


  • 一、先使用python训练模型
  • 二、提取参数
    • 提取模型参数
    • 提取图片
  • 三、编写CNN算子
    • 在windows中实现
    • 在FPGA中实现,使用avalon接口






# Extraction_Parameter.py
import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np

class CNNModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CNNModel, self).__init__()
        # Convolution layer 1
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels = 3 , out_channels = 8, kernel_size = 3, stride = 1, padding = 0 )
        self.relu1 = nn.ReLU()
        self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size = 2, stride = 2)
        # Convolution layer 2
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels =8 , out_channels = 16, kernel_size = 3, stride = 1, padding = 0 )
        self.relu2 = nn.ReLU()
        self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size = 2, stride = 2)
        # Fully-Connected layer 1
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(400,40)
        # Fully-Connected layer 2
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(40,4)
    def forward(self, x):
        # conv layer 1 的前向计算,3行代码
        out = self.conv1(x)
        out = self.relu1(out)
        out = self.maxpool1(out)
        # conv layer 2 的前向计算,3行代码
        out = self.conv2(out)
        out = self.relu2(out)
        out = self.maxpool2(out)
        out = out.view(out.size(0),-1)
        #FC layer的前向计算(2行代码)
        out = self.fc1(out)
        out = self.fc2(out)
        return F.log_softmax(out,dim = 1)

network = CNNModel()

model_path = "model1.pth"
network.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location = torch.device('cpu')))

parm = {}
for name,parameters in network.state_dict().items():

    parm[name] = parameters.detach().numpy()
    print(name, parameters)

w1 = parm['conv1.weight']
b1 = parm['conv1.bias']
w2 = parm['conv2.weight']
b2 = parm['conv2.bias']

fc1_w = parm['fc1.weight']
fc1_b = parm['fc1.bias']
fc2_w = parm['fc2.weight']
fc2_b = parm['fc2.bias']


with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    #new_str1 = str(np.transpose(w1).tolist())
    new_str1 = str(w1.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float conv1_weight[8][3][9] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")

with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    #new_str1 = str(np.transpose(b1).tolist())
    new_str1 = str(b1.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float conv1_bias[8] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")

with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    #new_str1 = str(np.transpose(w2).tolist())
    new_str1 = str(w2.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float conv2_weight[16][8][9] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")

with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    #new_str1 = str(np.transpose(b2).tolist())
    new_str1 = str(b2.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float conv2_bias[16] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")

with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    new_str1 = str(np.transpose(fc1_w).tolist())
    #new_str1 = str(fc1_w.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float fc1_weight[" + str(400*40) + "] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")

with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    #new_str1 = str(np.transpose(fc1_b).tolist())
    new_str1 = str(fc1_b.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float fc1_bias[40] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")

with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    new_str1 = str(np.transpose(fc2_w).tolist())
    #new_str1 = str(fc2_w.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float fc2_weight[" + str(40*4) + "] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")

with open("parameters1_wb.h","a") as f:
    #new_str1 = str(np.transpose(fc2_b).tolist())
    new_str1 = str(fc2_b.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float fc2_bias[4] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")




# Extract_Image.py
from torchvision import transforms
import torch
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from itertools import chain

# 在训练模型时对图片进行怎样的预处理
# 在提取图片参数时需要先进行同样的处理再提取,不然维度数据对不上
data_transform = transforms.Compose(
     #transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

img = Image.open("./test/Others1.jpg")#预测图片
img = data_transform(img)
img = torch.unsqueeze(img, dim=0)
img = img.numpy()
#img = img * (1.0/255.0)
#img = img.tolist()


with open("pic1.h","a") as f:
    #new_str1 = str(np.transpose(img).tolist())
    new_str1 = str(img.tolist())
    new_str2 = new_str1.replace('[','')
    new_str3 = new_str2.replace(']','')
    f.write("float Others2" + "[3][28][28] = {" + new_str3 + "};\n\n")




#include <stdio.h>
#include "parameters1_wb.h"
#include "pic1.h"

