飞控简析-从入门到跑路 第二章PX4的位置控制(3)





			/* weather-vane mode for vtol: disable yaw control */
			if (!_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled && _pos_sp_triplet.current.disable_mc_yaw_control == true) {
				_att_sp.disable_mc_yaw_control = true;

			} else {
				/* reset in case of setpoint updates */
				_att_sp.disable_mc_yaw_control = false;



if (!_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled && _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid
			    && _pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_IDLE) {
				/* idle state, don't run controller and set zero thrust */
				matrix::Quatf qd = R;
				memcpy(&_att_sp.q_d[0], qd.data(), sizeof(_att_sp.q_d));
				_att_sp.q_d_valid = true;

				_att_sp.roll_body = 0.0f;
				_att_sp.pitch_body = 0.0f;
				_att_sp.yaw_body = _yaw;
				_att_sp.thrust = 0.0f;

				_att_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();

				/* publish attitude setpoint */
				if (_att_sp_pub != nullptr) {
					orb_publish(_attitude_setpoint_id, _att_sp_pub, &_att_sp);

				} else if (_attitude_setpoint_id) {
					_att_sp_pub = orb_advertise(_attitude_setpoint_id, &_att_sp);

			} else if (_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled
				   && _vehicle_land_detected.landed) {
				/* don't run controller when landed */
				_reset_pos_sp = true;
				_reset_alt_sp = true;
				_do_reset_alt_pos_flag = true;
				_mode_auto = false;
				reset_int_z = true;
				reset_int_xy = true;


				_att_sp.roll_body = 0.0f;
				_att_sp.pitch_body = 0.0f;
				_att_sp.yaw_body = _yaw;
				_att_sp.thrust = 0.0f;

				_att_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();

				/* publish attitude setpoint */
				if (_att_sp_pub != nullptr) {
					orb_publish(_attitude_setpoint_id, _att_sp_pub, &_att_sp);

				} else if (_attitude_setpoint_id) {
					_att_sp_pub = orb_advertise(_attitude_setpoint_id, &_att_sp);




			} else {
				/* run position & altitude controllers, if enabled (otherwise use already computed velocity setpoints) */
				if (_run_pos_control) {
					_vel_sp(0) = (_pos_sp(0) - _pos(0)) * _params.pos_p(0);
					_vel_sp(1) = (_pos_sp(1) - _pos(1)) * _params.pos_p(1);

				// guard against any bad velocity values

				bool velocity_valid = PX4_ISFINITE(_pos_sp_triplet.current.vx) &&
						      PX4_ISFINITE(_pos_sp_triplet.current.vy) &&

				// do not go slower than the follow target velocity when position tracking is active (set to valid)

				if (_pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_FOLLOW_TARGET &&
				    velocity_valid &&
				    _pos_sp_triplet.current.position_valid) {

					math::Vector<3> ft_vel(_pos_sp_triplet.current.vx, _pos_sp_triplet.current.vy, 0);

					float cos_ratio = (ft_vel * _vel_sp) / (ft_vel.length() * _vel_sp.length());

					// only override velocity set points when uav is traveling in same direction as target and vector component
					// is greater than calculated position set point velocity component

					if (cos_ratio > 0) {
						ft_vel *= (cos_ratio);
						// min speed a little faster than target vel
						ft_vel += ft_vel.normalized() * 1.5f;

					} else {

					_vel_sp(0) = fabs(ft_vel(0)) > fabs(_vel_sp(0)) ? ft_vel(0) : _vel_sp(0);
					_vel_sp(1) = fabs(ft_vel(1)) > fabs(_vel_sp(1)) ? ft_vel(1) : _vel_sp(1);

					// track target using velocity only

				} else if (_pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_FOLLOW_TARGET &&
					   velocity_valid) {

					_vel_sp(0) = _pos_sp_triplet.current.vx;
					_vel_sp(1) = _pos_sp_triplet.current.vy;



				if (_run_alt_control) {
					_vel_sp(2) = (_pos_sp(2) - _pos(2)) * _params.pos_p(2);

				/* make sure velocity setpoint is saturated in xy*/
				float vel_norm_xy = sqrtf(_vel_sp(0) * _vel_sp(0) +
							  _vel_sp(1) * _vel_sp(1));

				if (vel_norm_xy > _params.vel_max(0)) {
					/* note assumes vel_max(0) == vel_max(1) */
					_vel_sp(0) = _vel_sp(0) * _params.vel_max(0) / vel_norm_xy;
					_vel_sp(1) = _vel_sp(1) * _params.vel_max(1) / vel_norm_xy;

