如何获取 RAM 大小、引导加载程序


我想问如何在引导加载程序中获取总 RAM 大小和可用 RAM 大小。截至目前,我知道如何获得较低的内存。但由于某种原因我无法将其打印到屏幕上,因为它保存在斧头寄存器中。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

[BITS 16] ; BootLoader always starts 16 BIT Moded

    jmp main_bootloader ; Jump to Main Bootloader

     ;************** INITALIZED VARIABLES *********************;
      string db 'BoneOS Loading . . .', 0x0
      string2 db 'Starting of 16Bit Bootloader' , 0x0
      press_to_cont db 'Press any key to continue . . .' , 0x0
      carry_flag_err db ' CARRY FLAG HAS BEEN SET! ERROR ' , 0x0
      magic_number equ 0x534D4150
      limit dw 0
      base  dw 0
      low_memory dd 0
      answer resb 64

     ;******************** GDTs *****************************;

         null_descriptor :
            dd 0                ; null descriptor--just fill 8 bytes with zero
            dd 0 

        ; Notice that each descriptor is exactally 8 bytes in size. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
        ; Because of this, the code descriptor has offset 0x8.

         code_descriptor:           ; code descriptor. Right after null descriptor
            dw 0FFFFh           ; limit low
            dw 0                ; base low
            db 0                ; base middle
            db 10011010b            ; access
            db 11001111b            ; granularity
            db 0                ; base high

        ; Because each descriptor is 8 bytes in size, the Data descritpor is at offset 0x10 from
        ; the beginning of the GDT, or 16 (decimal) bytes from start.

         data_descriptor:           ; data descriptor
            dw 0FFFFh           ; limit low (Same as code)
            dw 0                ; base low
            db 0                ; base middle
            db 10010010b            ; access
            db 11001111b            ; granularity
            db 0                ; base high

                dw end_of_gdt - null_descriptor - 1     ; limit (Size of GDT)
                dd null_descriptor          ; base of GDT   

            lgdt [toc]



     ;*************** LABELS FOR MAIN **************************;
            mov ah, 0Eh ; Code For BIOS To Print Char 0Eh

            lodsb ; Load Byte From SI Register
            cmp al, 0 ; Compare AL With 0 If so Done
            je .done 
            int 10h ; Call Interupt. Checks AH Register for code 0EH = Print char
            jmp .repeat ; Loop Back

            ret ; Return to previous code

               mov al, 0    ; null terminator '\0' 
               ;Adds a newline break '\n'
               mov ah, 0x0E
               mov al, 0x0D
               int 0x10
               mov al, 0x0A 
               int 0x10

            mov ah, 0
            int 0x16  ;BIOS Call. Key goes to al register

            mov si, press_to_cont
            call print_char_boot
            call get_pressed_key ; Gets Pressed Key

            int 19h ;Reboot

        enable_A20: ; Enabling A20 Line For Full Memory
            cli ; Stop Interupts before doing so

            call    a20wait ; a20wait call
            mov     al,0xAD ; Send 0xAD Command to al register
            out     0x64,al ; Send command 0xad (disable keyboard).

            call    a20wait ; When controller ready for command
            mov     al,0xD0 ; Send 0xD0 Command to al register
            out     0x64,al ; Send command 0xd0 (read from input)

            call    a20wait2 ; When controller ready for command
            in      al,0x60 ; Read input from keyboard
            push    eax ; Save Input by pushing to stack

            call    a20wait ; When controller ready for command
            mov     al,0xD1 ; mov 0xD1 Command to al register
            out     0x64,al ; Set command 0xd1 (write to output)

            call    a20wait ; When controller ready for command
            pop     eax ; Pop Input from Keyboard
            or      al,2 ; Mov 0xD3 to al register
            out     0x60,al ; Set Command 0xD3

            call    a20wait ; When controller ready for command
            mov     al,0xAE ; Mov Command 0xAE To al register
            out     0x64,al ; Write command 0xae (enable keyboard)

            call    a20wait ; When controller ready for command
            sti ; Enable Interrupts after enabling A20 Line

                    in      al,0x64 ; input from 0x64 port, goes to al register
                    test    al,2 ; compares al register with 2
                    jnz     a20wait ; If it is zero loop again

                    in      al,0x64 ; input from 0x64 port, goes to al register
                    test    al,1 ; compares al register with 2
                    jz      a20wait2 ; If it is zero loop again