#define POLL_STRIDE 2

#define IMG_SIZE 28
#define CONV1_IN_KERNEL 3
#define CONV1_OUT_SIZZE 26
#define CONV1_OUT_KERNEL 8
#define POLL1_OUT_SIZE 13 

#define CONV2_OUT_KERNEL 16
#define CONV2_OUT_SIZE 11
#define POLL2_OUT_SIZE 5

#define FC_X 400    //16*5*5
#define FC1_OUT 40 
#define FC1_B 40

#define FC2_OUT 4 
#define FC2_B 4

int cnn_predict(float img[CONV1_IN_KERNEL][IMG_SIZE][IMG_SIZE],
                float conv1_b[CONV1_OUT_KERNEL],
                float conv2_b[CONV2_OUT_KERNEL],
                float fc1_w[FC_X * FC1_OUT],
                float fc1_b[FC1_B],
                float fc2_w[FC1_OUT * FC2_OUT],
                float fc2_b[FC2_B])
    //in img size : 3*28*28  
    //out img size : 8*26*26
    int conv1_row, conv1_col, conv1_out_kernel, conv1_in_kernel, conv1_i, conv1_j;
    float temp;
    float conv1_out[CONV1_OUT_KERNEL][CONV1_OUT_SIZZE][CONV1_OUT_SIZZE] = {0.0};
    for(conv1_out_kernel = 0; conv1_out_kernel < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL; conv1_out_kernel++)
        for(conv1_row = 0; conv1_row < IMG_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv1_row++)
            for(conv1_col = 0; conv1_col < IMG_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv1_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(conv1_in_kernel = 0; conv1_in_kernel < CONV1_IN_KERNEL; conv1_in_kernel++)
                    //temp = 0,.0;
                    for(conv1_i = 0; conv1_i < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv1_i++)
                        for(conv1_j = 0; conv1_j < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv1_j++)
                            float a = img[conv1_in_kernel][conv1_i + conv1_row][conv1_j + conv1_col];
                            float b = conv1_w[conv1_out_kernel][conv1_in_kernel][conv1_i * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + conv1_j];
                            temp +=  a * b;
                temp += conv1_b[conv1_out_kernel];//加偏置
                conv1_out[conv1_out_kernel][conv1_row][conv1_col] = temp > 0 ? temp : 0;//加激活
                printf("%f ",conv1_out[conv1_out_kernel][conv1_row][conv1_col]);
                if(conv1_col % 6 == 0)

    //in img size : 8*26*26 
    //out img size : 8*13*13
    int poll1_kernel, poll1_row, poll1_col, poll1_i, poll1_j;
    float poll1_out[CONV1_OUT_KERNEL][POLL1_OUT_SIZE][POLL1_OUT_SIZE] = {0};
    for(poll1_kernel = 0; poll1_kernel < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL; poll1_kernel++)
        for(poll1_row = 0; poll1_row < (CONV1_OUT_SIZZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll1_row++)
            for(poll1_col = 0; poll1_col < (CONV1_OUT_SIZZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll1_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(poll1_i = 0; poll1_i < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll1_i++)
                    for(poll1_j = 0; poll1_j < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll1_j++)
                        temp = (conv1_out[poll1_kernel][poll1_i + poll1_row * POLL_STRIDE][poll1_j + poll1_col * POLL_STRIDE] > temp) ? 
                        conv1_out[poll1_kernel][poll1_i + poll1_row * POLL_STRIDE][poll1_j + poll1_col * POLL_STRIDE] : temp; 
                poll1_out[poll1_kernel][poll1_row][poll1_col] = temp;
                printf("%f ",poll1_out[poll1_kernel][poll1_row][poll1_col]);
                if(poll1_col % 6 == 0)