				/* make sure velocity setpoint is saturated in z*/
				if (_vel_sp(2) < -1.0f * _params.vel_max_up) {
					_vel_sp(2) = -1.0f * _params.vel_max_up;

				if (_vel_sp(2) >  _params.vel_max_down) {
					_vel_sp(2) = _params.vel_max_down;

				if (!_control_mode.flag_control_position_enabled) {
					_reset_pos_sp = true;

				if (!_control_mode.flag_control_altitude_enabled) {
					_reset_alt_sp = true;

				if (!_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled) {
					_vel_sp_prev(0) = _vel(0);
					_vel_sp_prev(1) = _vel(1);
					_vel_sp(0) = 0.0f;
					_vel_sp(1) = 0.0f;
					control_vel_enabled_prev = false;

				if (!_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled) {
					_vel_sp(2) = 0.0f;






/* use constant descend rate when landing, ignore altitude setpoint */
				if (!_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled && _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid
				    && _pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_LAND) {
					_vel_sp(2) = _params.land_speed;

				/* special thrust setpoint generation for takeoff from ground */
				if (!_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled && _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid
				    && _pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_TAKEOFF
				    && _control_mode.flag_armed) {

					// check if we are not already in air.
					// if yes then we don't need a jumped takeoff anymore
					if (!_takeoff_jumped && !_vehicle_land_detected.landed && fabsf(_takeoff_thrust_sp) < FLT_EPSILON) {
						_takeoff_jumped = true;

					if (!_takeoff_jumped) {
						// ramp thrust setpoint up
						if (_vel(2) > -(_params.tko_speed / 2.0f)) {
							_takeoff_thrust_sp += 0.5f * dt;

						} else {
							// copter has reached our takeoff speed. split the thrust setpoint up
							// into an integral part and into a P part
							thrust_int(2) = _takeoff_thrust_sp - _params.vel_p(2) * fabsf(_vel(2));
							thrust_int(2) = -math::constrain(thrust_int(2), _params.thr_min, _params.thr_max);
							_vel_sp_prev(2) = -_params.tko_speed;
							_takeoff_jumped = true;
							reset_int_z = false;

					if (_takeoff_jumped) {
						_vel_sp(2) = -_params.tko_speed;

				} else {
					_takeoff_jumped = false;
					_takeoff_thrust_sp = 0.0f;



				// limit total horizontal acceleration
				math::Vector<2> acc_hor;
				acc_hor(0) = (_vel_sp(0) - _vel_sp_prev(0)) / dt;
				acc_hor(1) = (_vel_sp(1) - _vel_sp_prev(1)) / dt;

				if ((acc_hor.length() > _params.acc_hor_max) & !_reset_pos_sp) {
					acc_hor *= _params.acc_hor_max;
					math::Vector<2> vel_sp_hor_prev(_vel_sp_prev(0), _vel_sp_prev(1));
					math::Vector<2> vel_sp_hor = acc_hor * dt + vel_sp_hor_prev;
					_vel_sp(0) = vel_sp_hor(0);
					_vel_sp(1) = vel_sp_hor(1);

				// limit vertical acceleration

				float acc_v = (_vel_sp(2) - _vel_sp_prev(2)) / dt;

				if ((fabsf(acc_v) > 2 * _params.acc_hor_max) & !_reset_alt_sp) {
					acc_v /= fabsf(acc_v);
					_vel_sp(2) = acc_v * 2 * _params.acc_hor_max * dt + _vel_sp_prev(2);

				_vel_sp_prev = _vel_sp;

				_global_vel_sp.vx = _vel_sp(0);
				_global_vel_sp.vy = _vel_sp(1);
				_global_vel_sp.vz = _vel_sp(2);

				/* publish velocity setpoint */
				if (_global_vel_sp_pub != nullptr) {
					orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_velocity_setpoint), _global_vel_sp_pub, &_global_vel_sp);

				} else {
					_global_vel_sp_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_velocity_setpoint), &_global_vel_sp);



if (_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled || _control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled ||
				    _control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled) {
					/* reset integrals if needed */
					if (_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled) {
						if (reset_int_z) {
							reset_int_z = false;
							float i = _params.thr_min;

							if (reset_int_z_manual) {
								i = _params.thr_hover;

								if (i < _params.thr_min) {
									i = _params.thr_min;

