干净的条件格式 (Excel VBA)



1.) Searches through all existing Conditional Formatting in the active sheet
2.) Recognizes duplicates based on their condition and format result
3.) Finds the leftmost column and highest row in all duplicates
4.) Finds the rightmost column and lowest row in all duplicates
5.) Determines a broadened Range using those four values
6.) Remembers the condition and format
7.) Deletes all duplicates
8.) Recreates the Conditional Format over the broadened Range
9.) Repeats until no more duplicates are found
10) Outputs how many duplicates were deleted in a MsgBox

我有 50% 的信心自己可以做到这一点,但我有一种感觉,我需要学习如何使用数组变量。 (对此我完全无知,因此感到害怕)所以如果有人已经创建了这个,那么我beg你分享你的天才。或者,如果有人认为他们可以解决这个问题,我为您提供机会来创造可能成为其中之一的东西the整个个人宏用户群体中最常用的工具(就在上面,Ctrl+Shift+V)。


这是我对这个问题的回答。我仅将其实现为使用公式的条件格式,因为我很少使用其他条件格式类型。它也可以作为我的个人网站的加载项提供:合并条件格式化 v1.2 https://rath.ca/Misc/VBA/Excel/MergeConditionalFormatting%20v1.2.zip


' MergeConditionalFormatting - Add-in to merge conditional formatting.
' Author: Christopher Rath <[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection>
' Date: 2020-12-17
' Version: 1.0
' Archived at: http://www.rath.ca/Misc/VBA/
' Copyright © 2020 Christopher Rath
' Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
' Warranty: None, see the license.
Option Explicit
Option Base 1

' See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.formatcondition

Public Sub MergeCF()
    Dim cfBase As Object
    Dim cfCmp As Object
    Dim iBase, iCmp As Integer
    Dim delCount As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    delCount = 0
    With ActiveSheet.Cells
        'Debug.Print "Base", "Applies To", "Type", "Formula", "|", "Match", "|", "Cmp", "Applies To", "Type", "Formula"
        iBase = 1
        Do While iBase <= .FormatConditions.Count
            Set cfBase = .FormatConditions.Item(iBase)
            Application.StatusBar = "Checking FormatCondition " & iBase
            If (cfBase.Type = xlCellValue) Or (cfBase.Type = xlExpression) Then
                For iCmp = .FormatConditions.Count To (iBase + 1) Step -1
                    Application.StatusBar = "Checking FormatCondition " & iBase & " to " & iCmp
                    Set cfCmp = .FormatConditions.Item(iCmp)
                    'Debug.Print iBase, cfBase.AppliesTo.Address(, , xlR1C1), cfBase.Type, _
                    '            Application.ConvertFormula(cfBase.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , _
                    '                                       cfBase.AppliesTo.Cells(1, 1)), _
                    '            "|", IIf(cmpFormatConditions(cfBase, cfCmp), "True", "False"), "|", _
                    '            iCmp, cfCmp.AppliesTo.Address(, , xlR1C1), cfCmp.Type, _
                    '            Application.ConvertFormula(cfCmp.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , _
                    '                                       cfCmp.AppliesTo.Cells(1, 1))
                    If (cfCmp.Type = xlCellValue) Or (cfCmp.Type = xlExpression) Then
                        If cmpFormatConditions(cfBase, cfCmp) Then
                            cfBase.ModifyAppliesToRange Union(cfCmp.AppliesTo, cfBase.AppliesTo, cfCmp.AppliesTo)
                            delCount = delCount + 1
                            ' Testing has shown that the .Delete of the extra FormatCondition has caused the
                            ' FormatConditions collection to become changed; e.g., item(1) is no longer
                            ' guaranteed to be the same FormatCondition object that it was prior to the
                            ' .Delete.  So, we will now re-jig the value if iBase so that it restarts at
                            ' item(1) and once once again starts its scan from scratch.
                            iBase = 1
                            GoTo RESTART
                        End If
                    End If
                Next iCmp
            End If
            iBase = iBase + 1
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.StatusBar = "Consolidated " & delCount & " FormatCondition records."
End Sub

