使用 python 检测 Windows 10 上的 USB 设备插入


我无法获取以下代码检测USB设备插入 http://timgolden.me.uk/python/win32_how_do_i/detect-device-insertion.html在我的 Windows 10(64 位)计算机上使用 Python 3.7 工作。

import win32serviceutil
import win32service
import win32event
import servicemanager

import win32gui
import win32gui_struct
struct = win32gui_struct.struct
pywintypes = win32gui_struct.pywintypes
import win32con


import ctypes

# Cut-down clone of UnpackDEV_BROADCAST from win32gui_struct, to be
# used for monkey-patching said module with correct handling
# of the "name" param of DBT_DEVTYPE_DEVICEINTERFACE
def _UnpackDEV_BROADCAST (lparam):
  if lparam == 0: return None
  hdr_format = "iii"
  hdr_size = struct.calcsize (hdr_format)
  hdr_buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory (lparam, hdr_size)
  size, devtype, reserved = struct.unpack ("iii", hdr_buf)
  # Due to x64 alignment issues, we need to use the full format string over
  # the entire buffer.  ie, on x64:
  # calcsize('iiiP') != calcsize('iii')+calcsize('P')
  buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory (lparam, size)

  extra = {}
  if devtype == win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE:
    fmt = hdr_format + "16s"
    _, _, _, guid_bytes = struct.unpack (fmt, buf[:struct.calcsize(fmt)])
    extra['classguid'] = pywintypes.IID (guid_bytes, True)
    extra['name'] = ctypes.wstring_at (lparam + struct.calcsize(fmt))
    raise NotImplementedError("unknown device type %d" % (devtype,))
  return win32gui_struct.DEV_BROADCAST_INFO(devtype, **extra)
win32gui_struct.UnpackDEV_BROADCAST = _UnpackDEV_BROADCAST

class DeviceEventService (win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):

  _svc_name_ = "DevEventHandler"
  _svc_display_name_ = "Device Event Handler"
  _svc_description_ = "Handle device notification events"

  def __init__(self, args):
    win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__ (self, args)
    self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent (None, 0, 0, None)
    # Specify that we're interested in device interface
    # events for USB devices
    filter = win32gui_struct.PackDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE (
    self.hDevNotify = win32gui.RegisterDeviceNotification (
      self.ssh, # copy of the service status handle

  # Add to the list of controls already handled by the underlying
  # ServiceFramework class. We're only interested in device events
  def GetAcceptedControls(self):
    rc = win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.GetAcceptedControls (self)
    rc |= win32service.SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
    return rc

  # Handle non-standard service events (including our device broadcasts)
  # by logging to the Application event log
  def SvcOtherEx(self, control, event_type, data):
    if control == win32service.SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT:
      info = win32gui_struct.UnpackDEV_BROADCAST(data)
      # This is the key bit here where you'll presumably
      # do something other than log the event. Perhaps pulse
      # a named event or write to a secure pipe etc. etc.
      if event_type == DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL:
        servicemanager.LogMsg (
          ("Device %s arrived" % info.name, '')
      elif event_type == DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE:
        servicemanager.LogMsg (
          ("Device %s removed" % info.name, '')

  # Standard stuff for stopping and running service; nothing
  # specific to device notifications
  def SvcStop(self):
    self.ReportServiceStatus (win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
    win32event.SetEvent (self.hWaitStop)

  def SvcDoRun(self):
    win32event.WaitForSingleObject (self.hWaitStop, win32event.INFINITE)
    servicemanager.LogMsg (
      (self._svc_name_, '')

if __name__=='__main__':
  win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine (DeviceEventService)
  1. 我使用以下命令启动脚本:python main.py start

  2. 然后命令提示符中出现以下错误信息:

Starting service DevEventHandler Error starting service: Access denied

  1. 然后我以管理员权限运行该脚本:runas /user:administrator "python main.py start"

  2. 命令提示符中出现另一个错误消息:

Starting service DevEventHandler Error starting service: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.


我使用 Python 3.8.2 x64 进行测试。

  1. 安装 pywin32 (pip install pywin32)
  2. 从以下位置安装 WMI 模块的当前/最新版本 (1.5)https://github.com/tjguk/wmi https://github.com/tjguk/wmi (pip install -e git+https://github.com/tjguk/wmi.git#egg=wmi)
  3. 运行脚本(test.py就我而言),例如:
import wmi

raw_wql = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 2 WHERE TargetInstance ISA \'Win32_USBHub\'"
c = wmi.WMI ()
watcher = c.watch_for(raw_wql=raw_wql)
while 1:
  usb = watcher ()
  1. 插入 USB 设备。输出看起来像:
(wmi-py) C:\Users\USER\Source\wmi-py>py test.py

instance of Win32_USBHub
        Caption = "USB Composite Device";
        ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0;
        ConfigManagerUserConfig = FALSE;
        CreationClassName = "Win32_USBHub";
        Description = "USB Composite Device";

非常感谢WMI模块作者,以及Windows nerds在这里的讨论使用 Windows 服务和 C# 检测 USB 驱动器的插入和移除 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/620144/detecting-usb-drive-insertion-and-removal-using-windows-service-and-c-sharp


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