								} else if (i > _params.thr_max) {
									i = _params.thr_max;

							thrust_int(2) = -i;

					} else {
						reset_int_z = true;

					if (_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled) {
						if (reset_int_xy) {
							reset_int_xy = false;
							thrust_int(0) = 0.0f;
							thrust_int(1) = 0.0f;

					} else {
						reset_int_xy = true;



				/* velocity error */
					math::Vector<3> vel_err = _vel_sp - _vel;

					// check if we have switched from a non-velocity controlled mode into a velocity controlled mode
					// if yes, then correct xy velocity setpoint such that the attitude setpoint is continuous
					if (!control_vel_enabled_prev && _control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled) {

						matrix::Dcmf Rb = matrix::Quatf(_att_sp.q_d[0], _att_sp.q_d[1], _att_sp.q_d[2], _att_sp.q_d[3]);

						// choose velocity xyz setpoint such that the resulting thrust setpoint has the direction
						// given by the last attitude setpoint
						_vel_sp(0) = _vel(0) + (-Rb(0,
									    2) * _att_sp.thrust - thrust_int(0) - _vel_err_d(0) * _params.vel_d(0)) / _params.vel_p(0);
						_vel_sp(1) = _vel(1) + (-Rb(1,
									    2) * _att_sp.thrust - thrust_int(1) - _vel_err_d(1) * _params.vel_d(1)) / _params.vel_p(1);
						_vel_sp(2) = _vel(2) + (-Rb(2,
									    2) * _att_sp.thrust - thrust_int(2) - _vel_err_d(2) * _params.vel_d(2)) / _params.vel_p(2);
						_vel_sp_prev(0) = _vel_sp(0);
						_vel_sp_prev(1) = _vel_sp(1);
						_vel_sp_prev(2) = _vel_sp(2);
						control_vel_enabled_prev = true;

						// compute updated velocity error
						vel_err = _vel_sp - _vel;



/* thrust vector in NED frame */
					math::Vector<3> thrust_sp;

					if (_control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled && _pos_sp_triplet.current.acceleration_valid) {
						thrust_sp = math::Vector<3>(_pos_sp_triplet.current.a_x, _pos_sp_triplet.current.a_y, _pos_sp_triplet.current.a_z);

					} else {
						thrust_sp = vel_err.emult(_params.vel_p) + _vel_err_d.emult(_params.vel_d) + thrust_int;

					if (_pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_TAKEOFF
					    && !_takeoff_jumped && !_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) {
						// for jumped takeoffs use special thrust setpoint calculated above
						thrust_sp(2) = -_takeoff_thrust_sp;

					if (!_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled && !_control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled) {
						thrust_sp(0) = 0.0f;
						thrust_sp(1) = 0.0f;

					if (!_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled && !_control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled) {
						thrust_sp(2) = 0.0f;

					/* limit thrust vector and check for saturation */
					bool saturation_xy = false;
					bool saturation_z = false;

					/* limit min lift */
					float thr_min = _params.thr_min;

					if (!_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled && thr_min < 0.0f) {
						/* don't allow downside thrust direction in manual attitude mode */
						thr_min = 0.0f;




					float thrust_abs = thrust_sp.length();
					float tilt_max = _params.tilt_max_air;
					float thr_max = _params.thr_max;
					/* filter vel_z over 1/8sec */
					_vel_z_lp = _vel_z_lp * (1.0f - dt * 8.0f) + dt * 8.0f * _vel(2);
					/* filter vel_z change over 1/8sec */
					float vel_z_change = (_vel(2) - _vel_prev(2)) / dt;
					_acc_z_lp = _acc_z_lp * (1.0f - dt * 8.0f) + dt * 8.0f * vel_z_change;

					/* adjust limits for landing mode */
					if (!_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled && _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid &&
					    _pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_LAND) {
						/* limit max tilt and min lift when landing */
						tilt_max = _params.tilt_max_land;

						if (thr_min < 0.0f) {
							thr_min = 0.0f;

						/* descend stabilized, we're landing */
						if (!_in_landing && !_lnd_reached_ground
						    && (float)fabs(_acc_z_lp) < 0.1f
						    && _vel_z_lp > 0.5f * _params.land_speed) {
							_in_landing = true;