Private Function cmpFormatConditions(ByRef cfBase As FormatCondition, ByRef cfCmp As FormatCondition, _
                                     Optional ByVal comparePriority As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    ' We set the return value (rtnVal) to false, and then test each property.
    ' If any individual test evaluates to false then we fall to the bottom of the if-thens
    ' and return the initial value (false).  If we make it through all the tests, then we
    ' change rtnVal to true before returning.
    ' We test each property in reverse alphabetic order because most of the simple types are then tested
    ' first; which should speed up the code.
    ' NOTE: The Priority property cannot be compared because this is simply the number that reflects
    '       the order in which the FormatCondition records are evaluated.  That said, we do allow this
    '       to behaviour to be overridden through an optional parameter.
    rtnVal = False
    If cfBase.Type = cfCmp.Type Then
        ' The specific properties to test is dependent upon the Type.
        Select Case cfBase.Type
            Case xlCellValue, xlExpression
                If cfBase.StopIfTrue = cfCmp.StopIfTrue Then
                    If cfBase.PTCondition = cfCmp.PTCondition Then
                        If (Not comparePriority) Or (comparePriority And cfBase.Priority = cfCmp.Priority) Then
                            If cmpNumberFormat(cfBase.NumberFormat, cfCmp.NumberFormat) Then
                                If cmpInterior(cfBase.Interior, cfCmp.Interior) Then
                                    If Application.ConvertFormula(cfBase.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , cfBase.AppliesTo.Cells(1, 1)) _
                                          = Application.ConvertFormula(cfCmp.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , cfCmp.AppliesTo.Cells(1, 1)) Then
                                        If cmpFont(cfBase.Font, cfCmp.Font) Then
                                            If cmpBorders(cfBase.Borders, cfCmp.Borders) Then
                                                rtnVal = True
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
             Case Else
                ' Ultimately we need to throw a hard error.
                rtnVal = False
        End Select
    End If
    cmpFormatConditions = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpBackground(ByRef bBase As Variant, ByRef bCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(bBase) And IsNull(bCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(bBase) And Not IsNull(bCmp) Then
        If bBase = bCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpBackground = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpBold(ByRef bBase As Variant, ByRef bCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(bBase) And IsNull(bCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(bBase) And Not IsNull(bCmp) Then
        If bBase = bCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpBold = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpBorder(ByRef bBase As Border, ByRef bCmp As Border) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean

    rtnVal = False
    If bBase.Color = bCmp.Color Then
        If bBase.ColorIndex = bCmp.ColorIndex Then
            If Not IsObject(bBase.ThemeColor) And Not IsObject(bCmp.ThemeColor) Then
                rtnVal = True
            ElseIf (Not IsObject(bBase.ThemeColor)) And (Not IsObject(bCmp.ThemeColor)) Then
                If bBase.ThemeColor = bCmp.ThemeColor Then
                    If bBase.Weight = bCmp.Weight Then
                        If bBase.LineStyle = bCmp.LineStyle Then
                            If bBase.TintAndShade = bCmp.TintAndShade Then
                                rtnVal = True
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    cmpBorder = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpBorders(ByRef bBase As Borders, ByRef bCmp As Borders) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean

    rtnVal = False
    If cmpBorder(bBase(xlDiagonalDown), bCmp(xlDiagonalDown)) Then
        If cmpBorder(bBase(xlDiagonalUp), bCmp(xlDiagonalUp)) Then
            If cmpBorder(bBase(xlEdgeBottom), bCmp(xlEdgeBottom)) Then
                If cmpBorder(bBase(xlEdgeLeft), bCmp(xlEdgeLeft)) Then
                    If cmpBorder(bBase(xlEdgeRight), bCmp(xlEdgeRight)) Then
                        If cmpBorder(bBase(xlEdgeTop), bCmp(xlEdgeTop)) Then
                            If cmpBorder(bBase(xlInsideHorizontal), bCmp(xlInsideHorizontal)) Then
                                If cmpBorder(bBase(xlInsideVertical), bCmp(xlInsideVertical)) Then
                                    rtnVal = True
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    cmpBorders = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpColor(ByRef cBase As Variant, ByRef cCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(cBase) And IsNull(cCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(cBase) And Not IsNull(cCmp) Then
        If cBase = cCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpColor = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpColorIndex(ByRef cBase As Variant, ByRef cCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(cBase) And IsNull(cCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(cBase) And Not IsNull(cCmp) Then
        If cBase = cCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpColorIndex = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpFont(ByRef fBase As Font, ByRef fCmp As Font) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    ' Is a Font object and so I need to build out tests for its properties.
    If cmpBackground(fBase.Background, fCmp.Background) Then
        If cmpBold(fBase.Bold, fCmp.Bold) Then
            If cmpColor(fBase.Color, fCmp.Color) Then
                If cmpColorIndex(fBase.ColorIndex, fCmp.ColorIndex) Then
                    If cmpFontStyle(fBase.FontStyle, fCmp.FontStyle) Then
                        If cmpItalic(fBase.Italic, fCmp.Italic) Then
                            If cmpName(fBase.Name, fCmp.Name) Then
                                If cmpSize(fBase.Size, fCmp.Size) Then
                                    If cmpStrikethrough(fBase.Size, fCmp.Size) Then
                                        If cmpSubscript(fBase.Size, fCmp.Size) Then
                                            If cmpSuperscript(fBase.Size, fCmp.Size) Then
                                                If cmpThemeColor_V(fBase, fCmp) Then
                                                    If fBase.ThemeFont = fCmp.ThemeFont Then
                                                        If cmpTintAndShade(fBase.TintAndShade, fCmp.TintAndShade) Then
                                                            If cmpUnderline(fBase.Underline, fCmp.Underline) Then
                                                                rtnVal = True
                                                            End If
                                                        End If
                                                    End If
                                                End If
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    cmpFont = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpFontStyle(ByRef fBase As Variant, ByRef fCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(fBase) And IsNull(fCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(fBase) And Not IsNull(fCmp) Then
        If fBase = fCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpFontStyle = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpGradient(ByRef gBase As Variant, ByRef gCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If (gBase Is Nothing) And (gCmp Is Nothing) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not (gBase Is Nothing) And Not (gCmp Is Nothing) Then
        If gBase = gCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpGradient = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpInterior(ByRef iBase As Interior, ByRef iCmp As Interior) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If iBase.Color = iCmp.Color Then
        If cmpColorIndex(iBase.ColorIndex, iCmp.ColorIndex) Then
            If cmpGradient(iBase.Gradient, iCmp.Gradient) Then
                If cmpPattern(iBase.Pattern, iCmp.Pattern) Then
                    If cmpPatternColor(iBase.PatternColor, iCmp.PatternColor) Then
                        If cmpPatternColorIndex(iBase.PatternColorIndex, iCmp.PatternColorIndex) Then
                            If cmpPatternThemeColor(iBase.PatternThemeColor, iCmp.PatternThemeColor) Then
                                If cmpPatternTintAndShade(iBase.PatternTintAndShade, iCmp.PatternTintAndShade) Then
                                    If cmpThemeColor_V(iBase, iCmp) Then
                                        If cmpTintAndShade(iBase.TintAndShade, iCmp.TintAndShade) Then
                                            rtnVal = True
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    cmpInterior = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpItalic(ByRef iBase As Variant, ByRef iCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(iBase) And IsNull(iCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(iBase) And Not IsNull(iCmp) Then
        If iBase = iCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpItalic = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpName(ByRef nBase As Variant, ByRef nCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(nBase) And IsNull(nCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(nBase) And Not IsNull(nCmp) Then
        If nBase = nCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpName = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpNumberFormat(ByRef nfBase As Variant, ByRef nfCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsEmpty(nfBase) And IsEmpty(nfCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf (Not IsEmpty(nfBase)) And (Not IsEmpty(nfCmp)) Then
        If nfBase = nfCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpNumberFormat = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpPattern(ByRef pBase As Variant, ByRef pCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(pBase) And IsNull(pCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(pBase) And Not IsNull(pCmp) Then
        If pBase = pCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpPattern = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpPatternColor(ByRef pBase As Variant, ByRef pCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(pBase) And IsNull(pCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(pBase) And Not IsNull(pCmp) Then
        If pBase = pCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpPatternColor = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpPatternColorIndex(ByRef pBase As Variant, ByRef pCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(pBase) And IsNull(pCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(pBase) And Not IsNull(pCmp) Then
        If pBase = pCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpPatternColorIndex = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpPatternThemeColor(ByRef pBase As Variant, ByRef pCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(pBase) And IsNull(pCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(pBase) And Not IsNull(pCmp) Then
        If pBase = pCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpPatternThemeColor = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpPatternTintAndShade(ByRef pBase As Variant, ByRef pCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(pBase) And IsNull(pCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(pBase) And Not IsNull(pCmp) Then
        If pBase = pCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpPatternTintAndShade = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpSize(ByRef sBase As Variant, ByRef sCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(sBase) And IsNull(sCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(sBase) And Not IsNull(sCmp) Then
        If sBase = sCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpSize = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpStrikethrough(ByRef sBase As Variant, ByRef sCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(sBase) And IsNull(sCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(sBase) And Not IsNull(sCmp) Then
        If sBase = sCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpStrikethrough = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpSubscript(ByRef sBase As Variant, ByRef sCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(sBase) And IsNull(sCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(sBase) And Not IsNull(sCmp) Then
        If sBase = sCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpSubscript = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpSuperscript(ByRef sBase As Variant, ByRef sCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(sBase) And IsNull(sCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(sBase) And Not IsNull(sCmp) Then
        If sBase = sCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpSuperscript = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpThemeColor_V(ByRef vBase As Variant, ByRef vCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    Dim baseErr, cmpErr As Boolean
    baseErr = False
    cmpErr = False
    rtnVal = False
    On Error GoTo ERR_BASE
    ' Force an evaluation of fcBase.ThemeColor.  We only care if it was possible to read the property
    ' without generating an error.
    If IsNull(vBase.ThemeColor) Then
        ' Empty clause.
    End If
    On Error GoTo ERR_CMP
    ' Force an evaluation of fcBase.ThemeColor.  We only care if it was possible to read the property
    ' without generating an error.
    If IsNull(vCmp.ThemeColor) Then
        ' Empty clause.
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    If baseErr And cmpErr Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf (Not baseErr) And (Not cmpErr) Then
        If IsNull(vBase.ThemeColor) And IsNull(vCmp.ThemeColor) Then
            rtnVal = True
        ElseIf Not IsNull(vBase.ThemeColor) And Not IsNull(vCmp.ThemeColor) Then
            If vBase.ThemeColor = vCmp.ThemeColor Then
                rtnVal = True
            End If
        End If
    End If

