我可以在 cpp 中使用带有向量的嵌套循环吗?


我有一个 cpp 问题,我不知道出了什么问题..也许你可以帮助我:)。 我正在尝试实现图表的数据结构。在此图中,我将连接一些具有较小欧氏距离的节点,但在第二次迭代时,我的迭代器将指向 0x0。仅当我将这两个节点的距离给出到 std::cout 时,才会出现这种情况。这是我的代码:

for(vector<Node*>::iterator n1 = g->getNodes().begin(); n1 != g->getNodes().end(); ++n1)
    for(vector<Node*>::iterator n2 = g->getNodes().begin(); n2 != g->getNodes().end(); ++n2)
        if(*n2 == 0)
            // This will be entered after the first iteration of n2.
            cout << "n2 null" << endl;

        double distance = (*n1)->getDistance(*n2); // just euclidean distance
        if(distance <= minDistance)
            // This works fine:
            cout << "(" << *n1 << "," << *n2 << ") << endl;

            // This brings me a "Segmentation fault"
            cout << "(" << *n1 << " , " << *n2 << ") -> " << distance << endl;



#ifndef NODE_H_
#define NODE_H_
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

class Node
    int x, y, z;
    Node(int x, int y, int z) : x(x), y(y), z(z)

    inline int getX()           { return x; }
    inline int getY()           { return y; }
    inline int getZ()           { return z; }

    inline double getDistance(Node* other)
        return sqrt(pow(x-other->getX(), 2) + pow(y-other->getY(), 2) + pow(z-other->getZ(), 2));



#ifndef GRAPH_H_
#define GRAPH_H_

#include <vector>
#include "node.h"
using namespace std;

class Graph
    vector<Node*> nodes;
            delete nodes.back(), nodes.pop_back();
    inline vector<Node*> getNodes()             { return nodes; }
    inline int getCountNodes()                  { return nodes.size(); }
    bool createNode(int x, int y, int z)
        nodes.push_back(new Node(x, y, z));
        return true;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include "model/graph.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    Graph *g = new Graph();
    int nodeDistance = 100;
    for(int z = 0; z <= 300; z += nodeDistance)
        for(int x = 0; x <= 500; x += nodeDistance)
            for(int y = 0; y <= 300; y += nodeDistance)
                g->createNode(x, y, z);

    for(vector<Node*>::iterator n1 = g->getNodes().begin(); n1 != g->getNodes().end(); ++n1)
        for(vector<Node*>::iterator n2 = g->getNodes().begin(); n2 != g->getNodes().end(); ++n2)
            if(*n2 == 0)
                // This will be entered after the first iteration of n2.
                cout << "n2 null" << endl;

            double distance = (*n1)->getDistance(*n2); // just euclidean distance
            if(distance <= nodeDistance)
                // This works fine:
                cout << "(" << *n1 << "," << *n2 << ") << endl;

                // This brings me a "Segmentation fault"
                cout << "(" << *n1 << " , " << *n2 << ") -> " << distance << endl;

    delete g;
    return 0;


相反,您在嵌套循环中使用的迭代器会迭代 4 个不同(但等效)的向量,而不是相关对象的实际向量。



inline vector<Node*> getNodes()  { return nodes; }

The fix:

inline vector<Node*>& getNodes() { return nodes; }



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