						/* assume ground, cut thrust */
						if (_in_landing
						    && _vel_z_lp < 0.1f) {
							thr_max = 0.0f;
							_in_landing = false;
							_lnd_reached_ground = true;

						/* once we assumed to have reached the ground always cut the thrust.
							Only free fall detection below can revoke this
						if (!_in_landing && _lnd_reached_ground) {
							thr_max = 0.0f;

						/* if we suddenly fall, reset landing logic and remove thrust limit */
						if (_lnd_reached_ground
						    /* XXX: magic value, assuming free fall above 4m/s2 acceleration */
						    && (_acc_z_lp > 4.0f
							|| _vel_z_lp > 2.0f * _params.land_speed)) {
							thr_max = _params.thr_max;
							_in_landing = false;
							_lnd_reached_ground = false;

					} else {
						_in_landing = false;
						_lnd_reached_ground = false;

					/* limit min lift */
					if (-thrust_sp(2) < thr_min) {
						thrust_sp(2) = -thr_min;
						saturation_z = true;

					if (_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled || _control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled) {

						/* limit max tilt */
						if (thr_min >= 0.0f && tilt_max < M_PI_F / 2 - 0.05f) {
							/* absolute horizontal thrust */
							float thrust_sp_xy_len = math::Vector<2>(thrust_sp(0), thrust_sp(1)).length();

							if (thrust_sp_xy_len > 0.01f) {
								/* max horizontal thrust for given vertical thrust*/
								float thrust_xy_max = -thrust_sp(2) * tanf(tilt_max);

								if (thrust_sp_xy_len > thrust_xy_max) {
									float k = thrust_xy_max / thrust_sp_xy_len;
									thrust_sp(0) *= k;
									thrust_sp(1) *= k;
									saturation_xy = true;







	if (_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled && !_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled) {
						/* thrust compensation when vertical velocity but not horizontal velocity is controlled */
						float att_comp;

						if (_R(2, 2) > TILT_COS_MAX) {
							att_comp = 1.0f / _R(2, 2);

						} else if (_R(2, 2) > 0.0f) {
							att_comp = ((1.0f / TILT_COS_MAX - 1.0f) / TILT_COS_MAX) * _R(2, 2) + 1.0f;
							saturation_z = true;

						} else {
							att_comp = 1.0f;
							saturation_z = true;

						thrust_sp(2) *= att_comp;

					/* limit max thrust */
					thrust_abs = thrust_sp.length(); /* recalculate because it might have changed */

					if (thrust_abs > thr_max) {
						if (thrust_sp(2) < 0.0f) {
							if (-thrust_sp(2) > thr_max) {
								/* thrust Z component is too large, limit it */
								thrust_sp(0) = 0.0f;
								thrust_sp(1) = 0.0f;
								thrust_sp(2) = -thr_max;
								saturation_xy = true;
								saturation_z = true;

							} else {
								/* preserve thrust Z component and lower XY, keeping altitude is more important than position */
								float thrust_xy_max = sqrtf(thr_max * thr_max - thrust_sp(2) * thrust_sp(2));
								float thrust_xy_abs = math::Vector<2>(thrust_sp(0), thrust_sp(1)).length();
								float k = thrust_xy_max / thrust_xy_abs;
								thrust_sp(0) *= k;
								thrust_sp(1) *= k;
								saturation_xy = true;

						} else {
							/* Z component is negative, going down, simply limit thrust vector */
							float k = thr_max / thrust_abs;
							thrust_sp *= k;
							saturation_xy = true;
							saturation_z = true;

						thrust_abs = thr_max;





/* update integrals */
					if (_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled && !saturation_xy) {
						thrust_int(0) += vel_err(0) * _params.vel_i(0) * dt;
						thrust_int(1) += vel_err(1) * _params.vel_i(1) * dt;

					if (_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled && !saturation_z) {
						thrust_int(2) += vel_err(2) * _params.vel_i(2) * dt;

						/* protection against flipping on ground when landing */
						if (thrust_int(2) > 0.0f) {
							thrust_int(2) = 0.0f;

					/* calculate attitude setpoint from thrust vector */
					if (_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled || _control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled) {
						/* desired body_z axis = -normalize(thrust_vector) */
						math::Vector<3> body_x;
						math::Vector<3> body_y;
						math::Vector<3> body_z;

						if (thrust_abs > SIGMA) {
							body_z = -thrust_sp / thrust_abs;

