Realm SyncUser.authenticate 使用 Google 的 clientID 和 Facebook 失败


我使用 Google 进行身份验证,如下所示:

let credential = "<SOME-HASH-HERE>")
SyncUser.authenticate(with: credential, server: serverURL, timeout: 60) { [weak self] user, error in
    guard nil == error else {
        print("error while authenticating: \(error!)")

它给出了错误 400。经过一些调试后,我发现了有关该问题的更多信息,但仍然不确定出了什么问题。所以响应看起来像这样:

      "reason":"Unknown provider!"
  "title":"Your request parameters did not validate!",



我从官方文档的示例中获取了授权代码,并且我正在使用最新的 Realm 框架。

我还使用 Facebook 检查了身份验证,但它给出了同样的错误。

我检查了服务器上的configuration.yml文件,并取消了注释google and facebook,输入所需的详细信息,然后重新启动系统。没有帮助。



# Realm Object Server Configuration
# For each possible setting, the commented out values are the default values
# unless another default is mentioned explicitly.
# Paths specified in this file can be either absolute or relative.
# Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

    ## Providers of authentication tokens. Each provider has a configuration
    ## object associated with it. If a provider is included here and its
    ## configuration is valid, it will be enabled.

    ## Possible providers: cloudkit, debug, facebook, realm, password
    ## Providers 'realm' and 'password' are always enabled:
    ## - The 'realm' provider is used to derive access tokens from a refresh token.
    ## - The 'password' provider is required for the dashboard to work. It supports
    ##   authentication through username/password and uses a PBKDF2 implementation.

    ## This enables authentication via a Google Sign-In access token for a
    ## specific app.
      ## The client ID as retrieved when setting up the app in the Google
      ## Developer Console.
      clientId: '<SOME-HASH-HERE>'

    ## This enables authentication via a Facebook access token for a specific app.
    ## This provider needs no configuration (uncommenting the next line enables it).
    facebook: {}


sudo service realm-object-server restart


不幸的是,示例中有一个错误configuration.yml我怀疑您正在访问领域对象服务器附带的文件。这providers:配置文件中的部分应该位于auth:部分(而不是在network:它位于交付文件中的部分)。解决方法是简单地将相关提供者配置移至以下位置auth: key.

我们已准备好针对此错误的修复程序,该修复程序将成为 Realm Object Server 下一版本的一部分。


# Realm Object Server Configuration
# For each possible setting, the commented out values are the default values
# unless another default is mentioned explicitly.
# Paths specified in this file can be either absolute or relative.
# Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

  ## The path to the public and private keys (in PEM format) that will be used
  ## to validate identity tokens sent by clients.
  ## These configuration options are MANDATORY.
  public_key_path: /etc/realm/
  private_key_path: /etc/realm/token-signature.key

    ## Providers of authentication tokens. Each provider has a configuration
    ## object associated with it. If a provider is included here and its
    ## configuration is valid, it will be enabled.

    ## Possible providers: cloudkit, debug, facebook, realm, password
    ## Providers 'realm' and 'password' are always enabled:
    ## - The 'realm' provider is used to derive access tokens from a refresh token.
    ## - The 'password' provider is required for the dashboard to work. It supports
    ##   authentication through username/password and uses a PBKDF2 implementation.

    ## This enables authentication via a Google Sign-In access token for a
    ## specific app.
      ## The client ID as retrieved when setting up the app in the Google
      ## Developer Console.
      clientId: '<SOME-HASH-HERE>'

    ## This enables authentication via a Facebook access token for a specific app.
    ## This provider needs no configuration (uncommenting the next line enables it).
    facebook: {}

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