                clc ; Clears Carry Flag
                int 0x12 ; BIOS Call Request Lower Memory Size in KB
                jc .err ; If Carry Flag Has Been Set , the system its running on dosent support this
                jmp .done ; If Sucessfull ax register contains contiguous low memory in KB

                times 5 call print_new_line ; Prints New Line
                mov si, carry_flag_err
                call print_char_boot 
                jmp .repeat


            jmp .repeat


;*******************'MAIN' BOOTLOADER FUNCTION ****************;
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 4096

    mov ax, 07C0h       ; Set data segment to where we're loaded
    mov ds, ax

    mov si, string ; si register usefull for lodsb command
    call print_char_boot ; Call print_char_boot label below
    call print_new_line ; Prints New Line
    mov si, string2
    call print_char_boot 
    times 2 call print_new_line
    ; Enable A20 Line
    call enable_A20

    call get_lower_memory ; Get Low Memory

    mov si,ax
    call print_char_boot 
    times 5 call print_new_line

    call reboot ; Reboot

    ;call null_descriptor

    jmp $ ; Infinite Loop 
    ;Bootloader gets infinite loop 
    ;Incase No Infinite Loop in Kernel


;************************* BOOTLOADER REQUIREMENTS **************;  
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 ; Has to be 512 bytes .. Repeats 510 byes to make it so
dw 0xAA55 ; BootLoader Sig. To Validate this is a bootloader


正如你在我的主页上看到的,我是call get_lower_memory ; Get Low Memory,获取低内存。但我已经测试了打印斧头寄存器,但屏幕上没有显示任何内容。而且我也不知道如何在系统中获取总的可用内存。非常感谢您的帮助!


作为奖励,提供了一个将 32 位无符号整数显示为十六进制数字的函数,以及一个非常原始的函数print支持占位符。

Detecting memory is not an easy task, it requires full knowledge of the hardware installed1 and cannot be done without it (see Detecting memory http://wiki.osdev.org/Detecting_Memory_(x86)#Manual_Probing on OSDev).
As a simple example think of an aliased memory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing_(computing)#Hardware_aliasing, the software cannot detect that without any involved and slow method.

承认与 BIOS 的合作是强制性的,我们可以看到 16 位实模式引导加载程序可以使用哪些服务。
上面提到的 OSDev 页面关于检测记忆 http://wiki.osdev.org/Detecting_Memory_(x86)已经有专门用于上述目的的服务列表,可供参考。

我们将重点关注整数 15/AX=E820h http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-1741.htm服务。
尽管描述中Ralf 的 Brown 中断列表,描述符可以是 24 字节长,因此最好使用该长度并最终检查返回的值ecx区分 20/24 字节描述符。

Once we have the list of descriptors they can be used by the routine dictated to allocating memory2.
It is worth nothing tow things:

  1. 描述符是not订购了。一些有缺陷的 BIOS 可能会返回重叠的区域(在这种情况下做出最保守的选择)。

  2. 可能有gaps即使描述符已排序。不报告没有内存映射的范围,这是标准孔的情况(范围从 0a0000h 到 0fffffh)。

  3. 不过,会报告 BIOS 明确保留的区域(例如从 0f0000h 到 0fffffh 的影子区域)。

In the example below the descriptors are printed on the screen along with the total amount of non reserved memory3.

顺便说一句,您可以使用itoa16打印 32 位值的函数EAX,假设您更改了字符在屏幕上打印的方式。


;Set CS to a known value
;This makes the offsets in memory and in source match 
;(e.g. __START__ is at offset 5h in the binary image and at addres 7c0h:0005h)

jmp 7c0h:__START__

 ;Set all the segments to CS 
 mov ax, cs
 mov ds, ax
 mov es, ax
 mov ss, ax
 xor sp, sp

 ;Clear the screen
 mov ax, 03h
 int 10h

 ;FS will be used to write into the text buffer
 push 0b800h
 pop fs

 ;SI is the pointer in the text buffer 
 xor si, si 

 ;These are for the INT 15 service
 mov di, baseAddress                    ;Offset in ES where to save the result
 xor ebx, ebx                           ;Start from beginning
 mov ecx, 18h                           ;Length of the output buffer (One descriptor at a time)