						} else {
							/* no thrust, set Z axis to safe value */
							body_z(2) = 1.0f;

						/* vector of desired yaw direction in XY plane, rotated by PI/2 */
						math::Vector<3> y_C(-sinf(_att_sp.yaw_body), cosf(_att_sp.yaw_body), 0.0f);

						if (fabsf(body_z(2)) > SIGMA) {
							/* desired body_x axis, orthogonal to body_z */
							body_x = y_C % body_z;

							/* keep nose to front while inverted upside down */
							if (body_z(2) < 0.0f) {
								body_x = -body_x;


						} else {
							/* desired thrust is in XY plane, set X downside to construct correct matrix,
							 * but yaw component will not be used actually */
							body_x(2) = 1.0f;

						/* desired body_y axis */
						body_y = body_z % body_x;

						/* fill rotation matrix */
						for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
							R(i, 0) = body_x(i);
							R(i, 1) = body_y(i);
							R(i, 2) = body_z(i);

						/* copy quaternion setpoint to attitude setpoint topic */
						matrix::Quatf q_sp = R;
						memcpy(&_att_sp.q_d[0], q_sp.data(), sizeof(_att_sp.q_d));
						_att_sp.q_d_valid = true;

						/* calculate euler angles, for logging only, must not be used for control */
						matrix::Eulerf euler = R;
						_att_sp.roll_body = euler(0);
						_att_sp.pitch_body = euler(1);
						/* yaw already used to construct rot matrix, but actual rotation matrix can have different yaw near singularity */

					} else if (!_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) {
						/* autonomous altitude control without position control (failsafe landing),
						 * force level attitude, don't change yaw */
						R = matrix::Eulerf(0.0f, 0.0f, _att_sp.yaw_body);

						/* copy quaternion setpoint to attitude setpoint topic */
						matrix::Quatf q_sp = R;
						memcpy(&_att_sp.q_d[0], q_sp.data(), sizeof(_att_sp.q_d));
						_att_sp.q_d_valid = true;

						_att_sp.roll_body = 0.0f;
						_att_sp.pitch_body = 0.0f;



			/* fill local position, velocity and thrust setpoint */
			_local_pos_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
			_local_pos_sp.x = _pos_sp(0);
			_local_pos_sp.y = _pos_sp(1);
			_local_pos_sp.z = _pos_sp(2);
			_local_pos_sp.yaw = _att_sp.yaw_body;
			_local_pos_sp.vx = _vel_sp(0);
			_local_pos_sp.vy = _vel_sp(1);
			_local_pos_sp.vz = _vel_sp(2);

			/* publish local position setpoint */
			if (_local_pos_sp_pub != nullptr) {
				orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position_setpoint), _local_pos_sp_pub, &_local_pos_sp);

			} else {
				_local_pos_sp_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position_setpoint), &_local_pos_sp);

		} else {
			/* position controller disabled, reset setpoints */
			_reset_alt_sp = true;
			_reset_pos_sp = true;
			_do_reset_alt_pos_flag = true;
			_mode_auto = false;
			reset_int_z = true;
			reset_int_xy = true;
			control_vel_enabled_prev = false;

			/* store last velocity in case a mode switch to position control occurs */
			_vel_sp_prev = _vel;



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  • Tx2 通过内核编译来获取ttyUSB* 以及ttyACM*的设备名

    最近由于学校实验室准备参加ICRA的DJI AI Challenge xff0c 所以我在使用TX2跑ROS 我用的是ubuntu 16 04 ros kinetic版本 然后遇到了一些问题 再插上通信串口之后usb并没有反应 通过lsus
  • Tx2上运行rplidar A2

    首先 xff0c 有一个比较坑的地方 xff0c Tx2默认情况下是没有rplidar A2的这个驱动的 xff0c 需要我们自己进行内核编译安装 具体安装方法可以看我的Tx2 通过内核编译来获取ttyUSB 以及ttyACM 的设备名 的
  • TX2安装caffe(从头开始,最全教程)

    xff08 大二时记录在有道云笔记的记录 xff0c 现在开始搬运 xff09 准备工作 xff1a 1 刷机 第一次使用TX2 xff0c 那是需要刷机的 由于TX2自带的ubuntu系统比较老 xff0c 不适合我们接下来的工作 xff
  • Ubuntu下C/C++网络编程基本:socket实现tcp的例子

