如何将 boost::python::iterator 与 return_internal_reference 一起使用?


我有课Type它不能被复制,也不包含默认构造函数。 我有二等课A它充当上述类的集合。第二个类提供通过迭代器的访问,并且我的迭代器具有取消引用运算符:

class A {
    class iterator {
        Type & operator*()
            return instance;
        Type instance;


class_<A>("A", [...])
    .def("__iter__", iterator<A, return_internal_reference<> >())
    .def("__len__", container_length_no_diff<A, A::iterator>)

将打印消息添加到 Python 代码的所有迭代器操作(构造、赋值、取消引用、销毁)后,如下所示:

for o in AInstance:
    print o.key


construct 0xffffffff7fffd3e8
dereference: 0xffffffff7fffd3e8
destroy 0xffffffff7fffd3e8
get key 0xffffffff7fffd3e8

在上面的代码中,这些地址只是instance会员(或this在方法调用中)。 前三行是由iterator,第四行是通过getter方法打印的Type。所以不知何故boost::python以这样的方式包装所有内容:

  1. 创建迭代器
  2. 取消引用迭代器并存储引用
  3. 销毁迭代器(及其包含的对象)
  4. 使用第二步中获得的参考

这么清楚return_internal_reference其行为与所述不同(请注意,它实际上只是 typedef 结束with_custodian_and_ward_postcall<>) 只要方法调用的结果被引用,它就应该保留对象。




If A是一个拥有实例的容器Type,然后考虑有A::iterator包含一个句柄Type而不是有一个Type:

class iterator {
  Type* instance; // has a handle to a Type instance.


class iterator {
  Type instance; // has a Type instance.

在 python 中,迭代器将包含对其进行迭代的容器的引用。这将延长可迭代对象的生命周期,并防止可迭代对象在迭代期间被垃圾收集。

>>> from sys import getrefcount
>>> x = [1,2,3]
>>> getrefcount(x)
2 # One for 'x' and one for the argument within the getrefcount function.
>>> iter = x.__iter__()
>>> getrefcount(x)
3 # One more, as iter contains a reference to 'x'.


#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <iterator>

// Simple example type.
class Foo
  Foo()  { std::cout << "Foo constructed: " << this << std::endl; }
  ~Foo() { std::cout << "Foo destroyed:   " << this << std::endl; }
  void set_x( int x ) { x_ = x;    }
  int  get_x()        { return x_; }
  Foo( const Foo& );            // Prevent copy.
  Foo& operator=( const Foo& ); // Prevent assignment.
  int x_;  

// Container for Foo objects.
class FooContainer
  enum { ARRAY_SIZE = 3 };
  // Default constructor.
    std::cout << "FooContainer constructed: " << this << std::endl;
    for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; ++i )
      foos_[ i ].set_x( ( i + 1 ) * 10 );

    std::cout << "FooContainer destroyed:   " << this << std::endl;

  // Iterator for Foo types.  
  class iterator
    : public std::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, Foo >
      // Constructors.
      iterator()                      : foo_( 0 )        {} // Default (empty).
      iterator( const iterator& rhs ) : foo_( rhs.foo_ ) {} // Copy.
      explicit iterator(Foo* foo)     : foo_( foo )      {} // With position.

      // Dereference.
      Foo& operator*() { return *foo_; }

      // Pre-increment
      iterator& operator++() { ++foo_; return *this; }
      // Post-increment.     
      iterator  operator++( int )
        iterator tmp( foo_ );
        return tmp;

      // Comparison.
      bool operator==( const iterator& rhs ) { return foo_ == rhs.foo_; }
      bool operator!=( const iterator& rhs )
        return !this->operator==( rhs );

      Foo* foo_; // Contain a handle to foo; FooContainer owns Foo.

  // begin() and end() are requirements for the boost::python's 
  // iterator< container > spec.
  iterator begin() { return iterator( foos_ );              }
  iterator end()   { return iterator( foos_ + ARRAY_SIZE ); }
  FooContainer( const FooContainer& );            // Prevent copy.
  FooContainer& operator=( const FooContainer& ); // Prevent assignment.
  Foo foos_[ ARRAY_SIZE ];

  using namespace boost::python;
  class_< Foo, boost::noncopyable >( "Foo" )
    .def( "get_x", &Foo::get_x )
  class_< FooContainer, boost::noncopyable >( "FooContainer" )
    .def("__iter__", iterator< FooContainer, return_internal_reference<> >())


>>> from iterator_example import FooContainer
>>> fc = FooContainer()
Foo constructed: 0x8a78f88
Foo constructed: 0x8a78f8c
Foo constructed: 0x8a78f90
FooContainer constructed: 0x8a78f88
>>> for foo in fc:
...   print foo.get_x()
>>> fc = foo = None
FooContainer destroyed:   0x8a78f88
Foo destroyed:   0x8a78f90
Foo destroyed:   0x8a78f8c
Foo destroyed:   0x8a78f88
>>> fc = FooContainer()
Foo constructed: 0x8a7ab48
Foo constructed: 0x8a7ab4c
Foo constructed: 0x8a7ab50
FooContainer constructed: 0x8a7ab48
>>> iter = fc.__iter__()
>>> fc = None
>>> iter.next().get_x()
>>> iter.next().get_x()
>>> iter = None
FooContainer destroyed:   0x8a7ab48
Foo destroyed:   0x8a7ab50
Foo destroyed:   0x8a7ab4c
Foo destroyed:   0x8a7ab48

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