    cmpThemeColor_V = rtnVal
    Exit Function
    On Error Resume Next
    baseErr = True
    On Error Resume Next
    cmpErr = True
End Function

Private Function cmpTintAndShade(ByRef tbase As Variant, ByRef tcmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(tbase) And IsNull(tcmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(tbase) And Not IsNull(tcmp) Then
        If tbase = tcmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpTintAndShade = rtnVal
End Function

Private Function cmpUnderline(ByRef uBase As Variant, ByRef uCmp As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim rtnVal As Boolean
    rtnVal = False
    If IsNull(uBase) And IsNull(uCmp) Then
        rtnVal = True
    ElseIf Not IsNull(uBase) And Not IsNull(uCmp) Then
        If uBase = uCmp Then
            rtnVal = True
        End If
    End If
    cmpUnderline = rtnVal
End Function

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  • 使用 Apache POI Excel 写入特定单元格位置

    如果我有一个未排序的参数 x y z 列表 是否有一种简单的方法将它们写入使用 POI 创建的 Excel 文档中的特定单元格 就好像前两个参数是 X 和Y 坐标 例如 我有如下行 10 4 100 是否可以在第 10 行第 4 列的单元格
  • 将ADODB二进制流转换为字符串vba

    我有以下问题 我有一个存储在服务器上的 CSV 文件 但它有 3 个字符作为分隔符 我想从 URL 加载数据并使用 作为分隔符将数据填充到 Excel 页面的列中 到目前为止 我找到了使用 ADODB 记录集从网站加载文件的代码 但我无法进
  • 文件夹.文件的相对路径