    1 说明 待编辑 2 代码 test server h ifndef INCLUDE TEST SERVER H define INCLUDE TEST SERVER H include lt unistd h gt include lt
  • mavros常用消息类型表

    mavros订阅消息 xff1a global position 订阅GPS数据 消息名称 xff1a mavros global position global 类型名称 xff1a sensor msgs NavSatFix h 类型所
  • 记一次美团校招内推笔试经历

    2019年4月23日星期二晚上七点 这天刚好项目上生产我负责留守做远程技术支持 留下的还有个重要的原因就是今晚我有一个美团的笔试 七点笔试准时开始 信心满满打开网页地址 美团用的是赛码网来做的笔试题库 xff0c 再次之前收到了邀请码输入进
  • git 推送出现 &quot;fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly&quot; 解决方案

    在使用git更新或提交 项目时候出现 34 fatal The remote end hung up unexpectedly 34 原因是推送的文件太大 那就简单了 xff0c 要么是缓存不够 xff0c 要么是网络不行 xff0c 要么
  • 双色球规则及c++实现代码

    双色球规则 xff1a 第一章 总 则 第一条 本规则依据财政部 彩票发行与销售管理暂行规定 和 中国福利彩票 xff08 电脑型 xff09 联合发行与销售管理暂行办法 xff08 以下简称 管理办法 xff09 制定 第二条 中国福利彩
  • 卡尔曼滤波以及Matlab实现_参考书籍_核心剖析_经验分享_EKF(1)

    版权声明 xff1a 本文为博主原创文章 xff0c 未经博主允许不得转载 https mp csdn net mdeditor 1 前言 首先 xff0c 关于卡尔曼滤波理论的定义 种类 算法实现过程步骤以及相关例子方面 xff0c 博主
  • 用JAVA实现MapReduce

    这里的MapReduce实现的是分词计数 pom xml文件 版本号需要跟你自己安装的hadoop版本号一样 hadoop commonhadoop hdfshadoop authhadoop clienthadoop mapreduce
  • 高通导航器软件开发包使用指南(10)

    高通导航器软件开发包使用指南 xff08 10 xff09 8 9位置控制参数8 10状态 机器 进程8 11高度 估算器 图8 12最大加速度偏差8 13电压监控图8 14 att control params xff08 附件控制参数
  • VTK 多平面重建(MPR)及三维切片显示

    在此之前翻阅很多资料 爬过很多的坑 花费不少时间 xff0c 终于还是完成了 xff01 虽然实现地很简单 xff0c 但是大体功能是实现了 后面需要完善功能的话 xff0c 可以用qt与vtk结合开发 MPR MPR multi plan
  • 【实战】从零搭建SSO单点登录服务器 - CAS认证流程

    前言 因系统逐渐增多 xff0c 各个业务系统间无法共享用户状态 xff0c 每个系统都需要用户登录 这对于用户来说很不友好 xff0c 于是需要搭建一个SSO单点登录服务器 xff0c 来做统一的登录 注销 写这个系列的文章有两个目的 x
  • ubuntu18.04安装IntelRealsense D435的SDK及相机标定记录

    写在前面的话 早上去实验室临时被塞的活 xff0c 说让标一下D435这个相机 xff0c 那就做呗 xff01 相机认识 Intel RealSense深度摄像头 D435 xff0c 设备采用USB供电形式 xff0c usb3 0的口
  • PHPStorm 2018版本 破解教程

    破解步骤 1 前提 xff1a 下载好需要的文件 xff08 进入网址后 xff0c 点击download now xff09 PHPStorm xff1a https www jetbrains com phpstorm 点击downlo
  • centos7 安装vnc-server 与卸载

    安装vnc server 前题 Linux桌面程序已安装 安装 vnc server 以root用户运行以下命令来安装vncserver yum install tigervnc server tigervnc server module
  • Ubuntu16.04网络连接正常但是无法使用浏览器上网-浏览器代理设置

    chrome ubuntu16 04 之前使用win10 chrome的时候经常会出现这样的问题 xff0c 但也轻车熟路的解决问题 看下面的图 右上角 设置 高级设置 打开代理设置 选连接 局域网设置关闭代理 就ok了 xff01 ubu