    //in img size : 8*13*13 
    //out img size : 16*11*11
    int conv2_row, conv2_col, conv2_out_kernel, conv2_in_kernel, conv2_i, conv2_j;
    float conv2_out[CONV2_OUT_KERNEL][CONV2_OUT_SIZE][CONV2_OUT_SIZE] = {0.0};
    for(conv2_out_kernel = 0; conv2_out_kernel < CONV2_OUT_KERNEL; conv2_out_kernel++)
        for(conv2_row = 0; conv2_row < POLL1_OUT_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv2_row++)
            for(conv2_col = 0; conv2_col < POLL1_OUT_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv2_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(conv2_in_kernel = 0; conv2_in_kernel < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL; conv2_in_kernel++)
                    //temp = 0,.0;
                    for(conv2_i = 0; conv2_i < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv2_i++)
                        for(conv2_j = 0; conv2_j < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv2_j++)
                            float a = poll1_out[conv2_in_kernel][conv2_i + conv2_row][conv2_j + conv2_col];
                            float b = conv2_w[conv2_out_kernel][conv2_in_kernel][conv2_i * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + conv2_j];
                            temp +=  a * b;
                temp += conv2_b[conv2_out_kernel];//加偏置
                conv2_out[conv2_out_kernel][conv2_row][conv2_col] = temp > 0 ? temp : 0;//加激活
                printf("%f ",conv2_out[conv2_out_kernel][conv2_row][conv2_col]);
                if(conv2_col % 6 == 0)

    //in img size : 16*11*11
    //out img size : 16*5*5
    int poll2_kernel, poll2_row, poll2_col, poll2_i, poll2_j;
    float poll2_out[CONV2_OUT_KERNEL][POLL2_OUT_SIZE][POLL2_OUT_SIZE] = {0};
    for(poll2_kernel = 0; poll2_kernel < CONV2_OUT_KERNEL; poll2_kernel++)
        for(poll2_row = 0; poll2_row < (CONV2_OUT_SIZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll2_row++)
            for(poll2_col = 0; poll2_col < (CONV2_OUT_SIZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll2_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(poll2_i = 0; poll2_i < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll2_i++)
                    for(poll2_j = 0; poll2_j < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll2_j++)
                        temp = (conv2_out[poll2_kernel][poll2_i + poll2_row * POLL_STRIDE][poll2_j + poll2_col * POLL_STRIDE] > temp) ? 
                        conv2_out[poll2_kernel][poll2_i + poll2_row * POLL_STRIDE][poll2_j + poll2_col * POLL_STRIDE] : temp; 
                poll2_out[poll2_kernel][poll2_row][poll2_col] = temp;
                printf("%f ",poll2_out[poll2_kernel][poll2_row][poll2_col]);
                if(poll2_col % 6 == 0)

    //in img size : 16*5*5 3维
    //out img size : 400  1维
    printf("\n------------------------------------N to one------------------------------------\n");
    float out[FC_X] = {0.0};
    int i, j, k;
    for(k = 0; k < CONV2_OUT_KERNEL; k++)
        for(i = 0; i < POLL2_OUT_SIZE; i++)
            for(j = 0; j < POLL2_OUT_SIZE; j++)
            //(通道数 - 1) * 行 * 列 + (行 - 1) * 行 + 列
            //16*5*5 = 400 = 15*5*5 + 4*5 + 5 
                out[k * POLL2_OUT_SIZE * POLL2_OUT_SIZE + i * POLL2_OUT_SIZE + j] = poll2_out[k][i][j];
                printf("%f ",out[k * POLL2_OUT_SIZE * POLL2_OUT_SIZE + i * POLL2_OUT_SIZE + j]);

    //in img size : 400
    //out img size : 40
    printf("\n------------------------------------ FC1_OUT ------------------------------------\n");
    int fc1_i, fc1_j;
    float fc1_out[FC1_OUT] = {0.0};
    for(fc1_i = 0; fc1_i < FC1_OUT; fc1_i++)
        temp = 0.0;
        for(fc1_j = 0; fc1_j < FC_X; fc1_j++)
            temp += fc1_w[fc1_j * FC1_OUT + fc1_i] * out[fc1_j];
        temp +=  fc1_b[fc1_i];
        fc1_out[fc1_i] = temp;
        printf("  %f  ",fc1_out[fc1_i]);
        if(fc1_i % 8 == 0)

