将注释框添加到 ggplot 对象的网格中



使用的最小示例mtcars数据可以在下面找到。真实数据将覆盖 x 轴上非常不同的范围,因此无法进行分面。

有没有办法在 R 中添加一个“文本框”(如下面的 *.pdf 所示),以使用例如添加更多信息cat or print?任何提示将不胜感激。

# load needed libraries

# Set loop counter and create list to store objects
plist <- list() 

# loop to generate 37 ggplot objects
# the real example covers different ranges on x-axis so facetting
# is not an option
for(i in 1:imax){
  p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + geom_line()  + ggtitle(i) 
  plist[[i]] <- p

# print to pdf in A3 format
do.call(grid.arrange,c(plist,main="Main Title",sub="Subtitle"))


解决方案通过学得慢 https://stackoverflow.com/a/18911551/891259使用提供的代码Baptiste https://stackoverflow.com/users/471093/baptiste正是我想要的。

实现类似目标的另一种方法是使用annotate_custom()的函数ggplot2在一块空地上。空的意思就是全部theme()属性设置为element_blank()。然后可以使用以下命令将该图排列在网格中以下函数 http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Multiple_graphs_on_one_page_%28ggplot2%29/由 Winston Chang 在他的 R Cookbook 网站上提供。但是,在此解决方案中,textgrob 不会跨越所有剩余的空 grobs。

基于对巴蒂斯特上述评论的成熟考虑(即我基本上捏碎了他的所有代码),我整理了一个简单的示例。显然,您需要尝试绘图的格式和大小以及textGrob需要在其他地方定义和格式化,但这些都是细节。生成的图如下,代码如下。大部分被占用函数定义 https://gist.github.com/baptiste/6652815情节代码在底部。

gtable_arrange <- function(..., grobs=list(), as.table=TRUE,
                           top = NULL, bottom = NULL, 
                           left = NULL, right = NULL, draw=TRUE){
  # alias
  gtable_add_grobs <- gtable_add_grob

  dots <- list(...)
  params <- c("nrow", "ncol", "widths", "heights",
              "respect", "just", "z") # TODO currently ignored

  layout.call <- intersect(names(dots), params)
  params.layout <- dots[layout.call]

    not.grobnames <- FALSE else
      not.grobnames <- names(dots) %in% layout.call

  grobs <- dots[! not.grobnames ]

  ## figure out the layout
  n <- length(grobs)
  nm <- n2mfrow(n)

  if(is.null(params.layout$nrow) & is.null(params.layout$ncol)) 
    params.layout$nrow = nm[1]
    params.layout$ncol = nm[2]
    params.layout$nrow = ceiling(n/params.layout$ncol)
    params.layout$ncol = ceiling(n/params.layout$nrow)

    params.layout$widths <- unit(rep(1, params.layout$ncol), "null")
    params.layout$heights <- unit(rep(1,params.layout$nrow), "null")

  positions <- expand.grid(row = seq_len(params.layout$nrow), 
                           col = seq_len(params.layout$ncol))
  if(as.table) # fill table by rows
    positions <- positions[order(positions$row),]

  positions <- positions[seq_along(grobs), ] # n might be < ncol*nrow

  ## build the gtable, similar steps to gtable_matrix

  gt <- gtable(name="table")
  gt <- gtable_add_cols(gt, params.layout$widths)
  gt <- gtable_add_rows(gt, params.layout$heights)
  gt <- gtable_add_grobs(gt, grobs, t = positions$row, 
                            l = positions$col)

  ## titles given as strings are converted to text grobs
  if (is.character(top)) 
    top <- textGrob(top)
  if (is.character(bottom)) 
    bottom <- textGrob(bottom)
  if (is.character(right)) 
    right <- textGrob(right, rot = -90)
  if (is.character(left)) 
    left <- textGrob(left, rot = 90)

    gt <- gtable_add_rows(gt, heights=grobHeight(top), 0)
    gt <- gtable_add_grobs(gt, top, t=1, l=1, r=ncol(gt))
    gt <- gtable_add_rows(gt, heights=grobHeight(bottom), -1)
    gt <- gtable_add_grobs(gt, bottom, t=nrow(gt), l=1, r=ncol(gt))
    gt <- gtable_add_cols(gt, widths=grobWidth(left), 0)
    gt <- gtable_add_grobs(gt, left, t=1, b=nrow(gt), l=1, r=1)
    gt <- gtable_add_cols(gt, widths=grobWidth(right), -1)
    gt <- gtable_add_grobs(gt, right, t=1, b=nrow(gt), l=ncol(gt), r=ncol(gt))



# load needed libraries

# Set loop counter and create list to store objects
plist <- list()
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + geom_line() 

for(i in 1:imax){
  plist[[i]] <- p + ggtitle(i)

# build list of grobs
grob.list <- lapply(plist, ggplotGrob)

# prepare titles
title.main <- textGrob("Main title")
title.sub <- textGrob("Subtitle")

# then arrange as required
g <- gtable_arrange(ncol=6, grobs=grob.list, 
                    top=title.main, bottom=title.sub, draw=FALSE)
ann <- grobTree(rectGrob(), textGrob("Annotation box here"))
g <- gtable_add_grobs(g, ann, t=nrow(g)-1, l=2, r=ncol(g))

# save it all together
png(file = "out.png",width=1000, height=710, units = "px")

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