 ;EBP will count the available memory 
 xor ebp, ebp 

 ;Set up the rest of the registers for INT 15 
 mov eax, 0e820h 
 mov edx, 534D4150h
 int 15h
 jc _error 

 ;Has somethig been returned actually?
 test ecx, ecx
 jz _next_memory_range

 ;Add length (just the lower 32 bits) to EBP if type = 1 or 3 
 mov eax, DWORD [length]

 ;Avoid a branch (just for the sake of less typing)

 mov edx, DWORD [type]         ;EDX = 1        | 2        | 3        | 4   (1 and 3 are available memory)
 and dx, 01h                   ;EDX = 1        | 0        | 1        | 0 
 dec edx                       ;EDX = 0        | ffffffff | 0        | ffffffff 
 not edx                       ;EDX = ffffffff | 0        | ffffffff | 0 
 and eax, edx                  ;EAX = length   | 0        | length   | 0 

 add ebp, eax

 ;Show current memory descriptor 
 call show_memory_range

 test ebx, ebx 
 jnz _get_memory_range

 ;Print empty line
 push WORD strNL 
 call print 

 ;Print total memory available 
 push ebp 
 push WORD strTotal
 call print 


 ;Print error
 push WORD strError
 call print


 ;Memory descriptor returned by INT 15 
 baseAddress dq 0
 length      dq 0
 type        dd 0
 extAttr     dd 0

 ;This function just show the string strFormat with the appropriate values 
 ;taken from the mem descriptor 
  push bp
  mov bp, sp

  ;Extend SP into ESP so we can use ESP in memory operanda (SP is not valid in any addressing mode)
  movzx esp, sp 

  ;Last percent
  push DWORD [type]

  ;Last percents pair
  push DWORD [length]
  push DWORD [length + 04h]

  ;Add baseAddress and length (64 bit addition)
  push DWORD [baseAddress]
  mov eax, DWORD [length]
  add DWORD [esp], eax               ;Add (lower DWORD)
  push DWORD [baseAddress + 04h]
  mov eax, DWORD [length + 04h]
  adc DWORD [esp], 0                 ;Add with carry (higher DWORD)

  ;First percents pair
  push DWORD [baseAddress]
  push DWORD [baseAddress + 04h]

  push WORD strFormat
  call print

  mov sp, bp                         ;print is a mixed stdcall/cdecl, remove the arguments

  pop bp

 ;Strings, here % denote a 32 bit argument printed as hex 
 strFormat db "%% - %% (%%) - %", 0
 strError  db "Som'thing is wrong :(", 0
 strTotal  db "Total amount of memory: %", 0 
 ;This is tricky, see below 
 strNL     db 0

 ;Show a 32 bit hex number
  push cx
  push ebx

  mov cl, 28d

   mov ebx, eax
   shr ebx, cl
   and bx, 0fh                     ;Get current nibble

   ;Translate nibble (digit to digital)
   mov bl, BYTE [bx + hexDigits]

   ;Show it 
   mov bh, 0ch
   mov WORD [fs:si], bx
   add si, 02h   

   sub cl, 04h
  jnc .digits

  pop ebx
  pop cx

  hexDigits db "0123456789abcdef"

  ;This function is a primitive printf, where the only format is % to show a 32 bit 
  ;hex number 
  ;The "cursor" is kept by SI.
  ;SI is always aligned to lines, so 1) never print anything bigger than 80 chars
  ;2) successive calls automatically print into their own lines 
  ;3) SI is assumed at the beginning of a line 

   push bp
   mov bp, sp

   push di
   push cx

   mov di, WORD [bp+04h]      ;String 
   mov cx, 80*2               ;How much to add to SI to reach the next line 

   add bp, 06h                ;Pointer to var arg 


    ;Read cur char 
    mov al, [di]
    inc di

    cmp al, '%'
    jne .print

    ;Get current arg and advance index 
    mov eax, DWORD [bp]
    add bp, 04h
    ;Show the number 
    call itoa16

    ;We printed 8 chars (16 bytes) 
    sub cx, 10h

   jmp .scan    

    ;End of string?
    test al, al
    je .end

    ;Normal char, print it 
    mov ah, 0ch
    mov WORD [fs:si], ax
    add si, 02h
    sub cx, 02h

   jmp .scan   

   add si, cx

   pop cx
   pop di

   pop bp
   ret 02h

   TIMES 510 - ($-$$) db 0 
   dw 0aa55h

在 64MiB Bochs 仿真机器中,结果是

格式在哪里开始 - 结束(大小) - 类型.