    //in img size : 40
    //out img size : 4
    printf("\n------------------------------------ FC2_OUT ------------------------------------\n");
    int fc2_i, fc2_j;
    float fc2_out[FC2_OUT] = {0.0};
    for(fc2_i = 0; fc2_i < FC2_OUT; fc2_i++)
        temp = 0.0;
        for(fc2_j = 0; fc2_j < FC1_OUT; fc2_j++)
            temp += fc2_w[fc2_j * FC2_OUT + fc2_i] * fc1_out[fc2_j];
        temp +=  fc2_b[fc2_i];
        fc2_out[fc2_i] = temp;
        printf("  %f  ",fc2_out[fc2_i]);
        if(fc2_i % 8 == 0)

    temp = 0.0;
    int ret;
    for(i = 0; i < FC2_OUT; i++ )
        if(fc2_out[i] > temp)
            temp = fc2_out[i];
            ret = i;
    //0: Hazardous;
    //1: Kitchen;
    //2: Others;
    //3: Recycled;
    return ret;

int cnn_test()
    int ret= 0;
    ret = cnn_predict(Others1,conv1_weight,conv1_bias,conv2_weight,conv2_bias,
    char class[][10] = {"Hazardous","Kitchen","Others","Recycled"};
    printf("\n input Others predict is: %s\n",class[ret]);
    return 0;

int main()
    return 0;



#include "HLS/hls.h"
#include "HLS/stdio.h"
#include "parameters_wb.h"
#include "pic.h"

#define POLL_STRIDE 2

#define IMG_SIZE 28
#define CONV1_IN_KERNEL 3
#define CONV1_OUT_SIZE 26
#define CONV1_OUT_KERNEL 8
#define POLL1_OUT_SIZE 13 

#define CONV2_OUT_KERNEL 16
#define CONV2_OUT_SIZE 11
#define POLL2_OUT_SIZE 5

#define FC_X 400    //16*5*5
#define FC1_OUT 40 
#define FC1_B 40

#define FC2_OUT 4 
#define FC2_B 4

component int one_dim_rubbish(
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(3*28*28*sizeof(float)) float *in_img,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(8*3*3*3*sizeof(float)) float *conv1_w,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(8*sizeof(float)) float *conv1_b,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(16*8*3*3*sizeof(float)) float *conv2_w,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(16*sizeof(float)) float *conv2_b,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(16*5*5*40*sizeof(float)) float *fc1_w,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(40*sizeof(float)) float *fc1_b,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(40*4*sizeof(float)) float *fc2_w,
    hls_avalon_slave_memory_argument(4*sizeof(float)) float *fc2_b
    float out1[CONV1_IN_KERNEL * IMG_SIZE * IMG_SIZE];
    //in img size : 3*28*28  
    //out img size : 8*26*26
    int conv1_row, conv1_col, conv1_out_kernel, conv1_in_kernel, conv1_i, conv1_j;
    float temp;
    for(conv1_out_kernel = 0; conv1_out_kernel < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL; conv1_out_kernel++)
        for(conv1_row = 0; conv1_row < IMG_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv1_row++)
            for(conv1_col = 0; conv1_col < IMG_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv1_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(conv1_in_kernel = 0; conv1_in_kernel < CONV1_IN_KERNEL; conv1_in_kernel++)
                    //temp = 0,.0;
                    for(conv1_i = 0; conv1_i < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv1_i++)
                        for(conv1_j = 0; conv1_j < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv1_j++)
                            //通道数 * 行 * 列 + (行 - 1) * 行 + 列
                            float a = in_img[conv1_in_kernel * IMG_SIZE * IMG_SIZE + 
                                             (conv1_i + conv1_row) * IMG_SIZE + 
                                             conv1_j + conv1_col];
                            float b = conv1_w[conv1_out_kernel * CONV1_IN_KERNEL * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE +
                                              conv1_in_kernel * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 
                                              conv1_i * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 
                            temp +=  a * b;
                temp += conv1_b[conv1_out_kernel];//加偏置
                out2[conv1_out_kernel * CONV1_OUT_SIZE * CONV1_OUT_SIZE +
                     conv1_row * CONV1_OUT_SIZE + 
                     conv1_col] = temp > 0 ? temp : 0;

