: Warning messages:
 1: In utils::install.packages(deps, dependencies = NA, Ncpus = threads) :
   installation of package ‘Boom’ had non-zero exit status
 2: In utils::install.packages(deps, dependencies = NA, Ncpus = threads) :
   installation of package ‘BoomSpikeSlab’ had non-zero exit status
 3: In utils::install.packages(deps, dependencies = NA, Ncpus = threads) :
   installation of package ‘bsts’ had non-zero exit status

就我而言,安装新版本 (4.9) 的 C++ 和 Fortran 编译器有帮助(请参阅R 包“Boom”无法在 Ubuntu Linux 上安装,向 Dirk Eddelbuettel 致敬)。我之前有 4.8 版本,但它们不起作用。

我不确定如何在 CentOS 上执行此操作,但我确信可以通过某种方式升级编译器。 Ubuntu (14.04) 的步骤是:

  1. Add ubuntu-toolchain-r购电协议与add-apt-repository。我还使用了固定(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto),这样其他包就不会从该 PPA 自动更新。
  2. 安装包g++-4.9 and gfortran-4.9.
  3. 设置环境变量CXX=g++-4.9 and CXX1X=g++-4.9在任一~/.R/Makevars或你的/etc/R/Makeconf.
  4. 安装“繁荣”。

R中bsts包安装错误 的相关文章