计算得出的内存总量为 66.711.552 字节或 64 MiB - 1 KiB (EBDA) - 96 KiB(阴影区域) - 288 KiB(标准孔)。
ACPI 表被视为可用,因为它们是可回收的。

1 Particularly of what was the part of the north bridge, now iMC, dedicated to handling the DRAM. Information about installed modules (Mostly DIMM and mobile variants) can be retrieved through SPD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_presence_detect using either a SMBus http://smbus.org/specs/smbus20.pdf or I2C https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%C2%B2C controller.
The BIOS then consider the enabled memory mapped devices and the bus topology (along with its routing and bridging information) and exposes all this through the the SMBios specification http://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_3.0.0.pdf.

2 Since it will use some sort of range descriptors anyway, eventually a format conversion is performed.

3 This count includes the newly type 5 (Bad memory) range.


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    我有一份将不断更新的文档 由文本和表格组成 这些表有两行 第一行包含数字范围 第二行包含单个数字 我想检查第 2 行中的数字是否在第 1 行给出的范围内 我想使用 XML 和 XSD 来执行此操作 我最初的想法是从单词 doc 创建一个 X
  • python-docx 从下拉列表中获取信息(在表中)

    我有一个包含多个表的 docx 文件 我想从列表中的表中获取所有信息 该列表称为 alletabellen 通过下面的脚本 我收到了表格中几乎所有的信息 除了下拉列表中的某些变量的值 在某些表格单元格中 这些单元格的值在我的列表中保持为空
  • 你能避免与 Promise 完全嵌套吗? [复制]

    这个问题在这里已经有答案了 据我了解 Promise 的主要卖点之一是能够编写扁平代码 或者 比回调地狱更扁平 尽管在很多情况下我们似乎需要嵌套 Promise 才能使用闭包 例如 来自q https www npmjs org packa
  • 使用 selenium webdriver 从 Jquery、日期选择器中选择日期

    前往Jquery官网https jqueryui com datepicker https jqueryui com datepicker 不允许单击输入文本 即使它具有唯一的 id datepicker 获取错误元素未找到异常 但当我通过
  • Netbeans:需要在类路径中包含第 3 方目录

    我们有一个在 NetBeans 中开发的应用程序 基于 NetBeans 平台 我们有一个运行时依赖的第 3 方程序 更具体地说 是其他程序 lib 文件夹中的 jar 我们应该如何将其他程序的 jar 包含在我们的类路径中 其他程序制造商
  • Angular ng-submit 未触发所需的控制器方法[重复]

    这个问题在这里已经有答案了 在 Angular 1 4 7 中 我试图在这个 plunk 中实现一个基本的登录表单http plnkr co edit xQEN1ZNN5ZEw1CSwNw97 p preview http plnkr co
  • Javafx:同时多个密钥侦听器

    我正在尝试在 Javafx 中重新创建 Pong 游戏 但我遇到了平台移动的问题 我使用 keylisteners 和 switch 语句来上下移动平台 左边的一个带有 W 和 S 右边的一个带有 Up 和 Down 当我单独按下它们时效果
  • 使用非唯一索引列日期提取 Dask 数据框中的最新值

    我对 pandas 数据帧非常熟悉 但对 Dask 还很陌生 所以我仍在尝试并行化我的代码 我已经使用 pandas 和 pandarallel 获得了我想要的结果 所以我想知道是否可以使用 Dask 扩大任务规模或以某种方式加快速度 假设
  • 如何使用 Windows 中的 log4net xml 配置器使用文件夹位置指定日志文件路径?

    在我的 app config 中我放入
  • ASP.NET MVC:从视图调用控制器方法

    我正在 ASP NET MVC 视图上实现分页 并且我想从视图调用控制器中的方法 视图中的代码 a href gt 控制器方法 public string NextPage string currentPage return int Par
  • 如何获取 RAM 大小、引导加载程序

    我想问如何在引导加载程序中获取总 RAM 大小和可用 RAM 大小 截至目前 我知道如何获得较低的内存 但由于某种原因我无法将其打印到屏幕上 因为它保存在斧头寄存器中 这是我到目前为止所拥有的 BITS 16 BootLoader alwa