    //in img size : 8*26*26 
    //out img size : 8*13*13
    int poll1_kernel, poll1_row, poll1_col, poll1_i, poll1_j;
    for(poll1_kernel = 0; poll1_kernel < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL; poll1_kernel++)
        for(poll1_row = 0; poll1_row < (CONV1_OUT_SIZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll1_row++)
            for(poll1_col = 0; poll1_col < (CONV1_OUT_SIZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll1_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(poll1_i = 0; poll1_i < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll1_i++)
                    for(poll1_j = 0; poll1_j < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll1_j++)
                        temp = (out2[poll1_kernel * CONV1_OUT_SIZE * CONV1_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     (poll1_i + poll1_row * POLL_STRIDE) * CONV1_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     poll1_j + poll1_col * POLL_STRIDE] > temp) ? 
                                out2[poll1_kernel * CONV1_OUT_SIZE * CONV1_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     (poll1_i + poll1_row * POLL_STRIDE) * CONV1_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     poll1_j + poll1_col * POLL_STRIDE] : temp; 
                out1[poll1_kernel * POLL1_OUT_SIZE * POLL1_OUT_SIZE + 
                     poll1_row * POLL1_OUT_SIZE + 
                     poll1_col] = temp;

    //in img size : 8*13*13 
    //out img size : 16*11*11
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL * CONV1_OUT_SIZE * CONV1_OUT_SIZE; i++)
        out2[i] = 0;
    int conv2_row, conv2_col, conv2_out_kernel, conv2_in_kernel, conv2_i, conv2_j;
    for(conv2_out_kernel = 0; conv2_out_kernel < CONV2_OUT_KERNEL; conv2_out_kernel++)
        for(conv2_row = 0; conv2_row < POLL1_OUT_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv2_row++)
            for(conv2_col = 0; conv2_col < POLL1_OUT_SIZE - CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 1; conv2_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(conv2_in_kernel = 0; conv2_in_kernel < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL; conv2_in_kernel++)
                    //temp = 0,.0;
                    for(conv2_i = 0; conv2_i < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv2_i++)
                        for(conv2_j = 0; conv2_j < CONV_KERNEL_SIZE; conv2_j++)
                            float a = out1[conv2_in_kernel * POLL1_OUT_SIZE * POLL1_OUT_SIZE + 
                                           (conv2_i + conv2_row) * POLL1_OUT_SIZE + 
                                           conv2_j + conv2_col];
                            float b = conv2_w[conv2_out_kernel * CONV1_OUT_KERNEL * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 
                                              conv2_in_kernel * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 
                                              conv2_i * CONV_KERNEL_SIZE + 
                            temp += a * b;
                temp += conv2_b[conv2_out_kernel];//加偏置
                out2[conv2_out_kernel * CONV2_OUT_SIZE * CONV2_OUT_SIZE + 
                     conv2_row * CONV2_OUT_SIZE + 
                     conv2_col] = temp > 0 ? temp : 0;