    我有一个 Excel 文件 在同一文件夹中还有一个包含我想要包含的 CSV 文件的文件夹 使用 来自文件夹 查询 第一步将给出以下查询 Folder Files D OneDrive Documents Health Concept2 现在
  • 在 MS Word 中运行外部 vba 代码

    我可以将外部代码链接到 Word 文档吗 我有很多带有宏的 Word 文档 VBA 代码 全部使用相同的代码 我希望代码从外部源运行 而不是从所有这些文档中运行 这样 如果我必须更新代码 我只有一个地方需要更新 您可以创建一个模板并将其放入
  • 在 VBA Excel 中查找、剪切和插入行以匹配借项和贷项值

    我在 Sheet1 中有以下设置数据 并从第 4 行 A 列开始 其中标题位于第 3 行 No Date Code Name Remarks D e b i t Cr e d i t 1 4 30 2015 004 AB 01 04 15
  • Excels COUNTIFS 函数中的数组作为条件,混合 AND 和 OR [重复]

    这个问题在这里已经有答案了 我已经在谷歌上搜索了一段时间 但似乎无法让它发挥作用 我使用 Excel 2010 希望混合使用 AND 和 OR 运算符来计算行数 我想做的是这样的 COUNTIFS A A string1 B B strin
  • 如何将 MySQL 查询输出保存到 Excel 或 .txt 文件? [复制]

    这个问题在这里已经有答案了 如何将 MySQL 查询的输出保存到 MS Excel 工作表 即使只能将数据存储在 txt文件 就可以了 From 将 MySQL 查询结果保存到文本或 CSV 文件中 http www tech recipe
  • VBA中的字符串是可以迭代的数组吗?

    VBA中字符串是数组吗 例如 我可以像在 C C 中那样迭代它吗 做这样的事情 char myArray 10 for int i 0 i lt length i cout lt lt myArray i VBA 中的等价物是什么 它的行为
  • Excel工作簿关闭后反复打开

    我使用了 Application ontime 方法来调度一些宏 关闭工作簿后 它会一次又一次地打开 为了解决这个问题 我在工作簿上设置了另一个事件 BeforeClosed 现在它显示运行时错误 1004 Object Applicati


  • 显示精灵的另一个实例

    是否可以显示精灵的另一个实例 我想做的是反射动画精灵 到目前为止 我得到的是我的 Sprite 称为 canvas 它内部有使用 AS3 进行动画处理的内容 我想要做的是显示它翻转的副本 在它下面看起来像倒影 我尝试了以下代码 但没有运气
  • 类库(传统便携式)?

    我有一台装有 Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 的电脑 版本 15 2 它有一个类库 便携式 的项目模板 另一台版本为 15 3 1 的 PC 有一个类库模板 Legacy Portable PC
  • 请解释如何使用CheckBoxTableCell

    我想了解更多有关如何实际使用或子类化 如果需要 CheckBoxTableCell 的信息 在一种特定情况下 我想使用此类 其中复选框不绑定到基础数据模型属性 假设我有一个名为 选择 的列 其中包含复选框 该列或多或少充当该行的视觉标记 用
  • 亚马逊s3上传多个文件android

    如果有人仍在寻找解决方案 我最终会在代码上使用循环 但我没有找到官方 api 来执行多个文件上传 我有一个 ImageFiles 的 ArrayList 我想将其上传到 Amazon s3 他们的文档提供了以下代码 credentials
  • 通过距离和摩擦力计算速度

    我正在用 Javascript Canvas HTML5 编写一个游戏 我刚刚发现了一个与高等数学相关的大问题 该游戏是平面 2D 游戏 因此您可以从另一个角度看世界 这意味着没有重力 只有摩擦力 CODE var friction 0 9
  • 当没有导航栏时,如何在 EKEventeditViewController 中获得“完成”或“后退”按钮?

    我的 iOS 应用程序中有一个日历事件列表 单击时将在 EKEventViewController 中打开 这是我的代码 void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPat
  • 如何在表格行上使用slideDown(或show)函数?