    //in img size : 16*11*11
    //out img size : 16*5*5
    for(i = 0; i < CONV1_IN_KERNEL * IMG_SIZE * IMG_SIZE; i++)
        out1[i] = 0;
    int poll2_kernel, poll2_row, poll2_col, poll2_i, poll2_j;
    for(poll2_kernel = 0; poll2_kernel < CONV2_OUT_KERNEL; poll2_kernel++)
        for(poll2_row = 0; poll2_row < (CONV2_OUT_SIZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll2_row++)
            for(poll2_col = 0; poll2_col < (CONV2_OUT_SIZE - POLL_KERNEL_SIZE)/POLL_STRIDE + 1; poll2_col++)
                temp = 0.0;
                for(poll2_i = 0; poll2_i < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll2_i++)
                    for(poll2_j = 0; poll2_j < POLL_KERNEL_SIZE; poll2_j++)
                        temp = (out2[poll2_kernel * CONV2_OUT_SIZE * CONV2_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     (poll2_i + poll2_row * POLL_STRIDE) * CONV2_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     poll2_j + poll2_col * POLL_STRIDE] > temp) ? 
                                out2[poll2_kernel * CONV2_OUT_SIZE * CONV2_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     (poll2_i + poll2_row * POLL_STRIDE) * CONV2_OUT_SIZE + 
                                     poll2_j + poll2_col * POLL_STRIDE] : temp; 
                out1[poll2_kernel * POLL2_OUT_SIZE * POLL2_OUT_SIZE + 
                     poll2_row * POLL2_OUT_SIZE + 
                     poll2_col] = temp;

    //in img size : 400
    //out img size : 40
    for(i = 0; i < CONV1_OUT_KERNEL * CONV1_OUT_SIZE * CONV1_OUT_SIZE; i++)
        out2[i] = 0;
    //printf("\n------------------------------------ FC1_OUT ------------------------------------\n");
    int fc1_i, fc1_j;
    for(fc1_i = 0; fc1_i < FC1_OUT; fc1_i++)
        temp = 0.0;
        for(fc1_j = 0; fc1_j < FC_X; fc1_j++)
            temp += fc1_w[fc1_j * FC1_OUT + fc1_i] * out1[fc1_j];
        temp +=  fc1_b[fc1_i];
        out2[fc1_i] = temp;

    //in img size : 40
    //out img size : 4
    for(i = 0; i < CONV1_IN_KERNEL * IMG_SIZE * IMG_SIZE; i++)
        out1[i] = 0;
    //printf("\n------------------------------------ FC2_OUT ------------------------------------\n");
    int fc2_i, fc2_j;
    for(fc2_i = 0; fc2_i < FC2_OUT; fc2_i++)
        temp = 0.0;
        for(fc2_j = 0; fc2_j < FC1_OUT; fc2_j++)
            temp += fc2_w[fc2_j * FC2_OUT + fc2_i] * out2[fc2_j];
        temp +=  fc2_b[fc2_i];
        out1[fc2_i] = temp;

    temp = 0.0;
    int ret;
    for(i = 0; i < FC2_OUT; i++ )
        if(out1[i] > temp)
            temp = out1[i];
            ret = i;
    //0: Hazardous;
    //1: Kitchen;
    //2: Others;
    //3: Recycled;
    return ret;

int main()
    int ret;
    #if 1
    ret = one_dim_rubbish(Others1,conv1_weight,conv1_bias,conv2_weight,conv2_bias,fc1_weight,fc1_bias,fc2_weight,fc2_bias);
    char const *input_img[] = {"Hazardous1","Hazardous2","Kitchen1","Kitchen2","Others1","Others2","Recycled1","Recycled2"};
    char const *classes[] = {"Hazardous","Kitchen","Others","Recycled"};
    printf("\n input %s \t predict is: %s\n",input_img[4],classes[ret]);
    float *imgx[] = {Hazardous1, Hazardous2, Kitchen1, Kitchen2,
					  Others1, Others2, Recycled1, Recycled2};
    char const *input_img[] = {"Hazardous1","Hazardous2","Kitchen1","Kitchen2","Others1","Others2","Recycled1","Recycled2"};                   
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        ret = conv_connect(imgx[i],conv1_weight,conv1_bias,conv2_weight,conv2_bias,fc1_weight,fc1_bias,fc2_weight,fc2_bias);
        char const *classes[] = {"Hazardous","Kitchen","Others","Recycled"};
        printf("\n input %s \t predict is: %s\n",input_img[i],classes[ret]);
    return 0;


 * main.c
 *  Created on: 2021年10月21日
 *      Author: eye
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define soc_cv_av //开发端Cyclone V系列

#include "hwlib.h"
#include "socal/socal.h"
#include "socal/hps.h"

//与用户具体的HPS 应用系统相关的硬件描述头文件
#include "hps_0.h"
#include "conv.h"

#define HW_REGS_BASE (ALT_STM_OFST)		//HPS外设地址段基地址
#define HW_REGS_SPAN (0x04000000)		//HPS外设地址段地址空间64MB大小
#define HW_REGS_MASK (HW_REGS_SPAN - 1) //HPS外设地址段地址掩码

typedef struct{
	volatile float *img;
	volatile float *c1_w;
	volatile float *c1_b;
	volatile float *c2_w;
	volatile float *c2_b;
	volatile float *f1_w;
	volatile float *f1_b;
	volatile float *f2_w;
	volatile float *f2_b;

fc_port_def my_fc_port;

typedef struct{
	volatile long long busy;
	volatile long long start;
	volatile long long irq_en;
	volatile long long done;
	volatile long long result;

fc_ctrl_def *my_fc_ctrl;

const float *imgx[8] = {Hazardous1, Hazardous2, Kitchen1, Kitchen2,
						Others1, Others2, Recycled1, Recycled2};
const char *input_img[] = {"Hazardous1","Hazardous2","Kitchen1","Kitchen2","Others1","Others2","Recycled1","Recycled2"};
const char *classes[] = {"Hazardous","Kitchen","Others","Recycled"};

int fc_init(void *virtual_base)
	void *fc_ctrl_addr;
	fc_ctrl_addr = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_CRA_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_ctrl = (fc_port_def *)fc_ctrl_addr;
	my_fc_ctrl->start = 0x0;

	my_fc_port.img = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_IN_IMG_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.c1_w = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_CONV1_W_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.c1_b = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_CONV1_B_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.c2_w = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_CONV2_W_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.c2_b = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_CONV2_B_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.f1_w = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_FC1_W_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.f1_b = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_FC1_B_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.f2_w = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_FC2_W_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
	my_fc_port.f2_b = virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + RUBBISH_0_ONE_DIM_RUBBISH_INTERNAL_INST_AVS_FC2_B_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));


	return 0;

int main()
	int fd,ret;
	int i;
	void *virtual_base;
	float time_s,time_ns,time_ms;
	struct timespec ts1,ts2;
	clock_t start,finish;
	float win_runtime;

	//1.打开mmu open()
	fd = open("/dev/mem",(O_RDWR | O_SYNC));
	if(fd == (-1))
		printf("Error:could not open\"/dev/mem\"...\n");
		return 1;
	//2.虚拟地址映射 mmap()
		for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			start = clock();//windows 运行时间
			ret = conv(imgx[i],conv1_weight,conv1_bias,conv2_weight,conv2_bias,fc1_weight,fc1_bias,fc2_weight,fc2_bias);
			finish = clock();

			win_runtime = (float)(finish - start)*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,&ts1); //执行推理开始的时间
			my_fc_ctrl->start = 0x01;

			while((my_fc_ctrl->done & 0x02) == 0 );
			my_fc_ctrl->start = 0x0;

			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,&ts2); //执行推理结束的时间
			time_ns = ts2.tv_nsec - ts1.tv_nsec;
			time_s = ts2.tv_sec - ts1.tv_sec;
			time_ms = time_ns / 1000000 + time_s*1000;

			//0: Hazardous
			//1: Kitchen
			//2: Others
			//3: Recycled

			printf("\n windows: running time:%.6f \t FPGA: running time:%.6f \n ",win_runtime, time_ms);
			printf("\n input is: %s \n",input_img[i]);
			printf("\n Windows predict is: %s \t FPGA predict is: %s \n\n",classes[ret], classes[my_fc_ctrl->result]);

	if(munmap(virtual_base, HW_REGS_SPAN) != 0)
		printf("Error:munmap is failed...\n");
		return 1;
	//6.关闭 close()
	return 0;

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