    我正在尝试向表中添加一行并将该行滑入视图中 但是 Slidedown 函数似乎向表行添加了 display block 样式 这会弄乱布局 有什么想法可以解决这个问题吗 这是代码 get some url val1 id function
  • 在 Promise catch 中重新抛出错误

    我在教程中找到了以下代码 promise then function result some code catch function error throw error 我有点困惑 catch 调用有什么作用吗 在我看来 它没有任何效果 因
  • Windows 搜索 sql - 无法访问 System.Search.QueryFocusedSummary

    我正在尝试使用 sql 查询 Windows Search 4 0 该物业 我感兴趣的是 System Search QueryFocusedSummary 我正在尝试从 SystemIndex 读取此属性 我收到 列不存在 错误消息 我能
  • 安装nvm后无法卸载全局npm包

    我发现了与此问题相关的几个线程 但似乎没有一个专门处理我的案例 并且我无法使用我找到的建议来解决 当我跑步时npm uninstall g some package 它只是返回 up to date in 043s 全球一揽子计划仍然存在
  • cakephp 3.x 保存多个实体 - newEntities

    我在保存多条记录方面遇到了最困难的时期 我已经尝试了一百万次 但最终遇到了同样的问题 我的记录没有保存 而且我看不到任何错误 请记住 我是 cakephp 的新手 也是一名新手编码员 我是否遗漏了一些明显且关键的东西 Table this
  • Google 在 React 中使用 firebase 登录 chrome 扩展

    使用 Firebase 进行 Google 登录 并使用 React 创建的 Chrome 扩展程序 我已经使用设置了 oauthGoogleConsole并能够使用 chrome 扩展程序成功登录 chrome identity getA
  • Leaflet Draw spritesheet 图标问题 - 缺失且未对齐

    我已将传单绘制纳入我的一个项目中 我的问题是图标没有显示在工具栏中 它看起来像这样 环顾四周我发现THIS https github com Leaflet Leaflet draw issues 617发布并按照其说明进行操作 我在 Le
  • 在 apache (ubuntu 12) 下将 python 脚本作为 cgi 运行时出现问题

    披露 我搜索了很多 我认为我的问题 针对我的配置 在这里没有得到解答 例如作为 cgi apache 服务器运行 python 脚本 https stackoverflow com questions 15878010 run python
  • Unity android 项目抛出“抱歉,您的硬件不支持此应用程序”错误

    我已经调查了2天了 我读了很多东西 总结一下我读到的内容 非 NEON 设备无法与 UNITY 5 版本一起使用 您应该将安装位置设置为 自动或强制内部 您应该将写入权限设置为 仅限内部 除了上述设置之外 我还尝试了这些纹理压缩设置 不要覆
  • 如何更改 actionPerformed() 内的 Swing Timer Delay

    所以我正在构建这个音乐播放器应用程序 它可以播放拖放到 JLabel 上的音符 当我按下播放按钮时 我希望每个音符都突出显示 并带有与该音符对应的延迟值 我为此使用了 Swing Timer 但问题是 它只是以构造函数中指定的恒定延迟循环
  • 返回元组时 GCC/Clang x86_64 C++ ABI 不匹配?

    当尝试时优化 x86 64 上的返回值 https stackoverflow com q 25381736 3919155 我注意到一个奇怪的事情 即 给定代码 include
  • 如何更快地加载JQuery?

    我有aspx 其中有jquery 由于加载 jquery 的延迟 我面临一些样式问题 请谁能告诉我如何快速加载jquery 我今天读了 Stackoverflow 上 Sam Saffron 撰写的关于此主题的博客文章 我还没有尝试过作者的
  • 上传到 iTunes Store 时出错

    我们确实需要一些帮助 在过去的两个月里 我们一直在与所有 Apple Mumbo Jumbo 进行斗争 但似乎无法在 APPStore 上获取我们的应用程序 现在我的问题是在验证存档编译并共享它之后 在提交过程中我得到 上传到 iTunes
  • 干净的条件格式 (Excel VBA)

    如果这个问题已经得到解答 但我无法找到它 我深表歉意 这就是我想要的 我们都知道删除范围 行和列会分割条件格式并使其变得丑陋 我想创建一个个人宏 1 Searches through all existing Conditional For